Geneva Motor Show 2018 Highlights REVIEW TOUR upcoming new cars @ GIMS - Autogefühl

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it's knew the names a little bit long though it's the BMW Concept m8 grand tourer wow that's quite some mouthful let's take a look and see what it's like [Music] well I'm sure you're aware that the 8 Series is due for a bit of a revamp and with this concept the end of it you really want to give us a flavor of what's to come they're saying that the M stands for more more everything more design more style more power more speed more performance well as is always the case with concepts we never quite know how much of this is actually going to make it through to production but you can really see the intention in this car right here they want to take on Mercedes in terms of providing the ultimate in class luxury and performance are they going to be able to achieve it well again it really does depend how much of this is going to make it through to production but it first looks or anything to go by it's really something exciting that we're going to be very pleased to try out [Music] well that's a very brief look at the car obviously with the concept we still don't know whether this is a fair representation of what's to come whereas with Mercedes obviously we can already sit in their car and Thomas has and see what we think of the finished version but I really appreciate the bold steps that have been taken and that are shown here with the MAS they really are trying to evolve it into something fresh and new look at it so aggressive those big exhaust ports on the back the cheeky lift on the little tail of the boot and the sleek looks from the side this is certainly not your average business suit and it's very QP like very aggressive it's fantastic and I can only hope that it's just as much fun to drive as it is to look at this is going to be a very quick preview of the new Nissan Leaf why very quick well we're a wet that there are already some driving reviews of this car online we're gonna do ours very soon but we don't want to keep you waiting for now and as we are here spoilt for choice for cars and this is such an important one it seemed like a good idea to take the opportunity just to show you around the redesign so you can get a flavor for it before we get to take it out [Music] now there haven't been many cars in history that have divided opinion so dramatically as the last design of the leaf what do I mean by that it was incredibly popular it's one of Nissan's best-selling models and it is the best-selling electric vehicle that you can get the styling is what I mean now okay you have an awful lot of batteries to fit into any electric car but seriously Nissan the previous one looked a little bit like you described a car to a person you've never seen one before giving them a piece of paper and said go ahead draw what you like it had its fans I wasn't one of them fair enough but I think even Nissen recognized they wanted to make the styling look a little bit less controversial shall we say and at first glance I think that they actually have approached that it's still very definitely a Nissen the angularity is all still here and why limit yourself to having black lacquer piano inside the car when you can put it right on the bumper again not my taste but nevermind compared with its predecessor this does look a lot more modern we still have very sculptural angular headlights but they look a little bit more intentional now they look cut into the bodywork rather than sticking out and extruding from it so I think that's a huge improvement let's take a look and see how it runs through into the side well the previous leaf didn't really give us a huge amount to play with from the side profile almost could call it either nondescript well you still had those incredibly distinctive rear lights poking right into your field of view I am really pleased with what they've done here this looks so much more stylish again I think maybe somebody owes the light designer which is why every time they redo the car they still get to have some angularity to it but they're so much more discreet the car still keeps its uniqueness right from this nice pitch straight through from the bonnet into the side that looks so much more natural than its predecessor and it flows the previous model most definitely did not flow and these lights now instead of looking terribly uncomfortable look very intentional and completely unique good job is what I would say nicely done this and this is a car that I'm not going to be embarrassed to drive through to the rear now and wow what a change now some people might say well I still don't like it that much I'm not gonna say that's the greatest back of a car I've ever looked at but you know what compared to the last leaf it's fantastic again it's stylish it's modern it feels contemporary there are many people walking in front of this shop but we're gonna keep going with professionals it really makes a statement and the statement is this is a leaf it's completely unique it's not confusable with any other car but it's also not overblown and too much I'm really impressed with how they've done this and I think if they've carried that through to the interior it's really a step in the right direction [Music] the previous leaf looked a little bit Spartan on the inside and very very plastic I think that they've really worked hard to continue that evolution in style and design in the interior look at this it's a huge improvement the screen doesn't look so plastic and nasty as the previous one I don't know if you remember but it had that fault down screen it just didn't feel nice and you could see that breaking really very quickly so it's nice to see that properly integrated here you have to bear in mind with this car obviously the most important functionality of it is its ability to deliver electric power to you so you're going to get some compromises because to bring that in at a price point that's realistic you're going to need to use slightly cheaper materials on the interior and that's going to mean a slightly cheaper infotainment system but really it looks very functional and I'm sure it's more than capable of doing the job the steering wheel feels like a grown-up steering wheel compared to what came before we now have this full functionality here we have a partially digital display now as I'm sure you're aware in electric cars that really comes in handy specifically because we really need to keep up to speed with what the car's battery is doing and this gives us a lot of features that we like we've got blind spot detection we've also got there we are tire pressure monitoring always a big fan of that and we have the ability I think to set crews in this one I believe that's what that is hopefully we'll find out a bit later other than that very nice simple straightforward air conditioning heating cooling controls this car comes with heated seats that's a nice touch we have a USB port we have an aux in for the stereo and we have a 12 volt charging point now one of the features of the first leaf that I was never a fan of but lots of people were was the gear knob and I think that Nissan have really listened to the feedback because the styling has really quite radically changed the gear knob has not now why am I not a fan of this it's very gimmicky and a lot of people love it I think the reason is only that I think everything that you touch all the time when you drive should be made of the best materials you can and I just always felt that if this had been made of something like a brushed aluminium it would feel and resonate with quality whereas the plastic you can't get around it feels like plastic but now with this black finish and this blue lighting around the side it certainly looks a lot better it looks better quality a nicer finish if they surrounded it in anything other than this fingerprint magnet then I feel really happy with it but come on I'm being picky you've got everything you need we've got cupholders back here and pretty decent storage bin as well again this car was really never intended about providing people with a luxury drive but that said the drive in the predecessor was always very very good this one I'm hoping can only be better but in terms of the way that the style has changed I think you can say that the leaf has grown up I think for me one of the things that I've always liked most about the leaf is that where other manufacturers have been pursuing making bigger making faster miss Anna I really think what pioneers in terms of saying look electric can be for everyone and we can make a very credible car we can give you a small car that will achieve everything you would expect from a small car on an electric platform a lot of people prior to that said it just wasn't possible now I think this is a really good example look at this I've actually got a decent amount of headroom here yeah sure there's not a crazy amount but I've got quite a long torso and I still have about an inch spare above my head look at this nice base yeah you could say that's not enormous and I don't have long legs but it's a small car and I'm more than impressed with the way that the space is being used here but not just that because the space was very well used in the first leaf again it's all about the styling it's so much better this doesn't feel like a child's car anymore it really feels very adult and I'd be perfectly happy taking a drive back here the seats are comfortable they're firm they're supportive you're really not going to want three people in the back but you're comfortable with two batteries of course begin being located underneath these seats common complaint with electric cars always well that's great but I have no boot left I was always very impressed with how the first leaf dealt with that let's see how they've done with the predecessor a common complaint with electric cars is always well whether the batteries go and nine times out of ten it really limits the amount of boot space you have one of the features I like best about the first leaf was the fact that they used the space so unbelievably well you still had a really great amount of boot space even with those batteries so let's see how they've done with this one Wow that is absolutely fantastic now you might be looking at that thinking where on earth are the batteries well as with the first I believe that they are underneath the backseat so there's no shortage of room in here obviously we're a little compromised in terms of the loading area that is certainly not what you would call a zero depth entry but that's giving us as much space as we could possibly want we have our little just covering there there's nothing underneath we even have a subwoofer in the back and nicely in contrast to a lot that you can see fitted on cars this is not going to be hurt or affected if you load shopping on top of it so really nice he thought through really decent space well done this amp so the new Nissan Leaf what do we think well I did say at the start was going to be a very brief look specifically because there's a lot more detail to come when we do the driving test but I was desperate to see what they done with the redesign and this just gives you a taste of what's to come well I have to say hats off to Nissen if the first car was a revolution in terms of electrified transport and offering a relatively inexpensive for an electric car that people could buy on mass rather than just wealthy people then this car is a revolution in style I'm so happy to see that it hasn't lost its distinctive character but it has lost some of its mmm well you can put that hood in there instead I think it's great the interior is nice it looks a lot more grown-up it feels a lot more grown-up and overall I would say it's a superb next step for the leaf now will that be delivered in terms of the drive will you still feel that same range anxiety will you still have to fork out really rather a lot more than for its non electric opponents well we're gonna have to wait to answer those questions but for now I think it's a very nice job indeed and I'm really looking forward to giving it a drive well as I'm sure you can imagine electrification is a big topic here and Hyundai want to make sure that they're right ahead of the pack with their brand-new Kona Evie is it going to be as popular as a standard edition let's take a look and find out [Music] the small SUV is a massive growth market no automotive as seen by the success last year of sets aronia and Hyundai want to make sure that they are leading the advance with their own electric version of their already very popular Kona well obviously they want you to know that it is a little different a little bit special when compared to the standard car and we can see that with some of the styling cues here now I think as in common with a lot of electric vehicles the idea is to make the car a little bit more futuristic in styling and in delivery and you can see that right here in the grille whereas if you look at the standard Kona really the grille is exactly what you'd expect this is much more futuristic in terms of styling it looks very clean it looks very modern but you kind of do have to wonder how is this going to look after a few miles on the road when the dirt starts to build up in it it could be a bit of a pain to keep clean but brand new sitting here on the floor it certainly does look good as we come slightly higher up with the car we notice one of the first changes and that's that this car is actually 15 millimeters higher than the standard you don't really notice it to look at it in terms of the styling but it does feel like it has a little bit more presence sitting here then it's standard partners now the styling of this car is really very nice indeed it's no easy thing making your car look modern and futuristic without making it look slightly questionable if you watched my earlier review of the leaf and you've heard about my feelings on the previous version you'll know exactly what I mean basically the idea is that you have to make the car fresh new futuristic but still be acceptable to look at a key feature for all electric cars is going to be the charge point and it's a little bit of a bugbear for me again as i mentioned earlier with the front I'm really asking myself how will this be when it is covered in dirt and because we have the charge point right here that means you are always going to get to find out when you want to charge your car and there really is no way of opening this flap without getting whatever's on it all over you a little bit plasticky in terms of its feeling I would have liked a bit more solidity in terms of how that feels when you it charge points very easily accesible here I don't think you can have any problem hooking this up to power at all let's see now that could be a little bit nicer to use I'm doing all of this while imagining I'm standing in the rain somewhere wanting to get home you can see nice battery level indicator here that's very handy and then push too close so ok functional but I think you're going to get quite messy using it at some point there must have been a meeting amongst electric car designers where they all agreed their new cars would have pure plaque on the exterior I have no idea where you would do that but at least it's a little bit more subtle and discreet and less all-encompassing then featured on the leaf and the contrast between the black and white is nice it helps keep the cars perspective exactly as you would want it the stylings modern but not too modern the contrast between the lighter gray down at the base the white and the black at the top helps to keep the proportions of the car really tight it feels dynamic without in any way looking like it's trying to pretend to be something other than it is and from first glance I would say it's a really fun exterior you really want to enjoy this car it doesn't look like it takes itself too seriously hopefully that feeling continues round at the back let's go take a look that clean styling does continue round to the back now the piano black is a lot more noticeable from the rear and it does create a nice contrast with a white but again as with the front I'm more than a little bit concerned about how this car is gonna look once it gets a little bit dirty it looks great brand new but I think after you take it for a quick winter drive and maybe it won't look so good I like the way that these narrow lights have been brought round from the side to accentuate the way that the car flows through to the back it is a small car but it still has presence on the road again we can see that slightly elevated lift through the rear section here which makes it just look like it has a bit more presence than its standard sibling [Music] well straight from the start there aren't huge amounts of styling cues that suggest that this is radically different to the standard Kohner but the center console feels and looks a little bit different it's actually a shelf so we have a whole storage area underneath here and the reason for that is obviously we don't have to make room for a gear box very nice I would say that the interior feels modern light and spacious those are all good things for an electric vehicle I have the information I need it's laid out the way that I would want it to be we have a partially digital display for the driver here it's nice and understated it's not too bold it looks kind of young and fresh which I appreciate yeah not such a fan of this but I think we already know this infotainment system pretty well you know it's very difficult to make any in-car technology look modern because the fact is we're all so used to smartphones now that anything you put into a car will have spent such a long time in development that it's going to look dated from the second you put it in there so although I would say this isn't really in keeping with the modern styling of the car I don't know that they could have done a lot better with it at this price point certainly so it's fine plastic over the top of the dashboard but it looks clean fresh easy to keep clean and I quite like this styling detail I think it's nice again when you're trying to limit how much you're spending on interior styling it's going to be a lot of plastic but it's always nice to see when companies try and use a little bit of flair and innovation about how they use the material to make you feel like your car is a little bit special I think that's really important because we all drive cheaper cars than we would like to but when we get into them we don't want to be made to feel cheap so this does a really nice job of making the best use of the materials for the space I think how's the driving position well the seats actually really nice it's got this nice breathable finish on it savvy leather but you can't have everything which means I'm going to be regulating my temperature nicely when the car is on not so nicely at the moment but it puts me in a nice elevated position so my view of the road is actually exactly what you want the win screen is quite limited so in terms with the drop that I have available to look out I'm not feeling particularly expansive but the views good I have a really nice side view which means I'm not gonna have a problem with reversing and maneuvering this vehicle at all there's nothing here to distract me these vents are nice and discreet the controls are very straightforward and easy to use and it looks to me like the layout of the multi functions on the steering wheel are also pretty intuitive and straightforward there's not a huge amount in here to mark itself out from the regular Kohner but I think that makes perfect sense when you have a car that it's a success why change it just for changes sake I think a lot of the thinking is that they want to migrate some of their standards drivers to this model if you own a Kona you like the Kona and now you have the possibility of buying an electric version you're not gonna want to lose the features that you actually like about the car and they've done a nice job of maintaining that but at the same time it's fresh it's modern it's clean I'm a fan so how's the backseat experience of the Kona well come on it's a small SUV so you really can't expect too much and you don't get too much either there isn't massive amounts of room back here but I think I could be reasonably comfortable for a relatively long trip if you have a look at my knees here you can see that I still have a bit of room to spare but if you look at my feet down at the bottom you can see that there's just not a lot of space for me to adjust myself and get really comfortable now I don't know how many people buying this car are going to really want to spend a lot of time with passengers in the back but I can imagine that a lot of people are going to want to put children back here and I think they are going to be very happy with this arrangement as it is now there's nothing back here in the way of rear passenger comfort there's no charging points there's no separate controls for the heating and cooling of the car you definitely get the impression that the focus was on the driver and the front seat passenger but I like that they have kept this styling uniform throughout the entire car which means that sitting in the back doesn't feel like you're in second class we've got net cargo holders on the back of the chairs and I think that's a bit optimistic it sort of suggests you think you will be having passengers for a bit of a longer trip but looks good anyway we've got anchor points for the seats so I think it's gonna be a really great place to put children for adults yeah not so much but it's really very nice boot space is always going to be at a premium in electric vehicles and the Kona is not going to be any exception to that well that's not the biggest boot in the world it's 373 litres of load space but obviously that drops a little bit if you want to make space for the charging cables as well let's have a look underneath here we can see that there's a very tidy nicely organized place to put bits and pieces I appreciate that it's not a lot of room but it's nice to see that they're trying to make the most of the space there is available so clearly you're not going to be able to take this car on holiday with a large amounts of suitcases in the back but you're certainly going to be able to fit your shopping in here and you're certainly gonna be able to fit enough stuff to go away for a nice weekend so let's take a look and see what's powering this thing well as you can see we have more than enough space in the engine bay it's been used very efficiently and that's probably a good thing because we have some choices here we don't only have one inch in that we can pick from the available engines that you can go with are going to be a short-range one which features a 39 kilowatt battery and that will go for about 186 miles on a single charge if you're going to want something with a little bit more beef to it you can have the 64 kilowatt version and that goes for 292 miles per charge but in my experience sometimes those mileage estimates are a little bit optimistic now the nice thing about that is that you and I have committed to using a more rigorous testing standard so they say when they produce their figures they are likely to be much more realistic for real-world users well I think we can hope and and we can certainly try and find out if that is the case the more powerful will do naught to 100 km/h in just seven point six seconds so I think that's going to make this really quite a nippy small SUV really quite excited to give it a try one of the drawbacks of new technologies is very difficult to visualize we all have an emotional connection with a petrol engine so we know kind of how it works and how it all sits together but electric vehicles sometimes felt a little bit like magic because we know they work but we can't see what's really underneath while Hugh and I have done us a big favor because they provided us with a cutaway model so we can actually see how they've applied the technology to this vehicle and brilliantly not only that but they've also handily labeled all of it so we can see exactly what we're looking at a first glance it's a little bit amusing because I kind of imagining lifting up my bonnet and finding nice labels on everything that's helped me what's going on but you can really get the idea of how the power is delivered it's animated a little bit to show you where the power is going from as we come round to the side of the vehicle we can see what that means in terms of how the cables are run throughout the car now it's really important to know how this configuration works I don't know if you know but when electric cars first started a lot of fire services would not touch them because they had no idea where the power cables were and if you cut through those obviously that's a big big problem so the configuration over the years has become a lot more straightforward a lot more standardized in order that when we have to get emergency access to vehicles it's a lot simpler to do this is a really nice straightforward layout you really get the sense that they've maximized their use of space here this of course the battery and that is why we have the extra height on the vehicle but it's not taking up nearly as much space as you might imagine and it's only going to get smaller in the future well that about does it for the Hyundai cono and what do we think well I have to say one of the things that's really standing out for me this year that you neva Motor Show is how impressed I am with the design of these newer electric cars I'm