I am Ethiopian I Part 3

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[Music] um [Music] oh [Music] huh oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so [Music] i don't care what you've done how far you've fallen how much you've messed up how much you've missed it god is madly in love with you he loves you in spite of you in spite of your mess your mistakes he loves you in spite of what you've done what you think where you've gone he loves you i've made so many mistakes in my life i didn't think anybody would want me that god couldn't get anything out of me have you ever been there where you've been so lost and so confused and so hurting that you don't think there's any hope for you at all and lo and behold jesus comes and nudges you on the shoulder and says i still have a plan for you [Music] praise the lord everybody good morning good morning good morning it's a beautiful day this is the day the lord has made and we're gonna rejoice and be glad in it it is a joy to be in the house of the lord today we honor the goodness of our god because he is so good he's so kind he's so faithful and we are blessed to be able to be alive today to be among the living is a blessing i know that the week gets hard i know times get tough and i know there are issues and challenges that we all are dealing with i'm dealing with him and so are you but today today let's make the decision today to bless the lord let's make the decision today to come before him with thanksgiving with singing with shouts of praise let's make a joyful noise unto the lord because god is good in spite of all the issues and challenges that we deal with god he is still good his mercy is everlasting so i want you to shake off all that stuff that have held you down all week long shake it off and let's make a decision that we're going to give god the glory the honor and the praise because our god reigns and our god deserves it hallelujah here's what the bible says the scripture says in psalm number 89 it says i will sing of the mercies of the lord forever it says with my mouth will i make known his faithfulness to all generations for i have said mercy shall be built up forever and his faithfulness you shall establish in the heavens mercy is built up forever mercy is not getting what you deserved i'm here because of mercy you are in front of that screen because of the lord's mercies they are new every morning they never fail great is his faithfulness so let's honor our god and bless his holy name father how we love and honor you we adore you for who you are we declare that you are good that you are kind and you are faithful lord let your glory be felt among us would you tabernacle here with us today would you show yourself strong send the presence and the power of the holy ghost let it fall in our midst let your glory be felt as the people of god give you praise and give you glory and give you honor for god you are good hallelujah hallelujah you are good you are good and your mercy endures forever in jesus name amen a man and a man again praise be to our god come on let's worship him well good morning new life family i hope that you are ready to worship the king of kings and the lord of lords come on put your hands together with us [Music] let's sing it together this morning say i am not forgotten i am not forgotten i am not knows my forgotten i am not forgotten i am not forgotten i am not forgotten he knows my name [Music] i am not forgotten i am not forgotten i am not forgotten [Music] strength of a weakness joy over sadness he knows my name [Music] he knows my name [Music] everybody say i am not forgotten hey i am not forgotten i am not knows my forgotten i am not forgotten i am not forgotten [Music] say i am not forgotten never forsaken i am not forgotten never forsaken say i am [Music] [Applause] this morning [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am not forgotten not [Music] he knows my name [Music] say he knows my name come on again i'll shout out praise this morning we are not forgotten never forsaken he knows my name let's rejoice this morning hallelujah that's good news that's good news that he knows our name he knows our story he knows our journey he knows the way that we take is what job says to us he knows our background our history he knows our name and our pain he knows the things that have hurt us the things that have harmed us he knows the stains and scars that we carry he knows the challenges that we are up against even right now but he doesn't just know our past he also knows our future he knows the plans that he has in store for us the thoughts that he thinks towards us they are thoughts of good and not of evil that god has a great destiny in store for you and for me and he is positioning our life even the challenges in our life he is positioning us providentially to get to that spot that space that he has uniquely designed for his glory and for our good so i'm encouraged that god knows my name i'm encouraged that i'm not by myself i'm encouraged that we are not alone that we have one who is in the fight with us who fights our battles who goes before us we have a champion we have a victor and his name is jesus christ we celebrate him we honor him and bless his holy and his righteous name what a great what a wonderful and amazing god we serve what a wonderful loving lord we have would you do me the favor would you just lift your hands right now in the presence of god just lift your hands in his presence right in your room right where you are right in your bedroom in front of your television or your computer screen just lift your hands and worship him just worship him for the god who has not forgotten us the god who never leaves us the god who never forsakes us the god who never renders us powerless or helpless but he is a god who is ever present he is near to the brokenhearted he is close to those who are in pain he is our jehovah's shama he is the lord who is present even in our challenges he's present just worship him for a moment if you would worship him for this moment hallelujah father we honor you and bless your name we thank you god that you have never forsaken us you have never forgotten about us that you know everything about our story that lord you have engineered our story that you have brought us to the place where we are even right now that nothing happens outside of your sovereign control that lord you're in control of every down day and every up day every moment of sadness and every moment of joy the lord you walk with us through the muck and the mire you are with us in the valley of the shadow of death we have no need to fear we thank you god that you are the rod and the staff who goes before and behind us we honor you lord that there are no accidents in you there is no mistake in you we thank you god that when we're at our end at our wits in that you always come through you're never late you always come through right on time how we bless your name how we honor you god and how we glorify you and declare that there is no one in heaven no one in the earth who is like you we worship you for who you are we worship you for what you've done we worship you for your goodness and your grace and your glory hallelujah lord bless your name [Music] bless your name bless your name bless your name hallelujah [Music] hallelujah bless you jesus we honor you god we worship you lord in jesus name in jesus name and all the people of god said a man and a man again surely our god surely our god is worthy of praise surely our god is worthy of glory hallelujah hallelujah well welcome welcome so glad to have you here with us this morning in worship it's a joy to be able to come into your homes or into your businesses or into wherever you're watching and viewing us and remind you that god is good and faithful he has not forgotten you he knows your name he knows your story and i think it's a good day for us to be reminded of that because in this season there's so much pain all around us there's so much challenges and issues that all of us are dealing with and you can easily feel alone abandoned and forgotten and so it's a blessing to know that we have a god we serve a risen lord who knows the hairs on our head he knows the intricacies and delicacies of every season of our life and he will not leave us and he has not forgotten us would you do me a favor would you just hit like or share and send this video to those who are in your network base friends of yours send this service the streaming service to them and invite them to participate and be a part of this experience and i would also encourage you if you would to sponsor a watch party you know and just make sure you share this with others because god is so good don't keep that to yourself share that with others who you know need to hear it if you are joining with us or worshiping with us today for the