Hypnosis Presentation-Complete

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from ten years ago some of you may remember our next guest yes that's right it was quite funny ten years ago Anthony Gailey is an author speaker and trained psychotherapist and he has studied the secrets of top performers in every field he's here tonight to show you how to achieve the unthinkable please help me welcome Anthony Gailey thank you very much thank you good evening I'm gonna stand here for just a few minutes while they arrange my stage a little bit good to be back I don't know how many of you folks know but I was here 11 years ago in 2001 and when I found I was being asked back again I did a little check I went back and looked at what had changed in the last 11 years and man things certainly have changed in the last 11 years have they not one was in my old presentation that I did 11 years ago we used to joke or I did joke then that Lucent was stuck at 70 do any of you remember that I think it's about 10 cents now there were also obviously there was no 911 there was no social network there was no Twitter there was 99 things that have happened since then I have been on a rift for the last couple of months about the rate of change that we are going through in this world it simply fascinates me and amazes me first let me put in perspective if you talk to an anthropologist they will tell you that human beings have been on this planet for roughly 250,000 years now they have found bones that are a million years old but when they talk about human beings they're talking about things like ritualistic burials cave drawings complicated language acquisition the use of tools they estimate roughly 250,000 years human beings have been crawling around this planet do any of you know when the wheel was invented well if you look it up you'll discover the wheel was invented in 8000 BC and if you do the math you'll realize that human beings are on this planet for 240 thousand years before somebody figured out how to make a wheel that's the rate of change we used to go through honestly by the way the next major change at least as far as human development was the invention of the plow and the reason that was such an important invention is that the plow through the invention of the plow human beings no longer had to be hunter-gatherers they could now stay in one place grow their food one place that gave rise to the great civilizations do any of you know when the plough was invented 5000 BC so it took him another three thousand years after the invention of the wheel to get around to making a plough it took him another fifty five hundred years before they invented the printing press printing press was 14:30 the reason the printing press was so important is that now they could mass-produce information they no longer had to have scribes handwriting each book they could make books by the hundreds and pass them out to people that led to the big jump in information the resident Renaissance was a result of that another big invention was the telephone approximately 430 years later Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1870 then along 100 years later came the cell phone in 1970 and then the next big jump of course was the smart phone do any of you happen to remember when the smart phone was introduced surprisingly enough it was 2007 that the smart phone came out a mere five years ago now you want to see rate of change in action how many of you folks in this room own a smart phone can I see by show hands isn't that amazing that invention came out five years ago and within five years virtually everyone adopted it things are changing faster than at any time in human history and I'll tell you why that's happening about 35 years ago we adopted a change that really sped everything up we went from the analog system to the digital system to the binary system and virtually overnight things zoomed up by a factor of a thousand almost overnight everybody had digital calculators remember that in the late 70s the ti calculators all of a sudden no one was doing hand calculations anymore they all had a calculator then came digital watches and then the tape decks all morphed into CDs and then the the VHS has all turned into DVDs and then everybody had a digital and a personal computer and then there was email and then there was the social networking all virtually overnight in terms of amount of time within 35 years we have zoomed to where we are right now and all these changes have been miraculous they've certainly sped along society's production and progression but it made me stop and wonder all these changes that have taken place so fast this computer age that we are in this information age has it changed us and I've come to the conclusion that it has and I'll give you some examples let's go back to the digital calculator when the first digital changes I ever saw the digital calculator it changed us on a very subtle way if you don't think so I got an experiment for you sometime tonight invent a six digit number any six digit number you want three hundred thirty two thousand nine hundred forty-two invent a six digit number divide that number by fourteen longhand number one see if you can still do it number two see how long it takes you fact of the matter is we long ago abandon any hand calculations digital division or multiplication because all of us have calculators on those smart phones on our desks in our pockets they're everywhere we no longer have to do that so we abandon that we turn that over to the machines I'll give you another change that took place so rapidly my teenager had a term paper that was due I asked him when it was due he said in four days I said you better get on it he said why I can do a term paper in four hours I said show me and he did he googled the topic a million links came up he at one