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Diamond Queen haven't played this in a long time someone in the comments suggested it I'm running with it I like it let's keep the winning alive Diamond Queen we have $5,000 and a lucky 34 in the machine Diamond queen baby let's go need three of these for the bonus is the 34 cents in honor of Walter pton yes that's pretty sweet we got one we need three so you need three of those mystical diamond bonus things yep I think it say scattered so anywhere no it's 234 are you sure yeah oh the bonus yeah yeah it's 2 three4 oh and then the queen is wild oh bonus in the middle so the diamond Queen is just a symbol the word yeah the word Diamond Queen yeah it's the top symbol when we get the bonus we get we keep getting this in the middle every time that's what we need on the left side when we get the [Music] bonus notice that every time it's in the middle okay not this time very frequently it's in the middle it has been thus far yes do you think that was a coincidence or by Design I don't know was a it's a blocker there it is again 40 bucks back that's been our best result so far is money back oh and it's a scatter so you get the sure get too a lot pay yeah that's good though I like getting paid on two at least something for my trouble oh n 80 bucks and it's it's you win on it it's not just money back that's good right Harry Potter guy mystical bonus in the middle again oh come on oh I want to hear that noise three times so somebody requested this game yeah accidental fast span yep it was a wbg question of the day it was can you play diamond Queen I see it behind you in the video can you oh okay yeah it was it was a potential question of the day and then I guess Vegas Matt heard that and he liked it uh apparently so far I'm not liking it very much to Sando so far well you're still trying to protect your winning streak here so yeah har Wizards times three not good oh let's go Diamond Queen come on so the other day you talked about being a what' you say you narcissist no slot whis slot whisper something to do with with Annie with your daughter Annie you were a uh I was like a sorority dad or sorority dad maybe but didn't were you also a cheer dad well yeah a cheer Dad she was a she was in cheer competitions like crazy when she was younger you I think you were saying that you were actually a good cheer dad well we had like a u i don't know about that a dance competition one time where the dads had to memorize this dance I was a little winter and it was uh very difficult it's cheer is a lot harder than you would think that's not a bad one either all right now she's heating up little come on bab it's not just Rumba or whatever I mean no memorizing all those moves is like almost impossible we had practices for like 4 months straight once a week you're talking about for the dads for the dads and we ended up I mean just having a complete Sando when we when we finally performed it we we were just God awful it sounds more like Annie was a cheer daughter than you were a cheer dadad yes she was remember that EJ no can you still do it no I don't even remember one step of it I'd pay a lot of money to see that yeah oh someone probably recorded it see were you good buddies with all the other dads or what not really I know I figured you wouldn't be that's pretty funny always been kind of awkward in those kind of situations was it to a song or was it just yeah it was like a music dance routine you know it was like we were terrible all right come on oh I'd love to see that now is this like hard like wolf peak to get or what no it's harder to get though here so yeah this bonus is really really really good when you get it let's get it cuz it gives you the Wilds by the last spin the third spin you have three Wilds in the middle how soon we forget I know I've gotten it before you gotten it a lot we're getting a lot of Sando spins so were you uh on the spirit team EJ no the look of contempt that you just gave me Spirit team what does that mean isn't that like like instead of cheerleaders there like a spirit line or Spirit team like George Bush male cheerleader was he yeah president the second George Bush was a cheerleader yeah he was one of the guys that threw the cheerleaders up in the air yeah something like that a base is that what that's called I think so I remember some things from when she cheered yeah there's bases and flyers oh that's what the positions are called yeah like the one they throw in there the little ones are called flyers I got you Harry Potter we need something here soon Queen looks like she might have been a cheerleader she's pretty hot I don't know about this game so far come on what's it called what's the was it drum line what's ones with the flags that spin the flags around is that drum line or I don't know I don't either I was busy studying I didn't go do that extracurricular stuff did you get a 4.0 in school no I was actually a pretty bad student really find that hard to believe School was was actually a little oh thought we had it dang it what's going to be your plan next you have any ideas uh first I'm going to win on this yeah and then I'll have another plan come on sure get two a lot I'm glad you get paid on it though at least in this game man a lot of Sando Lin I like how they have