very first time we would love to say welcome to you uh glad to have you with us please if you would just put that in the chat space you're a first timer and this is your first time sharing and a worship experience and we'd love to greet you properly and also if you are worshiping with us uh from out of the city if you're not here in the city you don't live here or even in the state or even in the country would you just put that in the chat space so we would know that you're here you're worshiping want to greet you and thank you for taking the time out of your schedule and all of the other options you had to come and worship with us here at new life and i also want to mention to many of you who have been viewing us and worshiping together with us for quite a while but you've never made the decision to step across the line and connect with our church i want to show you and share with you how you can do that and encourage you to do it if you'd love to connect with our church and learn more about who we are here at new life what we believe and what we teach and what our mission is and the core values that frame our ministry if you'd love to discover a new life and learn more about it may i invite you to go to our website and on our website at www.newlife.atl.org on our website you'll find our home page and if you just scroll down to the what's happening at new life section and one of those banners and options in that section is simply called discover new life discover new life and if you would click on that banner it'll take you to a landing page and share with you how you can get connected to our church there are three great videos classes for you to watch that goes through everything that we believe everything that we teach everything we stand for it goes through our outreaches and our service to our community and all that god has called us to do and i'm encouraging you to please participate in that and be a part of what god is doing here at new life and you'll be blessed for it at the end of our services today you get an opportunity to do that as well with a live leader here at our church and there's a live leader that's waiting in a zoom connection room and we'll share with you how you can get to it at the end of service and we'd love for you to talk to someone about salvation about giving your life to christ or about joining this ministry and joining this church and one of our ministers or leaders are waiting to help and aid you right after services are completed i want to talk very quickly about our 5k race our 5k race so we are gearing up and very excited about the opportunity to share the love of christ as well as our resources and our finances with those that are in need in our community we sponsor every year a 5k virtual run it's called run to change a life and our 5k run race is uh sponsoring all of the ministries here at the community center everything that we do in our outreach programs ministry to the homeless ministry to families that are in need those who are hungry ministry to those who are substance abusers ministry to those who have family members who are incarcerated ministry to those who are in need of work and those who are searching for career changes and jobs those are at risk of being homeless those who are in transition and the list goes on and on and on from ged support and training to graduation enabling individuals to change their lives to literally change their life and that's what our 5k supports it's thirty dollars per registrant but your thirty dollars goes a long way it goes a long way at blessing people and helping people and aiding people to do just what the name says change their lives and that's the purpose of our 5k run so hear me very clearly i want you to listen to how you can get registered it is a virtual 5k because of the pandemic we will not be running together it is a virtual 5k and that will allow us to register and run anywhere literally in the world literally in the city in the state in the country and even in the world you can run in your own subdivision you can run on a racing track or or a jogging track in your neighborhood you can run in a park you can run in your cul-de-sac you can run on your treadmill you don't even have to leave your home and still participate for a good cause and it gets us in shape it helps us get healthy but it also helps minister to those who are at our community center we've been blessed to be able to register our 5k with the peachtree road race which is the major race here in our city of atlanta so for those of you that are atlantans and you are avid runners this race is a qualifying race for the peachtree road race and we would love to have you to qualify for that through our particular 5k now here's what i want you to hear want everybody to listen up very carefully we need to register right away we got to register now those of you that are friends of our church those of you that are members of our church and those of you that are just viewing us now if you are interested in helping minister to those in our community we need you to register today march the 19th is our deadline it's our deadline and traditionally we can wait until we get close to the deadline to register but we want to be able to send you out packets your registration packet your t-shirt your full number all the instructions on how to record your time and all of the needs you'd have for this 5k we want to be able to send that to you before the race begins so the date of this race is april 17th through the 24th but the deadline for registration is march the 19th now if you're thinking that i am going to sit this one out i know that somebody else will register i want to encourage you not to do that don't sit this one out we minister and aid a lot of people in the course of a year last year we were able to bless 40 000 different meals to families we were able to give hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of support by way of housing support rent care and utility support and we need you to help us make that happen this year the pandemic is still raging and we still need the help maybe you're saying i'm not going to run in a 5k i'm just not going to do it that's fine would you register anyway and give and donate your support to the causes of our community center no one sit this out no one sit back everyone needs to be up front center helping with what god's called us to do here in our church and all god's people said amen to that all right all right well those are our announcements and that's what i wanted to make certain that you are aware of it is time to give it's time to honor god with our tithes and our offerings to be a blessing to the community of faith and to the church of god and to also to our community at large if you're giving today your tithe remember that it belongs to the lord it's not ours it's his and we give because god has blessed us and so i encourage you to give today and to do it generously and faithfully you can give through the portals that are mentioned at the bottom of your screen you can give through our website at newlifeatl.org you can also give by text by texting the word new life atl to the number 77977 and then lastly you can give by mail by sending in your gifts to new life church 3592 flat shows road decatur georgia three zero zero three four i'm praying that you'll be faithful in giving and entithing today remember the tithe is the lord's it's not ours belongs to him and he has promised to bless tremendously those who give the tithe those who will make that sacrifice our lord blesses us in such a way that he says we will not have room enough to receive it the blessings from tithing are not just monetary blessings those are the smallest of blessings money is the smallest of blessings i'm talking about opening up the windows of heaven pouring you out blessings that you can't put a price tag on blessings like hope peace joy faithfulness blessings like vision and insight ideas that this is what god pours out of the windows of heaven because we honor him with our tithe the tithe is not about you going to heaven if you don't tithe going to heaven is about jesus christ being lord of your life period period the tithe is not about heaven it's about earth it's not about what happens when you die the tithe is about the blessings of life that you experience while you live on the earth so i pray that you will not forfeit those blessings those graces in your life but give the tithe now it says simple it's going to our website and tithing let's take a moment to do that so father we thank you for these who are giving and have given may your grace touch their life may your favor rest upon them and may your blessings be evident in jesus name amen and amen again all right we're going to worship the lord now a bit further and today is first sunday we're going to receive communion