Hyundai Kona, a game changer? | Fully Charged

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[Music] hello and welcome to fully charged my name is Johnny Smith this is the Hyundai Kona the reason why we're going to be reviewing this car well starting in a train is because we're not just going to do a straight forward drive or GAD you're gonna be doing a full road trip over about five and a half days I'm gonna be covering a thousand miles in it so we can really get under the skin of what is a sub 30 grand 300 mile Evi has had a lot of interest [Music] it's amazing to look down and see you got not even full charge like just over three-quarters charged and he's showing 212 miles on me on the range graph amazing so you can get into an electric Kona from 25,000 pounds and that includes the four and a half grand government grant which they give you so twenty four nine nine five gets you a thirty nine kilowatt hour Kona and the range of that is apparently a hundred and ninety three miles which is more than the quota Neagle more than Magnus and Leif but this the sixty-four kilowatt hour Kona starts at twenty nine and a half thousand pounds with the government grant this has a range of 300 miles and part of this road trip aren't you going to see if that's really to be believed now there's steerable puddles on the kona and these are for your three levels of brake regeneration it seems a bit counterintuitive to me cuz with a geared car or a paddle shift auto you have the right paddle which changes up a gear and the left pedal which changes down again on this the left hand paddle makes the region more aggressive on the right that makes the region less aggressive you've got three stages of recuperative braking but the kona has auto brake recuperation and that uses apparently the radar on the front the cruise control radar that was me blind spot warning you can turn that off there's a button down on my right need to turn that audible warning off if it bores you and the auto recuperation uses the radar in front on the front for the adaptive cruise control and even when you're not using the actual cruise control it utilizes that to decide how hard or soft to regen the braking so it's very very wise [Music] [Music] let's go for a touch of Chad emo lovely guy while we're pausing we got you know 40 odd minutes to kill let's just have a look round it this is not the soul cone you can buy it's not irrelevant fully charged but you can buy a petrol one and you can buy a diesel one they've only just bought the diesel one out the electric one came out before the diesel one but that's less relevant how you can tell this is the electric owner it's got the blanket in grill here but this little patent which is quite cool it's got active air flaps obviously to allow air in when it wants air to come in it's got these cool little ER well all of the conus have this sort of Citroen c4 cactus face which is a good model buy Citroen it's got these Aero wheels like a lot of the eco cars we're seeing like the ioniq actually the sort of flatter in profile it's got these grey arches which look like they're going to be kind of rough to the touch but they're not this smooth it's got some quite nice little creases in it actually it's quite a strong body with nice little arches and things I think it's a good proportion weirdly it looks bigger than the Nissan Leaf but it's actually smaller than the leaf the one we've got is the 30 gram premium SE so that's the top of the range it comes with heated and cooled seats leather faced seats two-tone paint it comes with the 64 kilowatt hour battery pack it's it's good it's good 204 PS nought to 62 in 7.6 seconds it feels pretty quick and responsive but I mean it's effortless in its range like I said before 190 miles we've done today good temperature admittedly but on the motorway which is not ideal for v's we've still got 80 miles in the tank left that tells you it's electric which i think is pretty cheap that badge I would probably tear a badge off the bumper is different to the petrol Kona slightly different but why I would say is the paint finish is not very nice it's a bit dirty the back I don't particularly like the sort of orange peeling paint finish which will have been applied by a robot those are the sort of telltale signs where you think the quality's not quite there would say the vote Volkswagen eagle but really really good car we're on a road trip so I've got my bag in it now the boot is smaller than the Nissan Leaf but it's a flat entry point in the boot and it's actually quite square the leaf is a deeper boot so it depends what what floats your boat it's also like an organizer in here which could double as a cutlery drawer part so although it's smaller than that it's got a better range than that it's got better acceleration than that the price is very close and obviously you can buy a lower-ranking one to this sixty four kilowatt-hour you can buy a 39 kilauea which does 195 miles range apparently but this thing is it's weird because it's so unassuming it just sort of goes about its evie business it doesn't boast doesn't try and look too different in fact I quite like the fact is it's just an honest kind of soft Roda it's not been to try hard and at the same time it's not that heavy considering the range this can do 16 hundred and eighty-five kilos that's lighter than lots of piston cars if I was at home with my 7 kilowatt wall charger this would take 9 hours 35 minutes for the Kona as it stands here I can do 85% charge in 75 minutes which is using this 50 kilowatt rapid charger so that's pretty cool now I like having the charger at the front