I Am BC // Andy Stanley

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as you might imagine I get a lot of letters a lot of emails and I have kind of an interesting history with email because when my kids are little we didn't have family devotions I would just bring home emails and read them to my kids at dinner mostly emails were sin messed up somebody's life and then Jesus saved them and I would say listen it was scented this guy right here and then I would sometimes exaggerate just a little bit but anyway you know so an email is interesting and so but I get some amazing amazing stories hundreds through the years of just these incredible stories and I just wanted to read one to you today to just start our time off and I gotta set this up we have an environment most of you know about called inside out it meets on Sunday afternoons and inside outs about two-hour event for high school students at all of our campuses and we have thousands of high school kids involved all over the city and we have this buckhead of course and the way it works the students show up there's about you know twenty minutes thirty minutes of teaching and music and fun and then they divide up into small groups because we think circles are better than rows and this story begins with a ninth grade group and the leader was a guy named Nolan and Nolan starting his group and some of our leaders walked in and introduced him to a young man named Brady and he said Brady's gonna be a part of your group and clearly Brady did not want to be there and Brady rarely showed up for small group and then four years later Brady's mom wrote Nolan the small group leader this letter it went an email this was an actual letter and I just want to read it to you so real quick Brady is the student Nolan is the small group leader and as part of the routine of inside out we do some overnights with our leaders and with the kids that you know to build relationships that's where this story begins dear Nolan I know that hearing the past four years even though you have spent countless hours with my son Brady we have not had many interactions in spite of that I feel this massive sense of admiration and gratitude towards you and I wanted to make sure you knew how grateful as his mother I really am Nolan I still remember the day we dropped Brady off at your parents house for a sleepover that we pretty much had to force Brady to attend and put some context on this by the time this happened Nolan the small group leader is 24 years old and he's married his wives 23 and so they borrowed Nolan's parents house because it was a larger house so they could have this sleepover with this group that day really I believe began the journey of the lasting impression that you Nolan and Alex your co-leader and the rest of the young men in your small group would be the small group would with God would use to open up and pry open my kids hearts what you didn't know was that I had just dropped off a ticking time bomb that I hoped would never explode I was the parent with the kid that was painfully shy quiet and carrying a boatload of issues that he had done nothing at all to deserve I was the single mother at her wits end hoping and praying that you would be the one who could break through to my son what we began to see in Brady from that day forward was nothing short of a miracle the kid who literally would act out emotionally and throw massive temper tantrums would begin to learn how to open up and express what he was feeling and what he was carrying he would begin to learn what it meant to be accountable for his actions the meaning of Brotherhood loyalty honor and the foundations of what it means to be a godly man Brady was failing in school he was in deep grief and depression over his dad leaving our home a few years earlier and he was in the midst of a hormonal crisis puberty God began to create a safe place through your small group where Brady could work out all those things the group made such an impression this is amazing the group made such an impression that we decided to move so that he could spend more time with the kids in the small group that meant paying $400 more in rent every month and new schools for both Brady and his little brothers but it was a sacrifice I was willing to make because I knew that if I was obedient and trusted God to provide that he would work the rest out statistics say that my son should not be where he is today he chances of being a high school dropout incarcerated or a victim of crime were dramatically increased by things he had no control over I believe God is faithful to take care of babies and fools he was our baby in the midst of some adults making some foolish choices last night I had the pleasure I've read this about 12 times so I could get through this one line so let me rush through it last night I had the pleasure of watching Brady graduate and defy those statistics I watched him walk across the stage with his small group get handed his diploma by Principal who loves God while many parents from our church cheered him on now that is what I call the epitome of coming out of a row into a circle to experience the beauty of community Thank You Nolan I can never repay the time love wisdom and kindness that you have invested in my child thank you for making the choice to so four years into my boy your investment has not returned void please know that your choice to step up and be brave and to serve in this way will be returned to you one day over and over because one day soon you will be the parent and you will hand your children over to someone who has made the choice that you