today so i would ask you to run to your kitchen and would you get elements water or juice or bread or something to serve your family with if you're alone by yourself grab it for you and we're going to worship god and after this song we'll come together and be reminded of the body and the blood of the lord jesus christ and i invite you to worship with us [Music] you are the word at the beginning [Laughter] you're hidden glory in creation now revealed in you are christ what a beautiful name it is what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus christ my king what a beautiful name it is nothing compares to this what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus [Music] [Applause] so jesus your sin was great your love was great what a wonderful name it is what a wonderful name it is the name of jesus christ my king what a wonderful name it it is the name of jesus what a wonderful name it is the name of jesus [Music] such a wonderful name the name of [Music] and death could not hold you the veil torn before you you silenced the post of sin and grave the heavens are roaring the praise to life again [Applause] god [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] what a powerful name it is the name of jesus christ [Music] what a powerful day it is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is what a powerful name it is [Music] what a powerful name it is the name of jesus what a powerful day what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus christ a beautiful name it is nothing compares to this what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus what a beautiful name it is what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus christ my king what a beautiful name it is nothing compares to this what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus as we stay there in worship and just singing and blessing god about his name about the beautiful wonderful name of jesus heaven and earth moves at that name demons tremble at the name of jesus there is given among men no other name whereby we might be saved in the name of jesus for god has highly exalted him and given him a name above every name that at the name of jesus every knee bowels and every tongue confesses that he is lord to the glory of god father we love the name of jesus we love the power of that name we love the strength in that name we love the beauty and the blessing of that name from salvation redemption comes because of that name we take the body and the blood now being reminded of the wonderful name of the lord jesus and his sacrifice on the cross for us would you give your people a perfect picture of that sacrifice to have another man to die in our place to deserve to suffer but yet someone else suffered for us remind us of it in jesus name amen i'm going to ask if you would get your elements and bring them together around your table or around your computer screen and invite your family to come and share with you in this moment husbands and wives and children if you would share in the lord's table together be reminded of this sacrifice of the lord jesus christ if you're the head of your house serve as the priest of your home and administer these sacraments to those who are in your family we take the body of the lord jesus symbolized by bread we are reminded that our savior was wounded for our transgressions that he was bruised for our iniquities the punishment the chastisement required to bring us into peace right relationship with god was taken off of us and it was laid on him and with his stripes every whip every beating every stripe we are healed healed of our sin sickness healed of the maladies of our soul healed of iniquity and its stronghold on the heart because of his stripes we are healed take the bread in your hands serve your family let us break together and let us eat together [Music] father i thank you i thank you lord thank you jesus thank you god thank you god take the cup this cup reminds us that jesus died that he died it reminds us that blood was shed the very price that was required for the sins of man was death the penalty of the law was death the blood being shed should have been ours yours and mine for every lie for every deceptive thought for every iniquitous idea for greed and for pride for lust and for envy it should have been us for the bitterness that we hold it should have been us for the anger that we struggle to control it should have been us for the broken relationships for the broken lives it should have been us for the offenses and insults that we've given it should have been us our blood is the blood that should have been shed but had it had been our blood we would still be in our sins because imperfect blood cannot bring a perfect redemption but it had to be a spotless blemish free lamb and that is the lamb of god the agnost day the lamb of god slain from the foundation of the world and it was his blood that purchased our salvation so right now take the cup be reminded of the sacrifice [Music] let us drink together thank you jesus [Music] thank you jesus right in your rooms right in your homes right where you are don't waste this moment don't let this moment pass would you just lift your hands right where you are would you worship god would you celebrate him would you thank him thank him that he deserves glory that his is the kingdom the power and the glory that he has a name above every other name would you just worship him right now [Applause] [Music] for you hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] yours is the glory [Music] what a powerful name [Music] [Music] what a powerful name it is what a powerful name it is [Music] jesus [Music] bless your name god bless your name father your name is great your name is good your name is kind [Music] your name is powerful your name is glorious your name is strong thank you for the name thank you for your blood thank you for your sacrifice thank you for your love in jesus name amen amen and amen again bless the name of the lord bless the name of the lord god he is so good he is so good he is so kind well let's jump into the word of the lord today we are concluding and ending our series entitled i am ethiopian i am ethiopian and we've been sharing this series from psalm 68 verse 31 and acts chapter 8 starting at verse 26 to the end of the chapter discussing the epic of the ethiopian eunuch and what god says in his word about people of color and many have wondered why is this message necessary and i want to briefly share the necessity of reminding people of color and people of african descent that we live in a in a world and in a culture and a global culture that does not recognize in so many ways the unique contributions and the unique centrality that people of color have in the plan of god that we live in a world that bombards us with images religious icons that do not in any way reflect who we are our tradition and our background and it's not just in the religious capacity but it is also in the cultural capacity in the historical capacity in all of the areas and institutions of our world it is very difficult to find it's very hard to find that recognition of africans and recognition of people of color in the global society and civilized culture that we live in today and that becomes a challenge and it becomes an issue when you're raising children who need that value of not just spiritual dignity and that's necessary but also social dignity and ethnic dignity we live in a world that minimizes and marginalizes the contributions and the involvement of africans and people of color of all shades and types in the affairs of government and politics and the economy and money and finances in the affairs of all of the significant areas of our culturalized society and it also has creeped into our theology you can go to seminary or theological school in many of the mainline theater seminaries of our country and you can read theological dissertations and treatises written by scholars and biblical commentators throughout time and you can spend four years or more in a seminary and never read one black author and never read one african perspective you can understand reformed theology and you can understand the denominations of our faith anglican lutheran presbyterian baptist or methodist you can understand the histories of the entire reformation uh the entire reformation period you can understand the medieval history you can understand the renaissance history you can go all the way back to the early church and never see the contributions and never see any of the realities of africans and people of color and their imprint on the christian faith and for that matter on the judeo-christian tradition it is easy to believe that our faith christianity or the entire judeo-christian mindset is a western mindset it's easy to believe that it's european in its