sure you remember when they first came out the emphasis was on making them look new different original I don't know if you've ever had the pleasure of driving one of the first editions of the Toyota Prius not only is the styling quite odd but unfortunately because of it when you want to drive your you is obscured by the bar in the middle yes and obviously follow that lead with a slightly odd-looking leaf but the markets grown-up it's matured and the result is that we now have electric vehicles that do look stylish modern and a little futuristic thankfully are embracing more of the concepts of traditional car design I would say the aim when you're designing a small SUV is to make it look fun it's not going to be a serious car for offroad it's not going to be a serious car for speed it's not going to be a serious car for space it's supposed to be small and nippy and everything about the styling of this car says that to me while still looking very modern and very clean the big concern with electric cars is always range anxiety well I'm very impressed with the numbers that they've put up on this car if they're actually reflective of what the car will actually achieve and anyone who owns a MacBook Air and try to get twelve hours out of its battery will know exactly what I'm talking about then I will be very very happy with this car the drive should be nice and fast and nippy the bigger battery is going to provide what you need for that and I think the range is more than sufficient for most uses you could have this is a little taste of what the future might look like and it's just the first car within this segment to do that so I'm very excited to see how the other manufacturers will respond but I don't need to wait until then because I'm very keen to give this one a try the market for small SUVs has done nothing but explode over the past year naturally Lexus doesn't want to get left behind it wants a small luxury SUV and here with the launch of the world premiere of the Lexus QX if it looks slightly familiar to you it should do that's because it's based on a concept that was launched at Paris two years ago they've tailed down the styling a little bit from that concept car but they've managed to keep an awful lot of what made it look so fresh and new so let's take a look well as you can imagine being a world premiere there are lots of people that actually want to get up on this platform so we're going to have to wait to get closer to it to look in more detail but for now Jonas is just going to show you the car as it spins around the first thing that's really a significant note is this big grille is it too big I don't know it is particularly unique and I think it's going to have a lot of fans for that reason to me it looks almost like stretched fabric that's been pulled across the front and you can see that echoed in the side styling as well its aggressive its angular but it's not too aggressive we can see from these wheel arches it does want to give you the sense that it will go off-road I think we have two different options of sizing on wheels 18 or 19 inches they don't look in any way to overblown I think it certainly does look unique I think that's the word that keeps coming to me the more I look at this car is that it's fresh and that's really nice for a new entrant to the market coming around to the back this is either going to be your taste or it isn't we have a rear lighting display that goes right the entire length of the boot now this is full LED and I understand there are about a hundred and twenty individual LEDs that go together to make up that rear lighting display so again it might not be everybody's taste but it absolutely is going to be unmistakably unique so that word again let's have a look at if the interior lives up to that same promise the avant-garde styling has continued on the interior as well not as aggressively and pronounced as the outside but it certainly looks new and fresh so let's start off at the top here look at these controls I don't believe I've ever seen controls integrated into a dashboard this way it will be very interesting to see how they feel to use while driving the car they certainly look new I think the idea behind this car was to keep as much of the truth of the concept in the finished production model as they possibly could in order to make sure that it felt like something fresh and different and it very definitely does the styling is definitely going to be something that not everyone will go for but I think it's actually quite nice as an angularity I like the different levels it may be a little distracting to the driver because there is so much happening visually with this dashboard so many different levels so many different types of surface but that certainly is going to stop you from getting bored of getting into your car the controls here feel to me very ergonomically laid out so very easy and quick to access while driving and you know what Jonas we have finally found a car with no piano black in it I'm so happy we have this graphite effect plastic and I really like this look at this no fingerprints none none at all no reflection no grease no dirt great I hope this is a start of a new trend in car design so we can be done with all the piano black nice automatic gear leaver here now look at this touchpad this obviously is to allow us to interact with a screen I wonder if we can get that to come on no we're not going to be able to access that right now but you get the idea it's a standard sort of lat TouchPad affair that actually feels impressively nice to the touch when you push this down the build quality resonates as it should do but sadly that doesn't always happen in cars I've got a rather odd slim shelf here a nice pop up at charge point and cupholders back here and controls for the radio here this is somewhat reminiscent of the way that Mercedes have approached interacting with their systems I think Lexus are really trying to push the idea that they are distinct they are special obviously Lexus is not known for making cheap cars what they want to do is have a premium brand and they want a unique premium feel to their vehicles and that definitely comes across here now as we look throughout the car we can see that we have in this car at leather seats and apparently the styling has been inspired by traditional Japanese arts so the stitching is really quite special it looks very different and is very much in keeping with the styling of the car you know I have to be honest with you when I stood outside this car and took a look at it when it was unveiled I really didn't think I was going to like it so much the styling is not quite my cup of tea it is quite aggressive and I thought the interior would mirror that what I'm finding as I sit in here is that it's fresh it's new and it does feel premium I think if I'm introducing this car to other people and saying hey look I got a new car they're going to be quite happy and impressed it certainly is different and original as far as the seating position is concerned well the seats don't just look good they feel good - very nice firm great position good visibility all around this pillars a little bit bigger than you might like as far as checking your blind spots concerned but I'm sure with all the technology on the car there ought to be at least 70 different sensors to tell you when you're going to be experiencing a challenge now I don't think that backseat passengers were the primary focus of this design but who knows you might have some friends you want to put back there let's have a look and see how they'll get on Lexus is of course a lot to rebrand and that means that everything about their cars has to resonate with that quality and let the people spending the money know that they invested their money well the way to achieve that is usually in my opinion through the small details I'm really pleased to see what Lexus has done with this car let's just take a quick look at this door now at first glance there might not seem to be an awful lot going on there but it's the attention to the way that the whole thing is put together that I like there are slightly raised bumps on the speaker grille they don't do anything but they just add a nice styling touch that door handle doesn't just look solid it feels solid as well and that's really important in terms of making you feel that you have a quality product I like the discrete nature of the door lock at the top it matches the door handle very well and it's not too ostentatious I think it's one thing to buy an expensive car it's another thing that you feel you need to shout about it and the features in this car don't really announce themselves loudly they just sit there quietly waiting for you to discover them and I appreciate that let's have a look at this rear light now I often find that the lights are where a lot of money is saved so even on expensive cars you can find that they look and feel cheap I think this looks really nice it's subtle it's discreet and it's nice to touch so okay maybe that's an unimportant detail but I think cars are all about the unimportant details let's look down here we have some fairly straightforward passenger heating and cooling and we have charge points down here there we go two USB ports so that's great one thing that I find a little curious as we have a pocket here behind the driver's seat but none behind the passenger so if you regularly travel on this side you're going to be out of luck for having somewhere to keep your book but other than that I'm sure you'll be fine it's not massively spacious back here but I don't think you would expect it to be if you have a look at my knees I really have very little available room to me I'm 5 foot 10 or 178 centimeters so I'm not the biggest guy in the world but also as you can see from my head I don't have a huge amount of head room but I'm not going to complain this car is not designed and built to have people regularly sitting in the back for long drives it's fine for a round town and there's certainly enough back here to make me feel that attention has been paid to my experience as well as the drivers if Jonas can just have a quick shot through of the - one of the things that I particularly like is that it looks as good from back here as it does in the front the styling is just really nice it is unique it suits this car very well and I think it says Lexus which is the most important thing clearly that it needs to do to start you can get a 2 litre four-cylinder petrol engine and that's going to give you a hundred and sixty eight horsepower it is going to be optional however with a slightly larger engine that's going to produce a hundred and seventy six and it's also going to offer you an all-wheel-drive system because it will come with a rear mounted electric motor as well and that promises to be really quite exciting to drive so to sum up Lexus really wanted to make a statement with this car and that statement was look we can innovate we can be different we can compete within new market segments and bring fresh ideas and a lot of people said okay I know but everybody says that will you actually be able to deliver on it and I really think they have there are significantly enough features about this car that have been carried through from the concept to keep it looking fresh unique different I'm not quite sure if the interior design is going to be a distraction while driving it certainly looks as if there are lots of surfaces for you to need to keep clean but it's nice to see an interesting and fresh approach to how to put a dashboard together if the drive delivers as much innovation and I think it will if you go with a more powerful electric supported model then you're really going to have something to get excited about hopefully we'll get the opportunity to show you how it performs well we are lucky enough to be with the Volkswagen Auto Group and that means that we have actually 12 different brands represented here now I don't think we have any merchandise yet but I'll be impressed if you can name all 12 of them I'm sure Thomas can do something for you if you're the first doesn't do it without using Google come on let's be fair so I am sitting here in what you can only describe as a proposition of how one possible future might look I think the message the folks are gonna very keen to get across to us tonight is that by 2050 70% of all of us will be living in a city they're very very keenly aware that the way that we deal with transportation and the way that we approach cars is going to be changing and they're keen to be at the forefront of that change and at the forefront of that technology hopefully a little later on we'll have the opportunity to see how some of their brands are addressing those needs but in the meantime I think this is their take on a futuristic taxi what do you think it's pretty cool to me [Music] phox Falcon group are very enthusiastic that we understand how seriously they're taking the future and we've had lots of biggest thrown at us so far tonight not least of which is the 34 billion they're planning on investing by 2022 on their electric platforms you think you've seen electric so far but according to them you haven't seen it yet let's see what the future has to offer so far 160,000 German customers have already taken on Volkswagens challenge to trade in their old vehicles for the newer euro six engines and I think that's something you'll likely to see continuing into the future so as you would expect with the group night here we get just a little bit of a taste of the excitement that we can expect tomorrow we have visions from Audi Skoda Cupra sayit and of course Volkswagen now we're not gonna get all the information all the details that we want tonight or we are gonna get some very exciting glimpses into what might be coming in the future [Music] here we have the Skoda vision X and for my money Skoda have always produced some of the most exciting concept vehicles they don't really follow any rules and they are more than prepared to push them to the limits I think what's happened is that the entire group has been challenged with the idea of producing cars that will answer the e mobility call and this is what Skoda has produced this grille looks kind of familiar to me anybody watched the Land Cruiser review I'd be interested to know what you think but it's looking a little reminiscent to me I really like the way that the styling looks so very futuristic I think the car manufacturers can get stuck inside a mould where they're only considering what's gone before and not pushing forwards enough Skoda for me has always achieved that bridge of managing to really look to the future and seeing what could be possible this car looks very exciting to me and I would like nothing better than to take it outside and see how it drives [Music] we're really excited to have been joined by Olaf estefany who is a designer for Skoda and responsible if I understand correctly for this car please tell us what was the thinking behind this model well first of all it should be real Skoda and we should also filter the codec and couric so we want to have another member of our new SUV family and we did everything so that it fits perfect to the other cars now a lot of the time we're shown concept cars and we get very excited about them but they never actually end up in production honestly are we gonna see this on the roads yes you will see this as a production car on the road yeah it will come out and it will very close to what you see here well I don't know about you but I'm quite excited by that so can you tell me what your thoughts were behind the design of this car because it's quite radical well it's our design philosophy ajikko de you know to make first of all to make the car very compact super proportions yeah big wheels but then also bring this typical Skoda touch today this this crystal clear lines the crystal clear and nicely cut surfaces so that you see also in the car especially also in the front yeah and then was a very distinctive look in the front with our two I design well that's great I have to say I will be absolutely astonished if the interior design makes it through to production but I really like very much the fact that you are pushing boundaries and I've seen that a lot from Skoda how do you see the future of cars evolving as it fits within Volkswagens view of the future of an electric platform well Skoda has his design strategy and also we will follow this design swirls in the future to develop this always more and more they always fits to the brand and also to fits to the customers well I'd like to say thank you so much for joining us tonight it's really such a pleasure to meet the people responsible for this design it looks fantastic I'd love to give it a drive thank you thank you okay so one of things that often gets to me about concept cars is that we don't see enough of those concepts carry through right to the production models and okay you can see some features here that are a little bit a little bit crazy a little bit wild look at this door handles to shut the door and down here we have a really interesting side pocket feature but I have to say in terms of the cockpit itself okay let's be honest it's not my taste but I really like the new thinking look at this we have fabric on the dash the top itself is really sculptured now for those of you who are really familiar with Skoda you will be aware of their crystalline design policy and you can see that throughout the car now obviously this is not making a true production but the idea of a completely rethought through interior is very appealing to me we test a lot of cars at out ogre for a lot of cars and the commonality between them is sometimes a little disappointing and it's always very exciting to me personally when you can see a designer as wow I did not have anything to do with that I have no idea what this does but oh good grief look at this that's astonishing that is an iPhone charger built in to the dash so if I push that back in there okay I don't know if it's going to do it in Reverse but what it did is the entire display lifts it up and then presented my phone to me and I think we have to base a driver and passenger that is fantastic I think a lot of people would like that very much not least because your phones link to the car so you don't need to access it you can get it through here so coming down a little further we have some these are purely concept obviously then they're not fully functional but you see it's all about the styling and I really appreciate the way that this styling is new its original it's fresh it's genuinely fresh I'm genuinely excited to sit in this car and I really want to see what of these concepts managed to make it through to production okay so it's more than a little gimmicky but still you know come on it's a concept car what do you want of course there's a light show let's check it out so I already said I'm a big fan of Skoda concepts okay but you know what there strapline is simply clever they're always looking for new ways to innovate and I don't think you can find anything at Geneva this year that's more innovative than this realization as to watch go to think you should be doing with your boots [Music] so about two weeks ago I was lucky enough to bring you the launch of the brand new say at brand the Cupra and I thought I'd seen everything that they had to offer I mean after all they showed us their the sports car and it was really rather exciting if you haven't seen it please check out the link it's pretty good I thought that's all they had for now but look at this if you thought that sports cars had to be powered by petrol think again this is say ATS II racer [Music] [Music] so ordinarily where we would find fuel tanks in the back of this car here we have batteries look at the size of those cables there's an awful lot of power to be supplied to this thing but it's all being distributed directly through what you can just about make out in the middle now clearly it would be the best fun in the world to be held to actually take this car out for a drive obviously we can't do that Geneva but who knows for the future maybe if enough of you tell Thomas that he should drive this car he might get the opportunity really I'm very excited about the future of erasing yeah I know it doesn't have the sound and you could argue that means it doesn't have the passion but this is the future and I'm really encouraged to see that set are pushing the boundary to establish where we can go with racing from here and in so I'm somewhat reticent to do this interview because we have a time book with you tomorrow morning I don't want to use up all of my questions now but I'm in love with this car so I have to know more about it this is Seth's first electric race car absolutely absolutely we are quite successful with the internal combustion engine race cars are TCR we have been for the last years over winner also on the long endurance racing 24-hour race we are very successful and we said what is the next level on racing and the next level on Racing definitely is the electric racing which gives you totally new racing formats yeah maybe you can go away from the racetracks you can go also to more noise sensible areas you can go and stadium whatever and the FF we created this Leone was this Cupra eraser this cupry eraser my target was for the team to be faster than today's TCR cars it's important faster than the TCR car but sustains the normal race distance and this guy has a peak performance of five phone at kilowatt which is 680 horsepower which gives you quite a nice acceleration it's nice and but you have to manage the energy because it's just a peak performance the maximum constant performance is rheanna kilowatt which is even more than for not horsepower and this is car visit performance occurs quite quite rapid on the racetrack I think one interesting thing just to mention is normally you know all that cars in that class especially on his front wheel driven in power train here VFL rear wheel driven power train due to the weight distribution we have we have more than 50% on the rear and visit performance of 680 horsepower visit Waiters butanol front will not work but on the rear we work fantastically well I'm pretty sure you have me at faster so I love the car I want to see it race is it actually going to be able to race where will it race absolutely Zeca is not a show car it's a race prototype and they actually build two cars in order to make all the testing their means starting in my we will go on the track we will test and my target is our target is by the end of the year and the last TC RS at least to Africa which is able to participate on a TC RS but in front not in the real well I'm very very excited so watch what this car can do and thank you so much for bringing it to air today and I'm looking forward speaking to you in tomorrow okay thank you okay so you got me I'm a big fan of the family bus I have three small children that would be an end of that but they have their friends unfortunately so I have to transport all of them right throughout her for the heat to go to so this is very exciting to me this is Volkswagens view of the future this is what they think I could be transporting my children and their friends around in so let's take a look at this now you would assume if Jonas can just sweep along the length of this vehicle from what we currently know of electric transportation that this would have a really truly appalling range on it but it actually can travel for 300 kilometres without needing a charge I've gotta say I think that would do pretty much anything I need to do with it but I want to take a look inside to see if it delivers up it's promises so my heart is a little broken it turns out this is not something that's been designed for me but has been designed for mass transit or I guess you could call it an upgraded taxi significantly well 200 units have been given by Volkswagen to the city of however so they can see how people interact with this concept but look at it it's just fantastic you have so much space so much room and it's so clean and nice and really simple to keep that way as well there's a luggage area in front which Jonas will show you in a little cutaway and the space that you have and the comfort that you have is fantastic and if this can travel for 300 kilometers without needing a charge then my feeling is we can very much be looking at the future of taxis [Music] [Music] [Music] so a lot of times on our taga fool we're asked why aren't there bigger wheels why can't we have bigger wheels well Volkswagen have done their absolute level best to answer that challenge these are some of the most enormous wheels I've ever seen so why well I think it's all about proportions what you see here is the the id vision as our future basically luxury sedan the flagship model of the Volkswagen brand which will appear in 2022 not in the way the interior sculptured but the exterior actually very much looks like our our future plan and cloud special the chief designer obviously is obsessed about proportions Volkswagen cars have great proportions and the future electric cars basically offer even more potential for great proportions so now cibc is you two wheelbase huge wheels which pull the the the optics of the car down it looks like like I would say a brilliant execution of a matchbox car now I have to tell you we've been fortunate enough to speak with Karl before and I'm slightly frightened by the size of wheels he may propose in the future the styling looks extraordinary is is this a question of style or engineering I think it's a combination of both obviously you have to have