have and I pray that God returns a harvest and blessing that you cannot contain job well done Nolan I can truly say that I am a satisfied customer may the grace peace and blessings of God be with you and your family Brady's mom this is a picture of Nolan and his group of small group his small group at the beach an event we do the walk this is Nolan right here this is Nolan and his wife Carrie and their little baby Colton for 23 years for 23 years I've had a ringside seat because I get to see what's happening in all of our churches and all of our campuses and what's going on around the country because of what you do but specifically here at Buckhead Church I've had a ringside seat to see literally hundreds of folks who have engaged with the mission and the vision of our church and who have invested in kids and young kids old kids middle school kids high school kids college kids who've invested in their home and adults men and women who are far from God men and women with extraordinarily difficult questions men and women who are willing to sit in the circle and starting-point and answer whatever question comes up and deal with whoever walks in the door and the life change is absolutely extraordinary and it's very personal for me not because I'm a pastor it's very personal for me because I have three children and all they know is this church and all they know are these environments and Bradys mom stole a line from me I say all the time Sandra and I are thoroughly satisfied customers and here's what I know some of you wish those of you who are part of our church are part of our campuses somewhere in the country or here at buckhead Church you know that your life perhaps would be different and that perhaps your life would be better if you'd had similar environments if you had a Noland in your life or somebody like his wife Kerri in your life who had plugged into you as a middle schooler who had partnered with your parents or your parent as you were navigating difficult times if you'd had a church like this you would have skipped some decisions you wish you could go back and unmake you would skip some relationships you wish you had never initiated that perhaps your life would be different and the reason is because from the very outside outset we didn't set out to just create another church Atlanta did not need another church in fact we broke with just about every single Church tradition we knew on purpose to create a different kind of church a church that was relationally driven that it wasn't driven just by preaching and singing and preaching and singing and more preaching and more singing we didn't just want giant groups of people that came and went without knowing their name we know that circles really are better than rows and we know that life change happens person by person relationship by relationship so from the very beginning set out to create what we called irresistible environment and we were very specific we defined them what is an irresistible environment we said we wanted there to be a place for everybody and here's how we defined it we wanted to create appealing settings that's why we build the buildings we build while we decorate them the way we do while we keep them upgraded and why we want it to be comfortable we wanted there to be engaging communication not just stalkers and not just teachers and not just preaching but if we're gonna put somebody in front of a child we wanted the children to lean in if we put somebody in front of middle schoolers who want the middle schoolers to lean in if somebody's gonna sing they have to actually be able to sing if we're gonna hand somebody a guitar they have to actually know how to play it that whatever we did we wanted it to be engaging because we want to engage people and not waste their time and not give people an opportunity to put a check in the box because I went to church this month right and we said the content has to be helpful so with all of our communicators where there's children middle school high school college small groups our curriculum the preaching the teaching we always ask the question do people know what to do with what they just heard this has to be helpful because here's what we know doing is what makes all the difference hearing doesn't make any difference doing this what makes the difference and for too long people have been raised in churches where they heard information they didn't know what to do with it so we decided no at every level in this organization the content has to be healthy because at the end of the day a healthy Church a church that makes a difference in lives and makes a difference in the community it's not about me it's not about a talking head in fact the idea of a talking head is just kind of gross this is something that should be in a horror movie right but maybe it was that idea that gave Paul and idea that he would then roll out to the church and chorus to say hey if you want the church to work if you want your church to work if you want the church to be what the church was intended to be here's one way of thinking about it and if you're new to church or new to our church the Apostle Paul was the first church planter and he went around to cities around the Mediterranean rim and planted churches in from a dominantly Gentile areas and here's something we can't even begin to imagine once upon a time there was no Church once upon a time there were no churches some of you wish there still weren't you know you got to sleep later today right once upon a time there were no church that the Jewish people had synagogues that they would gather in during the