context it's european in its origin it's european in its ideology it's often easy to associate christianity with europeanism or even americanism and it's clear it's very clear in the culture that we live in that if you are not of the dominant culture if you're not white or if you're not caucasian or if you're not european for somehow this faith is given to you or you have adopted the faith or you have received the faith through some other kind other means through missions or missionaries or someone had to share with you the faith and along with that idea and that mindset also comes the idea of being civilized that christianity and the judeo-christian tradition is a civil tradition and other traditions are pagan or savage and it's easy for africans and for people of color to believe because it has been the common hermeneutic of our entire educational and religious system the common hermeneutic the common understanding the common interpretation of our faith is that it does not belong to people of color it belongs to those who do not have color it belongs to those who are roman or those who are european even the pictures and images that are painted in front of us are images and pictures that paint a european whitewashed faith the pictures you see of moses and the pictures you see of abraham and the picture the icon picture of daniel praying in the lion's den the wonderful pictures of jesus all the pictures and photos and paintings from the relics of history never show a colored perspective not just a perspective but a colored reality a colored reality in many ways if you're not careful you will begin to believe if you are a person of color that this faith is not really yours that it's kind of their someone else's it's the other faith that you somehow have to bend towards and assimilate in not understanding the enormity of the data the enormity of the biblical evidence that color that africanism color people of color is central to the judeo christian ethic and judeo-christian tradition all the way back to the book of genesis all the way back to the garden of eden and from eden unto revelation the apocalypse there is color throughout the old testament the prophets the gospels the epistles the apostles and the full weight of the scriptures but this you will not learn in school you will not learn it in bible class you cannot take a bible class from the popular internet uh bible classes and bible programs you will not be able to take one that will affirm the afrocentrism of the judeo-christian faith and because of that it becomes critical it becomes enormously critical that we not allow others to run away africans and african-americans and those in the pan-african diaspora experience around the world to run them away from christianity because it has earned the moniker the white man's religion this is not the white man's faith this is not the white man's religion this is not america's religion this is not europe's religion this is not rome's religion this is not the roman empire's religion this religion is deeply rooted in the traditions of afrocentrism in the traditions of middle eastern people of color in the traditions that come from that that area of the world where people look like me and like many others like me and that's the reason why we teach this message because i want everyone to know and you have a stake in this faith a stake in this faith and i also want to speak to those who are considering leaving the faith to those young young individuals these millennials and 20 and 30 year olds who have who have considered leaving the faith because it's difficult for them to find their own tradition in it my heart is that as we conclude this time of remembrance and reflection on african-american history that we would look at this particular aspect of history itself and so in psalm 68 and verse 31 here the bible says princes shall come out of egypt and ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands to god we've been speaking in this message i am ethiopian not speaking from the perspective of i am black that's not the perspective that we mean when we say ethiopian we don't mean it the country of ethiopia or the place commonly understood today as ethiopia that is the state or the country of ethiopia on the continent of africa we do not mean that when we say i am ethiopian you need to go back and listen at the first of our set of messages in this series ethiopian is from a greek word i theops and i theops is broken into two particular stems one is i theos and i theos means burnt it means burnt or blackened sun kissed and ops is the word for face or for visage a sun-kissed or blackened face that this is a blackened face and when i say i am ethiopian i'm speaking of the ethics of the people of color or a colorized faith or context of our faith and not the nation or the country of ethiopia now we studied this from acts chapter eight in acts chapter eight we looked at the ethiopian eunuch and his coming into faith and the statement that he makes which is very very clear when he says in verse 34 when philip answered him and he said i pray thee the eunuch answered philip and said i pray thee of whom speaks the prophet this of himself or of some other man in verse 35 then philip opened his mouth and began at the same scripture and preached unto him jesus and then the bible says they went their way and came to a certain water and the ethiopian eunuch he received the lord jesus as his savior it says he began at the same scripture and preached unto this ethiopian eunuch jesus in order for him to preach jesus to this ethiopian eunuch he would have had to preach jesus in the context of that ethiopian eunuch's own particular tradition and religious persuasion he is in jerusalem and he is there worshiping jehovah and as he's worshipping jehovah he gets introduced to jesus a savior a messiah who is not outside of his tradition as a matter of fact the tradition of jesus as hebrew and the tradition of this ethiopian are indelibly connected together indelibly connected together and that's what i want us to investigate today this is the ethiopian connection the ethiopian connection we've talked about the ethiopian condition and we've said that the ethiopians or cushites have been systematically written out of the socio-academic history and classical religion and historical culture we've spoken about the ethiopian cradle of civilization we've talked about this idea that the bible teaches that all humanity began as one human family or one human race and so we looked at the ethiopian condition we looked at the ethiopian cradle and today we're going to investigate the ethiopian connection the ethiopian connection i want you to find in your bibles genesis chapter number 9 and verse 18 genesis 9 and 18 through 19. find in your bibles genesis 9 18 through 19 as we look at the connection between this ethiopian eunuch and the hebrew heritage of jesus christ whom philip is preaching to him and expressing the truths of to him there is a connection between the hebrew preaching and the hebrew message of the gospel of jesus and this ethiopian's heritage and his tradition and we'll see the beginning buds of this way back in the book of genesis chapter number nine and so your bibles should be open to genesis 9 and verse number 18. here it says and the sons of noah that went forth of the ark were shem and ham and japheth and ham is the father of canaan these are the three sons of noah and of them the whole earth was overspread now you have these three sons of noah you'll remember that this is post-diluvian this is after the flood and after the flood you have what is left only eight persons survived the flood or the deluvian age only these eight personages survived and these are noah his wife ham his wife japheth his wife shem his wife these individuals have the responsibility as it says in verse number 19 these three sons of noah and of them was the whole earth overspread it is the restart the reset if you would of a new population explosion coming from these three sons and their families and their lineages now in chapter 10 of of genesis chapter number 10 verse number one it says now these are the generations of the sons of noah shem ham and japheth it is now giving us what the bible calls genealogies or what we call rather genealogies and these genealogies come from these generations of shem ham and japheth these three sons who become the progenitors of those who populate the human race or populate the globe these three boys are their progenitors as the bible teaches it says and unto them in verse number one unto them were sons born after the flood now it gives us the list of sons that were born to one of the boys his name is japheth and his list of sons and these list of names you trace the names back archaeologically and you trace the names back through geography and you