I Am Angus: Schaff Angus Valley

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shaf Angus Valle was homesteaded in 1902 by my great-grandfather and I would be our family would be the fourth generation on the ranch we've got an amazing a terrain for for beef cattle operation rolling hills on tremendous native grass our summers are almost a paradise for cattle but they do have to pay their dues in the winter with the cold weather we are actually located in the midst of a valley which provides some some ground to raise forage and crops for winter feeding and on the sides of the valley fairly hilly terrain which is outstanding range land for the livestock the very first Angus cattle that were registered were to come here in 1938 and my grandfather purchased a foundation set of heifers and nine of those nine of those cow families would still reside on the ranch today and comprise nearly nearly all the population of the cattle would stand back to nine to the original cow families that came here in 1938 we felt it was a privilege and a great opportunity to be able to support the foundation myself I started in the business at a young age and realize the importance of the new generation that's the future of debris and being able to in a small way help them that ensures the ongoing success of the breed and giving back to an organization and a breed of cattle that has been so wonderful to us very excited about the heifer her her lineage would would would be the emblem that family lineage which was initiated on the ranch in 1946 and that particular cow family is the most prolific family on the ranch and anda been an outstanding family for maternal value and performance the heifer herself is a full sister to a bull named international that would have been our records selling lot one bull in our sale in 2013 and a bull has made it to the pros and become one of the widely used and highly respected sires in the business the heifers dam would be a fifth consecutive generation Pathfinder cow she'll be turning 11 years old here in the spring and looks about like a five or six year old her grand Dam is nineteen years old and the oldest living cow on the ranch so the fertility and the longevity just the maternal productivity of that line of cattle has been has been outstanding and very confident this heifer will make a true foundation female to build a program around and utilizing that utilizing whatever the heifer would bring towards making our breed better and also giving the opportunity providing opportunity for young people to enter the business and have a chance of being successful angus producers really enjoy the opportunity to do something every day that i love doing it's in my blood i eat breathe and sleep angus that's what i've grown up with and it's what I'm passionate about and nothing more satisfying than seeing a Black Angus cow in the pasture and and the production and and the success that she's brought our family and our customers is very rewarding you
Channel: Angus TV
Views: 112,853
Rating: 4.8540144 out of 5
Id: lIU18UyTJ98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 19sec (259 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2015
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