and the nose just like the leaf sort of started I think it's great cause you don't have to think about what side the car is on but and this is a very wise thing that a few fully-charged viewers have said these are vulnerable what's the first thing to get damaged when you have a tap in a car it's usually a front or a back bumper if you smack the front bumper even at low speed does that mean that this deforms and you can't charge it anymore even though the cars largely unbroken that will concern me as well I'm gonna use this little brake to have a little goosey under the bonnet of the cone because I haven't seen what it looks like I'm always intrigued to see how these things are packaged these are always just on suckers that's what it really looks i 356 volts 150 kilowatt electric motor capable of delivering 204 PS 291 pounds feet of torque 39 kilowatt hour Kona which is cheaper by about 5,000 pounds is still pretty good in terms of range and still pretty good in terms of performance it's just a really good car do would you like this Robert I mean what amazed me when I saw it from over there I wasn't concentrating I was sending texts yes Tripp the next one organizer but that it looked empty there's no when you open the bonnet even electric cars it's jammed full well look there's quite a lots of space down yeah I mean okay got you a really compact drivetrain isn't it a really compact system but then you I didn't know you pulled this up I put well this is you sure that's meant to come off yeah no they're just on like and rubber suspended suckers they sit on a plinth the confidence you have just to rip a huge piece of it well I know it's just cladding this is just superhero it's a superhero it's a massive codpiece it's a huge codpiece exactly it's just rubbish this is the question I want to know is how do they make this car so incredibly fuel-efficient when in you know in the grander scheme of things I mean if that was a delivery van that was three and a half tonnes yeah yeah of course but effectively it's the same size car yeah that's got forward density of the chemistry in the cells it's kind of his god things [Music] there we go what what punk numbers that three I'll give you a bit of so we've done like 700 miles now yeah in in the Kona and it's been 700 quite enjoyable miles actually I'm saying yeah quite effortless I must say I do it feels to me it feels very unelect Rick in terms of the fact that I've actually forgotten of various points in time can I'm driving an Eevee right in a good way that's fantastic like I'm not really the the battery seems to be so good or maybe it's the regen or whatever it is it just doesn't want to lose pie know some electric guys seem to just lose yeah quicker than you feel they should this just seems to hold on to his range so well it's just amazing when I say I've been getting a good 270 miles right ish yeah go range but I haven't done many hundred percent charges like now we're gonna do 80 percent charge yeah I mean bearing in mind this is the one this is the all bells and whistles edition and it's 31 grand it's 31 I think this is about as expensive as you can make Wow a Kona I mean here you come by piston CONUS from 16 and a bit grand but as they start as twenty four and a half thousand pounds this this the 39 kilowatt oh yeah this is a this is a game-changing electric car it really really is yes extraordinary well I say my first impression Johnny it's very comfy it's a very confident it's you know this is not rewriting the rule books now a chap who was at the charging point with us this morning who has a BMW i3 he craned his neck in coz he'd heard about the range and he said in in Holland they've been trying to get a hold of them for ages and the waiting list is ridiculous yeah and he first thing you said bizarre yeah yeah I don't think much of that and I said well it's funny she said I think it's perfectly acceptable for the price however you're a bit sport with the i3 because your I 3 so concept it yeah yeah and all the the core materials that they haven't gone to town on materials no they haven't broken any convention it looks pretty could be a wide range of piston cars good news super similar interior yes but there's a lot of usefulness you got your two cupholders goods everyone loves this little cubby and more with all your charging I've got me charging cabins in it and then there's a second always a shot those are sub areas you've got you got two charging that right there tons of storage right but because this is the premium se model you got eight-inch touchscreen Krell this Krell premium audio and speaker system which isn't fine yeah three stage bum calls so easy to find it's just there yeah three stage ask warmers right and heat it's doing well right so all the stuff you get on the Jag I pays yeah yeah there's no way of saying it's over double price so it's a different beast yeah I quite like also the fact they've combined a bit of touchscreen but also real world alright so you can do that right so when I'm driving and I want you know quick fire stuff yeah I got rotary knobs for the requirement this is your climate area right and this is your entertainment area so you've got three vehicle settings you've got eco and is that what you've had it most I've had it motion eco because I went are flitted from comfort mode to Eco mode and I actually thought Eco is better it it has the regen set a little hard don't have that the same as on the ionic yes loads of ionic roster yeah you got your three-stage recuperation on these paddles here I have to say that the rest of it is quite easy to decipher I've been deciding to join a radio