trace them back to nations and countries that have populated the northern or the european areas of our globe and so these names are it says the sons of japheth verse 2 gomer and magog and madai and javon and tubal and meshech and teres and the sons of gomer now it tells us who's gomer's sons ashkenaz and rifath and togomar and the sons of javan is elisha and tarshish and katim and doda nin it says by these were the isles of the gentiles divided in their lands everyone after his tongue after their families in their nations so these names are not only names of the children of japheth and the grandchildren of japheth these names are the names of the nations that these children were the progenitors of these are their nations and it says that their nations were categorized by their own languages and by their own families in their own isles or sections or islands and so it mentions these names when you do an archaeological and geographical trace utilizing these names and looking at the historical images the historical of the historical archaeological pictures rather of the nations of europe you'll find that these names have a progenitory connection to those particular nations and so it goes on and it says not only do we see japheth and his families but then it says in genesis 10 verse 6 and the sons of ham now it gives the second son's list of names and children and families it says the sons of ham are cush and mizrim and foot and canaan these four boys cush miseriam foot and canaan now we can easily again trace archaeologically and geographically trace these names with particular spaces and places in the middle east not europe but the middle east now so we're moving from europe in the north the northern lands and coming down to the middle eastern lands red sea and into the lands of africa and so it says cush cush is the name for black it is the name that represents those who are blackened or those who are cushites those who are nubian those who are ethiopian and then it says miseriam miseriem is the name that the hebrews that that english has transliterated from miseriem to be the name egypt egypt is misream foot and canaan canaan is the land of the canaanites the canaanites are those who populated all of the known middle east judea populated the land of canaan as we understand the promised land to be it says and the sons of cush and it lists their names siba and there is the next name havilah sapta and the name kush it says that these are the names of the sons of cush seba and havilah and sapta now i want to just stop at the reim javila where have we seen the name havilah before where is that name come before you remember from our previous session that havilah is the land that was identified in the book of genesis chapter 2 when god was giving us the location of eden the land where the garden is located the land of adam and eve when he gives us the land of the garden of eden it says that a river ran through the land all the way through the circumference of havilah havilah is this land that is mountainous in its territory and on both sides of the red sea on both sides of the red sea there are mountain ranges and geographically when you look at the mountain ranges archaeologists have stated that these ranges looked as if they were split apart as if they came apart havilah is this land right in the heart of the arabian peninsula right in the heart of the middle east it says that this land is a name of one of cush's sons so siba and havilah and septa and kush baguette and it says and riyama and sapteka and the sons of reyama now it gives us another list of sons the great-grandchildren of of a ham the grandchildren of cush the sons of reyama are two sheba and didan don't forget those two names sheba and the dan then it says and cush begat nimrod and he began to be a mighty one in the earth and let's go back real quick and look at what it says in verse number six and the sons of ham are kush nubian ethiopia misread egypt foot that's libyan and canaan that is middle eastern that is the area that we commonly know today as israel and the area of syria and in the middle eastern sections it says that these four had sons sons of cush was siba and havilah and havilah is a significant name because it is a name that identifies the geographical area of the land of of eden or the garden of eden and sapta and ryama and sapteka and the sons of ryama are sheba and didan don't forget those names and kush begat nimrod and he began to be a mighty one in the earth now drop your eyes down to verse 13 and verse 13 of genesis chapter 10 it goes on to say and misream's children is egypt's children is egypt miserable begat ludum and anamim and and and nafta him and path through sim and cast lucem out of whom came the philistines and kaftarim it says and canaan begat sidon the firstborn and then it says and hef and now it says in verse 16 and the jebusite and the amorite and the gurgashite and the hivite and all the other ites that are mentioned in verses 17 and verse 18. now if you would drop your eyes down to verse number 19 and the border of the canaanites was from sidon as thou go as a comas to gerar or gerar unto gaza as thou goest unto sodom and gomorrah and admira and zobaim even unto lasha now go back up it says that that their borders were as you come to gerar and unto gaza gaza gaza where have you seen that word gaza before you remember in acts chapter 8 the ethiopian eunuch was writing in his chariot leaving jerusalem going back to his homeland in ethiopia or in the nubian province going back across the red sea before he got to that area he was reading the prophet isaiah and he was reading it in gaza the spirit catches up philip the holy spirit tells philip to go to that chariot in gaza this ethiopian eunuch was reading the scriptures reading isaiah in gaza the very land of his own ancestral homeland its own ancestral heritage here it says in verse 19 and the borders of the canaanites was from and it says from sidon as thou cometh to gerar unto gaza under gaza this was the borders the ancestral homeland and heritage of the ethiopian eunuch who is reading the hebrew scroll in his own homeland his own ancestral homeland though he wasn't aware of what he was reading whenever philip said do you understand what you're reading and he says how can i accept some man guide me he is reading his own heritage and he does not understand how many of us how many of us read this bible every single day and do not see our own heritage in the midst of it we don't see our own heritage our own background we don't see our own history in the midst of what we are reading every single day as the ethiopian eunuch so is the case with many who are of african descent we read but we do not understand and so it now it goes on to give us this list it says in verse 20 these are the sons of ham after their families after their tongues in their countries and in their nations now in verse 21 it gives us the list of the sons of shem we have japheth sons and those sons are names connected with northern lands european lands we have the sons of ham and those names are names connected with the middle east as well as africa all the way down to the nubian land in ethiopia now we're given the names of the sons of shem and so it says and unto shem also the father of all the children of eber eber is the progenitor of the hebrews the hebrews the name hebrew is a transliteration it is a greek transliteration from the name eber where the h is added from latin into greek the h is added to heber meaning heber and then there is an ara that's included and the w at the end of hebrew is the name that was borrowed from the latins from the greeks where the name jew comes from hebrew and jew from the land are from the name of eber so all the children in verse 21 all the children of eber he is the father of the hebrews which will be the father of those who are considered jewish and then it says the brother of japheth the elder even to him were children born now verse 22 the children of shem here's his list elam and asher and arfaxin and lud and aram and the children of aram are ooze and hull you remember oohs or us as we know it there was a man from the land of us his name was job it says ooze and hull and gether and mash born it says and arfaxin begat salah and salah begat eber this is eber the father of the hebrews or the hebrews and unto eber were born the two sons the name of the one was peleg for in his days the earth was divided and his brother's name was jocton and jocton begat alma dad and shelif and harza marvith and jarrah and hadaram and uzal and dikla and obaal and abimael and there is another name sheba it says that this man joktan had many sons many sons and of the list of his sons one of the sons of shem's line is named sheba and then it says and ofer and there's the name again havilah and job havilah havilah