the vision for the taste which belongs to Volkswagen I think Volkswagen has a very typical design attitude any line that you start needs to finish in the right place it should have a meaning it shouldn't be just there it should be something which has to be is a part of the car creation and the design lines and you see Bessy most of the launches float around it's beautiful and as you said obviously it takes talent and it takes obviously a great engineering team basically to to put this into into reality so I think we have a great combination of a design team that knows how to do Volkswagen design for next generation actually is leveraging the the potential of the platform to the utmost and actually has a lot of freedom to create which which dr. Dee's and Frank we actually delivered to our design team very very happy I think with the aura execution I think we all see ourselves driving ethos cars already so I think for everybody who's interested this car in very similar shape will be on the road for 2022 maybe with little smaller wheels but actually even the final execution of the wheel size will be much bigger than what you know today well one of the things that I find very exciting about that is I think for many people the dream age of car design was the 1950s where there were no limitations and people would simply design the car based on the aesthetic and the engine that it contained and the opportunity that the electric drive brings to us is to reimagine what the car means to us and dr. D certainly touched upon that within his talk tonight I see a lot of the future here in this car obviously it's a concept not all of it will come through to actual production but some of it will and it's really exciting to see things being thought of in this way how do you feel that this represents an evolution from where Volkswagen are at today in terms of where they are looking to get - well I think you can compare this this step to a step that we've taken as a Volkswagen brand but once in our history the the move from beetle to Gulf was a gigantic step in perception of car design and and how cars do look like golf basically has formed and formulated the whole generation of cars that spun off the core idea of having a a is a masterpiece of lines and and preciseness in the cars was basically lost until today if you look into Tigran today it still stems from a design philosophy from the original golf in purity and and in simplicity this one actually is the next big step busy beyond our our today's philosophy it's still this Volkswagen you walk around this car and you feel automatically and through the S by this is a Volkswagen it's its simplicity but X is simplicity of next generation its purity in lines it will be timeless it will be great to look at when you when you first own it and will be great to look at when you when you resell it after a few years into the marketplace and the cars I think simple to understand it's not very complex and again beautiful things which we are actually big fans of already light is going to be the chrome of the future so we've replaced elements that we used to decorate with a new idea which basically light is replacing chrome you see this floating all around the car so we try to put as much of that into reality well I do know what the car looks like in reality I think we've done it the app knows to to really bring the spirit to life that you see today and I think that's typical Volkswagen is is this this is not gonna be a vision that's going to be forgotten this is actually a car that we want to bring to life in its in its element so obviously some of the pieces that you see here now the these are the the the the the swinging doors probably are not gonna be production sort of a priority number one the interior is the interior that we imagined to be happening after 2025 so now you don't need a steering wheel you don't need mirrors because the car does the job for you so what else can you do in the car that's what you see here okay so a bit of a personal question but when you consider the future there's a lot of it that's incredibly exciting is there a little bit that's also terrifying teeth I think not terrifying I think I think the good news is that we all know that until we get to the stage where you hear you have no steering wheel the car really does everything and the environment is ready for that car that will take some time I think what you see here actually is a vision for us as a brand how would we use time of the driver because the the true let's say the true luxury that we give back is time to the owner and the the passenger of the car that will happen a long time before steering wheels disappear people will be able to drive on motorways at good speed actually not not necessarily having to touch the steering wheel doing other stuff around them that will be the next stage of our evolution which for many people who spend a lot of time on the order other way on the motorway actually is a great sort of relief and the question that we have to answer is what do you do with your time so so what what's the interface to your car how can you use that that time so I'm really thrilled by the opportunities I'm not scared I think we all stick to steering who will suppose for quite a while there's probably kings gives you relief and you will be able to drive this accelerating car this will be a very very fun to own and fun to drive car very fast with with enormous performance and obviously long range so I think there's nothing that actually scares me I think there's a lot of a lot of opportunities to position our brand where we want it to be very human I think very much connected to our owners and actually accelerating and exciting to own it to be in well I think the thing that excites me most is that we can still see that functionality meets design because this this is a future we don't know what the future will hold what we do know that change is very much something that we live with every day especially in terms of car design and I'm very excited to see the way in which the change has been embraced with the design of the car in a holistic way I'm very excited to see what you will do with this car when it has production as much as we are so I have one more thing to say a lot of our viewers are very very much in love with their cars very much in love with Volkswagen as a brand and this represents one potential future now a lot of people who watch our channel may say well come on that's a concept you know how is that granted in reality but I would want to say to them this is only one potential future and if you could say one thing to the alto Gafoor viewers what would you like to communicate I think it's it's the confidence of Volkswagen I think you should simply rely on your brand I think Volkswagen it has has had a great past due to the help of our our customers now our fans and I think we are shaping now a brilliant future for the Volkswagen brand we're getting a lot of input especially through our owners and through our fans I think you see a lot of that coming through into the interior of our cars and into the way we create our cars and I think everybody should be should be watching Volkswagen it's it's a brilliant future and we truly believe that the Golden Age of car driving has just begun it's not over it's just begun well you know what this man is impossible to ruffle it doesn't matter what you are skidding that's a really good answer thank you so much much thanks for starting the time with us and thank you for showing us your vision of the future we're very very excited to see where that would take us [Music] okay I haven't checked with Thomas so I hope this is all right I asked my children before I came away to the Geneva Motor Show if there were any cars they wanted me to check out and this is to my eldest son Ted now he's a bit of a fan of sporty cars I said I'd see what I could do what do you think Ted our next car this is laughs Hawking he's latest offering well I think that we might have a bit of a problem popping down to a local supermarket to pick up some shopping in this because I think there's a whole load of room but I'd be willing to try wouldn't you we've been lucky enough to be joined by meteor burger who is the designer of Lamborghinis entrance into the people mover markets surprised I know but this car can carry how many passengers two passengers two passengers okay absolutely enormous two passengers with a speed that is absolutely enormous I don't think there's any aspect of this car that tells me anything other than that it's designed for speed tell me about what's powering this car electricity and dreams this is our statement this is my statement is the Lamborghini statement for an electrical Lamborghini of the future this car is not for today is not for tomorrow I take the stone we throw it into the future and this car is really an invitation for also for the engineers I think the car looks sexy and now I'm looking for the technology now I'm looking for the people to realize this car Wow I think that's what most people could describe as a dream job now we've known Lamborghini for a long time a short aggressive front and the long back with the engine so the long back here is to accommodate the batteries yes there's a point the following concept first of all I am really provocative with the architecture because the seat position is really like Formula one seat position or the you know like an animal so you have a high mounted footrest because I want to also storage some battery in front of the car to balance the weight we have the substitution of the combustion engine so we have a battery in the rear but the clue for me is that we have an idea for the exterior shell of the car because the exterior shell is done in carbon fiber it's including nanotubes so you can use also the exterior shell as an energy storage that's amazing wow that is extraordinary and that's the entire shell of the car the whole thing is carbon fiber this is a potential source of energy storage in the future and we wanted to give it an outstanding design of course you as you have asked me what is the design language of Lamborghini first of all there is this typical centerline the gandini line Marcello Gandini I think you know 82 years old designer my legend my my my idol from Turin we have presented to him the car and our Trent of Steel and this is also a no match for him so we are calling this line the gandini line but there's also more about it for it for me there's the architecture of Lamborghini that you cannot mistaken for another supercar there's a strong angle of the side windows that we have designed also here but then I'm always saying my philosophy is expecting unexpected so we have dressed the car completely unexpected with of course a new design language of Lamborghini that but is also particular than for this kind of project the a glimpse of reality in terms of design strategy are the Y shape to the epsilon shaped front and rear lights because sure it sure says I can show you when you when you look at the car from the front come down here you can see there's this white shape and we are this will be the signature of Lamborghini in the future we have done already in a smaller kind of proportion on us we have done on the trenton area but this will be the lamborghini signature in the future so i guess the questions that the that I have for my world are one can you mount a bike rack to this car I think yes if you want if you really need you week I think we can manage that would be the coolest thing in the world to I've seen before with such cars where the front will rise for speed bumps we have this technology in Lamborghini I need one for us as old-school technology have it we have it well thank you so much for joining us and thank you for sharing with us your vision of the future I hope that this will be something that we have the opportunity to try at some point in the future the design is fantastic really it's very sleek it's very linear it flows it makes sense to me and I I think no one more than you could want to see this car come through to production I'm an optimistic guy I think the future looks really cool and this is what I want to share thank you very much and thank you that you like the car thank you very much let's suppose that you were able every night three many three and that you could for example have the power within one nice dream 75 years of time or anything sometime you [Music] the better Dreams you would fulfill all your wishes so come on out okay cool vase for those of you who are keeping count of your 12 members of the Volkswagen Group we are now at the zuru no data so if you haven't heard of it don't feel that bad I'm not going to say that I have either but there's a reason for that there are very limited numbers of these cars available currently two of these have been sold the total production run is around about five but Wow look at this car everything about it says Drive and everything about it is tailored to the individual who wants to buy it now I have the perfect person here well you know okay let me be honest with you we were offered the chief designer for the brand but I want passion that's unique and special and this man has both of those things please tell the viewers who you are so thank you so much for the beautiful words here we are we did 0 you know Duarte is the target version last year we present the 0 no coupe a five-car whole already sold and now this is the new car for this year also with this car we we produce only 5 units so all the car is completed bespoke so we speak with the how our clients and we try to find a solution for make happen our clients so this car is completely completed Amala gate car so it's road legal and we hope to do a great word ok so two important points there one you will have noticed that his accent is somewhat better than mine but you know I'm British so I have an excuse and the second thing I wanted to point out to you is you will hear us an awful lot on alto ger fuel talking about the way that a car is finished because most car design is usually a compromise between what the designer wants and the budget that's allocated to achieve that end this is a car that is not experiencing those concerns consequently you have carbon fiber everywhere why because it's lighter so the car can go faster and everything about this Drive says speed power performance now I don't think I'm going to get to drive this car anytime soon so have you driven this car that's my question yes it's amazing so the car is really really quick and it's all carbon fiber so old the body is in carbon fiber top speed is really high and also the performance on the track are amazing so that's a great great car yeah but we're still part of the folks walking group right so you know III guess if you're thinking Chiron or maybe something different this could be your different why not maybe my wife will think that's okay we'll see what was presenting the all new generation of the V 68 is on the same new architecture plot on the spae platform and the xc60 here now with the estate for us the same will be coming also as a sedan again over the s60 and we'll take a look at it an exterior and interior and tell you more details [Music] [Music] and let's continue here with the front Thor's hammer LED headlights and with LED daytime running light signature this is the inscription front grille with those vertical fins inscription is a top model which is not recommendable in the interior however I'll tell you more about that later overall you know very beautiful front and also in line with the xc60 for example because it's on the same this SP a platform they're using for all of their bigger cars now then the inscription model comes with 18 inch rims they start with inscription and the momentum trim levels at first more treatments following later those ones here the optional 19 inch and you see it's a rather simplistic design in the side profile the shoulder line is forming out just starting from the middle then raising to the rear part of the vehicle and then those classic vertical horizontal slit taillights they're from Volvo estate or Volvo SUVs so a clear design language overall if you compare it to the previous system on this one looks a little too sharp enjoyable fake exhaust by the way it's almost 10:00 at nowadays in the industry so what do you think about the designing of the v60 to me it's quite pleasing so nice looking estate definitely and again the outgoing model I mean it's not a super revolution design wise but it's definitely a little sharper more precise in the design the outgoing model is a little rounder definitely in shape the biggest difference is of course that the headlights look totally different now four meters seventy six or fifteen foot six it's a total length of this car that means it has grown in about 13 centimetres that's actually quite a lot and yeah we had discussion lately if that's still mid sized yeah I mean this one is really against the Mercedes c-class estate for example or the Audi a4 Avant or then of course the BMW 3-series touring the v90 then the bigger that one is you know app' mid site and it cars BMW 5-series to ring or than also the audi a6 here also we got another with this jacket on blue is a very elegant color or what do you think so it's not read my Thomas blue but I think of every very beautiful approach also then with contrasting chrome roof rails right there you see the window line is still rather upright it's not you know this typical boxy old ball design they have cutter cutter that I won out of course it will be very interesting how that affects the room on the interior will soon take a look at that but as the cars grown in length it definitely has some effect of that and I'll close the hatch right here for you that you can take a look more one more at the side profile in this color 530 until 1360 litres is the capacity of trunk or the loading area and you can see those suitcases are fitting right here so it's actually a good example of what it is capable of you see it doesn't have the typical Volvo box design as we know but still you can see it can take a lot of stuff and we will soon also take a look at the trunk which is empty to compare it see this one here seems to flip down automatically again we'll test it with the empty one but you can already see here is how to flip the seats it's on the right lower part you can then press the buttons then to flip the seats around well we can do it right here it's my mind why not so let's press that one there we go so and then minute put that one out you can see how it could lo two things through it gives you an even loading surface right there the same thing you can also do with the left side so that yeah let's take it out come on let's work it around that looks better here with the bright interior so then we have this full set up looks quite nice also in this clean bright setup this is by the way to split the trunk we know that also here and put things in and or maybe the backpack that has to stand upright it's a good solution nice locked so you can actually open that usually when it's not locked with this vehicle here so um one more thing I want to test is this one here good like this as well and let's just see you see what happens if that has any effect on the hatch stem because when we close the hatch let's also check that try let's see if three test whoa that's why too much torque well that can actually behead you wow wow wow that is really heavy stuff I think that's an engineering fail but then you know see this one is obviously not connected so that seems to be all manual let's just close it again and see how well it does yeah it just stays up you see so I think that could be done to that you have basically connection then between the hatch and this coverlet that would be quite nice actually but they don't let's take a look at the interior structure soft surface on the top part looks really great from the build called here option Bowers & Wilkins sound system it's also good for performance from up on what we know not really suitable for bigger bottles here so they cannot really stand upright then the interior also with the inscription top trim level well I think it's too expensive you know it brings the price up forty thousands the entry prize at the moment but then with the inscription you can easily double the price also with the bigger engine then I like the searingly you know with a dual tone setup that's nice design and also the Scandinavian set up here with the matte wood interior right here for example simplistic Scandinavian design the seats here usually of a lot of comfortable no matter in which trim level you go for I like the bright color but of course Volvo is still mate they want to be sustainable brand but they use still so much animal skin that's a little too contradiction then so then let's get inside Wow and they are really again very comfortable to me the Volvo seat forms are among the most comfortable in the automotive industry again no matter which car of those you pick and also no matter which trim level so I will you know I'm always taking in the customer perspective for you and try to get you the best price performance deal for the vehicle because I think you know it's not in my interest that the manufacturers earn more money it's in my interest that you get the best experience for the least amount of money and so the momentum trimmer for example will also be fine here by the way the steering wheel can be adjusted and they've smooshed up the process here so wow I can easily do that with one hand very nice so I also feel that one of the first new Volvo's like the all new xc90 was not they had good from the build quality that one by the way I like that more in the XE for the weather which is met here's again with the shiny black elements well I'm coming back to the build quality here now when you look at it beside those elements they've stepped up the game a little bit more step by step with a new vehicles yeah also very wrapped tightly with the top dashboard you get the digital instruments right there so I'm actually you have two kinds of setup it starts with eight inch just like this and an optional you get this one here the twelve point three inch however at the middle display you always get nine point two inch right there that is standard for all cars soon more deals to that but we know it basically from other Volvo models so far we'll take a quick tour of it this one reminds of the v9 t those vertical vertical vents right there and special to see here this is this sort of skis style crystal shifting lever I think for in our midsize cars maybe a little bit over the top start engine right here they every move by the way the function that you could turn it left you just turn it right and the driving mode also in this crystal style also gives you a nice acoustics feedback then you can pick different driving modes but usually they don't have a big difference what a pleasant design again with the horizontal design that's here and the matte wood wow that is really cool also with a bright interior I just love that design wise the infotainment screen by the way it cleans up the interior somehow but then again the temperature changing while driving you can get used to it a little bit of course you can also use the voice command I'm not sure if it's working you know I'm cold hmm that worked pretty right quick I'm hot I'm cold let's see I'm very very cold okay very cold it's obvious not but you see when I say I'm cold or when I'm old it changes the temperature to one degrees up or down so that works pretty well I mean it's a good solution other than that you can do it in those two different ways or three ways actually so you can adapt to it while driving and here also with ventilation or heated seats and my favorite feature the heated steering wheel and then that you have this home screen you can activate assistance systems and stuff this is the GPS you can also maximize it's very responsive overall we were quite satisfied with its so far it's the home screen button and on the right side you can find some access to car play you can also collect your phone your Bluetooth so you have both ways available and then you know when you um hold the button here you have this cleaning mode so it doesn't react to anything and then you can clean because you see it does collect a lot of fingerprints for sure another nice feature is this volume turning up its feets pretty loose but it gives you an acoustic feedback and somehow feels funny and you can spin it around you know not temperature DJ but volume DJ for today that just the mandatory buttons by law that are still left over here for example for the heathered lights then this middle console part you know we are not a fan of the shiny black why look at that fingerprints dust scratches and so on cupholders adaptive and again wow this contrast between bright and dark I like this color scheme contrasting one but of course you can also get it in pure duct electric hand trick and then fix the attached middle console but very shallow right here you cannot see it right now I think but just here where my fingers then the two USB ports and mmm for a big smartphone and yeah I finally got a new phone guys so because someone was complaining that I had an old phone oh look at that I want to show you a smoothie there it's my case of always and she's sweet but this is just one you know this let me show you our system here we go let's resist up there twice all the tiger and the black one aren't they sweet then twelve foot power supply and that's it for the middle console so good that this car is powered because then we