week sometimes but certainly on the Sabbath pagans they just went to the temple whenever they needed something there wasn't a day of worship there was no routine and suddenly these little these little gatherings of Christians of Gentiles and Jews all around the Mediterranean room they began to come together generally on Sunday afternoons or Sunday nights because something wasn't a holiday and they were they weren't worshipping on the Sabbath that was the Jewish day they worship the first day of the week to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and they begin to gather together and the Apostle Paul would start them and he would visit them and he would write to them and as he looked at these healthy gatherings of Jesus followers they didn't call him churches the word church was the word that should have never appeared in the Greek excuse me in our English New Testaments that's a story for another day because the eckle Asya the Greek word the ekklesia that Jesus came to create was an assembly it was a movement it was a gathering of people it was never intended to be about a building it was never intended to be about a place it was always about people he said I will build my gathering I will build my assembly I will build my congregation and nothing is gonna stop it so the Apostle Paul began to gather these Christians together in these little gatherings these Ecklie see us and he watched him and he decided to give him a word picture as to what it was to gather and maybe it was the talking head idea that gave him this idea because here's here's what he wrote if you grew up in church or been around church you've heard this before he said this he said now you are the body of Christ to which we should ask you who and he answers that and each one of you that's who you are the body of Christ you you've heard this before that the church is the hands and feet of Jesus this is where this comes from that when Jesus left he left people who were his followers he said now I want you to go all over the world and I want you to teach them what I've taught you and I want you to gather in my name and when you gather together in my name I'm gonna be there in the midst of you and the Apostle Paul said let me put some hands and feet on that when you gather as a church when you gather as a congregation you are as close to any one is ever going to get to being in the presence of Jesus I'm not Jesus you're not Jesus but together we're as close as the world will ever understand what the body of Christ or the presence of Christ looks like he says the church ever single gathering of people that call themselves a church you are for that community for that town for that city for that neighborhood you are like the body of Christ and you are now the body of Christ that each one of you is a part of it that every single Christian whether you're participating or not every single Christian every single Jesus follower is by nature and by the nature of the fact they put their faith in Christ they are automatically a part that Jesus followers and this is where the illustration gets really interesting Jesus followers are actually body parts none of us are the whole thing but we're all parts of a body not just a talking head a whole body then he goes on and he says this is this just as a body though one there's only one body has many parts we all know that there are many parts but all of its many parts form one body and if Paul was teaching this I think he would lean in at this part and say am I going too fast for you to which we say no I'm pretty sure most of us knew that before we got here right that I have one body but I have lots of parts my hand is not a body my foot is not a body my arm is not a body in fact if you take this amazing thing called my hand and cut it off and set it on the stage it's not it's just gross it's awful in fact years ago I'll share this with you years ago and when I didn't know what I was doing and I tried to use visual aids that no one should use I I discovered you cannot rent or buy body parts to use in a sermon as a visual aid I tried this okay because I had some friends who works at the CDC and I'm like I thought I'd seen too many movies I thought I bet they just have shelves and shelves of body parts inflam aldehyde and I'll just rent a few and put them on the stage and cover them up and when I get to this part in the sermon and say hey you remember the body of Christ and if you're not functioning and if you've detached yourself this is what you look like you know but you can't rent or buy body parts you go to prison for that so I learned that but I was not to be deterred so we bought some rubber hands and some rubber feet and some rubber body parts and we kind of grossed them up and we put them in jars of something yellow that looked like from aldehyde and I brought him and put him in the suburban to the service and covered him up and I got that part of the sermon I said hey you know this is what you know if you're a part of the body of Christ and you're not functioning and you've detached yourself from the body this is what you look like and two or three people on the front row almost passed out it was so gross so just use your imagination but not too much of your imagination but this is his point is that if you're a Christian whether you signed up for this or not you are a part of this body you're a part of a local body and you know for those of you and I get this I really do you know people say well I don't need 10 shares I don't need to be a part of your talking worship God at home that's true you can worship God at home you cannot