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hypo jungle mail i forget what what year this guy is but you can see the colors on them you can see the colors on this guy i would shout out the breeder but drawing a blank at the moment [Music] hypo jungle male this guy he's kind of small for his age but he only he'll only he only takes small prey you give him try to give him a larger meals like he's intimidated by the size of the rat look at that i almost sold them this past summer but i end up selling my central american t-positive caramel albino female and my motley male heck albino but i'm glad i kept this guy i love that salmon color man that's that's motley's my favorite color pattern morph but what i love is the boas with the salmon color and this is my again hypo jungle mail not the craziest jungle pattern but this guy's great really you gotta let me try to catch these colors in the sides that's that's where all the color is on these it's not even showing up how ready is in his sides hypo jungle mail doing great medium rats all my all my snakes eat medium rare i don't purchase any large just give them once they get bigger i just give them multiples of the mediums and we order through the red mail through rotom pro
Channel: CT Constrictors
Views: 8,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lB3sSz8KQ7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 29sec (149 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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