bottles of water and metal bottles here yeah it's good they have the nicest high limit restrooms here metal bottle come on aluminum it's better than plastic I guess money goes pretty quick on this game I guess it goes quick on any game when you get absolutely no line pace so Annie did cheer you did tennis yep you do anything else no video games ping pong in video games you were very good at ping pongs there but there was no ping pong team played that at the house there was a ping pong tournament at school one time yeah and the guy running it knew I could beat him so he and you would have to get called out of class early to go play in the tournament okay and he wanted to win the tournament and so he skipped me and I never got to play no way yeah I'm so mad about that he was the second best oh I could I mean he was good but he just knew I would beat him and so he like he he wanted to be the cool guy that won the ping pong tournament so he didn't let me play how did he how did he get to run it I don't know he was probably on like the student body or something boring like that wow so another corrupt politician huh yeah corrupt politician he knew I was going to win so he didn't let me play Crazy come on I I just went under my my [Music] floor I just feel like I have to get something here I mean this is a tough bonus but it's really good when you do that's usually a recipe for disaster when you do that when you go under your floor yeah when you just you know you're just chasing just don't go to the sub basement you're putting a big uh streak on the line here too you know that right I do one bonus though and I'm good [Music] I was starting starting to think all that bouncing around letting you pick the games was the secret to success it is just this one is just a bad it wasn't at my idea it was someone in the comments so thanks a lot all right I don't know what I'm going to do they might think you're actually mad at them that well they might be right come on oh accidental fast spin worked out this time oh good I got more Runway now all right I'll take that the fast spin was maybe the key to the success why' you end the fireworks show so fast I just wanted to get on to the winning come [Music] on Aces 70 bucks so so what's the story with the shirt today Oklahom Oklahom oh EJ do you have that picture on a show this was really cool when we were in Arkansas there were these girls and their mom and they drove they drove 3 hours to come and see us in Arkansas and they gave me the oklahomie shirt cuz they came from Oklahoma and so that made me think of something uh cuz I have to wear a different shirt or I do wear a different shirt every day if you guys oh if you guys have a cool shirt or something from your local business or bar or something funny send me an XL t-shirt to the address that's PO Box is it on our website or where is it it will be okay and then also we'll pin it in the comments if you want to send us a t-shirt to wear so what is it what is in Oklahoma someone from oklah one of your homies from Oklahoma okay that's yeah so we're they're my oklahomies they came all the way to see us that was fun idiot God I thought that was going to be it we might need a question of the day early on here yeah let's do it that's the only way to trigger the bonus all right let me take a look see what we have in store come on 70 bucks all right so the wbg question of the day from the YouTube comments I like to say that is from Jeff schroer 9089 okay and Jeff asks Vegas Matt how much money would it take for you to leave Las Vegas forever I don't think there's an answer to that well I mean you know these hypotheticals like you know I won't get into the examples that come to mind mind but of things that you know will never happen that people talk about cuz if someone offered me a substantial amount of money I could go live in Reno you know or go live in you know in mon well that that'd be cool I need a lot of money to live in monic Carlo but uh I really really really like Las Vegas but if someone wants to do it give me 5 million bucks and I'll move but it have to be somewhere else cool but Las Vegas is the best place everybody knows it now I'm just way under my floor I'm I'm really breaking all my rules here come on diamond Queen man nothing oh so do you think you think that you're due yes I do think I'm do oh that looked like it should have been some gosh oh 400 all right now that's oh that was only two Diamond Queens [Music] 10 bucks Aces that's not wild oh how many times have we gotten two a lot I'm sure hej keeping try no I'm just admiring his commitment to this bugger come on just getting wrecked oh man I thought that was it yeah me [Music] too you just think that you yes see it works commitment in the got got commitment and forist so 5 million yeah 5 million I would I mean I I mean I how long but one's going to do it so it's it's hard to say but I really value yeah put up the money and then we'll talk give me an offer a legitimate offer but one spin crowns okay first spin is not really a big deal in this second and third spin are bigger deals yes plus a spin how do you get that it's a symbol oh Diamond Queen oh that's good no five of Kinds though Diamond kind would have been enormous 2000 fireworks show let's enjoy this it's like Fourth of July at Red Rock