I Am the Company Owner and You are Fired ! Ask The Site Manager Who I am | r/IDontWorkHereLady

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hello friends and welcome back to our slash i don't work here lady and today's story will be a shining example of why no one should consider themselves a very big boss so if you're new here don't forget to subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications so you don't miss a new video every single day let's get started firstly this didn't happen to me i was with the person when they received a phone call about this issue then he explained it all to me he's not on reddit so i'm sharing it it's priceless all names change to protect the personal and company identities listed buildings important to the story in the uk there's a system for preserving ancient and important buildings if a building has significant historical importance it's known as a listed building and the rules about how it's developed maintained and improved are very strict i need to be vague about the work involved otherwise it's too easy to identify the parties involved my friend david is skilled in a very niche area of construction he repairs and renovates buildings using a very old construction method that hasn't been common for several centuries all his work is on conservation projects and listed buildings work was required on a grade one listed property the overall building work was being done by the main contractor acc limited one part of the work is very specialized the contractors managers didn't know anyone who did it so the architect gave them a list of qualified people the contractors chose my friend because he had the earliest availability five days into the job the owner of acc limited the main contractor company arrived on site he was throwing his weight around and being a nosy gobshite david's worth david was just doing his job and ignored him noisy gobshite told one of his carpenters to get him a coffee carpenter disappeared noisy gobshite continued wandering and gobbing off about delays costing him a fortune 15 minutes after the carpenter had disappeared the noisy gobshite asked my friend a question no you see gobshite where is that effing chippy with my coffee chippy is a nickname for carpenter david i don't know noisy gobshite well go find him david i'm just here for this job pointing to the walls i don't work for acc limited noisy gobshite i don't give an f whether you're an employee or a subcontractor you still work for me now go find my f in coffee david firstly i don't appreciate being talked to like that and secondly my contract with you is to do these walls nothing more i'm definitely not a gopher noisy gobshite oh you don't appreciate being talked to like that do you which subcontractor do you work for david none i'm self-employed it's just me noisy gobshite effing day laborer and you've got the nerve to talk to me like that do you know who i am david yep noisy gobshite well you're effing fired get off the effing site now david okay put it in writing noisy gobshite f off just get off the effing site david pulled his phone out and started recording david okay i'll go i just want proof you told me to go noisy gobshike grabbed david's hand holding the phone and screamed into the phone noisy gobshite get off the site you effin idiot you're fired if you're still here in 10 effing minutes i'll have you effing thrown out david cool no problem so he picked up all his kid and walked away as he was leaving the contractor site manager passed him ironically with a coffee for the boss and with a smile said you leaving early dave bloody part-timers david nope your boss just fired me our contract has ended sorry mate site manager no no no no let me sort this out wait please please wait david left the site manager was losing his crap because he knew something that noisy gobshite didn't only seven people in the uk are qualified to do the work they all have a waiting list and david had been the only one available by the time he was home he'd missed 12 calls that was thursday two working days missed so far he said he'll go back but only if he gets paid for the extra days and has a genuine apology in person from the boss i met my friend when he was getting a call from the site manager saying the boss apologizes but is out of the country so can't apologize face to face david also told me he'd phoned the other specialist to warn them but they'd all been phoned on friday begging them to do the job nobody took the work they're all booked solid david also phoned the architect to warn him in situations like this some unscrupulous contractors try to bodge the job and fake the work david's going to stick to his guns pay for all missed days plus face-to-face apology he's sure he'll get it i've said i'd pay anything to watch that face-to-face apology update site manager phoned to say he was told by noisy gobsite to threaten legal action if david doesn't finish the job site manager was very embarrassed and apologetic david reminded him he didn't leave and has proof that he was fired site manager phoned again to say noisy gobshite will apologize face to face on friday can david start tomorrow david said no following the threat of legal action the conditions are different one face-to-face apology before work restarts two added pay for wasted days three payment of full contract value up front before work starts four all must happen by thursday that's the last day he can start and still expect to finish before his next booking if he also works the weekends he has just enough time i asked him why he isn't charging a huge extra amount for the guy being such a wanker he said it doesn't look good if you take advantage of companies when they're under time pressure not the done thing seems that one of my friends is an 18th century gentleman update two unfortunately it seems there will be no apology david has discovered that the site manager was blamed for not making noisy gobsite aware of the situation beforehand and was fired david contacted the operations director for acc limited noisy gob sites number two and informed them that an apology is no longer required as he will not be returning to the job the ops director apologized for everything and offered to renegotiate the money very generously david told him that he had only considered going back to the job as a personal favor to the original site manager since he isn't there he feels no obligation to return ops director said he will get back to david but didn't say why i asked why he didn't say give him his job back or i won't come back david said noisy gobshite is too petty and weak to be told what to do by a craftsman it'll have to be the company's idea for the site manager to come back if i tell them to bring him back it won't happen david says the site manager is great at his job but only four years from retirement so it's not easy to find a job at 61. i've decided i like david even more now than i did three days ago update three it's two am here we just got back