lovely foreign radio nation I found it to sync with my phone really easily right I haven't quite worked our apple carplay yet be honest I haven't tried very hard right but I'm slightly nervous because it's obviously what people should can and should do it makes so much sense that you have a really simple screen in the car and you just put your own phone in and it's got everything all your stuff is on there well that makes so much sense I think it's the most Fischer proof way yeah of buying a couple phones going to update and then you'll get you know and you just have a port you plug it in or you know this has this has contactless charging why I really and then on the right hand side under all that well this this this range-topping model Scott you know loads of other stuff yeah privacy glass and Lane Lane Assist and how is that how's the Lane Assist is that right good it's pretty good you got you got Bo you got two things got Lane keep and then you've got Lane Assist I guess so ones it keeps it between the lanes one of them it and actually start turning the wheel for me I think it's is that right I know like what about it what about cruise control keeping you the same distance Russ brilliant right and it also has every one I really like that just makes motorway driving a lot easier yeah yeah and the Kona has Auto recuperation mode so when you when you do that it uses the radar to decide how aggressive or not the braking should work based upon all the street furniture the road and the car in front Wow or you could just manually set however you like and tweak Road so it it's actually a pretty good driver's car and the way it's damped it's it's comfortable and it doesn't seem to la lap around right so I have to say it's it's position huge amount of thought has gone into it and I would like to drive the lower-ranking car yeah yeah to see what that gets yeah it's probably gonna be impressive because well I mean that the stats that really knocked me out as you're how many miles you're doing for on a kilowatt hour it's like two days it's been five point one miles per kilowatt hour yeah that is refor a car this size that is remarkable yeah because those kind of stats were only a night now I'm only just going ah yeah what you know getting what that means yeah because you know because there and then seeing what other cars do and what you know what the leaf does what the i3 does what the eGolf does were that is the thing right at the top of you know cars that are much smaller that's more of a battery so lighter yes strawberry cuz on the one hand you could look at this and go I that - is okay but it's not as cool as a BMW through the BM during our threes carbon with the suicide doors so as a design freak you'd want to go for that however everything is really good and its really well appointed and the range is amazing I mean I reckon I have been doing about 270 miles there's nothing rubbish well it's nothing rubbish it's effectively the same price as a leaf if not cheaper than some versions of the yeah and it goes literally twice as far well this is the thing I mean even they're literally not like almost I think it was a 39 killer what I was supposed to go 193 my right and that's a 24 and a half thousand quid car alright start so I mean that's that's the low yeah one I've got a heads up display that's what this yeah now I love heads up I think the Tesla Model 3 should have it yeah should be an option yeah nothing they missed a trick but what's weird about this I got the seat this is a high-ranking model again you've got electric lover support electricity's I've got the seat set on its lowest setting and I am still a bit too tall for this I have to dip down so so it's not brilliant but now I'm really really quite impressed with it [Music] I've done over a thousand miles in this car now and I have to say I'm completely blown away by its competence it's really comfortable it's well judged the range is splendid it's got fantastic technology in it the price is really competitive the biggest problem I earned I has is making them fast enough for people I have to say and I hate to say yeah it could be a game-changer you know the word Kona in Hawaiian means a very strong wind leading to a storm the word Kona in Norwegian means wife I won't tell you what the word Kona in Portuguese means you can decide that but the word Kona to me means a bloody brilliant electric car [Music] [Music]
Channel: fullychargedshow
Views: 722,058
Rating: 4.9021144 out of 5
Keywords: fully charged, hyundai, kona, nissan leaf, electric car, electric, range, review, netherlands, jaguar i-pace, SUV, game changer, first drive, test drive, road test, 2018, ev, 64 kWh, tesla killer
Id: LATZ0g-Sz2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 29 2018
Reddit Comments

So he was getting almost 270 range from the 64 kWh Kona. Insane. How did Hyundai do it?

All Hyundai needs to go is to increase production of not only the Kona, but the Soul and Niro also. They will crush the market!

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/eff50 📅︎︎ Nov 30 2018 🗫︎ replies

It may be a game changer in markets where they are committed to selling more than required. Which does not describe the US market.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/buckus69 📅︎︎ Nov 30 2018 🗫︎ replies

And you won't see one in Northern California (at least) until May according to local dealers and then, as usual, the story will probably change and they'll be delayed. All hype.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/too-legit-to-quit 📅︎︎ Dec 01 2018 🗫︎ replies
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