I asked 3500 people to answer questions honestly.

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[Music] boys you ever lie i do sometimes i've never told you this but occasionally when i say hey can you guys subscribe sometimes it unsubscribes people i lied to deceive you into wanting to subscribe or check to see if you still are when you guys ask me if i've washed my hands i say yes but i never do these are the common white lies that i spread throughout the day it's a normal part of life these little tattletails we spread but how far does it really go and what are the main things that people lie about well that is what i wanted to find out so i made a little bit of a test i asked my twitch chat nine questions about what they lie about and let's see how they feel let's see what they're willing to lie about and before we jump into it boys do me a favor subscribe and if you are just double check to see if you have sub and say out loud if you have i sub don't keep watching the video don't lie to me just double check you can even choose not to but just hit the subscribe button first you know what i mean like if you don't want to subscribe hit the subscribe button and then unsubscribe i'm not telling you to unsubscribe by the way i'm just saying to hit it and then unsubscribe if you don't want to subscribe not that you should hit the button you probably shouldn't hit i regret saying this at all let's get to it this is a survey i made 3500 people responded to it and it asks nine questions nine very basic questions about general daily things that you might lie about and i asked my chat how they felt about it first question was do you wash your hands after peeing in your own house is the key signifier because look i get it if you're out and about especially mid covey you should be washing your hands even if you're not peeing if you touch a doorknob when you're out and about you should probably wash your hands otherwise you're risking getting sick but if you're in your own home with your own toilet in your own shower and your own pee-pee in your own bathroom do you really need to wash them i'll answer all these honestly i don't even have soap in my bathroom i haven't had soap in my bathroom for three months i used to wash them daily i used to and because chat bullied me was the only reason and then i had a soap bar and it and it ran out of soap because that's how soap bars work and i haven't i haven't i haven't i haven't done it if i go poop i use shampoo from the shower next to my bathtub or next to my toilet i don't know if that counts i use shampoo does that count cowgirls make do without cutie i am useless you guys need to understand this does this make it better wait i pee while sitting down huh come on i i literally am like a genie i hover over to the toilet i sit down and then i piss and then i stand up and i pull up my pants and then i and then i leave what what am i washing my hands for if i poop i will wash them i i have some class if i'm pooping i will wash them but i also have a bidet i don't even need to touch toilet paper i can use a bidet like majora's mask or rocker in a time mini game where you you get the the the little skull bomb that go goes into the hole right in the b hole and then use the dryer and i'm hands i can put my hands up the whole time like a roller coaster there is zero reason for me to ever wash my hands ever alright you guys are calling me a freak a weirdo a loonie let's take a look at what chat said do you wash your hands after peeing in your own house drum roll 43 are with me okay so spider-man meme look around look around a 43 of chat look around a thousands of people who are not washing their hands after peeing 43 and proud all right well don't be proud of not washing your hands that's a little too far let's take a look at the next one next one let's see if this is less contentious have you ever messaged i'm on my way or similar when you were actually not on the way aka you are about to show up way later than they expect you to arrive let me tell you i'm terrible about this i've almost gamified it in a way because i am habitually late so not only am i late sometimes i'll see it'll literally say arriving in 15 minutes so i'll be like yeah i'll be there in five that way it sounds better knowing i'm gonna be 15 minutes late i don't know why i do this either i could just tell them the actual time it just feels worse saying i'm gonna be very late sometimes it gets [ __ ] up like one time we were in vegas it was me and nick my roommate and we were supposed to film this thing at the bellagio fountain and i said hey be there at seven and he's like all right he shows up at seven with all his camera equipment 705 he's like where are you at i said give me a second on the way figuring this out 7 15 he's like what's going on i'm like be there in a bit 7 45 he's like you still comment i was like yes yes 805 he's like are you coming and i said oh [ __ ] i forgot to tell you i'm not coming he still this was three years ago brings it up on a monthly basis i'm not saying it wasn't [ __ ] up i'm just telling you the truth anyway i do this a lot i'm bad at this i've got a bit better but i'm still i'm still bad at this i have to imagine this is most people though let's take a look do most people lie about when they say they are on the way 57 of you are psychopaths i remember reading a i think it was like a twitter thread or maybe it was reddit and people were like i actually get anxious when i'm not there on time because i feel so bad that i'm wasting people's time so i actually believe the 40 number but i couldn't imagine being that person your life would suck because you show up punctually to everything you're anxious as [ __ ] on your way to make sure you're on time you get there and everybody else is late [Music] i couldn't imagine it sounds miserable next who are the liars and what are you lying about i wanna i wanna preface this i have never done this but i have heard that some people will actually lie i know this is cringe they'll lie about the number of people they've had sex with to