link went to another one to another it became instantly obvious that he could do a rather detailed term paper in four hours or less well I remember when I had term papers I always assigned a week - it took me at least a week to do a term paper because in those days we had a thing called a library and if you were doing a topic you had to actually go research it you had to drag yourselves after that library had to pull out those Dewey Decimal cards and all those stupid things you had to look up and write down all the numbers and numbers told you what what road to go to what's floor to go to and you had to go searching for where the book was supposed to be about half the time you get there some jerk had stolen it so you had to start the process all over again if you finally did find a reference book you had to actually open it look at the chapters flip through the pages breeze through the chapters - you got to the relevant information and then either jot it down or in those days we xeroxed it for 25 cents a page you remember that those days are long gone right because nobody looks up anything anymore how many of you read two weeks ago Encyclopedia Brittanica announced that they are no longer making books how sad is that there's no more encyclopedias for feet sake no one reads books anymore they don't have to because it's all become digitized and you know my son can do his term paper in four hours but I honestly don't think he understands it at the same level or the same degree that I understood the term papers that I had to do because here's what's being subtracted from our thought process the actual process we no longer have to draw those little boxes carry our twos and do that longhand division you punch in a number the computer gives you an answer why because there's a part a computer part of a computer that can compute about a thousand times faster than the human brain and what's the the body of a computer called the heart of a computer is called a processor that's what's missing the process he doesn't understand the story of that term paper as well as I do because this process is being subtracted we are beginning to think like computers we're beginning to talk like computers we're beginning to act like computers it is subtly affected us in thousands of ways let me give you a few others I presume most if not all of you work in an office situation if you do you'll either drive or take some kind of transportation to and from that office at least a few times a week try to remember the last time you drove to work try to remember the last time you drove or took transportation to work now if it took you 20 minutes to get the work how much about 20 minute drive can you really remember if you are like most people you're going to be lucky to call back two or three out of those 20 minutes here's the question where were you the rest of that time the rest of the time most of you were thinking about what you should have done could have done might have done what you think you're going to do what you hope you're going to do what you wish is going to happen and not actually paying attention to what you're doing and here's how that is reflected honestly how many folks have ever driven past your exit on a freeway can I see by show hands where were you when you did that how do you drive past a 20 foot high sign and literally not even see it I'll tell you why because your head is up in the clouds because you're starting to think in what I would call frozen instants in time you know when everybody started using a personal computer another term entered our lexicon it was the mid 80s I remember when I started hearing a term multitasking first time I ever heard it was the mid 80s when everybody started using computers multi-tasking you call somebody say what are you doing I'm doing five things at once you know what do you mean I'm thinking of five things at the same time I'm a psychologist I'm here to tell you that's impossible you cannot think of five things at once you can only process one stream of information at a time here's what you can do you can try to imitate a computer and bounce your attention around to five different things almost like a movie so it seems like you're doing five things at once but trust me you're only processing one stream at a time the computer has affected us this information age has affected as traumatically the tweet another example condense all of your thoughts into 140 characters or less people talk like computers LOL BRB it's happening at every stage of our existence and I am making this sound like a negative thing but here's what's happening to us our heads are in the clouds most of the time we're missing most of what's going on around us read a magazine on the way up here today it happens to be the cover story this month The Atlantic Monthly do any of you happen to read that particular magazine the cover of Atlantic Monthly is is social networking making us lonely and they'll say people have 75 80 friends and what happened was that Facebook just had to open a new section where you now can categorize these are my real friends these are ones I really want them to know what's going on these are just other people that happen you know that social networking is actually making us lonelier and not bringing us closer together because it's so scatterbrained we walk around with our heads in the cloud half the time and not coincidentally do any of you know what the next generation of computing is already been called if you have not heard this term you will it's called cloud computing they want your head in the clouds for pete's sake cloud computing give us all of your digital information we will store it for you give us your programs and we will run them for you well where will those programs be stored in the cloud well where will it actually be well you see they're