function in a body as a body at home because you're not the whole body unless you think you're Jesus but we'll talk about that some other time now this next part I mean this is kind of the obvious part there's one body many parts and you know so it is with Christ or the body of Christ this next part kind of goes over our heads because we don't understand and we can't even begin to emotionally get our minds or hearts around what was going on in 1st century Greek culture Greek and Roman and Jewish culture but there are parallels in our culture the problem is I don't know what they are for you so I'll just read what Paul said and then you contextualize it for yourself he said this he said for we all of us who were part of the church were all baptized and he wasn't talking about physical baptism necessarily he's talking about identifying he says we've all identified with one spirit the same God the same Jesus the same speed in other words we're all kind of part of this one thing so as to form one body they're like okay yeah we're one body but this is the part that was kind of the freak out he said this whether Jews or Gentiles no no no no no no no policy Paul you're a Jew you understand what I'm about to say okay I get Jesus has done something and God's done something new and I'm okay if the Gentiles join us and become part of our body but I'm not gonna become part of their body because they don't understand we're Jews we got all the covenants we got Moses we got Moses yes we do we got Moses so we got Moses we got the covenants we got the Old Testament the law of the prophets and gotten Jesus was Jewish so I get that maybe we get the Gentiles to join us and we'll start some new version of Judaism but this whole thing of us stepping out of Judaism to join something new we we just can't do that the Jews were like Gentiles were like you're right we can't do that because you won't even let me come to your home you won't even let my kids play in your yard I say what happens you come by and you say hi and you're so polite but you stand outside the gate and every time I invite you into my home you've got some excuse cuz I know you're gonna get Gentile cooties so Paul no there's not going to be one new body between the Jews and the Gentiles there's too much different we don't eat their food they want to eat our food they won't let it or they won't date our daughters we don't want to date their daughters to get all these weird customs so now this is there's never going to be one body of Jews and Gentiles but once upon a time there was a group of Jews and Gentiles who understood that God had done something new in the world and they set down some of their differences so they could do something that had never been done before I don't know who the people are that you don't like I don't know the who the people are that's like yeah but not if they're they're not if they're gonna show up I don't know who those are for you but it gets even worse for the first century audience he says slave or free okay Paul what world do you live in okay Paul I don't even make eye contact with my slaves they're not allowed to make eye contact with me Paul I mean we you know we like some of our slaves more than others but slaves are here today and gone tomorrow Paul I mean you know how it is in our household we go about our business as if they are invisible they are in visible people it's like they're not even there I mean their property and you're telling me that somehow in this new assembly this new congregation this new thing that God has done that the owners and the owned are gonna function together as one body are you kidding and my friends this simple idea began to topple the world 2,000 years ago and it is still toppling to this day and it's not because we're Americans and we know better it's not because we're Westerners and we know better because as you know once upon a time in this country we didn't seem to know better but this whole idea of equality and dignity found within the context of a church is 2,000 years old and it started here and Paul said now you're gonna have to get over some of that because in the body every body is a part and everybody has a part to play even so he says even so the body is not made up of one part case in point the body isn't the talking head or the talking heads not one part but he says but many in other words the local church this local church Buckhead Church it's not about one of us and you know this it's about all of us it can't possibly be about one of us it's about all of us them he doesn't been really interesting he takes this analogy to a whole nother level and he begins to illustrate one of the problems going on in the church in Corinth and instead of just kind of getting in their face about it he uses the same analogy to illustrate what was going on with them because they had some dysfunction in the church in Corinth if you've read first Corinthians you bump into that pretty quickly so he kind of sneaks up on him with this idea here's what he says now he's so smart now if the foot should say yeah imagine if your foot started talking yeah I mean that's the whole point it says supposed to be humorous now if the foot should say now if the foot should say because I am NOT a hand I do not belong to the body it would not for that reason stop being part of the body if the foot should say you know what hands are way way way more important and so I you know since I'm not a hand and I you know the hands kind of get all the attention you cover me up ninety percent the time and as you get older you should cover me up a hundred percent at