from the pub david got a call while we were out from the sacked site manager david updated the architect on the situation this afternoon the architect contacted the sacked site manager to tell him about a company who needs a site manager the sac site manager phone david just before 9 pm i had to sit through the phone call only hearing one side i must have looked childishly excited like i'd gotten an arse full of sparrows then david filled me in the site manager rang to thank him and find out his favorite drink so he can send him a bottle he hasn't got the new job yet but he's seeing them on friday apparently the architect's recommendation carries some weight so he's optimistic david refused at first i didn't get you the job the architect did the site manager said but you said all this crap in motion and told the architect that i've been fired because of you i never need to deal with that obnoxious pillock ever again david wasn't specific about who that obnoxious pellet was we'll just have to guess david said his drink is cardu gold reserve he said he'll accept a bottle only if a the site manager gets the new job and b if the site manager will come over and drink the cardu with him looks like the handsome scribe who did the enormously difficult time-consuming job of skillfully writing this saga down on reddit isn't included in the whiskey consumption as david poetically put it piss off knob head you can buy your own effing drink all good news hopefully except that nobody gets to see the top spot noisy gobshite eat crap when he has to apologize i was so looking forward to that additional information david and the fired site manager know each other outside of work each are members of charity organizations in the same town two different groups but they work together a lot site manager is in rotary club and david is in round table i don't think he's a knight but you never know update 4 operations director for acc limited phone david to suggest that they take the site manager back and generously renegotiate the money david says they've missed the boat there's no way he can finish the job on his own before he starts his next job there is an absolute minimum of 11 days of work left if everything goes without a hitch david's next job starts november 4th only 10 days left if he works both weekends too late i wish i could be a fly on the wall when noisy gobshide is told the most common question many are asking what david does if i said what it is it's so identifying that i might as well give you his real name and address sorry the reason there are very few of them it takes five years just to become competent in at least nine years to become a master craftsman the jobs need at least one master present when the work is done update 5 bad news fired site manager didn't get the other job he met the new company but they're not taking him on reasons aren't clear david's meeting with him on sunday to discuss it i can tell david feels like crap about it even though it's not his fault site manager says he's going to take action for unfair dismissal i thought this was going to be a win-win win but i suppose life isn't like that update six news about the sacked site manager the situation isn't as bad as we first thought i think we misunderstood what happened on friday david talked to him yesterday the company he saw on friday are not employing him in the normal way that part was correct but they have offered him a fixed term contract for 18 months on a distribution center build it's not perfect but on the bright side it's slightly better paid than acc it's only 18 months but that's better than nothing there's also a chance that the new company might extend the contract if another project comes in update seven seven seriously david has heard they're getting a bulgarian to come over to do the job david was grinning when he told me he thinks he knows what'll happen there's a similar but different technique that was used on some 19th century buildings in sofia david thinks that the guy will use that technique it looked similar but two very important materials are different david has decided to wait he plans to let the bulgarian finish the job and get paid then david is going to suggest to the planning department that the client checked the two components unless the bulgarian knows the 17th century english method he'll have used the wrong materials that would mean ripping it out and starting again they are incredibly strict with this type of work i shouldn't want this so much but i really really hope this happens i'm a petty man update eight david has been told that the bulgarian got straight to it and started work he had materials delivered but from an ordinary building supplier the stuff he needs to do the job properly is too bulky for him to bring with him even if they sold it in bulgaria he hasn't ordered it from the uk supplier there are three but only one has enough for the job because they got it in for david so unless it's coming by road and ferry he's not using the right materials david wouldn't allow it to go unreported even if he wasn't annoyed about noisy gobshide he's got a genuine passion for looking after these buildings he works on and he's a purist when it comes to historical accuracy so now i have to hold my water for three or four weeks david says that if he's using more modern materials he might finish sooner three weeks is the time it takes if you stay in the 17th century i've turned into a bit of a weirdo about this job when i phoned david earlier on a pretext he realized i was after info again david f me you really want me to fit a body cam so you can see and hear everything as it happens me if it's not too much trouble can you just link me into your phone calls that'd be nice david after laughing you effing knob cheese is it okay if i cover the lens when i'm crapping and shagging my wife me personally i don't do those two things at the same time but whatever floats your boat david you're telling me you do them separately when are you shagging my wife me right after she's cleaned up all the crap off the sheets from doing you some of us are fussy david piss off you're an upright clean freak he hung up no goodbye no see you soon english manners just aren't what they used to be hey guys thank you all for watching the video to the end and i'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: RedWheel
Views: 327,512
Rating: 4.9367199 out of 5
Keywords: r/IDontWorkHereLady, I Am the Company Owner, and You are Fired, Ask The Site Manager, Who I am, Site Manager, Company Owner, Fired, Manager, I'm Chief, I'm the Boss, FIRED, Boss, Chief, Chief Executive Officer, reddit IDWHL, r/idontworkherelady, i dont work here lady storiers, reddit i dont work here lady, i dont work here, idwhl reddit, mistaken employee, i do work here lady, r/idoworkherelady, idontworkherelady, i don't work here, r/, r/ i don't work here, idoworkherelady, Work, manager
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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