make it seem like they've slept with more people so it's cooler and as a nine to five monday through monday poo say slayer in college like it was a full-time job straight up out there just sweating minimum wage i would never lie about this what's my number hassan's multiplied by 100 it's like 3k right now i don't know i lost track but i think the problem with me asking you guys this question is uh how do i phrase this you guys are all virgins do not tell people you watch ludwig because you're going to have women flocking at you you'll have dudes flocking at you you'll have your pick of the litter and it's going to be like frame one you're going to lose that v card so boys you want to hold on to that all right that shit's important that shit's psa 10 charizard level okay you wanna so don't i would keep it under wraps anyway here's the number i think this is no surprise because right now most you guys don't admit that you're loving viewers so most you guys are proud virgins it is only 11 i used to lie when i was a virgin in college for like a little bit i would lie because i'd feel because everyone else is like yeah i stay slain and i was like yeah bro for sure i mean look if you guys are really surprised just look at this photo of me in college if you have a creative mind imagine that this dude probably lied about how many women he slept with i'm just saying he probably has all right next up next up let's see if this one's a little more fair and a little more even when someone asks you if you have watched a show or movie so they can tell you an anecdote from it do you lie about having seen it so they can continue the story or cut them off and tell them you've never seen it before this is a very specific example but it happens so weirdly often i've had this exact conversation with mango five times mango you ever watch always honey me uh yeah honest i have seen it okay do you remember the episode where they uh they took the pineapple and then they put a bunch of alcohol in it and then and then and then uh and then denise used the pineapple to uh actually launch everybody to space and then in space she said that line and the whole time i'm like i've watched like seven episodes but if i cut him off i know what he's gonna do i'll be like i know i haven't seen that one he'll go okay and the conversation will end and he'll feel bad and i hate when he feels bad it's all fun and games until they ask you who your favorite part is or his favorite character is if they chump check you oh then you're [ __ ] the pain from getting chump checked on if you actually watch the show is a million times higher than the pain of not knowing the show and then having the awkward moment and that's the only thing that would hold me back but i don't feel bad about lying anyway let's see how many of you guys are willing to lie to let the vibes hold strong is it over half wow one-third about one-third of you are willing to lie for the vibes i'm willing to bet that everyone who said that they lie here probably also shows up late i think there's correlation when someone says something you didn't hear and you've already asked them to repeat it do you just smile and go along and try to match their energy or ask them to repeat it as many times as it takes to understand what they said yeah yeah yeah yeah for sure yeah anyway uh yeah a lot of human conversation is just filler and sometimes you don't need to get all the info from the filler you can just glaze on by you don't want to be wasting your time on filler you don't want the people to be wasting their time on filler my rule is one i'm one and done although i will say mango has a goated strat i've seen mango do this mango is very socially aware if something like minutely funny happens in between two people just like the stupidest thing like you put a fork in backwards while trying to eat yogurt i don't know some stupid little [ __ ] that like makes you laugh in person with another person and then the moment that funny thing happens in a third person enters a situation you could imagine a situation like this that has arisen in your life a very small joke between two people a third enters right after the joke they're like oh what happened rather than explaining the my newt summary spark note style of what happened that will not receive a laugh mango does this he'll go ow you have to been there he says you had to have been there all the time it's like his clean out sometimes you do have to have been there that's just how it is but let's see how chat answered so far you guys have been honest abes 58 smile and wave well over half you guys proudly lie to your friends loved ones and family about having heard them all right this one's big have you ever lied about anything on your tinder profile or resume to make yourself appear better than you are i think call me crazy the answer to this should be yes definitely on your resume a hundred percent on your resume you're not lying on your resume you're just nerfing yourself for what honesty and truth relax plato just get a job make money and die like the rest of us capitalist machine parts and tinder i'm not saying you know be a chameleon i love animals i really want to open a sanctuary when your dream job is like testing video games and jerking off in your basement but you know maybe maybe you're throwing a 6-1 in there you know maybe throwing a little you know a little little little six foot six one maybe you're 511. oh sue me the state of california thinks i'm six foot two right now is that a lie yes do i regret it no shot i once put a huge youtuber in my resume i think i put like cnners in a resume for like a college job but i already had like a professor and my employer and so i just put cnners as a third get the job [ __ ] yeah green living magazine wrote three articles on watersheds in arizona look if any of you guys ever want to put me as a reference do it you can give them my business youtube email if i'm free i'll give it a quick reply [ __ ] it why not we need a number [ __ ] 1 800 ds nuts just i don't know just give them a number that goes to