can also open the panoramic roof and it's really a very big one Wow well the opening here is not that huge but the overall glass roof is really huge so interesting option to go for for sure so we can close that again and there's also a shade available so when I press forward once more you go hey nice moving effect on camera although I mean if you're in the very hot climate that might still get a little bit too hot but you know they can adapt you buying choice for that another interesting detail is this frameless rear mirrors always looking elegant and also good for your visibility overall I like it when they pay attention to those details for sure then the mirror right here also with the light you can check yourself out hey what's up so I think it's also a good solution overall than the Headroom in the front with the panoramic roof I'm one with eighty six or six with one but leaves still some room over my head if you need more space then leave out the panoramic roof so let's get in the rear compartments here we go it's actually quite easy injury but the car is still sitting very low especially if you're compared to the Volvo SUVs then I had the seat as I would be sitting which still gives me plenty of black robe that's the big difference with the previous generation I could hardly sit in the previous generation legroom wise that's the 13 plus centimeters we also have in length so definitely a big improvement however you see that the seat itself is pretty thick so it's not the car was the best package but if you consider the Volvo v90 for example I don't see the V 90 having much more legroom than this one here for example there's still a big tunnel because we also have our drive system so in the middle part you don't sit too well you have seat eating also for the outside of the two seats well here in the inside still working some more also a headphone wise even though we have the panoramic roof we still have a lot of headroom left Austin area even more in the side seats for shorter terms is quite okay and in general for middle seating of a car it's still quite reasonable also if you compare it just with your feet with the middle tunnel here again even more Headroom in the inside actually on the outside with the panoramic roof then it's getting close so for the outside rear seats you should probably leave out the primary roof if you have tall passengers in the rear then we also have this middle concert in the rear with cupholders for the kids in some storage area and on the back part you can also open this ski hatch to load things through you know flipping the seats from the trunk is one possibility this is a menu possibility to it right from here top tether on the back part as well easy fix on the outside parts from the front part again loading things through easily great quality here also and well it's just a little bit heavy to put them up again and the reason is that they want to have them fall down easily from the rear just when you press the button so that's the downside of that and another color I always love to show you that and this is also the momentum trim level with 19 inch optional exhaust saw but you can see for summer in the front there's difference with a front grill you have still the vertical fins but they are not chrome polished like with the inscription it still looks quite elegant I think also with the contrast in the lower bumper there and this is also known for the momentum trim level from standard equipment the headlights you can see them right there by the way here do you see this design and here on the front hood that's pretty powerful stuff so great design job they did there too and as soon I'm a sure also the interior on this car and that proves the point that you can easily go also with lower trim level let's look out for that different engines of course available soon more to that but first of all look in the trunk right here because this one is done with dark fabric well you can't see so much and on camera but you know if you don't fancy the bright interior for the back trunk then that's it and here we can also open a lower part optional also with a replacement tire there we go and also interesting you can also press a button here at the inside we was for the for the tow bar there we go it's fixed and when I press the button again there it is it's loose and I can flip it back in I'll for a very nice solution for sure the car also has you know the flipping seats function I can show you it once more because it's really nice there we go again it was a one two third splitter so guys this is puke Scandinavian style like furniture design here in the momentum trim the base trim is rather we know more black fabric and stuff you can get that too but if you want a little bit more fancy you can go for this one so you have the met aluminium style for example also has decoy elements um you can go for that one looks a little bit more sporty and modern you can also go for the wood trim and then wow this is really so far lounge like those colors are called City weave and they also have been available for the v40 scene I think seen it before now with a V 62 and this in February and leatherette on the outside so no animals harm for this one and it's a great quality so if you're then compare it to you know the animal based leather you hardly see any difference so um there's a good example of how I can do things better so and also comfort wise those seats iam a really superb and I'm really thinking about seeing this you know sitting here we know with the new design the Scandinavian simplicity and this you know lounge furniture so if you ask you know you always ask me what's your favorite car in the segment and if you're thinking about not a for c-class and remember 3-series they're all great cars and especially know that driving dynamics and so I expect to be better you know for example with BMW than with this one however we assumed to drive test drive this one of course so I can't say anything about that yet but from the interior styling and the comfort here really get the impression that this one will be my new favorite mid-size estate or than later also late in 2018 than the s60 the sedan so I'm really impressed and you know again because this was a good price performance deal the city we've um as far as I checked the price list form for example exc forty the new one are also an option then for the base criminal but they're not that expensive x-ray actually so you can still go either for a rather subtle trim the base trim keep it rather one color because for some it might be no too much a little bit some say that's you know a little bit too extraordinary but if you wanted a little bit more spiced up and also with you know the fabric you keep warm in winter and also cold in summer times I think the car as it stands here right now maybe when with a blue exterior to me the perfect combination so on also the rear seats have the same design and I just want to keep sitting here you know I'm walking a lot on the Motor Show it's really stressful and I can really relax when I'm just sitting in but of course I want to show you how the real lack room differs then because the seat foam was a little bit different but they seem the same from the rear and yes indeed so it's the same year from from the rear also also quite comfortable seating position here in the rear again and what else this cars a little more power here and how it seems but only twelve a power supply in the lower part which has this illumination mmm USB ports would be good them for sure on the top part here you can also have a seat heating for the outer seats and also a separate vent control so overall about 2-liter four-cylinder engines diesel s d3 with 150 horsepower or this one your d4 with 190 horsepower and both are either front-wheel drive or all-wheel drive optional and then there's also a t5 petrol engine with qunit 50 horsepower starting with front-wheel drive and then there also top petrol and hybrid engines let's move on over to the hybrid car to explain you more about those so there's the t6 with 3 9 10 horsepower but also the t6 twin engine that ones in the hybrid then you get 3 and 40 horsepower and you charge the car electrically here in the very front and as a Top Model as also the t8 twin engine then with 390 horsepower and this is the cutaway model of the hybrid drivetrain first of all everything you see in orange here belongs to the electric part and especially middle we will soon become very interesting I can promise you and it also reveals how the overdrive system is working let's start in the front in detail so what you can see in blue is in dark blue right here this is the electric motor there's one in the front and one in the rear this one is the one in the front this is supporting the front drivetrain so when you have a normal or Way drive petrol or diesel then it's basically front-wheel drive plus rear-wheel drive now we are a clutch in the middle but here front and Reax are disconnected basically so they're one electric motor supports the front wheel which is main driven body combustion engine this one here is you know to change the electorate at the electricity the transfer made us then in the middle part the biggest one this is the battery and this is actually the part where you just have the middle tunnel you know for you know transferring the front power to the to the rear as well and when you don't have that then there's a gap extry and then they thought okay let's put the battery in this gap so the middle tunnel remains as we see in interior but you can hide the battery right there and don't lose for example don't lose trunk space height if we then go to the rear visible main electric motor sits because the Reax is just powered by the rear buyer by this reelect Rick motor this is here for the charging infrastructure so it goes all the way from the front to here this one is the basic the charging module and this one is again the power we've seen the front the transfer mater which is then you know delivering the right proper energy for the electric motor pretty interesting to see that here in the cutaway model and that again means there's no connection front and rear wheels it's just electronically this decided actually how much torque is getting way out and then you might think okay when the battery is he plead what happened son then the normal combustion engine is always loading up again the battery in a way that is enough power to out the rear wheel so why are they doing that male well maybe if you're stuck in an awkward situation where you really need two rear wheels because the otherwise won't get out of a Matt then you still have the overdrive although when the battery is depleted that's not of course not really efficient more efficient is to charge the plug-in hybrids they are some statistic that a lot of people do not do that at all but maybe when the charging infrastructure is rising at work and or at home and you maybe also have more chance to charge this plug-in hybrid the realistic driving figure I mean we couldn't yet for the all-electric drive have not all electric from black electric drive for this engine well it will be about 30 kilometers an hour that's my estimation for the realistic driving otherwise it's supporting the engine to keep the rest of the consumption low but of course it really makes sense when you are really charging it now to the conclusion the Volvo v60 is for sure not a super revolution but it has been finely tuned in every sense so a sharper exterior definitely was also time for renewal new platform that offers you more versatility it is not again you know not this boxy all voice which is super much luggage space but we've shown you it has actually enough versatility also we'll flipping the seats and stuff now as the car has become significantly longer yeah to one extent it gets a little bit you know no big adjust when driving in the city and stuff but then again you have way more legroom especially for the rear passengers that's the main difference now also the interior has been tweaked so we have a lot of great design style elements you've seen also that in the lower trim levels you can make it super beautiful and I think that's also you know a super unique selling point so many prima manufacturers open or Shores on the driving and says super drop trim levels and you know super expensive double the entry price and so on but the real key is to make the lower and middle trim level that attractive that you say I'm driving a special car although I did not pay double the price of the entry price and I think that will very well work here as we showed you with the momentum car with the city we've interior and I'm really a fan of it so one of my favorite cars he from the Geneva Motor Show really well done also with alternative drive trains mmm the energy themselves from both the normal combustion engines are usually really high fuel consuming you have to keep that in mind therefore the plug-in hybrid can already make sense of course if you really have the chance to charge it quite often and now what about your feedback I'm always looking forward to your comments what do you think about the new v6 T then later this year we'll also put you they s6e the sedan which will basically be the same dress with a different rule unless luggage space and of course soon we will drive this one and then you will also tune in to autograph you'll the Honda CRV is one of the most successful SUVs worldwide alone in the u.s. just in one year almost four hundred thousand pieces that's really massive and here's the new generation has been held in the u.s. in 2017 in 2018 also comes to European markets will make around our body all new Honda CRV exterior interior and what else is there under the hood features technology we take a look let's go [Music] [Applause] the new CRV is the same platform than the new Civic by the way and if you see in the front is a more harmonic design first of all in the preset was basically split in two elements here this round shape a friendly face and again one unit now with headlights and front grille and the front grille has this active shutter technology so when not so much cooling is needed shutters are closed and therefore improving than the wind efficiency in the lower part you still have this cross overlook with a rather rugged plastic fender and the car is a little bit wider than before for me it is 58 or 15-foot is the total lengths at 6 centimeters longer than the previous version also the wheelbase has been made long a little bit will check out how that has an effect on the interior here then also with massive 18 inch wheels in the two color scheme looks pretty much technology oriented so also a special hider for this vehicle of course all optional stellar one comes with smaller ones then this rugged look here again at the wheel arches the side profile is dominated by the dropping line you see in light and shadow at the height of the door handles and this very characteristic rear angle of the theory has been remained a little bit to show us a little bit wider here and it looks somehow more elegant also in this side profile you can see that the taillights are already beginning right here they have been changed even more we'll take a look at that now this part has really changed the taillights now a little bit Volvo like ante you know with the vertical here and then the horizontal overall it looks more chromis definitely so this is really different from the previous SR model by the way also the ground clearance is a little bit higher so plus 4 centimeters now at 20 centimeters so for soft off-roading that's also now more suitable and there's a little wider track so you see the whole car is a little bit wider you can see that from the rear and let's take a look at the hatch so non-electric here with struts wow that looks pretty amazing so pretty square dimensions here also with a replacement tire and then that's this top cover that is a little bit wobbly so there's no rail on the either side but considering that it's still quite nice and then let's see we can also flip the seats with those right yeah those levers and yeah that works and maybe this one needs a little push yeah but the front seat is too much in the front right now but you can see you you can you can load things through so pretty versatile in the use and I suppose there's also possible to put this one here higher yeah there we go so you can put this one a little bit higher and then you have an even loading through surface that's where we were done also quality wise it hasn't been improved massively and here also in the white color how you like that one we here with privacy glass looks at off a little bit more spectacular that won't be happening in real life with this black screen and this is also the hybrid prototype with a new mild hybrid engine it's pretty interesting to drive that one too at the later stage also see the hybrid logo right there so what do you think which any will you go for and also which color would you choose let's check the interior in the front so what do we have here looked quite nice soft materials at the inside of the doors should be leather right and then it really looks like it's not matte wood but you know somehow even out but it looks real actually I think it's real wood also nice accentuated really some premium feeling well those high glossy black I don't fancy that that much you see it collects a lot of finger prints there not too much space at the inside of the doors here um shouldn't fit for two big bottles then at the inside of course basil you can also get fabric seeds I guess and us also leatherette this one I think is the full animal skin spec but the interior itself you need see completely new seats push a little bit backward students finding my seating position the steering wheel we know that basically from the Civic also with those transparent buttons here left and right for claims for cruise control on the right and then you can see there's a digital screen here now so you have at the maximum set up a 7-inch screen left from CMC and digital speed and also a 7-inch screen on the right so this one would be in under that the top trim so infotainment wise a big upgrade and the shifting lever you can see below that has been integrated like a van like you know so from from from the vans for example basically integrated in the middle console here in this case the automatic gearbox what I mean why not you can easily access it by this way then let's get inside and see how the seat can be controlled and steering wheel and stuff this one here to manually pump it up so maybe you know up just a little bit to sit a little bit more straight electric then for the lumbar support then the steering rack right there so can be also controlled in the reach so you can find a good position here and well the first impression is that that's actually quite comfortable to sit in you know you have this typical high seating position as you know from the SUV and here the back part can also be controlled manually and it feels actually quite grown up the CRV before that this was also a good standard SUV with a good price performance ratio they also intend to keep it that way so not everyone will buy it in the highest trim low I think that's that's also um very much fine so it gives you a nice high standard seating position so that you get a feeling you don't need anything that is basically bigger so that's um that's really interesting so this would be mm you know the way that I would be sitting right here um par over here also the big mirror with a light too so um you know for some that's very important that we have the the light right there the visibility to the front is a little bit limited it's not too big the front screen that is due to the design and also the you know the front hood is pretty embarking beyond the top by the way we have it's not not real hard plastic it's some leather at cover so overall they have improved also the build quality and what I'm questioning a little bit while you have this horizontal stress in the cockpit you will soon see the also from the rear but then again you have a lot of different design elements here maybe that's a little bit too much a little bit too disturbing so it's not really a simplistic design now the interior overview from this perspective there you can see the new horizontal stress of this cockpit nose the integration of the screen the infotainment system was so far the weakness of a lot of Hondas you can see here it could react a little bit faster but visually it is way more attractive than before that's important you can also connect the phone via bluetooth that's a you know Senate function for sure let's get to the home menu what else we can see it's also the smart phone connectivity that phone line will be and enabling you to connect also in our applicable AI or Android out of again the nice use of the wood yeah I think that's my favorite trim also for the vehicle the climate unit is still separately so you can easily control it while driving econ that will be button to reduce the throttle input then and here again the automatic shifting lever you can easily press down sport mode will turn up the RPMs a little bit more electric handbrake and we also have a seat heating available and in the lower middle console we have a 12-volt power supply and beverage holders they're adaptive very easy to reach actually seems quite economic to me and wow how much room do we have right here now that were posed by USB USB 2 so to connect with your phone and HDMI and again so much space in this vehicle it's you know the sim this vehicle is not screaming out its this in some ways really simple but then again really versatile and practical especially for families and so for your glasses you can put them right here and hey that's an additional mirror I think yeah there you can see Michelle maybe you couldn't see your children in the rear for example I'm not sure what because there it is so this is maybe you don't have to lean back all the way then they hey what you guys are doing stop that you just have to watch here then just like slide you look then stop that don't do that now to the rear by the way door closing sound a little bit better goodnight but what's really great wow that's really 90 degrees opening and also we know some nice visual elements here soft touch also right they're really great from the podium how easy is that to attach child seats easel fix on the outside seats for example so easy to access this vehicle here that's real really great so well done Honda and let's get inside and how do I sit here in the rear wow that's amazing that's really such a good package and will be so important for the customers of this vehicle also in the head room m1 which is 86 or six foot one that leaves me plenty of headroom and probably this is the best thing of the new car you know like we were a little bit longer cars a little bit longer but then it doesn't you know get too bulky on the exterior you know as you can control the angle of the seat here I can this is the most upright position position and it's really super comfortable in here also for tall people I have to say maybe one of my favorite cars here at the booth so um I think the sales con success will continue seems to be you know improved in so many different respects and this one year probably my favorite aspect of the vehicle by the way here's the seat belt for the middle seat it's quite funny construct um well you have to do it like this then you have an armrest right there was cupholders and it's really interesting that you can change the angle of the rear bench that's really helpful to relax maybe more or to sit more upright like this and this is the difference and then you can also put it to the front like this you see that them lower part goes down a little bit that is enabling the fall that loading surface there's by the way also an electric tailgate available not the manual human today but optional also electric ends what's interesting this one is also available now as a seven-seater even on the European market this one is the five seater today but you can also get a seven seater and very interesting to USB supplies for the rear passengers also I think so many good ideas that are basically simple but just helpful everyday driving so what's under the hood here well no hydraulic struts so um I have to search but hmm I can't find where I can put it up so I just hold it for a second well this one is the 1.5 turbo petrol engine 190 horsepower in mainly for the European market and for example Russia you can also get a 2.4 liter naturally aspirated engine also with 190 horsepower and the new one will also soon be available at 2 liter mild hybrid so naturally aspirated with mild hybrid technology with 215 horsepower so looking forward to drive all of those engines and now to our conclusion for today the Honda CRV well front wheel drive and all-wheel drive will both be available also manual gearbox and automatic they mainly use the CVT automatic transmission looking forward how that one has improved I think the most important thing is well exterior wise just a little fresher basically looks a little bit more modern but they have you know remained around evolution the interior with new import Ament optionally if you want to have so upgraded materials so more quality of materials inside that you don't have the feeling of driving you know a cheap SUV doesn't really know a very good standard and of course the back biggest thing is also with a new generation more room in the interior and that's really convincing so there are usage of space because the guy is not super long but with this still