not actually the beginning one location a little piece here a little piece there it's gonna be like a hologram it's going to be all over the place well won't be insecure won't people you know get my information that way never happen trust me just give us your information it's going to go out in the clouds we're all moving toward that way of thinking and again I'm making this sound terrible or awful it's not I think the toys are fantastic I love cell phones I love the smart phones I think all that stuff is great has moved us you know light years ahead of the way it used to be heck first 40 years of my life biggest change that took place in telephones is we went from a rotary to a push-button telephone now it took them 40 years to do that you know things have really accelerated and the change is wonderful however you folks have chosen to make your living in a profession that requires exactly the opposite type of thinking I'm looking at your logo over here serving individual investors correct me if I'm wrong isn't a big giant part of your job to develop a personal and interpersonal relationship with an individual and a family to get to know that particular individuals once and needs to understand and construct for them a financial plan that's going to work for that individual not a cookie cutter plan most of us walking around with our heads in the clouds we're multitasking now I'm really going to date myself here but do any of you remember who Alan Freed was I'm not that old Alan Freed was a disc jockey in the mid 50's he's the man that is credited with coining the term rock and roll he was a disc jockey in Cleveland went on to be a very famous disc jockey in New York and he's the guy who supposedly invented the term rock and roll he was also very interesting individual there are a number of quotes that have been attributed to him but here's the one I like the best he had a habit when he was doing his show as a disc jockey he always blasted the music now most disk jockeys didn't do that most disk jockeys would start a record and then they turned the volume down do something keep their ear to it when the record was about to end they'd come back again okay now for our next tune he never did that Alan Freed was known for always blasting the music at high volume and is to drive his sound engineers crazy so one night one of the sound engineers Alan why do you always play the music so loud and his answer was because they always know when you're listening they always know when you're listening well I'm going to say that to you because I think it has importance they always know when you're listening if you are playing with that monitor of yours and I asked a couple advisors I said does your monitor have a lot going on oh yeah anyway five or six things going on in time you know if you're sitting there playing with your cell phone your smart phone you're sitting there paying attention that monitor and one of your clients calls with a service problem they know when you're not listening they know when you're not giving them 110 percent of your attention if you have a client show up for an appointment at your office and mentally you're thinking about the jerk that cut you off on the freeway or the really important client that's coming in after this guy or the fight you have with your spouse that morning and you are not there in the here-and-now for them they pick up on that now they're not sitting back there with a checklist saying oh look they're breaking eye contact frequently they're breathing irregularly they're moving around and shifting in their chair that's it they would a checklist they feel it we all feel it we know and the person we're trying to communicate is there and when they're not and more and more as a byproduct of this fractured type of thinking that we all do it's becoming harder and harder to get and stay focused when we want to now with that as a foundation I am known in the business for teaching people like yourselves how to get and stay focused on their goals and I honestly feel like I'm preaching to the choir I mean if this is not an alpha group I don't know what is you guys are amazing the top 350 performers I just saw the people that won the million dollar award the two million award the four million where my hats off to you guys so this is what the 1% looks like huh this is great you know I have to be preaching to the choir in a group such as this but I'm going to ask you a question would it or would it not behooves you to get focused and to learn how to stay focused at least when you want to be focused I'm not saying don't multitask don't do ten things at once if that's what you need to do do not take part in this complicated world we live in I think that's great but wouldn't it be nice to be able to shut it off it will and put your attention when and where you wanted to need it it at least as far as your clients go well here's the good news you really don't have to learn how to do that you were born doing that look at a four or five year old they are in the moment you were born focused all this fractured cloud-like thinking is a byproduct of the time you happen to live in it's not hard to learn you've already learned it all I do is show people essentially how to relearn it and there are really dozens of ways you can learn to get in stay focus there's not one universal answer there are a variety of you know tricks in my bag so to speak I'm not one-trick pony but because my time constraints tonight I'm going to confine my comments to one technique out of all the dozens you could possibly learn I will share with you one some of you since you saw my presentation a number of years ago know what this is all about for those of you that not that do not let me share with you what this one technique that I'd like to show you is I am known in the business as a motivational