the time so I I'm not a hand so I'm kind of out of here I'm not really I'm not really a part of the body because I'm just a foot he says with the foot quit being part of the body to which everybody goes know whether the foot likes being a foot or not the foots a foot the foots a part of the body to cut the foot off we already covered that just gets kind of gross right and if you cut the foot off the whole body suffers not just the foot and if the ear should say if the ear should say I mean if the ear started talking who would listen it's made that part up okay and if the ear should say because I'm not an eye I don't belong to the body it were not for that reason stop being part of the body I mean when you meet somebody you look into their eyes that's where you that's where you see the soul of a person you don't looking through their ears ears going like I'm Way over here I mean there's two of us but you got to I mean I'm not I'm not in good placement I mean you know what I'm not as important as the eye so I'm not part of the body Paul says even if here says it's not part of the body because it's not an eye it's still a part of the body his point is this is that you're a part and you've got a part to play that everybody's a part whether you like the partner not whether you think it's important or not everybody's got a part everybody is a part and everybody's got a part to play then he goes on to point out that every single part and we know this with our physical bodies that's why it's such a brilliant analogy that every single part in the body of Christ as in the physical body is necessary he says this he says the eye cannot say to the hand I don't need you if the I said to the hand I don't need you and the hand says well I'll remind you that tomorrow morning when you go to put your contacts in good luck with that no Sun in your eyes huh tough I just put myself in the pocket I'm good right got an eyelash in there hook got an eyelash huh work on that yourself right I mean if the I said of the hand I don't need the hand I mean we know that's just ridiculous right and if the head what about this and if the head cannot say to the feet I don't need you oh really well next time it starts raining I'm gonna stand you out there in it till you realize you do need me right you got to need a motor and got a headache I'm go there and get it yourself without us I mean it's just ridiculous right that every I mean you know this every single part of your body is dependent on the rest of the body and one of your part body parts has a problem the rest of your body goes into action I mean your body parts don't war with each other I'm not helping them you know let's not help you know know how it works right so here's what he says on the contrary those parts of the body that seems to be weaker those parts of the body that seem to get covered up all the time that no but he pays any attention to he said come on we know this and with our physical bodies they are indispensable and this is his point about our local body that everybody in the body is indispensable and every member of the body is a member of the body because a part of the body whether they're acting like a part or not I mean consider this bucket church we you know if you're like me you'll have the baptism stories and you know we baptize with kids and up street we baptize kids in transit we baptize kids and inside out we only baptize pretty much adults here because we baptize so many people it would just be baptizing all the time which we should probably do that sometime but we've we baptize all over the place and did you know every single baptism story the ones we cheer for and cry over and it's our friends or neighbors sometimes every single baptism story is the result not of a talking head there is it's the result of a body acting like a body because everyone has ever baptized at buckhead Church got invited by part of the body parked by part of the body greeted by part of the body escorted to up street or wamba land or transit by part of the body and their kids were taken care of by part of the body so they can come in here and be talked to by part of the body sung to by part of the body the lights went up and the lights went down and the audio works in the video work all because a whole bunch of body parts went together and did something extraordinary and at the end of the day body parts that don't even know the name of that particular potential body part impacted that person who becomes part of the body it happens all the time in churches all around the world in Paul saying I'm just telling you this is how it works I just don't want you to miss an opportunity to be a part of something you're already a part of I don't want you to miss the opportunity to take part and something that you were designed to be and invited to be a part of so back to Paulie wraps it up like this he says but God has put the body together in other words this was God's idea God has put the body together giving great your honor to the parts that lacked it so that so that there should be no division in the body but that its parts should have equal concern for each other again your parts of your physical body take care of the other parts of your physical body he says when I see a church that's hitting on all cylinders when I see a church that's really you know focused on what Jesus has called us to do in the community for the sake of this world in the world to come he says Wow there are no 10 collected parts there's certainly no unimportant parts because every single part is in dispensable and he concludes with the verse we started