compact SUV you have room for you know the whole family basically also no option is 7 seater even in Europe so I think there was pretty convincing and the oval package as the price probably remained relatively the same the overall package of this car is really very good and that's that's what making it also so come so what do you think give me the feedback well this vehicle and let's go on further two more highlights ok I'm more than a little bit excited I've been waiting for this moment we're here to take a look at the brand-new BMW x4 [Music] [Music] [Music] now in its second iteration the x4 is actually built on the same platform as its smaller sibling the x3 but that according to BMW is where the similarity ends well I don't know if I'm going to completely agree with that if you stand directly in front of this car and take a good long look at it you'd be hard pushed to point out many of the differences from the front but if it isn't broken why fix it and you'd have to say that is a very nice looking front of a car they've done enough to make the front look businesslike whilst keeping the very very distinctive and classic BMW front now the x7 should drop later on this year and we're expecting that to have a very similar looking front as well but what's really great about this car and all of the x-series is the way they develop the concept going through the vehicle let's take a look and see what happens around on the side this is where the x4 really starts coming into its own now you may just about be able to see the overall height of this car has actually dropped slightly from its predecessor whilst it's grown in length and not by a small margin either so I think you can agree that that really gives this car a sporty feel and that's very important because I understand that they're going to be going for the same kind of customers as the GLC coupe a billy and the jaguar f base as well I think and with that they're going to need to push the sporty elements what I like about the side is the way that it has been drawn out so even though it's big when I say big take a look at these wheels here it doesn't look bulky it still manages to look elegant and graceful now obviously it's going to come in lots of different flavors this model in particular is one of the two M's there's going to be one petrol one diesel although I think initially only the diesel one will be available in some markets which engines are available where is always a little bit complicated we'll have more information on that when we do the first driving event but for now you can see how the M styling has been applied to this car it was already looking pretty good and I think Jonas is going to take some shots couple of other models so you can see how that's been applied but here we get I think the car at its absolute best because the sport styling of the m-series course who doesn't want this little badge right on their car really does fit the style of this vehicle now BMW will tell you that it's not only that it looks sporty it's also very practical and designed for both fun and fast and off-road driving that's a lot of promises to live up to so it will be very interesting to see if it manages it but you certainly can say that the style promises an awful lot following this lovely flare through to the back these LED rear lights have really been slimmed down and they now Bend right the way through from the side into the back this car is an unbelievable eight centimetres longer that's about three inches and that really adds to the way that the car looks on the road from the side you might expect something a little abrupt in terms of how it translates into the back but I'm very pleased to say that it's been superb we blended in now I don't know about you I'm getting a little bit of the GLC coupe a from the rear of this car it looks really good I particularly like these styling details up here it just had a little more character and help break up the back and again it's one of those features that really allows you not to recognize how big the car actually is it makes it look about as visually small as you can worst being very imposing they want to put the statement of the weight lower in order that the car looks grounded and really sturdy really capable of going offroad and then remove that sensation of weight from the top in order that you still find the car looks fast and I really do think they've done a superb job with it what do you think [Music] [Music] so now I'm pretty sure I know what you're thinking if you like the x3 that's a really important deciding factor in whether or not you're going to like the x4 because again if you sit in here you could very much think that you were sitting in the x3 the styling is very similar for it's worth I actually do like it and until I look down at this area I thought finally we'd found a car with no piano black in it but no BMW have put that across the central console as well never mind it is what it is well let's talk about the seating position first these seats have lots of adjustability and I'm hoping that's going to include to the bits at the side because they are very very close at the moment and I'm not quite sure how that adjusts so I'm going to assume that it adjusts and let them off with that because I'm not the world's biggest person but I am being held very tight of both sides and it's not massively comfortable so I think possibly somebody previously has adjusted them and yes feeling back there I can see they definitely are adjustable I just don't know how at the moment so the cockpit is digital and they have these rims on them now I don't know what you think but to me they look somewhat reminiscent of what Ali were doing with their digital displays a couple of years back I think it's interesting because it certainly does make it look more characterful than just a flat screen but then again it does limit your customization once you start physical elements within digital displays it means you are very limited in terms of what you can display on there but as long as you have everything that you need I guess that that's absolutely fine so coming through over on the dashboard we've nice metal features this car I think this is actually rubber not leather feels nice it looks good it really resonates quality as with the x3 everything about sitting in this car just says this is a quality vehicle it's well-made the materials are very and it's nicely put together I feel very happy look how much Headroom I have more than sufficient I'm 5 foot 10 or 178 centimeters and I have plenty of space above my head and that's with this panoramic sunroof that I have above me so that always takes out a little bit the driving controls are very much what you'd expect from BMW and so is the experience of sitting in this car it is all clean uncluttered and focused everything about this wants me to concentrate on driving in and ultimately that's what I want to do all right well I don't think I'm gonna be surprising anyone when I tell you that once again the swooping roofline has killed my experience of the back I don't know if you can see this but I'm nicely wedged in between seat and roof so unless you have very short friends this really isn't a car for backseat passengers in fairness the project leader did tell us when we interviewed him that this was much more of a car for single people possibly slightly older they're clearly gonna need some disposable income and not a family car there are other BMWs for that so I don't want to be unduly harsh in terms of what happens back here if I had to sit here for a short trip it would actually be fine it's just not gonna be something I'm gonna want to spend a lot of time in that said the finishing and the materials are nice exactly as with the front everything is clean uncluttered and it just works possibly could have done with a USB charge point but we do have the 12-volt still and as we already said I don't think you're gonna have too many people sitting back here well you'll be pleased to hear that the boot space has gone up there are now 525 litres of load space back here and that is 25 litres more than the predecessor that's the extra length of the car giving us that extra room now you might well look at the space back there and think surely they could have given some fat to the rear passengers but of course because of that sloping roof that is as far back as you can put the seats and I am happy to say legroom behind has increased as well but look at this load space now I don't know if you know this but the x3 controversially for me at least being as brother actually has more load space available to it than the x4 but this is the car you want to drive because the whole idea behind it is going to be that it's sporty everywhere it goes on and off road to help with that we now have a much lighter chassis there's a lot more our mininum in this car and the aerodynamics really allow it to travel a greater speed as well so for what it's worth I think if we're talking about a person or a couple owning this vehicle they don't really care about who sits in the back and they do care about how much stuff they can put in the rear so this will provide you with ample space to take whatever you want to when you're going off on your grant all right throughout Europe let's have a look underneath this floor panel and see what we're hiding back here well first things first let's mention this gas strut on the floor that's a really nice feature a lot of cars don't bother to include that obviously it adds cost and that adds to the retail price but if you actually have a need to access things underneath the panel you really need a way of doing that easily this is lovely it's a parcel shelf for the top which is not currently fitted but it has a storage area underneath the floor what a great idea that means when you don't want to in that actually is somewhere proper to store it and look at this we have extra storage underneath that as well this I believe is the extension to the parcel shelf to actually fill it up and you can see we have even more room there as well so really nicely designed really nicely thought of and really well finished nice the similarities with the x3 don't just stop at the platform the engine range is exactly the same as well so it won't surprise you to learn that all of the best-loved engines from that series are also going to be the best-loved engines of this series so although we do have a fairly extensive range and lineup when it's going to be introduced and where it's going to be introduced is still being decided I've been joined by your Kim Dong Cole and he is a very happy man today because he is the project leader responsible for the brand-new B wx4 welcome to alto Gafoor so I think let's start off with the obvious this is a very good-looking car what were you trying to achieve with the redesign of this car that's distinct and different from the x3 this is one of the main message it's really different to the x3 because this is much more sporty ER than the x3 we addressed it also to a different customer than the x3 when you're going to the HU see how sporty athletic this car is and this one is the main topics on the x-ray s idea excellent well it really does look very athletic can you tell me a little bit about the drive trains that will be available for this we will start with two been seen and also with two diesel cars and in the summer they will extend to additional two diesel car engines now you told me that the customer is going to be a little different to the x3 so I have to ask what is the target customer for this car I would say when you have looking from the H side I would say people who are living for our own not having a big family they were using the x4 then when the family is first priority then ever for example change to the x3 but then when the kinder growing up and like not not a member of the family for everyday then we also joined also going back to the x4 well I'm not going to disagree with that I have three small children but I want one now I don't want to let the kids in it though just just me I won't even tell them I have it a race car for the father we'll see yeah that's exactly well the engine specs right off the bat look very good from a performance perspective how have you managed to match that also with the fuel economy because they also look good on paper that's the same black dig through when you see as a consumption off the car for example you couldn't absolutely compared with the agree there's no differences and this what is the moment it's very acceptable except it from the customer side well that sounds very hopeful so I have to ask you what features of this car would you really like to draw our viewers attention to for this car I really like the exterior because when you see it also from the from the hedge from the tail I would say you can see there the models you can feel the mothers you can do see you can feel the athletic of this car which is much more of my favorite of this car can we take it off-road of course of course and you can really really yes of course and you can you also take it on the racetrack I tried again in Talladega it was absolutely great to drive this car with 240 kilometers solid egoistic it was absolutely great yeah I'm not jealous at all that doesn't sound interesting to me no Wow well so you're inviting us out okay fool we can come and do the same we can do it this in summer when we have the EPV that's international press presentation for this kalian we are welcome perfect we'll watch out for that well thank you so much for joining us I have to say I think it looks absolutely superb if it drives as well as it looks I think we're all gonna be very happy you're welcome we'll see us with some car designs it's really difficult to see exactly what the intention was when it took place with the second generation of the export very happy to say that that simply isn't the case it's very clear to see what the design brief was it's sporty-er it's more aggressive it's more agile but it fits perfectly into the current X lineup and I like the synthesis in the range making everything uniform ok so there are some features that I think maybe could be tweaked a little bit but certainly not in terms of its exterior aesthetic Wow it's just a nice car to look at and if the drive promises to deliver everything that it says it will then I think we're going to be very happy with the car overall on the interior well like I said I don't think you want to be too hard about the lack of room for backseat passengers it really isn't that type of a car I'm really happy to see the increased load space in the boot that's very nice and the driving experience seems like it will be very comfortable now we had a word with a project leader and he told us that he had taken this car out at Talladega and that there was also a possibility that that would be where the world premiere driving event will be mm-hmm I'm certainly excited by the prospect we'll just have to wait for now this is the brand new Peugeot 508 which has had its world premiere here at the Geneva Motor Show now if it looks like bits of it are a little familiar to you that's because it's borrowed quite heavily I think from last year's instinct concepts that was a Shooting Brake concept and you can see through in the back how those styles have really impacted on this car now a lot of people weren't particularly that impressed by the predecessor of the 508 one of the common criticisms that it came in for is it just didn't quite always work with the styling well I think we can all agree that Persia have worked very hard to make sure that they've refreshed this car thoroughly we take a look even from the front you can see that it's a much more stylish approach this is a car making a statement of come on now it's time that we took on some bigger competition and I think they're going to be gunning for the likes of the being BMW 3-series you might think that's a bit ambitious but when you compare pricing I think it's going to come out really quite favorably [Music] [Music] these wheels are a really good place to start you may remember on the previous 508 the wheels never quite looked completely comfortable in their housing this is a much nicer job of making the whole thing blend and work together the result means that the car looks a lot more sophisticated than its predecessor and actually a lot nicer to look at as you follow the design line right through the side and to the back you can notice that the car has a much more sculptural feel to it you see the way that this sweeps through into the rear you really do get that shooting-brake feeling it's almost coupe a like it looks nice but there's always a price to pay for this sweeping roofline and it will be interesting to see the impact that we've had on headroom at the rear coming through to the back of the car well a lot of this is going to come down to personal taste obviously but this for me is where the car loses it a little bit I do not like this back I think if you are a fan of the traditional French styling then you will find a lot to recognize here these lines and the way that the style has kind of been drawn and elongated across the lighting panel I think is very characteristic there's there's almost a little bit of 1980 Citroen about this to me now you might be a fan of that it's not quite for me but overall I have to say I think the styling is really really good compared to the predecessor and certainly you would not be embarrassed to pull up in this car if the interiors been made over its nicely I think we have a lot to look forward to [Music] [Music] so we have a very interesting mix here of the old with the new the new I really like these frameless doors that fills modern and stylish and minimal the old well the instrument display doesn't really work for me but more on that a little bit later let's take a look at the styling on the trim to start with we have this would affect paneling very traditional leather stitched arm rests not particularly nice finished door pocket but you know okay nothing to get too upset about but nothing to get too excited about either there's a lot more to look at inside though Jonas is going to come around the other side so we can take a look welcome to the latest iteration of pur shows I cockpit well this is definitely going to divide some opinion they certainly wanted to make a statement with this car and I don't really recognize it you can see that anywhere more than with the front dashboard layout you're either gonna love the uniqueness of that or you're really not well we have a ten inch touchscreen here which is not quite as responsive as you might like and we have a twelve inch display for the driver now I think what's gonna divide opinion here will be that this might not look to everybody's taste but I'm immediately thinking that the way these controls are laid out is actually very intuitive you can reach for them very easily rather than having to look down and grope amongst the controls for the thing that you're trying to affect whether or not I mean this is a display car this is brand new and on the stand today and it is being cleaned while we work and already I'm sure you can see in the camera we have fingerprints all over this and a nice layer of dust has been attracted to the screen and this flat shelf so I think that really might look pretty rough after you've had the car for a few weeks but functionality is always the most important feature and I like the thinking here I would like to try this while driving to see if it's as intuitive as it looks but I bet you it does work really well now slightly further down we have a drive mode selector here we have an automatic gearbox and pretty much exactly what you'd expect further back the whole cabin feels a lot more refined than the predecessor and it does deliver a lot a lot more in the way of features than the car that it's replacing as to whether or not you're gonna go with the styling I think that's going to be a very personal thing but it is unique it is very very different to its competition and I think that's going to appeal to a lot of people coming through to the back of the car we really do have the opportunity to see how this headline is affecting our space well I don't know if you can see the top of my head there but my head is actually right up against it I am 5 foot 10 or 178 centimeters and I would not enjoy being in this car in the back for any extended period of time there is always a price to pay for that sloping roofline if you're buying this car with a few four backseat passengers who are over I would say 5 foot 10 in height make sure you try the back first that said it's actually a spacious and comfortable compartment in all other respects look at this fantastic amount of legroom that I have here the seats are very firm and comfortable I didn't mention while I was in the front the seat is also very nice for the driver good viewing position on the road holds you nice and firmly and it's well well-made we also have two USB charge points back here for your passengers to make sure their devices are kept charged and the quality of finish actually feels really good it looks like they've put an awful lot of effort into making sure that when you travel in this car you understand that it is a nicely thought through piece of work well this is what 437 litres of load space looks like it's nicely delivered as you can see if you Pan the camera around here we have a slightly unusual position for the subwoofer I'm assuming this is a subwoofer for the main compartment as opposed to a speaker for people that you actually put in the boot but underneath we can see that hooray we still have a spare tire and as much as it's the trend now to not fit cars with them I always like to see it so we've got plenty of room back here and I really don't think that that's gonna be a reason to not buy this car not least because it's a huge improvement on its predecessor and it's very competitive with the other cars in this bracket will that be enough to convince people that this is something they want to give a go to well maybe it will okay well this being the Auto Show unfortunately I can't tell you exactly which model that we're looking at but I can tell you that at launch there are six petrol and diesel 's and they range in size but they produce from 128 horsepower right up to 222 so there's going to be more than enough range there for everyone to find something that's suitable for them I think further down the road we're also gonna see the potential of an electric model but to start with just the petrels and diesels i think there's going to be more than enough for everybody so that's a brief look at the peugeot 508 a complete redesign of an old favourites now I think the real challenge with this car in the redesign was to make it convincing was to really give us something that we could form a new relationship with and you would have to say that Peugeot have totally succeeded where that's concerned the styling is really nice it really updates and freshens the car and actually looks like the future of the brand and not the past which I have to say I think is a good thing from a design standpoint I'm really never gonna be completely happy with this unfortunately it makes the car look great but the space in the rear is just not sufficient for your average sized person with the interior styling clearly that's a matter of taste pretty sure you know what I think I'd be very keen to hear what you do so for me outside superb really like the design cues inside I'm gonna need a little bit more convincing but maybe I'll get that when we take it out for a drive the Mercedes c-class it's the most sort model for Mercedes over 4,000 times in 2017 and so also you a lot of customers are affected by the product update changes this is the c-class facelift and we will explain you everything in detail special you're also with a 343 and also the new diesel hybrid here now Drago fuel and let's dig deeper into the details and exterior and interior and also what's under the hood here let's go [Music] the main difference in the front of the c-class is always which line are you picking are you going with E is the executive line which has the typical missile star on top which you can unfortunately also bend and if you go for the avant-garde the mg line the base model or here for the C 43 you have this more modern looking front grille with the AMG line you get those diamonds pins they are more glossy here with the C 43 you have two fin horizontally there next to the big star logo and then you have just a matte black front grille with this pin design they've also changed the lower bumpers on all models basically here in the C for the three the sporty model of course little bigger much bigger air intakes and also the LED daytime running light this here has been changed a little bit to have a more fluent effect the headlights come stand with halogen and optional LED and the top trim is also with the LED high beam for meter 70 or 15 foot for as the total lengths and the side profile has rather been untouched there's some new rims choices for example the C 43 comes with 18 inch stand-up those ones here are the optional 19 inch in black look so to be a little bit more evil you can also get the so-called Knight package then you can also see that the site site covers here of the mirrors are in glossy black also all glossy black around the door frames so if you want that extra aggressive look other than that the main design is below the door handles here and this classic sit-down shape here for the c-class but of course also the estate will be coming with this facelift so everything we're