"I Am BIG Time Okay!" - First Date Scene | Anyone But You (Sydney Sweeney)

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excuse [Music] me [Music] sorry hi uh where's your bathroom for customers only oh okay I'll I'll buy something you got to pay up there can I just go now I really have to PE I've got a large cappuccino for Skyler thanks um I also can well no I I know that uh establishments that serve food or drink must be open to the public regardless of their purchasing class sorry it's our policy store policy can't really supersede state law please it's an emergency caramel latte from Miranda a honey about to order do you want your usual uh my wife would like a double espresso although you've had trouble sleeping lately right babe maybe we should back it off to a single you kept the light on to like midnight last night I did didn't I yeah so maybe I'll just have a peppermint tea with Two Sugars thanks husband oh and the bread it's grilled cheese night and she is part of the purchasing class so can we get the bathroom key thank you thank you that was really nice happy too you know a lot about bathroom law it was a short chapter thank you oh I'll have your tea waiting for for you can't leave my wife oh okay that's great I will see you on the other side of hie I just met this guy and I don't know was something well I know it's been a while but I'm pretty sure he bought me a tea and then he might have just stolen my coat but what do I do I don't know this is the time that I'm supposed to be meeting people doing things H I got to call you back God damn it [Music] are you okay big time I am uh I'm big time okay I just PE for like the last 6 hours and I just started this new internship and I I I didn't want to ask anyone where the bathroom was cuz I didn't want them to think I was a weak and not a problem solver okay and by the way it is not deep to ask for the bathroom is every human does it it's very very normal [Music] yeah [Music] peppermint tea Two Sugars thank you and thanks for uh not stealing my coat oh I oh hey um you so are you going to ask me out now yeah yeah I am I'm Ben and [Music] be so if we were getting attacked by giant spiders you would not be able to protect us no no you you'd be dead you let me die I'm not going to let you die I'm just going to survive I'm sorry you're right you're right you're right I was a gymnast gymnast yes for like 5 years I got like six place on be sixth place yes got a ribon I'm impressed everybody [Music] ribon all right wait to cool down you just saw me take it off the burning stove oh my God if you're going to be a lawyer you got to understand negligence and breach and McDonald's versus that ladies tus Corpus you use none of those terms properly how do you know you're not a lawyer yet it's not too late to choose a more noble profession oh like you you're right take with it I'm going to need a lawyer at some point I don't even know if I want to be a lawyer I cannot believe I just said that out loud I'm sorry my life is a disaster right now might be turning the corner you just met me or I might end up in a suitcase I look at this place looks like every serial killer reenactment documentary why do you have a giant wrench okay it wouldn't be a suitcase it' be a carryon cuz you're 0t tall and my mom gave me that she said no matter how broken something is there's always a way to fix it I'm sorry I don't know why I'm talking to you about my mom right now all right then tell me about that that mhm is a long story everybody survived [Music] great why you want to [Music] leave
Channel: Clips & Chill
Views: 17,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2023, Alexandra Shipp, Anyone But You, Glen Powell, Sydney Sweeney, anyone, anyone but you clips, anyone but you movie clips, australia, clip, clips and chill, couple, film, first date, love, movie, movie clip, movie clips, movie scene, movie scenes, romance, scene, wedding, you
Id: Sbw6aViKESs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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