hypnotist I'm going to teach you how to hypnotize yourself now before you get all spooked and scared about what that is let me explain it's not a scary state of mind in fact happen to believe the average person in this room is already spending about 70% of their waking day in a trance anyhow I'm just going to show you how to put some of it to good use you think I'm kidding right the average person spends well in excess of 70 to 80% of their day in a trance and if not you simply have to open your eyes and look at people while you talk to them watch the person in the course of average conversation you will see them frequently lose it get it back again drift in and out of the conversation stare up to the side all you got to do is clock the amount of time they spend in the here-and-now with a stopwatch and you'll see people spend huge expenses their time up in the clouds thinking of something else most of that time is wasted again I presume most of you walk work in an office situation and if that is the case I got a little test for you the next time on Monday you find yourself in the office working take a two or three second break sometimes during the day stand up and gaze out at your fellow advisers and ask yourself a very simple question how many these people I'm looking at right now are fully conscious actually generating some dollar producing activity actually getting something done and how many these people I'm gaining out are staring out into space in that trance like that guy was talking about it the bank it all you got to do is open your eyes and look and you'll see we spent a huge amount of time and translate behavior now I fly a lot I am known in Delta as a 4 million miler now that's that's just insanity that's just with Delta Airlines to give you a quick rundown yesterday I was in San Juan Puerto Rico tomorrow I'm going to Cairo Egypt and Here I am tonight in Phoenix I'll spend three days in Cairo and then I go to Rome that's nuts I fly a lot but when I was a kid the biggest thrill I could possibly imagine was flying in a jet airplane I remember his kid that was it that was that was the cat's meow for me I was thrilled any time I got a chance to fly well I have flown so much now I routinely miss the takeoff routinely I was settling my seat and either open a book get involved in something look out we've taken off and I have no memory at all of the takeoff now how far gone do you have to be 10 minutes a takeoff you know that's a pretty violent event isn't it I mean you're your body's being hurtled down a runway at 200 miles an hour thrown ten thousand feet in the air how do you miss something like that I miss it routinely I get so and you folks are missing about three quarters what's going on around you as I mentioned those people waste that the next time you actually see a person in a trance totally zoned out snap a finger make some noise snap them out of it and immediately ask them you mind if I ask you what were you just thinking about and nine out of ten I look straight in the eyes and say nothing and they're being honest by the way just so you know we waste huge swaths of our otherwise productive day thinking about we should have done what we're going to do and all that jazz you know not everybody wastes it I ventured a wager many of you in this room do not waste it see I've often believed the top producers the heavy hitters are hypnotizing themselves whether they call it that or not almost invariably when you interview the top dogs they'll say you know I visualize my goals I know what it is I want to do now I've got two examples just from this group gentleman down here that I had dinner with tonight sat next to him and he said you know he's won the million dollar winners tonight for the first time I asked him if he's going to win the award he said yeah I'm one of the million dollar winners tonight and without blinking an eye without me saying anything else and he said I want you to hypnotize me to win two million that's it that's the state amount I'm talking about the heavy hitters have this image have this vision now I wandered out throughout the cocktail hour for a while and I was talking to another one of the advisers and he also came up here to win one of those million dollar awards a few moments ago and he had said I could have told you last year I was gonna be winning this award and I said what'd he talk about said well you know a friend of mine I was in the banquet last year and a friend of mine who know very well he was winning the award and while he went up there and got his picture taken I sat there and I said to myself that's going to be me next year and he said I'll tell you right now I said every night before I went to bed I sand close my eyes and imagine I'm gonna win the award I can see myself I knew what I was gonna look like I know how was gonna pose I had it in my head that I was going to be up there and he said in about an hour that's exactly what's going to happen now believe it or not that is self-hypnosis it's not a scary thing the heavy hitters don't waste all that time they use some of it you've seen it you walk into a Topp Dogg's office and they're staring out into space you make a noise and sometimes you'll say I'm sorry you know just just try to put this deal together for a client just try to figure out how to get the family to understand what I was trying to accomplish they they have learned somewhere along the line they can deliberately get themselves into that trance-like focus state and instead of wasting it they can program themselves with it they start repeatedly visualizing a goal they'll say things like I go to bed every night visualizing it dreaming it I could see myself doing it I was in I was totally focused that year that's all those are all examples of self-hypnosis it is not a scary thing now again without elaborating