telling you both counts for this sedan and the estate model a base C class starts at about 30,000 just a little above that and the C 43 is double the price and what else you get for example a big black diffuser then those exhaust tips because they are all fake the real exhaust is hidden behind that c43 logo and then you have this small wing and well we've seen it recently with the CLS I think it does fit the design a little bit more if there's just no rear wing but then again they want to attach something more sporty with the mg model and also the rear LED design has been redesigned just a little bit so you have update right there what do you think how do you like the facelift so far let me just show you the boot space of a c-class sedan he also with e43 well of course you're a little bit limited in height but it's basically you know mid-size segment sit-down space and then you can also flip the seats with those handles here on top parts there right they are a little bit cheaply designed I would say and then you have to go around and have this split here you can put this one third you also have a ski hatch available but then you can also load longer things through and it's quite even the surface so what's powering this thing a three litre six cylinder not a true hand-built angry engine one from stock but it does delivery of power 4.7 seconds to 100 now or 62 miles an hour and this now has 390 horsepower that's 23 horsepower more than pre-facelift so a little power boost for that one here by the way the sea forestry always comes with alway Drive I think it's also the better everyday pick than a c63 it drives a little bit more harmonic and the base all-wheel drive setup is 60% in the rear and 30% in the front so you still have a rear wheel bias however you know it's more suitable also for slippery conditions because it still has a lot of power let's take a look inside because most changes have been happening inside this one here with the AMG trim that's this matte aluminum trim right there or aluminium if you like to have me spell that way optional burma's the sound system and even your quiet good sound then you have different seat available if we move on over there because it starts in the Seekers with baseet then there's a sports seat available that one is standard for the C 43 and those ones are the performance seats and I can strongly advise you against them they look sporty they look greater but the normal sports seats will be more comfortable also they have sustainable seating materials available in every c43 the base in the middle here is dinamica microfibre and the outside and is leatherette the so called article so they've great choices there those ones here the optional full animal skin package then let's get inside and well it's never that good to be on camera then because you can you know have to reach over there for the SI controls but when the door is closed those seat controls are pretty handy because you can actually see what you're doing however you know some seating wise some space still left with the Headroom one meters 86 or 6 foot 1 but of course it's still a midsize sedan so there's not too much Headroom especially if you have the glass roof inside there of course it leaves a little bit light in there what else is new the steering wheel especially with the AMG this is the new AMG steering wheel design with this 2 spoke design right there flat bottom and perforated sides those ones here are also available in dinamica microfibre i can also advise you for that because then you have a softer and better grip even if you wear gloves in winter then you can see this is actually the biggest change with the screen I will soon tell you more about that first let me show you how to control them because here from our perspective you can see with the left some I can control all of the left screen that's new now with all of the new coming entertainment systems and also the Distronic is on the left side if I don't have to separate lever anymore so the adaptive cruise control can be set right there and then for the right screen I have my right thumb here and then I control control everything which is in the right screen and to get a better perspective on the screens and what screens are available let's change our perspective so base you would only have a small screen in the middle 5.5 this one your optional that 12.3 full digital instruments again you do not have to get it but you can actually and then you have you know a lot of flexibility what to show there for example you can connect a bluetooth phone there here focus on all those settings for the head-up display you can pick different styles like for a sportier style folks or also a classic style and the advantage is that also GPS commands can be displayed there well I'm France still of anak displays even though this one looks quite fancy or what do you think the head-up display is by is not flickering in real life maybe it does lit a little bit here you can also change what you are seeing in the head-up display that's possible I think it's useful addition but of course everything goes with an extra price here so you can easily step up the game tries wise so in a non right side you start with 7-inch that will be about that and this one then the optional top spec with a ten point two five inch and that one is really wide then and then you can use you can still use the classic dials which are in the lower middle console but then it's also possible to use this some control especially for exhuming in and out however I'm usually not that satisfied with their GPS software it looks great but sometimes comes a little bit late when when driving and then you can scroll with some through here for example you can connect your phone right there either we have bluetooth that is possible and let's see if we can also yeah go back or use the home button mode there we go and this is done the connectivity part and they I can see you can also use carplay or Android auto then when you plug it in and in this interior hope you can see first of all strongly wrapped in this nice leather red here all over the way horizontal stress it's you know the design was little bit blocked by the touchscreen it's difference you can see even in top trim with some new cars a new a-class for example also an eClass there's this transition between the two big screens you know here it's still separated that will will change them with the all new c-class but of course this important upgrade here is the biggest one you know biggest change they have did other than that here's the three big air vents here that make also nice clicking sounds separate climate unit and you can see here a carbon-fiber decoy for the c-class facelift you can now also get some open cell wood decoy elements that would be also quite fancy also feels a little bit more natural so in the front we can flip the cup holders up this is also did we use B port where you can connect your phone for the connectivity cup holders then this is the classic controller you press it for example or here back to the home button then on the left side you can change the suspension special for a c43 here you have a steel suspension with a amv setup but it's also adaptive so you can set different molds I mean you're in different driving modes then it sets up when you're controlled here by the way you can also see how it's changes up there on the screen for example here from comforts and the ESP is set on or sports these piece drawn back a little bit more powerful sound from the exhaust for example or just again here back so you have different small plus not really ready for the street but maybe rather for the racetrack then gets back here no two USB ports right there quite a lot of space in the middle console and again this nice opening here with the split middle console I'd somehow like it do you by the way should you wonder yes you can control the steering height here and also the width or length and this one is actually electronically done so nice to have that for sure now let's get into the rear compartments it's also with this sporty design and also you could get the microfiber on the inside if you like and just say with the base level well the Headroom is of course limited especially to do this glass roof so I'm having a hard time sitting here new room is actually quite ok so I was well I could be sitting a little bit further back but knee room is totally fine it's more read the Headroom that is limiting for tall adults right here nice by the way with those red seatbelts it's a nice design feature and you can also get another AC in the rear here if you want so also with nice clicking sounds for the vents and you know I think it was very important here to always tell you which what is optional and what a standard so um I don't you know showing the most fancy stuffing it's it's all included later on you wonder hey I don't have that in my c-class so we always tell you that that you can really differentiate it and now this one here is the avant-garde trim you can see it also a double play but not as close together as with the true aim dream again if you were at the AMG line that would be just one blade and then the diamond pin grille so those are the the differences and see the hood is split right there you can also see you again the new LED daytime running light signature if you have boast cars next to each other pre and after facelift could you really tell the difference well a little bit if you look close in person and another color here of course this one is a new diesel hybrid will soon take a look on the hood what's that about a nice detail the front camera is hidden just right there and to give another side profile look of the silver CAF also with 18-inch rims so you can see that's still already very suitable so you can also leave the c43 with the base 18 inch for example not too much tires here with the summer tires looks pretty fancy there and here again the big C pillar for the classic sedan roof which color would you actually go for at the moment of the c-class and again the new LED signature also to rear it's a little bit different the front is not so much different from the predecessor or pre-facelift this one here you can see a little bit better that changes so this one is called c300 de and yeah dot de is a sub level or top-level domain for dodge done for Germany it's pretty funny of course in this case diesel electric or diesel EQ whatever so let's open it and we have already flipped the bench that you can have some light and wow look at that box that's the battery below there and this is really a massive loss in luggage space so I think to me and no go for this car I liked the electrification what they are doing it makes sense but this lost in luggage space I think this this is where the understanding of the whole thing is ending well pretty disappointing of that one and now the interior here of a diesel hyper or normal c-class you can see here this is the normal steering wheel but it already has because you know yet Geneva Motor Show they have always set up and with two screens there and then also the to thump buttons here for example but I also did this tronic plus has been updated a little bit with more functionality and you can you know also have this predictive efficiency now for example reads the map and then goes from the gas from Distronic in advance especially it's also that we have the open cell wood here I've been talking earlier about I really love that to have the natural feeling here I can if you hear that actually so by hearing it you can also imagine how it feels with is rather rough service that it's not collecting fingerprints for example that's really nice and now you also have different choices of open cell what the color you are picking this is also be newly introduced with the facelift ear and what's interesting here in the rear well Headroom again is little bit cramped so you should probably leave out this glass roof then it will be better when you have told people in the rear and this one he has done a normal seat is a little bit different than here from the rear part you have those holes here that is good still for a knee room but the sports seats are slimmer they have we have more legroom in the rear with the performance seats but again I think a good choice is not you know the base seats not these super performances but the normal sports seats that you can go optionally for or you can get it with the mg line or an outstanding with the c43 that would be my choice so Mercedes with the electrification they have EQ boost those ones are the Maya die rates they have EQ power those ones are the true hybrids the plug-in hybrids this one we can see here and EQ the pure electric vehicle so those three electric models are there for Mercedes in future as I said this one your EQ power a plug-in hybrid this one he has a 2-liter diesel engine was around 200 horsepower and then you can get additional one or spa from a pretty strong electric motor so considering the rest of the normally Zander this really considerable electric power you have fears was strong boost even though it's not the booze but the BQ power there you got that pretty complicated ride and 50 kilometers of official driving range pure electric if that's true well I would rather come with about 30 kilometers but the most important thing is that you also have a good recuperation then and can get the consumption of the diesel down still the diesel will have an s3 our cleaning for the particles and folly for the NX of course and then also diesel particle filters or bows so that's our conclusion here for the Mercedes c-class facelift here with the evanka trim or rather with the AMG you have the C 43 which one is your favorite I think some nice design tweaks it's not a major game check up on the exterior for sure in the inside you have this infotainment system upgrade not everyone will go for it because also extra in the price but you can have those two fancy digital screens now and also with a thumb control which is quite handy when controlling it while driving that is helpful no touch screens yet but with the new generation and we freeze always seen in the a-class there will also be a touch screen so this actually boasts possibilities they are them well the c43 especially with the sporty look we have seen that one here with a diesel hybrid great electric power but I think the limitation in the trunk is actually a no-go that's a little bit set but some news here for you definitely from the Mercedes booth I hope you enjoyed it and also tune in to other cars we are showing here this is the new Mercedes AMG GT four-door coupe a so maybe if I see less is a little bit too boring for you or not sporty enough and maybe they're normal AMG GT the small one it's not big enough for you all you need to take the kids in the back then maybe that's one for you and I will present you that the exterior interior here the 63 model a top model and also the 53 model II and free model all the details exterior interior and the technology beyond article fuel let's go [Music] so from the front to door and four-door version are not too different also the different power verses that are too different you get this big Panamericana grill which is wider in the lower part then also bigger antics that's a little bit different here the graphic in the lower part for this model for the 63 and some chrome accentuations you can also get a carbon package I will apply explain you more what does that later and here also the top trim also has this LED high beam but to get different trims of LED lights even with this very expensive car not everything is serial well this is what it's all about here the side profile 19 to 21 inch rims those ones are the biggest 21 inch rims in this chrome polish very beautiful I think and of course this matte blue paint you also see a new message design language is going back from very hard design lines more to simplistic round shapes right there now of course this the main factor of the vehicle continues further back has this very slowly falling roofline with a big shoulder part and everything looks so smooth with this vehicle don't you think though by the way carbon ceramic brakes optional go for them if you want use in a race track if you were not using the car on the race track they are no it's too much actually just for road driving because they started getting squeaky squeaky a little bit when you don't use them hard enough and the same accounts for the rienne here again the tool on the for the version resemble basically with those very slim LED real lights this one here is a foldable wing and automatic folding up and down there's also a fixed one a big one available optional and you can also get it with carbon fiber but I think this way it's even more elegant still by the way also talking about the rear axle it's very interesting first of all the rear wheels a little bit wider than the front wheels and you can also get the rear axle steering up to a speed of 100 kilometers an hour that's pretty no really lost usually systems are you know tuned at the lower speed then they go across in austere across front to the rear and over 100 hour they steer in the parallel direction and it gives you more agility and it's also standard for the v8 models and let's also open the boot here directly here we go let's of course a difference in the two two though I'm only have this you know loading gap but overall it's somewhat a usable sports car for everyday driving life you can even fold the seats I don't want to squish someone you know maybe the left side let's see I can do the left side I think engine there we go come on there we go there it is and then you can even load through longer things so you know this is one of the key elements to combine somehow loading capacity and this very sporty approach still so fake exhaust all the way because they look massive but you can't really see the real ones are inside let's get inside here so here we go and you got a matte wood interior right there the inside of the doors you can also hear that so it's a rough surface feels very natural well done optional Burmaster sound system then this one is a bright interior wow that really looks amazing and also new m3 steering wheel with a flat bottom and a new style there we go and to twelve point three inch screens at standard for the v8 models and optional for the base models so to call them otherwise you can also start with the different gauges on the left side those ones here are the performance sports seats they have the integrated head restraint they are also based sports seats available it's almost a question what you are doing with the car and the good thing is that the base models also come with the combination of microfiber on the inside so you can also have you know choice which is not that slippery those performances are always a little hada in use they're a little bit stiffer and I had a very rude comment recently telling me you know don't push your views on performance seats on anyone else but you know I can just say from my experience that as a tall person those performances are less comfortable than the base sport seats and maybe that's also saves you a couple of thousand euros so I'm just giving you my experience I guess most of our viewers will appreciate that so you can also turn the steering wheel up and down not towards you the Distronic is now on the left side not a separate column anymore you can set it right here with the speed and also for the screens you have the thumb control if you have this optional - screen setup then you can control basically everything it's not one or a person working on the demo car because you need more power for that but you can see the two screen setup here so we can also open this roof and then you can also open the glass if we had power now and interesting in the interior view this was a dual screen setup and also with the table I'm ends it rather looks like an eClass definitely then the middle console here really reminds of the two-door version of the AMG GT we have this mg automatic shifting lever then you have this touchpad you can write something like there like an address for example or you couldn't scroll in the infotainment system those ones here those pets well you see they collect a lot of Frida prints not that much when you're using the car alone here you will find some displays those are display buttons 4/3 and functions for example the suspension and stuff you would have a small T of T right there which serves as a button at the same time that's a great new development and is also exclusive for this vehicle also you get the V form right here that shall remind of the v8 of the car in the front you can slide that on open you have to use B port which connects the smartphones for example for carplay and android auto and the climate control stood separately but you keep see here I have to reach in very complicated here I'm not sure why it's like whatever and then oh this moment hmm or when I'm a little bit complicated isn't it so that's not a really economic building form they found you but surely looks pretty impressive and right there you have more USB ports two more those were than for example for charging and then if look even further back you'll also have for the rear seats you'll have a separate screen which can be controlling you know stuff in the rear for example also the climate vents so those are more digital luxury features you have here and I can reach over here as well for more cup holders for the rear passengers you can even cool them or heat them wow that's pretty fancy so let's get in the rear compartment Headroom wise in the front by the way I'm warming this 86 or 6 foot 1 should you not be a subscriber yet and I had this room over my head in the front now in the rear facet correctly it still works and that's amazing because the car does not look like that from the outside that's really interesting also the lack room still quite ok maybe the seat could be a little bit higher that I couldn't put my feet on that a little bit more and if we remember now the Mercedes CLS new generation overview hmm I don't think I had more room in the CLS actually it feels like I would have more room here somehow that's really interesting sporty set up here with the 2 seat but you can also get a three seat setup here it's just a through bench then you know what you prefer this one is more like exclusive luxury style the bench you can you know have through them you're more flexible if you have more children for example so but you know that's that's totally up to you then and by the way the trunk space about 400 up to 1300 liters if you want the figures and even two more USB slots so overall five I have counted they really have thought about enough there's even a 230 volt socket at the lower part you can make that an office and the soft clothes for the doors tada that's the four leader VH 535 horsepower in his 63 or 639 horsepower in his 63 s difference is three point four or three point two seconds to 100 kilometers an hour or 62 miles an hour soon we'll also take a look at the 53 and 3 model what else is interesting well they all come with all way Drive still have a big rear wheel bias if you turn off the ESC you if says that also was a two-door variant you can easily slide the rear round you have to be careful for that and for the v8 mul there's even a drift mode available that makes it a 100% rear-wheel drive car than n then you of course should be able to drive such car with so much horsepower because it's really a beast and out with the 53 model first of all different color and wide I always love to show you different colors this one is basically the entry version it won't be cheap either but in general you know the design in the front is pretty much similar you've maybe seen that the lower air intake area is little bit different but only if you compare them directly after each other so maybe scroll back again scroll to this one again and then really compare it and side off side rear look this one years by the way equipped with a nice package see dark window frames also dark side mirror caps also with black alloys so very contrasting style 21 inch optional noise here as well and without the cover and ceramic brakes interesting that those tires are also overlapping a little bit that's good to protect those precious alloys because those alloys alone caused so much like an normal small car I can I can tell you different exhaust design and I stress the word design because this is again just the outer part you are seeing from the exhaust not really the rear one different interior first of all all black all dark you can see the decoy elements also with this carbon fiber so I would like to know from you which one would you prefer also the seats those ones are not the performances other ones are the normal sports seats again also get them with different surfaces and also here with separated head restraints and I'll also take a test yeah so they are definitely softer they don't hold you tight that much but you know if you are planning to do some long-term hauling with this car then those ones would be more suitable again if you're planning to do race track runs then the other ones will keep you tight are definitely what's not really working a thing is this high glossy black part you again that looks hmm unless you're cleaning it really often and I think you know other dqo solutions would be better in you know in this case you can hear with two screens set up for 12 and men's from this perspective again pretty impressive the steering wheel has a perforated sides you can also get the microfiber on the side and then those black