all right let's go now this one could be the Big E E Yeah Front Street here we come AJ oh there you go is it any good decent I mean the fact that you got a picture is the important part kind of like the picture that came in the mail what do you mean the picture not an ace Jack king or queen not a letter but we needed him there too hey well we're 610 up not bad I guess that shows us Diamond Queen I think I'm going to I'm going to book the win and move on I like this cuz it has a $100,000 Grand I like I'm going to hit something for $100,000 soon $50 is the smallest that you can bet on this game it goes up to not only knows how much I think 750 a spin wait how many of those do you need three but they have been one two and three oh I knew it was something well they don't have to be one two three they just have to be consecutive and three strike it rich symbols that's correct sir it has to start in one doesn't it yeah no it has to start in one but it can go to four and five is what I say right right right it's three or more it can take real starting from L correct I like that that whip noise yeah there you go you got it yep more one more you pick four it's better than three oh that's a win it's a bonus it's a bonus I thought you had have it in all three of the first three no no no no you have to have at least three oh in the first three rows congratulations big here states there Vegas mat you're for the tornado Texas I'll go for the Alamo can't forget the Alamo go ahead Vegas M pick it up uh I don't know the Green Green Grass of pine tree money and one more I'm going to last last was that a Sando I don't know we'll see so these are all dollars so doar the math is easier for you not done yet we better not be done yeah oh no okay you need a gusher yeah they one really needs to run on you is this one done that's it yeah that was good [Music] that was a [Music] Sando uh I wouldn't be tipping your hat too much there buddy that wasn't really exciting all right come on strike it rich now yeah strike it rich right now go come on we got [Music] this oh sure get two a lot we got the blue bonnets oh nothing there yeah yeah yeah oh we got three shots at it got to have it got to have it got to have it got to get it got to get her get her done go go go go idiot okay oh that's a Sando o it was right there strike it rich as a Blocker in that instance come on oh oh oh oh oh oh that's going to be big isn't it nothing five of a kind though not terrible big win $765 I like that she's heating up come on baby Striker rich I'll take it oh ah so you need need three at least huh come on I think you like this game oh I do like this game we've played it a few times yes I think we played it first at the cosmo you're right how come it didn't give us a sweat there oh there it is knew it wasn't coming well it knew it wasn't coming that time too come on come on Jed clap it nothing there yeah yeah oh triple sweat triple sweat double sweat okay last chance for romance boom finally yes and we're still above five grand and we got this bonus this is the good bonus right yeah I forget what happens 10 free Spin it's kind of like uh Rich Little Piggies you have to collect the coins up top it's very enjoyable oh did you show those bonuses yes I did Sir 1,573 for mini 4,000 minor major 21,000 I like it col minor mini oh idiot you don't oh I see you have to get there to collect yeah Grand okay rough start but now we're going to go mini minor collect yeah win and 150 bucks so we need three Minis and four miners to collect correct no collect uhoh that's luck has arrived no it just added money collect collect collect collect no what is it doing that to us for come on oh wow right here we go we still plenty of time minor major good yeah all right two more miners two more minis 145 bucks oh here we go you got it extra spin no you got the extra spin though oh that I mean but major and Grand are you know dream on right how many spins we got yeah I mean I think we're due let's [Music] go idiot let's get two minis here y all right we got no shot two of anything on the last spin and we get it all right well we'll take that and then are we going to get more money in the middle no oh two Grands oh my God yeah shocker that would have been insane oh wow all take [Music] it what do you think it's up to you you're the man in charge I think we've uh done enough of this all right why don't you tell wbg why you decided to play this game okay well in memory of Mr Jingles or Jingles the cat I like it and someone else suggested we play cats so therefore I gave it a rip oh did we get it already what is this got a six Lon win is that is that good this is a double lion $1,000 line page this reminds me of uh White Lotus game only 8 10 times worse yeah but that that would have been fun if we got another massive line pay so you need that diamond p is what do you need for the the thing wow another sixer no ferr that's more no way this game is easy Mr Jingles is coming back to life after 40 Years of Mr Jingles or just Jingles Mr Jingles works it's just Jingles but this is Mr Mr Jingles from the fuers Meet the fuers oh no jinxy oh jinxy oh yeah well Mr Jingles this is something I know there's a movie maybe you're thinking of Mr Bo Jangles no oh speaking of movies last night me and Vegas mom watched a movie that I