with so now you you you are collectively the body of Christ but each one of you individually is a part of it that you you you are the Buckhead church body of Christ and each one of you is part of it and here's the point of the message today we need some more of you to take part in it in fact we need hundreds more of you to take part in it to move forward to get ready for next fall to get ready for what we want to do in our community we we literally need several hundred of you who are already a part of the body to find your part and just begin functioning as a part of this local expression we need those of you who appreciate Buckhead Church to begin to participate in Buckhead Church we need you to be a somebody in this body we need you to be be see we need you to be be see like Tina green let me tell you about Tina I'll show you a picture Tina is a pediatric nurse she works the night shift at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta and after she's worked the night shift she drives over to Buckhead church to serve in one balloon and then she goes home and takes a nap every single Sunday she stays up all night doing extraordinarily important difficult work then she shows up here to serve one Blin this is John and Gloria Kemp Johnny Gloria I'm John is an ophthalmologist and Gloria is an attorney super busy folks but they show up every single week they've served here for four years in the app on the mornings to serve with middle school kids this is Steve Sapp Steve is actually an airline pilot and he books his flights to make sure he's back here on Sunday morning he's been known to take a red-eye so he can get here to show up and serve and Womble and he's been serving for six years this is Sara Haas Sara she's excited she has been volunteering this is amazing she's been served volunteering in transit for 12 years let me tell you why that's significant because the way we do our middle school and high school ministry and children's ministry is that we like to plug adults in when kids first join those environments and keep adults with them throughout so she has started with a group of sixth grade girls she stayed with him for sixth seventh and eighth grade then she started with another group of sixth grade girls stayed with him sixth seventh and eighth grade then she started with another group of sixth grade girls six seven eight she's on her fourth group she's been serving for 12 years this is Jake Thompson he's a high school senior he began serving in Womble in when he was in the sixth grade he has served for seven years this is Ashley Fay Ashley is a single mom she's a retirement systems analyst during the week she and her daughter Morgan show up and serve together just about every single Sunday this is brie Floyd brie serves and our guest services he's a guest services captain and wombling we have all kinds of roles in all these areas she's the mother of two and she drives over 40 minutes each way on a Sunday without traffic in order to get here early to serve our babies this is AJ Duquette he's a Transit group leader he's been serving for ten years in transit again he's a law librarian during the week but it means he's taking a group of sixth grade boys stay with him to the eighth grade went back got another group of sixth grade boys will serve with them to the eighth grade this is Andrew chop who serves in Womble and he's a guest services team on her guest services team there he served there for six years executive with chick-fil-a this is Michael Gabriel Michael Gabriel he works for MailChimp he works in IT for MailChimp a lot of you use MailChimp he's an up street group's director he's moved up with his womble end group he has served for ten years which means this he took a bet he took a group of little itty bitty kids and served them all the way through wombling and they're like we want you to be with us an up street he said sure so he jumped ship joined the up street team so he could continue to minister through this to the same group of kids now here's the deal those kids like many of the kids served by the people I've already talked about they will never forget these people and neither will their parents because we don't babysit we're not just doing Sunday school this is life on life this is relationship building during the most critical years of a kid's life this is you Jen Jun Chung scuse me you Jin Chen she's an inside-out I'm groups director she I'm had sixth grade she's that she's had a high school group that she's had since the sixth grade once again sixth seventh and eighth oh please stay with us 9th 10th 11th and 12 she's a graduate student she's in medical school studying in neuro biology that's who's pouring in some of our high school kids this is amber styles she's the chief compliance officer during the week at a company close by she's a one-ball and group leader she just had her third baby six months use me six weeks later she's back in Long Island with her baby serving our children this is my friend dr. Steve Franklin Steve is on the board of regents for the American University in Dubai he's a storyteller in Womble and you think you're busy this is destiny Dickens she's an assistant she's a student assistant at Georgia State University go Panthers she Hoover's to church every Sunday so she can be here to serve in this body this is Jason Holloman he's an insurance broker during the week a former Clemson football player works as volunteers as an inside out director every single Sunday afternoon with her high school boys this is Liu Barnhart who I've known for so many years she served and transit for ten years