plastic elements at the top part mm-hmm also not really my style that yours and well there's one more interesting thing to do to show you at the Steven we I think you should come around because that's also again a new thing because to change the different driving modes you have those again small screens too bad they're offline but you can switch switch run through and then you see something happening here we will do the racing controls and stuff here also for the driving modes and on the right side what usually would be directly you know visible it's just visible when you turn on the car and then you can change it through the quality of this one here and the other one is not really on the normal Mercedes level but maybe because it's an early prototype car I'm not sure we will check that out later I want to hear from you what do you think about those small screen buttons that will also have on the middle console instead way to go or would you like to have it rather the old-fashioned way also very interesting here we do have the others set up where I've been talking about the bench that goes through but even that one has this let's say mmm semi single-seat setup you see that the middle seat will not be comfortable and yes of course our tested for you I just heard someone saying Thomas do it you by the way the seats also with this seat set up pretty much lack room still left so I would have never guessed that this skies actually not cramped at all in the rear well the rear bench is not that long and you sit a little bit you know leaning backward but considering the design on the exterior it somehow works with the family then and you can sit here in the middle there's a big middle tunnel of course yeah not for tall people really because and it can also gets high with a ceiling and also quite stiff tandem seating maybe for shorter rights that would work but I think it gives you a little bit more flexibility that you can at some point also drive this car with five people and that's how it looks like when you flip the whole bench actually both sides hmm maybe trip to Home Depot to the bow marked as we say in Germany then so the big difference in now 6-cylinder our six not v6 so in Row three liter displacement we know this engine already 435 horsepower plus 22 form electric motor and that gives you a 4.5 seconds acceleration to 100 kilometers or 62 miles an hour this is not you know a true AMG engine this one is basically the stock AMG engine but has this Myatt hybrid system and in our tests with a CLS actually it worked pretty well brought down the fuel consumption so it makes some more sense and of course the really important thing is that the price is really lower for this so-called entry model of the features you could also get optional for this one here like rear exit even for example the two screen setup and so on sound wise of course it will be a difference and now to compare the two-door version this is the AMG GT are the top sporty trim of the two-door variant you can see the hood is longer it's Ottaway fletcher realize that now when I make staying next to it the four-door copy now is more see less alike also on the front just a very front grille is pretty much similar then also here again the side profile you can see that the roofline falls down directly this is really the major difference the element would go further like this you also with a fixed wing you can also get something like this not that big for the photocopy but just a little smaller one also the same huge rim step and of course what about the interior actually you know the comfort that's actually a very crucial point I just get here those ones are the bucket seats those ones are not available for the for the one with microfiber on the inside well to compare bucket seats now it's not exactly fair to say but that's the car we have now as direct comparison if you want to compare more of the AMG GT there's a separate rear view to it and of course you sit lower in this vehicle you feel a little more cage caged in the 4-door definitely offer you more comfort and what I said earlier it has no you know more modern interior so this middle console was the V form has been carried over on or inspired by that one those buttons we can see CA now are now the virtual buttons but then there huh - sport is basically an eClass in the photo on this one he is still the classic set up with a small screen in the middle and the end log instruments on the left don't some Headroom your left because the bucket seats are very low but if you ask me now I mean this car is clearly more beautiful to me from the exterior but driving wise and comfort wise hmm I mean racetrack this one yeah okay but for everyday driving I think it's pretty clear that would rather pick the four-door copy than unless you know you want to have the racetrack every day and there you can see the clear difference in the boot you could still use it as a copy about has a massive difference and for the follower this one in the GTR also has they know the stiffness package I would call it that way so to give you even more rigidity and safety this one you know is also called not relevant for just everyday driving life but I want to show you the comparison you can really see how much space a new four-door Burton has for a sports car now back to the follow on and now to our conclusion for today this photo copy of the message AMG GT definitely is summer a new segment for Mercedes yes it is also an answering the Panamera but the thing is you know CLS Panamera the AMG GT 4-door the transitions are really close and the model lineups of the manufacturers are getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and every small niche is being attacked what do you think about it what do you fancy shots of the car I would really like to know your opinion of that one the exterior styling I mean surely a really elegant one also the concept vehicle we present you last year the very same place and time not the same time of course but the same time of the year so they really went for it because the feedback was actually quite good they got so the design really resembles a two-door model it's of course more versatile than the two more two-door model itself and well considering also the CLS key finding that it does have some room in the rear as well that's pretty interesting also interesting with a new mild Hypertech nology and so you can make it also no less consuming if you'd not keen on the big v8 power still a lot of customers will go for the v8 power of course also to get the true sound through the fake exhaustion so to say of course we will drive this car also at some point and then you can follow us there to what you think is there photocopies there's such thing how's your definition well that's up to you tune in also to more episodes of article 3 with thomas and with brian also from the Geneva Motor Show so there's the new generation of the Mercedes g-class and here it is now at the g63 I know a lot of you guys wanted to see it and we were presented to you in full HD full screen and phalanx exterior and interior and all the technical details let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is one of the few cars wagons just standing next to it and don't have to go like this and hey the front grows away it there it is something can relax and just stand up also the turning indicators are still with this bulb here on the top the mg comes with a dark blue cross on the front grille the AMG logo than the vertical fins massive Mercedes staff front grille camera and then also with stronger air intakes in the front there in general the new g-class generations also a little bit wider so a bigger stance even on the road that I had before four meters 82 or 15 foot 8 is the lengths of the new g-class so also 5 centimeters longer just a little bit and Wow in the v8 AMG we also have the 22 inch rims the optional biggest one that are available wow this is really massive also with the AMG model we have bigger wheel arches so a little bit is strong even you could even stand on those then you have the side pet SIA and special thing with a side exhaust down here and one of those has a special exhaust valve which in opens then when the sports mode to give you the real punch sound wise other than that this is all still classic g-class with the very upright building so much different than all the new SUVs but it is actually still very high in the price you know starting with the 100000 and then if you go for the top spec AMG you can probably just double that and interesting I'll always do it right near now the door sound has been made the same again there we go and also when you open it already so and customers still want this very unique door sound that you basically but awesome from 40 years ago in a today's car and that's how the g63 looks like from the rear also with the attached the replacement wheel been important for off-roading but well will this AMG be going off-road I'm not so sure about that classic box styling a little bit different here with it taillights now they're very tiny considering the you know the car one on 70 kilograms is by the way the weight saving but still two point four tons in total weight and then you can also open it like this this is also the reason always when you see those rear hatch is opening like this from true offered vehicles because the stigma is so heavy we're just putting idea they also have a stitching at the inside of the door right here classic handle and then very square dimensions so you can easily load things in and out however considering the width of the car you still lose a lot of space of course but I mean you could easily carry a dishwasher in here so this is the four liter v8 engine you also get this one basically first in the GF 500 as the base engine we've also prison you know that one earlier already same capacity but different horsepower 422 or spa and then this one here this one is a true AMG engine one man one engine concept seat guy who built this engine by himself basically one by one piece also four liter v8 but here then was 585 horsepower and that brings down the acceleration in comparison to the g f-- 500 from 5.9 to 4.5 seconds to 100 kilometers an hour or 62 miles now of course really massive for such a vehicle is still due to in got some weight savings but it's still a very heavy car of course it's not only visually heavy also in real life yeah that looks pretty funny me sitting next to this huge wheel and that's the reason I was doing that but I also want to tell you thing about the ground clearance is 27 centimeters in the front and the waiting depth so you can go through a water is now 70 centimeters and also important information about suspension well in the front you've got an independent suspension so it's quite flexible normal for passenger car also but the rear end is still equipped with the rigid axle so beware we will soon drive the cars of course new g-class and then also later the 63 but you will not have a comfort like with a normal modern SUV from mercedes with you know a better suspension also in the rear this one is still a rather the real off-road deal potentially of course also you know with gear reduction and stuff like that still when you want the true hardcore stuff now let's get inside inside of the doors everything also wrapped tightly also option permits the sound system control right here seat heating and seat cooling will be available this car by the way built by Magna Steyr in Austria so for Mercedes actually it has always been the case now the look at the interior of the AMG the 63 with a new AMG steering wheel has a new design style also them with a thumb control left and right next to the steering wheel because well you start with analog gauges but in the tops trim which is displayed right here maybe I connect a minute there it is in a top trim you can have to twelve point three inch dials left side you can pick different styles for example you can go into different menus it's not possible in this demo here right now but at least it shows a screen on the right side to then you can use the right thumb that's not there it is but it's it the right is active so back to the home menu it doesn't seem to be working sometimes they are not really active toe systems when the rillette nishan is not on so just demo mode now but you get the picture visually wise from this huge two different screens that are basically forming one unit then now in a chopped amenities I think somewhat still go for the N log ages here the seats they have this well a stitching here and red contrast for the MG style unfortunately so far they only offer animal skin services especially in the sporty trim I think they should offer some alternatives then let's get inside and you really have to step in the car that's really funny a nice detail is by the way you not only sit upright still the windscreen well it's not 90 degrees upright but almost and this you know gives you this very very special feeling in this car it's so much different than with you know with a classic more than SUV this one here is the classic off-roader style so it's something totally different you know there are big SUVs but you see the the long hood then in the front and with the screen it's you know it's really hard to explain you had just have to experience it yourself I think we can give you a little touch of that it gives you so much more rugged feeling however the rest of the interior you can see also with all turbine vents here for example look at how they are installed that's a very interesting system definitely everything looks pretty much premium inside so less office offered rugged style here by the way also with the berm as a sound system those additional speakers here they resemble a little bit the front indicator lights we have there on it on the top of hood that's really interesting by the way as you can move forward so much because you sit so much upright that will also increase the real lacrima more and in the front 6 centimeters wider shoulder room so you have more space also next to each other and by the way I'm one ms 86 or 6 with one and I don't have to talk about Headroom here interior overview you can see again the hour dissolves basically into one area right there then this panic handle here for the co-driver especially for off-road use then the different differential locks here front Center and also rear differential lock you can activate for off-road driving again those turbine vents you have separate climate control and then this red checkered carbon-fiber style you can slide those open two cup holes in there 12-volt power supply you can still control the entertainment system right here it's not really in the mode where we can do too much to it other than deactivating it but again you can also use the thumbs right and left thumb then here for that one but we've shown that in couple of other Mercedes reviews 12 volt a 12 2 a 4 that's funny 12 o'clock mark here for the steering wheel again with perforated sides flat bottom AMG pretty sporty definitely and you should also check out the normal G 500 interior which we've shown you earlier at the very very world premiere check out this video from other good fuel will link it also so I've shown you the differential locks though three but let's talk about more awful commands first of all in close-up here the climate unit and the analog clock and when you go further down you have the classic Mercedes control unit but on the right side especially you have button to activate the camera this is very important then the exhaust valve also for the AMG to give it a little more boost and this one then is the low range button if you are in even harsher off-road situations and on the left side of that one they may also have controls for the adaptive suspension maybe to make it a little bit stiffer or smaller depending also on the driving mode then we have this split in the uhm rest console here we go you can secure your mobile phone there it's a little bit dark down there you know mmm maybe I can give you some light there with my smart phone here we go so you can put smartphones in there and then two USB ports one for connecting directly for the smart phone media interface and one just for charging and on the top part here you can have a glass roof we can also open and you can also close a shade right there this is still manual but why not the electric glass root and can be opened electrically of course now let's get into the rear compartment and the thing here is it has become 15 centimeters longer on the inside and of course due to the upright seating position you have enough legroom then considering a length of a car it's not so much so that you know the using of the package is not that good but it's a definite a great improvement if you compare to the predecessor model you have way more legroom here also fits now for tall adults and Headroom again is absolutely no problem in the cell as it is right now I'm pretty much falling back with the rear bench so there's an adjustment right here you can pull that one and then you can move the seat backwards or forward and I'll do that with my seat here now on my side it's actually pretty easy solution because then you can actually also sit more upright that's actually more comfortable also for longer terms that's a pretty nice seating position yeah and you also have this command driving position even if you are just you know passenger in the rear also with ease or fix on the outside of the seats you can also put in child seats and then here we have cup holders right there so that's possible and of course I want to know when I get out the car now can I actually flip the seat completely or at least to which extents let's see here we go so um that would be actually the maximum so there's nothing with folding flat or something but at least you can load through longer things then and have it you know in a in you know in steeper angle than just from the rear for loading things through completely there's just a small ski hatch right there and it will also have a rear climate unit right they are again with a nice turbine vents and in the lower part well here we go with another USB port so now the conclusion with the new Mercedes g-class and especially the g63 well this rocket still classic off-road look is what makes this car so special that's why they're a the reason why I liked its G okay you know the compact SUV now replace biology you'll see that there's now way round everywhere well in the new g-class generation they have not gone this way they kept it in this classic look and the big problem I have over this car is that it's too expensive with 100,000 euros base model for the G 500 and I mean to build this car it's maybe like 2025 thousand euros maximum and the rest is margin for the brand but people still give so much money for it to get this uniqueness of the vehicle and the g63 with more power and of course almost double the price you can easily crunch a 200 thousand euros and that's of course now nothing has to do with rear pricing that's just fantasy pricing the interior I think has been reworked reading much so you have a good modern interior but still with a lot of you know edgy elements angular elements which also transport this ragged feeling to the interior and of course more real akram they've really worked on that things make sure the biggest strength of the car and what I like most is that you have this upright seating position in all of the different seats so it makes also a very comfortable ride soon we'll check out also the driving experience then we will see how that one turns out from driving if that will be also comparable from SUV's or not join us then and what do you think about this one here tune in to the comments now one of the vehicles you want to see as the master six face.if top of the 2018 or if you think in our mode of year term 2019 model already here as a wagon or estate but we also have an ssa down different color different rims on the interior will tell you everything about the changes let's go [Music] in the front the front grill here was so far with horizontal elements going like this now it's more vertical and how has this dot structure looks a little bit more more and more aggressive and then the headlight unit with optional adaptive LED lights as they equip right here so far this chrome line LED there on the top part now it's leading to the lower part and more forming one unit with the headlight do you like the changes the lengths remain at 4 meters ad and form its 87 so it was a little bit longer here with the estate just a little long overhang what a great red color as well optional 19-inch rims so on the side over they haven't changed to hey who's that so Brian is joining us on stage hi hiding I'm good unfortunately this one is not connected but excellent you like the color yeah it's fantastic what is it called well they have I think it's all red I think yes was it ruby red they changed the color name recently we have to check that up again but it didn't say at the column yeah but Oh Michelle is like I think on a tight schedule he wants us to continue on with the review so um we see you later right now look at the rear with a chrome strip right they are little redesigned taillights right there with the LEDs signature also quite simplistic and beautiful in the design and let's see it's manual tailgate right there with an integrated cover that's also a good solution it's it's a very clean one definitely wow that's really dark here um let's give you some light so here we go with a little light at least so you can see something of the trunk has good square dimensions we can also flip the seats let's go here and here easy solution they almost flip convey to you if the front seat would be in the front now I'd soon do that also place for replacement tire let me just push the front seat a little bit more in the front then you can see the maximum set up right there so I think there's also the big advantage of the estate so interior this will also be very interesting soft touch on the top part this has been redesigned now is a like a microfiber also with this um what I'm not sure if it's really but I think it's just wood style but it looks really great and it also feels great this is actually not too much space for the inside of the doors however option of all the sound system then they have new seats so the seat form itself changed now base model also comes with fabric I will recommend you those but I really came to test those new seats from the seat form also you can see that the dashboard has been redesigned here again with a microfiber that's really well done and also the middle part of the dashboard has change I'll soon show you that first of all the seats let's put it down it's an electric version right here so like this and well make a good impression first impression I have to test them for a longer time we will of course soon then also have the driving review off the master 6 facelift still delivering you that in a couple of months and for sure at least quite good seating position no mid-size segment here you will also have a head-up display that has been updated recently you can check the out in our most recent driving review from last year not too long ago they make steady facelift changes one by one and so far and main it's it's nice tweak you can even better see that when you sit behind me and look to the front so this is the pre-facelift dashboard along small and you can see how other events are orientated right there then you can see it here this from then it's new this new big microfiber horizontal strip really looks amazing and also clean out and here was a wooded eco element and the vents are well integrated overall a cleaner sleeker design and nice we also have those are these style temperature vents now so in a time where howdy gets rid of them master gets them and nice clicking sound heated steering wheel also heated seats and this is not a different concept because he could still push things control the temperature like this and maybe people say you know how Dee's getting a step too far ahead I still want to control it like this and now it's me with more quality also than the integrated scream that has been updated also even before that unfortunate in some power but in our driving review you could see it being powered so more storage space in the front part automatic gearbox available cup holders right here adaptive one looks really good quality wise master has stepped up the game so really good facelift changes here two more USB ports ports right there so now the rear compartment I had a seat as I would be driving and that leaves some lacked room right there so that's okay but for the mid-size segment we also took a look at the v60 devolve on the new one that had more like room here in the rear but the seats also have become thicker here so that's actually a disadvantage Headroom wise is like in the front you still have a lot of headroom there's no Chrome and the advantage of the estate or wagon that continues all the way under the roof hey joined by Brian so how's it for smaller people like you to sit here Thomas not everybody is freakishly tall like you so as you can see if you have relatively proportioned legs okay let's be honest my legs are a little on the small side there is acres of space back here I'd say it's really quite nice in terms of feels like an executive finish it's subtle its discreet it even comes with its own Jonas which we can see through the window we're a full team again this is great I'm really liking this experience I think that I would be comfortable doing work back here do we have fold out trays we can use