the same name we saw in the line of ham so ham has a havilah in his lineage in his line and shem has a havilah in his line sheba we saw two shebas that ham has a sheba in his line and shem has a sheba in his line and then it goes on to say and their dwelling was from meshes as i go with them to suffer a mount of the east these are the sons of shem after their families after their tongues in their lands and in their nations it says these are the families of the sons of noah after their generations in their nations and by these were the nations divided in the earth after the flood by these by these three sons shem ham and japheth by these the bible says the nations were divided in the earth the bible also tells us who these sons are and the names of their children grandchildren and their lineage beneath them it gives us those names when you study the names and look at these names you find the geographical locations of where these names or these children would have settled and planted their tribes their clans and established their civilizations a few of these names are similar and this is the name havilah and the name of sheba now dr kenneth matthews says this in the new american bible commentary in his first volume of that commentary here's what dr kenneth matthews says about ham and shem's havilas the two javilas that we saw it says in genesis 10 in verse 7 and 29 verse 7 and verse 29 it says that in genesis 10 7 and 29 are related to afro-america to afro-arabia and therefore the genealogies may indicate the intermingling of two people both hams and shems havilas in genesis 10 7 and 10 29 are related to afro-arabia and therefore the genealogies may indicate the intermingling of two peoples you have ham's line havilah and shems line havilah in ham's line it says in in verse seven of chapter 10 the sons of kush siba and havilah sapta reyama and septeka the sons of rhema of rayama sheba and didan the sons of kush siba and havilah then it says in verse 29 shems line it says and joktan who comes from shem begat almadad and and and and then and javila two havilas established in the same territory i'm not sure if this map is prepared for us but there is a map of ham and shems spaces ham and shim spaces that i want you to try and note if it is prepared for us in this space you can see where their names and their nations were settled and right on the cusp of africa and right in the heart of the middle east you have hams havilah and shems javila now if i could ask for us to go back if you would to the to the lineage of noah and when you look at noah's lineage if you would place that picture on the screen it is noah's lineage to shem ham and japheth and the families that they come from and so here you have noah and you have shem's family shem's family is the hebrew family of the arabic family you have ham's family and ham's family is the african family the afro-asian family and the afro-indian family and then you have japheth's family which is the european family or the northern family these three boys the bible says the whole earth was overspread the whole earth was populated from these three and these three are the progenitors of these groups or nations tribes or clans which have become cultures people and races and so we have shem based on the names of his children archaeologically and geographically we trace them back to see they are hebrew eber's children and they're also arabic and so we also see hams african tracing the names back african afro-asian and afro-indian and japheth european and northern these are those names now here is the significance of that two of these boys lines ham and shem the hebrew line and the african line the hebrew line and the african line intermarried and we know that intermarriage happened that intermingling in marriage happened because both of these lines produced a havilah and both of these lines produced a sheba let's take a look here is what is said in dr steven ricks and dr dean friedman in the anchor yale bible dictionary in the anchor yale bible dictionary here it mentions and notes the double occurrence of the name sheba in genesis 10 7 and 10 28 represent interrelated tribes and indicates that the israelites viewed sheba as related to themselves and to the people of africa the israelites viewed sheba as related to themselves and the people of africa there is this interconnection of these two tribes two lines two races two peoples where there is hamidic and there is shamitic so there is hebrew and african intertwined and the scriptures bear this out you'll see it in genesis 10 7 ham's line it says and the sons of riyama sheba and dan and in genesis 10 28 shem's line you see it in verse 28 the sons of shem obaal and abimel and it says and sheba and ofer and havilah and job all these were the sons of jocton from shem you have two names now why is the name significant the names are extremely significant because they demonstrate the intermarriage of the tribes in in this time there was the practice of inter-tribal marriages or what is called patrilateral marriages and a patrilateral patrilineal marriage is whenever uh one tribe marries into another tribe and they marry their own cousin because ham and shem are brothers they're brothers and so their children would have been cousins and cousin brides was very common in that time because of the smallness of the tribes cousin bribes were very common when a cousin bride was done it was called patrilateral or patrilineal and the responsibility of maintaining the bloodline of the father of the bride becomes necessary because the daughter of that particular father could not give seed to his name so his seed had to pass from one family line to the other family line of the son that was being married from the other family that's called patra lateral marriages and so this is the blending of two clans or two tribes together and it is very critical that when this blending happens that this blending happens at the saving of the seed identified by a name by a name i want you to see what this looks like in uh on on the screen and so you have these two family lines shem and ham two sons of noah ham is father of the cushites the africans the black people and shem is father of eber or the children of eber the children of hebrews or the hebrew people and here you have ham who has a son cush and he has a son sheba and i've named i've labeled sheba here sheba senior and i'll explain why in just a moment and the sons are listed in all genealogies but not the daughters the daughters are not listed but we know they had daughters but the daughters don't get listed because it is a patrilineal or a father lateral system of marriage and so sheba had a daughter obviously who was not listed in the text who must have married joktan joktan who is the son of eber the son of arafaxit the son of shem joktan has this this marriage with sheba's daughter and the name of sheba's daughter's father is given to joktan's son now the way we do it is we give the name of our father to the son and so the name of the father goes directly to the son and a patrol patrilateral in a patrilateral uh marriage the name of the grandfather or the father of the bride goes to the son the son of the marriage and so the son takes on his grandfather's name i want you to see this according to dr alice c linsley dr alexey linsley who has studied uh archaeological biblical archaeology or biblical anthropology for 35 years and in her studies in nilo saharan and sahara nubian context of all of abraham's ancestors she says sons were named after the mother's paternal lineage and so the son is named after the mother's paternal lineage or the father of the bride sons were named after the mother's paternal lineage in cases of intertribal marriage to preserve the lineage of the fathers of the marrying tribe and since the daughter could not produce seed so then the bloodline would stop so the bloodline transfers over to the other tribe and so it says and this blends the resources the internal social status of the bride's paternal line with the groom's paternal line this made the immediate family line stronger within the bonds of the clan and so if you put this picture back up for me please you'll see that noah his two sons ham and shem produce two different lines one line is african the other line is jewish or hebrew it says cush father sheba sheba had obviously a daughter because we see the transfer of sheba's name to shem's clan the transfer of sheba's name to shem's clan says that shem's clan must have married into ham's clan therefore this unnamed daughter would have married the father of sheba whom i call junior and the father of sheba junior jocton gives to the child the name of the bride's father who is sheba that's how shebas are mentioned in two different lines and two different clans which would say which would mean that this would