I got to go fast this is this is gonna blow your mind this is Tish dire Tish began with us at North Point Community Church they moved to Buckhead Church she has been serving in wombling for 20 years now I want you to think about this this is what she told us she said babies I rocked are volunteering in wombling that's what happens when you stick around for 20 years and this is my dear friend Jane Skelton she's an executive at Georgia primary bank she has also served the wall in Berlin for 20 plus years now here's a question what's wrong with these people do they not have a life do they not have any friends there's no one ever invite them to go anywhere or do anything do their kids not have activities in the afternoon maybe they did something really bad in their past and they're trying to regain God's love because they're trying to make up for something some sort of deficit because of some awful sin is that what this is no these are people who are part of a body and they found their part in the body and these are people who in the process discovered meaning they're making their lives a means to an end that goes beyond them and they like it and they look forward to it and speaking of that for just 35 seconds I would like all of you with an inbc t-shirt honor if you serve at any capacity at Buckhead Church would you just stand so that we can thank you for what you do to make this body so great would you look at that that's unbelievable okay so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna have to awkward minutes okay for some of you churches awkward the whole time but we're all gonna have to awkward minutes I'm gonna ask you if you wouldn't get your phones out I know this is awkward would just play long even if you're already a volunteer get your phones out men uncross your arms come on play along just get your phones out I mean I get that and in a minute I'm gonna infect you go ahead and do it now if you trust me if you don't trust me you can wait till I tell you what I'm gonna ask you to do I'm gonna ask all of you who are not currently serving at Buckett church but this is your church home this is you know when you people say where do you go to church you say buck heads I'm gonna ask you all to text inbc that means you don't put that in the number line you just put the number in the number part you put seven nine seven nine seven nine and you text it to inbc like that's the person you're texting so you're gonna text inbc to seven nine seven nine seven nine and for those of you who aren't gonna do it yet till I tell you why now I'll tell you why and then when you do that we're gonna immediately send you a link and while we're sitting here I want you to click on the link and the link is a survey that's gonna take two minutes in fact we're gonna do it put a timer up here cuz we're not gonna stay here all day two minutes and I'm gonna ask you to fill out the survey this information stays in this part of our world we're not using this to send you email or anything we just are gonna give you an opportunity to tell us a little bit about you and when you tell us a little bit about you we're gonna respond back to you this week to say hey if you want to be a part of this body or find your part in this body here are some suggestions based on what you told us about you okay when each part does its part amazing things happen we know that we just don't want you to miss that opportunity and we don't want to miss out on the opportunity of getting to know you because one of the best ways for big church to feel like your church is to serve and one of these incredible environments and it's serving with people like you that got us where we are today so we need everybody who appreciates buckhead Church to find a way to participate and you'll be glad you did and then one quick warning the warning is this what you what starts out as okay it may turn Sunday into your favorite day of the week because you're gonna meet some incredible people and you're gonna make a difference and you're gonna make a bigger difference than perhaps some of you ever thought you can make in the life of an individual or a group of people so thank you for trusting us with that information we will get right back to you and we want to help you take the next step into the life of Buckhead Church so that you can be a body part to find your place in the body there's going to be some staff at the studio on your way out if you have any questions about any of our ministry environments they would be happy to answer questions as you choose and as you make your decision I'll pray for us and then we'll go Father thank you for the body thank you for the members of the body who allowed me to get to where I am today I'm so grateful many of us have stories like that so give each of us wisdom to know what to do with what we just heard and then father give us the courage to do it and we pray this in the matchless name of Jesus our Savior and our Lord amen we'll see you next week starting a brand-new series don't forget daylight savings time have a great week you you
Channel: Buckhead Church
Views: 6,838
Rating: 4.7272725 out of 5
Keywords: Buckhead church, Andy Stanley Buckhead, North Point Community Church, North Point, NorthPoint, North Point Atlanta, Andy Stanley, AndyStanley, Andy Stanley church, Andy Stanley message, Andy Stanley sermons, North Point church, NPCC, North Point youtube, Andy Stanley YouTube
Id: mYHrBbKTpJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 46sec (2206 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2019
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