even for the rear seats is it soft touch also at the top part yes yes it is yeah that that really is a nice finish nice finish we do think one of the things they have proved to you with the facelift and now also let's take a look at that sit down you can see first of all different color also getting with a new front grille I thinking it's really beautiful small change sorry we're the side laps were sorry bust it so it's a year again the design another on top of the door handles but just a subtle design line and of course the difference from the Saddam but it doesn't look so much sit-down like it looks a little bit fastback alike I think with a copy style ending right there chrome frame around the windows and then raising shoulder line right there I think they are really on spot with their design here at the moment do you think the sedan is more beautiful or the estate tell me in the comments and then here they shrunk comparison of course you have less room yep considering it's in a state still you know reasonable just for loading in and out of course it's a disadvantage for sure you can also flip the seats but then you have to unlock them here that's a little strange and then have to go around to flip them so of course the estate of us the better solution right there but at least you have still the possibility to flip it like this and they can also load through things through oh that's a little bit awkward here you have to check take a look at that they should probably fix it with an X face if you come around here Michelle then I can show you that that came up actually when I've folded down the see I think we've seen in the cx-5 already hmm so they tweaked a lot of things which looks so beautiful but maybe that one should be addressed at the engineering department head room in the front all since then this is not a difference actually and but the seat by the way it's quite voluminous you sit relatively high for mid-sized Vickers on other midsize vehicles like also in the Volvo 60 you sit actually way lower so this is a big difference you're a sit on the car and here and the rear the difference is then you still can sit here do you lose like this approximately so it's still okay for 12 people in the rear also in the sedan but of course you're a little bit more flexible in their state yeah I mean engines we don't have to talk about that right now because they remain the same my favorite engine for this one is a 2.5 liter naturally aspirated engine now also with cylinder on demand to protect our driving review again they did some little tweaks with these guy active engines to make them a little bit more efficient we also recently made a review of the sky FD X that is coming check that out in the masa 3 preview with it pretty interesting piece I hope you enjoyed this review here of the master 6 facelift again soon and with a driving test it's been a long wait but it's finally here the brand new Audi a6 has it been worth the wait will there be enough additions to make it new and exciting let's take a closer look [Music] for a lot of people this is the business sedan so it has to achieve two quite different things the first is it has to look stylish it has to look conservative and understated but the second is that it has to look fast why well let's be honest you're not going to own an a6 unless you want other people to know that you own an a6 so this redesign needs to keep that characteristic sporty look and if it can add to it a little bit well I think they've made a very impressive statement right from the start look at this it absolutely says business from the first glance we have two sensor arrays here you can see mounted right into the grille I think they've done a really nice job of the way they've integrated those into the design lots of car manufacturers struggle with figuring out how best to put those into the bumper without making them look too obvious we also have a front camera here again that's nice and discreet and fits in with the overall styling and all of these horizontal lines help break up the front of this visually so we can really get a sense of the styling of the car let's take a look slightly higher up and see what happens with the bonnet well we've got some very pronounced design lines here these nice discreet traditional lines flow through into the bonnet but look at this crease here wow that really cuts in and follows right through to the back of the car it really suggests motion as it goes along almost as if wind has sculpted the side of this car that really helps to give it a feeling of speed even when it's standing still now we can really start to get into some details so this car is just under five meters or sixteen foot two in length and that makes it around about seven millimeters longer than its predecessor so if you want that visually that's around about that much so not particularly noticeable you could say the height is also a little larger than its predecessor by 12 millimeters and that's round about this much in height so you might think okay it doesn't make a lot of difference but it does change the stature of the car and remember that design line I talked about coming right across the side right from the front and right into the back make sure that the card doesn't look significantly bigger talking of significantly bigger let's look at these wheels well new for the brand new a6 we have up to 21 inch wheels and that really does make the car look very aggressive on the road I don't think it's overblown it's very stylish in conjunction with these very thin tires you have a very dynamic looking car coming around to the back we really start to get a sense of the proportions this car is 1.9 meters or 6 foot 2 in width and that is 12 millimeters wider than its predecessor so again visually that's around about that so that is the most significant increase in sizing on this car really it doesn't look especially bigger but I bet you notice that slight addition to space when you actually sit in the back and as it's a business sedan that's very important now let's take a look inside and see what they've done with the boot I use the handle but one feature which won't come as particularly new shock to anybody is that you now have an underfloor catch where if you swipe your foot the boot will open I'm notorious for failing to make these work at motor shows so I'm going to have a go and see if I can well it's not gonna be my lucky day today either but often with show cars they're not fully set up for you so you just have to take my word on that the boot itself is 530 liters in size now lots of you who are aficionados will know that that number hasn't changed at all from its predecessor but the way that the space is utilized has been out ER very enthusiastic to point out that you can fit two full golf bags horizontally in this boot and that does give you a clear indication of the type of customer they are expecting to be buying this car got some nice discreet details in here these chrome luggage straps are going to keep anything that you want exactly where it's supposed to be and if we have a look underneath the panel well goodness that's some very nice organization for you you might notice something sitting there with a gauge on it and wondering exactly what this is well happy to tell you that the new engines are both and we'll get more into the engines a little later on both mild hybrids that means that you gain the benefit of having electric power as well so the car can coast without burning any fuel that's a really nice touch you can see other than that the subwoofers been pushed over to the side that's a change from usually using the well that would have accommodated a spare tire and the tools are all nicely laid out so nice organization under there I don't think most of the owners of this car are going to spend too much time underneath this flap though so we have a very nice load space that'll take plenty of suitcases or anything else you could want to fit in now let's take a look inside well we've been waiting a long time to get this new redesign so out I had a lot to achieve in terms of making it look fresh and contemporary and stylish and at first glance absolutely hit the nail on the head well almost again pierrot plaque I don't think that I'm going to take a look at a single car of this Motor Show that doesn't feature this surface and I just don't understand why but I won't go on about it it's there it's a feature that's how it is this detailing here while I feel it works really well on the doors I'm not a fan it on top of the dashboard it reminds me a little bit of Formica kitchen countertop now if you don't know what that is if you think back to the way people have their kitchens finished back in the 70s or early 80s it was reminiscent of that and I don't know why you would want to put that somewhere where the light hits it directly I just don't think it looks that good and it's not in keeping with the style of the car we have leather across the top of the dashboard not my taste but very popular with lots of people and then a Ledge which forms the basis for the heating and cooling system it's okay I guess it's not particularly saying a great deal of anything but I think that's the thought process not least because of what Aldi is very very excited about and that is their new MMI touch system now if you spring for the most expensive model which clearly this car is fitted with that means that you get a 10 inch screen here an eight-point-two inch screen here and a 12.3 inch screen here so how do you really want to let you know they are committing to the future in terms of touch well you not only can get haptic feedback through this system that's where the system talks you by vibrating back but it's also kitted out to work acoustically so it will give you the information you need without needing to look at the displays and that's very important because there's an awful lot of visual real estate here the screens have been designed in such a way that they fit in seamlessly with the design so you don't actually notice the fact that they are separate and independent of the dashboard as a whole and that's really nice I'll tell you something that really does impress me about this new system and that's individualization you can save up to seven different drivers profiles on this car well big deal you might think I think it is you can change 400 different parameters of how the car looks and behaves now I know if you share a car with anybody I do and I can really say the high tier of being able to jump in the car push a button and have everything change to sue me is very appealing not least because along with all of the specializations you can have with the infotainment unit it's also the way the car drives and handles and because it's an intelligent system it learns and it makes navigating through the menus get progressively easier and closer to what it is you want howdy are very enthusiastic to tell us that their menu system is superior to other people's menu system in that it makes sense that's a fairly bold claim because an awful lot of these systems are really difficult to navigate their way through so let's just take a look and see how easy it is unfortunately being a show car we can't actually access a huge amount of the settings because obviously it's not set up to be able to drive although if Jonas can just show you the drivers display in the cockpit here we can see some of the personalization feedback that I was talking about earlier I don't know if Marcin is the owner of this car but apparently it's set up for him to use trying to find out how easy it is there we go it's pretty straightforward in order to be able to start communicating with the car now the touchscreen here is really very responsive as you would expect there's no lag at all and it's pretty easy to get to where you want to get to I am you Pro I'm almost certain you can't pick it up on this microphone but there is a discreet click every time you select anything which gives you the ressure instill e selected something that's great for when you're driving again you don't have to look at the screen in order to be able to know what's happening well overall I would say that the infotainment system is delivered very nicely it's phenomenally complicated but it does do a good job of managing to give you the information you need without needing to feel overwhelmed with 400 different customizations you can certainly find a lot to play with but it doesn't really irritate the first time you use it it's actually quite intuitive and straightforward and it looks really good I don't know if you're a big fan of the massive screens in Tesla's but for me this is a much better way to go have more screens rather than one larger screen and then you can interact with things separately without needing to confuse the information that you need coming in so slightly further down we will find the automatic gearshift now whether or not you get one of the two available engines and that's either a petrol or a diesel you are going to be getting an automatic gearbox the diesel comes with an 8-speed DSG the petrol comes with a 7-speed s-tronic so I assume they're going to deliver a fairly similar performance apparently their their fuel consumption is relatively comparable obviously we're not going to get to find out the full benefit of the setup until we get to give the car a drive but it's certainly making me look forward to that again we have this wood effect throughout the center console I'm not a massive fan I think it could have been a little bit more discreet but that's my taste chrome effect right throughout here and then if we have a look in the center we can see we have inductive charging and thank you very much for making that pad a decent size that you can actually fit a modern phone on it lots of them are too small to USB ports that makes four in total including the two in the back a SIM card slot for the infotainment system and an SD card slot so really everything you could reasonably want to be able to access in the front plenty of room plenty of space driving position really comfortable I must apologize for my appearance it's always very hot at these events and no air conditioning in the car so that's why I look as if I've been sitting in a swamp now the seat has many many adjustments as well and that means if it's not comfortable for you the first time you sit in it you're bound to be able to find something that you like this is a little low for me at the moment but you can see again acres of headroom the front of this car has an absolute abundance of space so I can get myself into exactly the position that I want to be in because of the way that the bonnet tapers off at the front it is difficult getting a sense as a driver of the length of this car straight off a bat from the moment sit in it but because you have cameras all around it that's really not going to be a problem for you so overall I think the styling works it's clean it's sophisticated for me some of the details could be a little bit better but Howdy's a driver's car and everything about this car is telling me to drive it this is a business sedan so the experience of sitting in the back is absolutely crucial I'm happy to tell you it's really rather nice back here let's have a look at this door have this nice wood effect styling detail underneath brushed chrome for both the handle and the door opening catch nice subtle discreet not overstated well I'm still a bit disappointed that we couldn't have had something a little bit more creative than the leather finish but lots of people like that so if that's your style then you're going to be more than happy not sure they couldn't have done something slightly better and more convincing with these seat backs although these net backs are very practical they don't really spell out luxury or high-class to me and I think that's something that I really want to see in this car the passengers experience of being back here is very nice we have two USB charging points and a 12 volt adapter as well so plenty of charging options for you while you're out on business unfortunately the system isn't on currently so I can't access any of the controls back here but we have two independent heating and cooling units and let's talk about the seats well they are really comfortable and I'm not just saying that they really are they're firm but supportive and they hold you very nicely indeed I think this car is really designed for two in the back with real comfort but you have plenty of space in the middle here so if you do need to fit a third person in there absolutely going to be able to talking of space look at this I'm five foot ten in high to 178 centimeters so I don't have the biggest legs in the world but even if I was Jonas who is difficulty bigger I'm sure you can agree there is plenty of space for me back here and head height well there's not tons but there is more than enough I would say you'd be fine in this car up until you start getting over sort of six foot two I've got around about an inch spare at my head but I do have a particularly long torso so I think it's going to be more than sufficient for most people it's very difficult to make the styling look exactly the way you want without dropping off this roof line and that always creates a problem for backseat passengers and I think they've got the compromise in this car pretty great actually it looks stunning and I still have enough space in the back so I can't really complain so here we have another interior for you to take a look at styling in this one very similar to the other but obviously we have a lighter finish so if you are the kind of person who puts marks on your cup this is not the one to go for in other respects the stylings very similar we also have the full leather seats we also have the wood trim on the front but it's still the same great car underneath so here we have v6 TDI that is a three liter engine it produces 286 horsepower and as I mentioned when I had a look inside I can't say that because of the Edit sorry so this is a three liter TDI producing 286 horsepower twinned with the 8-speed Tiptronic gearbox you can also have a three liter tfsi that produces 240 horsepower and that is twin with 7-speed Tiptronic both of those engines are mild hybrids and I think they look very nice indeed both of the engines feature start/stop technology what's new for this model is the way that that interacts if you have a look just here you can see the front camera and what's new is that the car automatically will start itself again when it sees the car in front of it start moving so hopefully those minor niggles that we all had about start/stop technology meanings that we have to wait for the engine to kick in you should not even notice that in this car we'll just have to wait to give it a go to find out how well it works so that brings us to the end of our preview of the world premiere of the Audi a6 what do you think about it well it's a very very popular car so as with the e-class redesign a lot of people are very anxious to see what's gonna be different about the car I think they've done a really nice job with the styling the interior is nice too I personally would have preferred to have seen a little bit more discreet I'm not in love with the wood trim but again that's my taste in all other respects I think it looks great I really like the way the new infotainment system is integrated into the design of the car the engines with the mild hybrid are very exciting and I think the gearboxes are gonna deliver a lot we new for this model also have all-wheel steering which is really going to change the way the car handles and performs and I can't wait to give that a go if we haven't mentioned any of the details it's because all motor shows is very difficult getting the information you need until about three seconds before you need it so if there's anything in particular about this car that I haven't mentioned then please put it in the comments below this is the fall edge facelift also introducing the esti liner sporty look we will take a look at it here nautical field Thomas or the exterior and the interior [Music] the SC line comes with the colossi black finish here with a Comstock real pretty aggressive look also with the lower bumper special contrast to the white exterior color and now full LED headlights thing is also suitable for a big SUV of that size and also offer that price it gets also spectacular inside probe option 21 inch wheels hardly sinned with a fort but I don't look too huge with this regal st line logo on the side profile also the side is you know dominated by the dropping line right there then also black roof rails as a contrast there the window frames are just held in matte black basically you see the taillights already beginning at the side profile overall it's a pretty clean design and I think the st line fits the edge very well you can also compare our earlier review the driving review of the Ford Edge they can compare how it does look like without the SG line in the rear we have this glass style of the tail pretty clean overall and all black in this part because stress again this contrast look at well those ones here by the way are all the way fake exhaust they are pretty neat-looking fake a sauce but they are definitely fake exhaust all the way and let's open this electric tailgate a little bit tricky here so there we are here we go and also nice squared I mentioned you see you do not lose a lot of space you can also flip the seats from here this one the other top cover is a little bit you know wobbly no raids of the side but it's quite okay still here we go you can also fit a replacement tire if you want so and let's see no it's not powered at the moment but when it would be powered then you could also put the button here and then the seats would be flipping so also a quite nice illusion but those show cars are not always all the way powered and so we cannot test everything by the way nicely done here also with the entry cover it's actually seems that premium quality also with the anchor points here you can use tension belts and put things tight we can't open the hood but I'll tell you about the engine updates we now have 2.7 liter turbo three at $29.95 for front-wheel drive there's also new 8-speed converter gearbox and in the U we also get the diesel 2-liter diesel 180 horsepower or was 210 that is then the Biturbo let's check the interior so at the instant of the doors top part is soft touch plastics and we've a leather red cover here or good but he was lower part in this from how plastic all automatic window levers right there it's also the optional Bang & Olufsen sound system you in the se line you got this entry cap right there and you also have seats with microfiber on the inside here we go and it it feels quite nice actually and they also have a sporty look the steering wheel then gets also read contra stitches on the inside so that's you know basic features of this e line in the lower part you can also see at the foot packs you got those aluminum foot packs let me give you some light as well here we go with those aluminum foot packs or pedals we're not on the motorcycle here let's get inside for the seating comfort sometimes I wonder which people were sitting in those vehicles so now I'm going all the way down I'm going down but I'm taking you with me so let's put that one up right and that's really fairly comfortable I still remember the full review of the Ford Edge and those st line seats are actually pretty good you can see that steering wheel can be controlled in all the ways so everyone can find a good position it really feels like a grown-up force an SUV because especially in the front console is really huge definitely also with a big hood so um this is really like this king of the road riding style for sure on the steering wheel you can set the cruise control for example new ACC available and there are also new assistance systems like the blind spot monitor or Lane Keeping Assist so if they have updated that so with a shadowed window in the rear and all black and here it's really dark in here I have to say they've upgraded also the important system to the newest one they have done so it works quite fast from the GPS you can also zoom in an owl's like this that's possible also not only connecting the phone we have bluetooth also that's the new Epke nekton or sync connect where you can just put them in here could see that the apple carplay for example available those covers see around the buttons for example the volume is like very soft rubber that is cheaply done they should upgrade that one the body the temperature controls in the lower part right there you have several storage spaces right there for example on the top part the glovebox is quite spacious actually also in the lower part right there you have two USB slots and you see they're a little bit illuminated that's nice and then you have the standard
Channel: Autogefühl
Views: 2,818,104
Rating: 4.0738916 out of 5
Keywords: car, reviews, review, test, drive, driven, autogefuehl, autogefühl, autogefuhl, fahrbericht, testbericht, exterior, interior, acceleration, driving, all-new, new, neu, neuer, facelift, 2018, 2019, Geneva, gims, gims2018, #gims2018, Geneva International Motor Show, Geneva Motor Show, Genfer Autosalon, Genf, Automesse, motor show, highlights, tour, highlight, BMW M8, Lamborghini Terzo Millennio, Italdesign Zerouno Duerta, VW I.D. Vizzion, VW Moia
Id: AlZuTQsv5SM
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Length: 233min 52sec (14032 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 13 2018
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