happen not only once but it happened again because there are two havilas in the clans so there are two avilas so there is again patrilateral or patrilineal marriage when this patrilateral marriage takes place you have an avila in the shem clan and havilah in the ham clan there is an african javila there is a hebrew havilah there is an african sheba there is a hebrew sheba you have the connections of the two do you understand what this means do you understand what this means that there would not be a pure hemetic line or a pure shemetic line that the two lines would interwove and interchange with each other so there is this brotherhood there is this connection between the african line and the jewish line there is a connection between the two by intermarriage by blood jesus would have in him he is hebrew he is jewish jesus as jewish as hebrew would have in him the blood of shem and the blood of ham jesus would have in him the hebrew jesus would have in him the blood of shem and ham the blood of sheba from ham then sheba from shem and havilah from ham and havilah from shem the two lions would marry together and inner wove and inner weave together in their particular existence and so we see that this is further discussed and you can look these up if you jot them down you're welcome to do that in the ethnographic atlas a summary written by dr george p murdock of the university of pittsburgh in his ethnographic atlas he confirms this as well as consanguinity in context consanguinity is a fancy word that's from a latin prefix it simply means with blood or of the same blood or within the same blood the hebrews and the african within the same blood and this is written by dr alan h bittles from cambridge university press don't let anyone tell you if you are a person of color that you don't belong in the lineage of the hebrews or in the lineage of christ or you have adopted christianity as your religion that it's not it's not authentically yours it's not originally yours it is originally yours by all means because you have the same blood lineage that comes from christ is this seen any deeper it is it is very quickly if you'll come with me to genesis 25 in genesis 25 we'll find the sheba ites and the kushites have a connection to someone named katura and katura is abraham's second wife abraham's second wife katura come please to genesis 25 and verse number one says then again abraham abraham took a wife and her name was katura now this is not sarah sarah has died abraham gets married again abraham gets married again at about 120 years old that's a blessing 120 years old and he's still going strong he's still getting married he gets married again after sarah's death and she buried him and look at the children that katura bears abraham and let's see if these names have any connection with any nations or kingdoms and so it says and she bear him zimram and jokshan and meadan and midian and ishbak and shua now that's six boys abraham had eight children we know abraham as having two children isaac and ishmael whenever you're taught about abraham you're taught about isaac and ishmael they're taught about isaac as the promised child ishmael as the rejected child that's all you're taught we are not taught that abraham had six more children and abraham wants to be the father of many nations two is not many he is the father of at least eight different nations who who are the progenitors of peoples on the earth abraham is the father of many nations there are many more nations that are abrahamic under katura than there are under sarah that he has more abrahamic nations under katura than he does under sarah so here it says that he had six other boys it says that one of those boys whose name was jochen verse three and jackson begat sheba and didan there is another sheba another sheba and the dan have you seen those names before in the previous list we've given if you see a name in one clan and a name in a different clan it represents an inner marriage in genesis chapter 4 and 5 do this in your spare time in genesis chapter 4 and in genesis chapter 5 you have two lineages the lineage of cain and the lineage of seth you have two lineages a lineage of chain and the lineage of seth as you read through these bunch of names there's a whole bunch of names long names you can't pronounce read the names and look at the interchange look at the crossover look at the interchange the interchange of keynes line and seth's line keynes line seth's line they interchange to the names become much the same and so here we see the same thing happening with katura in the 18th century some writers believe that katura was the ancestor of many african peoples and explained the similarities between african and jewish customs and many of the customs in africa were extremely similar to the customs in in in in israel that many of the customs in israel or the jewish people were very similar the customs in africa there was this similarities of the customs not all of them but many of them why why well this would be known because there is a clear representation that abraham would have instructed his children so much so that in one of his sons whose name is midian one of katura's boy's name is midian please don't forget that name it's in genesis 25 and verse 2 one of his son's name is midian midian is a place where a famous man lived a man named jethro who was moses's father-in-law we now jump up some 250 years we're jumping forward hundreds of years and here we now have midian who's not a person anymore he's an entire tribe and in exodus chapter 2 in verse 15 here's what it says now when pharaoh heard this thing that moses had killed one of his egyptian soldiers he sought to kill moses but moses fled from the face of pharaoh and moses dwelt in the land of midian and sat down by a whale he dwelt in the land of midian we know exactly where that land is because midian is also the land where the mountain of god is located the mountain of god the mount horeb on the mountain of god is where moses saw the burning bush the burning bush speaking to him where god reveals to moses his name here you have god so in love with midian with one of katura's children's lineage that he puts his own mountain in midian's backyard and here we have it says now now this is what gets me the priest of midian the what the priest the priest of midian nidian has a priest had seven daughters and they came to draw water and fill the throat their troughs to water to water their father's flock and the shepherds came and drove them away and but moses helped them and watered their flock and when they came to ruel another name for jethro when they came to jethro their father he said how is it that you are come so soon today and they said and listen what they said an egyptian delivered us out of the hand of the shepherds remember miseriam egypt that's in ham's line but she said moses was an egyptian because she could not tell the difference between shems line and ham's line they looked the same that he looked egyptian now i know that you're used to seeing charlton heston as moses i know you're used to seeing ramses and all of the uh all the great stories of the bible on tv and they're all depicted in romanized european uh skin color but that is not that is not biblical that is not accurate that is not archaeological that is not historical that is not scientific that is not theological that is not the truth that this ham line and shim line egypt is in ham not in japheth in ham ham and shim's line were so close that jethro's daughter could not distinguish was he egyptian or was he hebrew she could not distinguish between the two she says an egyptian delivered us under the hand of the shepherds and also drew water enough for us to water the flock and he said unto his daughters where is he why have you left the man call him that he may eat bread with us moses was content to dwell with the man and the man jethro gave moses zipporah his daughter to mary now the question is did jethro did jethro have knowledge of jehovah before moses learned of him in the burning bush as well as in the wilderness before the giving of the law did he have knowledge of jehovah before moses got the revelation of him being i am here's my answer you ready please listen yes absolutely jezreel knew about jehovah we know this because he's part of abraham's lineage and here's why god called abraham you see it in genesis 18 and verse 17 and the lord said shall i hide from abraham that thing that i do seeing that abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him now here's what god says about abraham for i know that he will command his children and his household after him and they shall keep the way of the lord to do justice and judgment that the lord may bring upon abraham all that he has spoken of him that he says i know abraham will command his children to keep