O that I have seen many times another favorite one of my favorite comedies of all time Knocked Up if you guys have not seen the movie Knocked Up Early Seth what is going on here I am so good at this game it's incredible I I think uh and it it's so funny and they have this bet where that this guy can't shave his beard or uh cut his hair for a year and then they just keep ripping on him calling him Serpico and you know something all this other funny stuff and but it's just it's just a hysterical movie it's another movie that I've heard many things about but I have never seen myself well that's part of your homework tonight watch Zoolander and knocked up or or you're grounded you hear that you're going to be grounded I heard it no more gambling for you till you watch those two movies can I watch them [Music] now you should that's how funny they are oh so you need paw prints for the cat bonus six paw prints six oh jeez six yeah that's what it says but the some of them are double yeah some of them are double the double symbols in this are a little confusing six paw prints any five pop five you get five games six you get extra games oh so that was three po we had a double noiser there come on Paw Prince you know it's funny those pow prints look familiar it's Jingles they look you know what I think that's I recog [Music] those oh come on oh that's all four oh but they turn into scatters I'm sorry they turn into s caters [Music] ah so you say I can't react actually laughed at that a little for it to be CR crickets yeah I just think you're too lazy to put the Crickets at it in come on that was funny yeah that's me lazy lazy ass sucker I used to work in this restaurant and the chef James used to always talk to the bus boys he like you lazy ass suckers yeah that was the first time anyone ever called me a lazy ass sucker I was thinking you might call it quits at 80 8,000 for 7500 that has us up on this game right yeah oh for sure where' we start at that's I just wanted to try to get a bonus seems like the bonus is very valuable in this if I had to guess oh for sure yeah especially if you get the six pucks oh black panthers looked pretty good there for a minute how many lines is this what happened it is 30 lines it is yes how do you know I counted all those colored squares on the side of the game ah I knew you did something or I read it right there where it says 30 lines that was probably the easier way to go about it come on I think we used up all our luck in the beginning I feel like 7,000 might be the proper floor here all right well even though I'm in charge I will let you give me that suggestion oh I think you need to get the bonus no that could get really expensive I I want to book a win on all machines a change of tune from Diamond Queen yeah well I got this I like the split symbols what do they do they just change into whatever pays well like if you have a a single and a double that's a three of a kind with two symbols okay but what do the cats turn into like they just act as additional symbols so if you have a so you can get like a 10 of a Kind correct yeah you can get doubles not bad say what do these turn into oh double Wilds I see okay that's cool so that was a five of a kind that looked like a three of a kind correct I like it he oh come on Kitty Prince remember when we were in high school and and were you in the car we drove that guy home Terry when you and I were in high school well you were in high school and I was a no I was not in the car but I remember the story and then we drive this kid home and and we pull up to the end of his cold sack and there's this massive mountain lion just like between our car and his house did he get out run hell no he didn't get out he was so scared and it was hysterical what end up happening do Mom open the garage and you pulled in or what oh course I don't remember that uh you got three scatters right there uh-huh uh-huh it didn't pay very much and then yeah I mean the mountain Li walked just casually oh is that good so that's five seven leopard win it's one then two two two you better be careful your mic might pick that up oh so what happened with the mountain lion the mountain lion just casually walked away up the hill and uh like wasn't even scared of a a big we had an Excursion at the time a diesel Excursion it was massive guys that wasn't double [Music] Wilds come on let's get that bonus we got more ammo now bonus eight of a kind I remember the Excursion that was a good car yeah well actually it wasn't it broke down a lot but I you had the TVs and headrest so which I enjoyed yeah that was ahead of its time not as cool as when I had the Toyota seoa with spers on it though that was funny I was one of the first people to have spinners come on oh it seems like that's hard to get eh it's got to be is that 7,071 one more spin yeah come on we have enough for another spin Y come on Last Chance romance idiot all right new game Coyote Moon and you seem to really be enjoying these cabinets with multiple games on them yes well I I like this place it has all brand new cabinets on these games so it's a it's a better viewing experience and I don't know I just have a feeling you know what I mean I go with my gut and that's I'm an instinct player you know what I'm saying you're a field player yeah so we need a