a voicemail should you take my advice well i did get fired from every single job until i became a streamer so maybe not but either way let's see do you guys lie 69 percent have never lied well actually no it makes sense if you guys have the time to watch me live on twitch you probably have zero girlfriend or boyfriend and job that's probably just the truth they just haven't filled out a resume or a tinder profile yet they're just virgins who don't have a job that's fair hey respect respect when someone asks you to hang out and you don't want to do you make up an excuse tell them you don't want to hang out or give a vague response that you want to go and then never show up if we are strictly speaking in which one is the most honest it might be just saying hey i don't wanna go and giving a genuine reason why hey honestly i would rather just watch netflix tonight that would be the right thing to do probably in a vacuum but i think a lot of people just go with the old makeup and excuse what i do is the vague one i'll be like oh dude that sounds actually sick i don't know if i can super make it i think i might have a stream but i would love to do it because most of the time nobody ever follows up but i still want to get an invite every time that's the worst option no no it's the best option it's the best option this is only group activities i will say this only works in group activities in a one-on-one obviously this wouldn't work but if someone's like hey i'm having a party come through i'd be like dude that actually sounds super dope i would love to do that i'm not super sure if i can make it that day i'll let you know knowing full well that i really don't want to go but i still want to be invited to do things from this person eventually if you make enough excuses i think what happens is people cut you off if you make enough excuses about not being able to show up mom said i can't dog threw up have to do homework i [ __ ] my pants eventually they're gonna be like all right [ __ ] this person i'm not gonna invite them anymore but if you hit them with the i would love to and then right before the event starts be like oh dude and then you hit them with a you can't go usually you'll still get an invite next time it might have been abe abe got to la i love abe i love abe he was like yo do you want to go to dinner and i probably could have gone to dinner but i kind of wanted to stream more i think but i don't want to say to abe hey i would rather stream than drive 45 minutes to an hour in l.a traffic both ways i say instead i'll see if i can make it i'll let you know and then day of hit him with the i actually really can't pull through i love you abe please invite me to things in the future that's the exact message i'll send on the second one i think that's fair did he ever invite you again he left wait no i didn't think about it no he never did and then he left he left la did a birthday party and everything for wendy and i was oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i [ __ ] it up i [ __ ] it up abe hates me now oh my god i never thought i never piece it together i never oh my god all right uh you know what i think the best answer is tell them you just can't hang out anyway let's take a look at what chat said what do you guys think's the number one answer the number one answer was make up an excuse what excuses do you use what the hell do you tell someone i'm babysitting what [ __ ] baby i feel like you know what the real excuse people have been using for the past two years is coven because in reality if you really wanted to hang out with someone you'd probably say [ __ ] oven unless you're like genuinely concerned that this would be an interaction that would cause covet to spread but i think people have been coasting off of ah covet bro it's just that i'm so into it though like stopping it i'm not into the virus obviously but i'm someone is stopping it i've actually been i've actually been reading up this is this is real [ __ ] you know what i mean i just want the world to get back to normal though you know what i mean i miss it ludwig is live sorry if if you say that that's actually a great excuse you i i would imagine your friends would let you go on that one oh [ __ ] bro i feel that can't miss that juicy content all right this next question i asked how are you actually feeling i feel like it's the number one question that people lie about all the time because at least in america how are you doesn't mean how are you feeling it just means high in more words so everyone lies about it sometimes it's almost weird to answer honestly chat in general though a three interestingly there are more ones than there are fives four and two is kind of even it's kind of sad though almost double the amount of people are a one than a five it makes sense that this would be the distribution because obviously the one and the five are polarizing so they should be smaller let's try to get more five out of fives in there boys hey let's let this be the wake-up call to go get yourself some food to get out there and start that workout you've been holding off you lazy [ __ ] you'll feel better after maybe you want a really really good movie to watch or distract you for an hour or two all right i got a recommendation for you right now it's called [ __ ] the final question of the survey boys whenever i ask you if you've scrolled down and at least check to see if you're subscribed and considered subscribing if you enjoy the content because it helps me so much do you actually do it let's see if it's over 50 let's go always i love the content want that in my inbox [ __ ] i want it in my mailbox i love you i know you said no pair of social relationships with no cap on a sack this content is my bible ludwig seven to all of you and to the other 41 just consider please just consider one time [Music] you
Channel: Ludwig
Views: 853,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, gaming, chat, stream, decides, lud
Id: p7A0Gm5dPzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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