the ways of the lord what children not just one not just two all eight of his children all eight of abraham's children he says abraham would command them to keep the ways of the lord that would be isaac ishmael that would also be obal and that would be didan and that would be all of his children including mira and midian and midian is the child that jethro is in the lineage of so he was commanded and passed down and passed down and passed down knowledge of jehovah knowledge of jehovah knowledge of jehovah to these african tribes to these african people the knowledge of jehovah is passed down passed down passed down and it falls in midian's hands so much so that when moses goes up to the mountain to chase after the sheep he finds by accident he finds the burning bush moses hears the lord calling him from the bush and moses responds to him and he doesn't respond who art thou baal or who art thou asteroth one of the gods of egypt or one of the pagan gods of the lands he says who are you lord moses mentions who are you lord he recognizes that this must be the god that jethro had been telling me about it took 40 years 40 years to get egypt out of moses to get egypt out of moses 40 years and whenever he stands before this burning bush he is now ready to receive from jehovah the true and living god hear me very clearly jehovah says to moses i'm going to tell you something that i have not told jethro that i didn't even tell abraham i have not shared with abraham isaac or jacob or any of those of his children i've not shared my name with any of them moses i'm going to give you my name and he tells him his name his name yahweh his name i am that i am he gives him the name now hear me clearly listen very carefully this is done right in the backyard of an african tribe and so we see that this jethro who is not only son of abraham or in the lineage of abraham but he is also a priest who sacrifices not to a pagan god in exodus chapter 18 and verse number 9 through 12. i'll skip down to verse number 12. and jethro moses's father-in-law took a burnt offering and sacrifices for god and aaron came and all the elders of israel to eat bread with moses as father-in-law before god right at the mountain before god here you have jethro sacrificing as a priest before god now listen carefully if jethro was a priest then what order does he come from all priests must have an order there has to be an order a line a successive line of priests what order it can't be aaron's order or the levitical priesthood because it hasn't been established yet it hasn't been established this predates the levitical priesthood this is right after egypt right after the red sea this is before the wilderness right in that medium medium point where did jethro's priesthood come from there's only one other order that exists before jethro and that is the order of melchizedek that is the only other order this figure melchizedek that is mentioned in the book of genesis in genesis it talks about melchizedek coming to abraham right in genesis chapter 18 coming to abraham right after the slaughter of these kings this major battle that took place abram goes and he fights against these kings and he defeats these kings and he rescues lot from them when he rescues lot and all the people taken captive he brings them back and then comes melchizedek with bread and wine prefiguring the communion of the lord jesus christ that we just finished taking in this service he comes with bread and with wine and he blesses abram the bible says in psalm 110 verse 4 that jesus christ is a priest he says the lord has sworn and will not repent that you are a priest forever after the order of melchizedek not the order of levi but the order of melchizedek you're a priest after the order of a canaanite priest melchizedek we learn from the book of hebrews chapters five and six in verse six we learned that melchizedek is promised as this as this priest whom christ prefigures and whom christ rather is under the order of he prefigures jesus christ that christ is in the order of a priest who comes from a canaanite community who was given a lineage through which a midianite priest would offer a sacrifice not through levi now hear me very carefully the hebrews are god's chosen people but not chosen because they're special not chosen because they're unique and not chosen because they're godly they're chosen for the purpose of expressing the true nature and character and identity of jehovah to the world that in abraham all the nations of the earth might be blessed and the character of jehovah expressed to the world to mankind is seen mediated through a new covenant through jesus christ and jesus christ is the mediator of that covenant that covenant cut with the children of eber the hebrews and a covenant cut with the children of shem and japheth all the nations of the world blessed through jesus christ that is the breaking and the sealing of the covenant we have a great lineage we have a masterful lineage in christ never allow anyone to make you feel if you are a person of color to make you think that you don't belong in the christian faith that this bible was not written with you in mind that you're nowhere in here that this is a roman or a european scripture what i've given you today should at least spark you to investigate am i in this text is this written about my lineage is this written with regards to who i am and if it is why is that why is that pastor africans have gone through so much so have hebrews so if hebrews are two diasporas in this world african diaspora and the hebrew diaspora we both have suffered much [Music] why why because we teach the world how to be faithful in suffering we teach the world the very character and nature of our christ that he suffered faithfully that the nature of christianity is to suffer we are not bitter and we are not angry stop saying this angry black man we're not bitter we're not angry we're proud we're proud we have a sense of dignity a sense of honor a sense of heritage that even when stripped from us by roman popes and roman emperors even when denied from us by latin and spanish mercenaries as well as latin and spanish explorers even when taken and robbed from us by slave traders by those who would enslave our kind even when tried to be stamped out by a holocaust yet we rise from the ashes we rise just as our savior did he rose after they crucified him he got up out of the grave with all power in his hands that is your heritage father i thank you that you have spoken to us [Music] you have made clear that there is a space and a place that we fit in your redemptive plan we are not stepchildren of yours we're not other we're not those who don't belong father people of color in africa people of color in america people of color in india people of color china people of color in the orient people of color in south america people of color all around the globe have a stake in this faith and we give you praise for it in jesus name take the words i've said translate them into the hearts of your people so that long after this message is finished they will hear you and not me in jesus name amen and a man again well the lord bless you my time is so far up so far up thank you for allowing me this extra time today to complete this series i am ethiopian do me a favor if you'd like to investigate the claims of our of christ and who he is what jesus says about his salvation simply go to our website and you can click on our zoom connection room and there are ministers and leaders waiting now to share with you about jesus christ and to help you see who he is in reality i'd also like to invite you if you would if you're interested in joining our church of being a part of our church family all you got to do is click on that link that's being placed in the chat room now it'll take you to that very same connection zoom room and you'll be able to meet a leader to ask about church membership either to join our church or to give your life to christ it can be done in either space in either spot thank you so much for allowing me this time to birth this baby and to help you see what i've been studying and what the scriptures have been teaching that not many of us have seen to the only wise god our father be majesty dominion and power now and for ever more in jesus name amen and amen again i'll see you in the morning for morning prayer at 7 00 a.m eastern time i love you guys god bless bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: New Life Decatur
Views: 2,876
Rating: 4.9506173 out of 5
Keywords: Black History, Africa, Bible, Pastor Harris, New Life Church, Bible Study, African American, People of Color, Church, Marlin Harris
Id: i0CSHcuvumE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 30sec (6510 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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