lot of these coyote moons I know that much I always thought this is like one of those games designed by a third grader you know oh wait that's a waste of Wilds oh oh all right what's the bonus symbol it's the it's a weird looking like little creature guy that hiss bonus on it I guess it must be difficult to get cuz I don't see any of them oh there it oh we almost got it that weird looking guy that's cocoa p is it lines two and three and four 2 three and four is that what it is yeah come on coyote what wrong you don't like the button I don't like the button is kind of a Sando that should be good we got to get a howler now if you're going with your regularly your regular thinking yes Sando buttons usually mean leave game true true true true [Music] get the cocoa [Music] py well you know what you got a point there I'm going to have a $66,000 floor cuz it is a bad button and I don't like bad buttons oh that should have been something [Music] come on Coyote Moon the dumbest looking symbols on this game too I've seen NG play this and win a lot though this is a lot of square shaped fruit like there Square I'm the worst artist in the world oh look at that and I have a feeling I could draw better symbols than this absolutely not no I'll give you $10,000 if you could draw a pair that looked better than that pair well how much time do I got 1 hour that'd be an interesting bet because even money yeah well it wasn't a bet he it was a free roll he just offered you 10,000 all right well uh give me a pen I I I take that back even money we'll put up a poll on Instagram of which pair looks [Music] better probably be my pair if we put it on Instagram they follow yeah see all I got to do is make inappropriate jokes all right let's go so we got the bonus I would say that I am on a heater of all heaters you be a speech here okay what is it the ancient ones bestow on you five spins in the Rising Moon free Spin now is there like extra super special Wilds or something do remember when the coyote attacked our dog and and and took it over the fence and I jumped and grabbed the coyote and saved the dog you're making that Y no what what kind of bonus is this and you fought off that outline too is that [Music] good on one more spin left that's it Sando Moon they have a better shape here though the yeah it's rounded congratulations nothing is it wait are we at 6346 down no we're going to be up above that all right okay 7,000 uh I think that's enough of that I have a dear friend here who's very intuitive and I asked her which machine and she picked this one and funny enough I picked this one too out of the five because it had the highest major so we're going happy and prosperous Style with the Buddha let's go Dragon cash everybody's fan favorite to finish things up here today not much winnability on this one though no the winnability is not high but we're going to win a lot I can feel it look at that $270 bill right there here we go here we go here we don't go all right so pots or balls EJ uh balls okay let's go I bet we'll get two pots for sure uh yeah oh I have paid this many many times but um not this exact one not exactly this machine in here but come on all right then so we're already down $250 we need a bonus come on or a massive line pay come on yeah wbg you're I was thinking you should weirdly quiet you should you should think of it as you have 6,500 still not that you're what's our high water mark I don't know seven no over eight we had 80 something h00 when we were on cash yeah see all right so we got to get 8700 8700 yeah never but you were P I can tell you were pondering something there all right come on let's go bonus in a bonus baby oh that's not that's not good that's not good come on something sick that's not it that's not it wow come on here comes no that's not it oh man blocker Last Chance At Romance re-trigger yes take it they're going to make us is that $100 too $100 bill and a three more games come on something good come on ah little extra little sand we're back where we started the run continues I swear I don't want to jinx it like what like jinxy what's the cat's name again Jing Jingles for crying out loud he's been dead for 50 years how am I supposed to remember his name you can't know that for sure yeah that's true the world's oldest living cat is 30 but there is a possibility Jingles is Alive and Well we played cats we played Diamond Queen we played what do we have our biggest win on today EJ I forget it's Diamond Queen was the biggest hand pay yeah that was Texas T we played but that was a big comeback on diamond Queen we had gotten completely wrecked went above Texas te we did well on everything even Dragon cat we got the bonus broke even booking a win couple thousand a lot of Valuable Player points that's how you do it every day in Vegas we'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Vegas Matt
Views: 339,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Las Vegas, Vegas, gamble, handpay, slot machine, winning, losing, slots, gambling, slot, vegas matt, casino, vegasmatt, vegas matt slots, jackpot, slot machine handpay, casinos, diamond queen
Id: 3N_ZNVdUJac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 37sec (2197 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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