cocoa yellowbelly to champagne pastel

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foreign here uh we're gonna do egg cutting video uh hopefully we get some interesting results like my buddy Jeremy did last year I used the same mail so it's a cocoa yellow belly to a champagne pastel so some of them have already picked uh three days early and I'm not seeing any champagne heads sticking out we got one egg that went bad we only got to bother cutting that one but I don't know definitely see some pastel heads sticking up all right are you ready sir we'll start with the ones that already fit we can't use the lawn chairs on them can't be a little guys you're pretty goofy little things it's a tiny little egg yeah hey all of them that was the first time Mom thank you everybody so I'm hoping we see some champagne combos I don't know if that's cocoa or not I don't I don't know we'll know until it comes out all right so we know these aren't champagne combos with our hoods out so hopefully the other three are getting his head back in you stuck he's stuck you didn't make big enough hole buddy you gotta think these things out it's like the mafia he's choking himself got himself gave himself a necktie there we go little piece definitely got pastel yellow belly in that when I can see it from here but I don't know about cocoa definitely no champagne yet huh I'll have to wait till we see the bellies more to see more about the cocoa it's pretty light though and let them color up that's pretty light oops not minding my own messes here get your head back in there buddy so far we have not seen any champagne which highly disappointing that's definitely cocoa that's definitely cocoa it's got some nice blushing there definitely Coco there maybe we just need to get in some champagne come on three lucky eggs don't forget guys we're gonna be in Daytona in a few weeks make sure you stop by we're in room two uh I already forgot my table number but um looks like I'm on the main drag on the left as you go in remember right rather depending on which way you go all right let me try some giant Lodge here as well I don't think I can these are too tight yeah they're too tight so small poof come on champagne here we go here we go now we got it boom champagne something hell yeah and color in the in there it's just hiding all right thank God is is that high white or is that just like color that hasn't colored up yet no it's super high white big old ringer on it for some reason same thing throws a lot of ringers just like cinnamon does all right there's one let's get an even 50 50 on this clutch it'll be nice and I'll pull the example of what we're trying to recreate to Jeremy made from Bob's Exotics last year with the same male and I loaned them it's an insane champagne combo that's why that's why I did it because I wanted to add the pastel to it make it even brighter I do believe we got another one that's pretty light in there yes perfect there's there's your color that's the champagne Coco see the darkness right there boom we hate it for sure we hit it awesome now if we added pastel to it it's going to be even brighter than the example that Jeremy made and it's sweet what if that's an ivory there's no way it can be didn't have no yellow belly in it oh look at that little egg look at the little window on the side it's the little mistake I've ever seen was that a burn what do you think the size of a chicken egg yeah that's one of the smallest eggs I've seen in years but you know what they say about small things big big things in small packages exactly it's not the size that matters right right everybody yeah it's pretty dark in there it's not the size that matters it's how you use it unfortunately there's no champagne in this one but still pretty baby though so we hit two here if you want to take over the camera I'll go grab that other that's gonna grab it you just film you know a little snoop there no we moved everything around he's still in the the rack over there by the babies get this mess out of the way all right this is the little boy Jeremy made last year with the same Daddy so that is a champagne cocoa possible yellow belly doesn't even she's like really really Orange in person that doesn't really come out he didn't want to sit still but that's what we were hoping to reproduce and it would say we definitely have a pretty good chance on this super high white ones here yeah and then this one super high white ones super high white so we can't even see the pattern on it yet we just see a little bit tail yeah we got we gotta have two of them and if they hit the pastel on there too they'll have a much brighter color and this thing is bright as Hell by itself it's insane beautiful animal I like how it brings like white up and around the head and onto the face so we'll see what happens we'll update it when they come out and shed and let you see them then and I think I think they're gonna be very very good examples of super high white combos that one's already one now and also go check out our morph Market page we put a bunch of breeders and stuff on there last week if you're coming to Daytona you can pay for it now and pick it up at the show so go check it out don't miss out all right guys take care peace
Channel: Morphmart Reptiles
Views: 79
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fUlY2pUhAYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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