too much I don't have a whole lot of time tonight but what I would like to do is what time I have left I'd like to show you what it is I have been alluding to in other words some of you might be wondering what these chairs are doing up here for those of you who have not seen me before at this point I'm going to bring a few of you up out of the audience and literally hypnotize you show you in living color what this whole idea is about but more to the point hopefully convey a message that the more focused you are on an image on an idea on a picture in your mind the more likely you are to actually pull the rabbit out of the Hat in other words some of you could be sitting here saying yes next year that's going to be me getting the four million dollar award or I'm going to do two million next year you can say it but if you can't see it you're going to have a hard time accomplishing it time again you know you'll see people talking to talk but not walking the walk they just don't have the image or the picture and I also want to clarify one other thing I do not believe this is the only part of the puzzle I don't think if you go home every night and visualize doing four million next year that the you know money is going to fall out of the ceiling I don't think it works like that I don't think it's the only part of the puzzle you are still going to have to network do a lot of hard work keep up with your research you know be good at what you do it's not the only part of the puzzle but it is a crucial part of the puzzle that quite a few people completely ignore this imagery this picture of yourself getting to where you claim you want to go so I'm going to bring people up and hypnotize them to demonstrate that visually before I do that I want to make a couple of promises standard promises I make to every audience and I keep them promise number one you don't have to come up here if you don't want to every once a while you know I find a great subject in the audience naturally I'd like to bring them up front if I invite you to join me up front and you don't want to just say so you know wave me off give me a hand signal I'll happily move on to someone else I don't want you up here unless you want to be up here and I'm certainly not going to drag you up here kicking and screaming but number two if you do come up here I promise you will not be humiliated or embarrassed this is not Dancing with broomsticks or quacking like ducks honest it's it's really interesting stuff if you've never seen this before fasten your seat belts because it truly is fascinating but no one will be humiliated and act everything I do this evening is going to carry with it a message quite simply I want to show you that if you truly do aspire to do two million next year instead of one you really should be visualizing it as part of the process no one's going to be humiliated my third promise is if you do come up here I can pretty well promise by the end of the presentation you will be extremely relaxed it's one of the side effects of the technique why I cannot tell you how many people have come up to me after I've hypnotized them it's almost standard these days they'll say I feel great feel like I just had a full body massage this is better than drugs I mean all kinds of statements and I'll tell you why for those of you who do not end up up here if you remain in the audience simply observe how I guide these individuals and that's really all I am doing all I'm doing is focusing them and showing them how to relax mentally as well as physically and let's face it some of you folks haven't relaxed in years some of you walk around worrying about things all the time clenching your teeth you know gritting your toes I mean just walk around with this tension in your body constantly you go to bed at night worrying and you wake up first thing in the morning go back to worrying again I mean there are some people in this culture that simply never let go and relax the technique involves very deep relaxation consequently people come up afterwards and comment I feel phenomenal it feels like I just had 10 solid hours sleep so those are the three promises that I can make to you as a group here's what I need to do next find some good hypnotic subjects obviously if we're going to bring folks up here I prefer good as opposed to not such hot subjects and it turns out not surprisingly that hypnotic suggestibility follows the bell curve almost exactly how many feeling with the bell curve the normal distribution you all should be since you make your living from it but that's another dissertation all together nonetheless the bell curve is it follows hypnotic suggestibility nearly perfectly and here's what the bell curve says it says that if you have a random group a large random group you should expect roughly 5 to 15% of that group to be very good hypnotic subjects right out of the gate first time you try to hypnotize them they're going to be good subjects but 68% of you will be by definition average hypnotic subjects another 515 percent I would expect to be difficult all the way down to about two point one four percent who could never be hypnotized at all now if I have a choice who do you think I'm going after obviously I focus on the five to 15% and I will answer and preempt a question that I know is coming my way why would this 5 to 15% be such great subjects why are most people by definition average and some of these people such wonderful subject well it turns out the people that end up up here on stage have probably been hypnotized themselves for years just not calling it that time and time again I get people up here and afterwards they'll say I would have bet the farm that I could never be hypnotized but I was an athlete in college or high school and I could get myself in the zone and I could focus where I'd feel no pain I could run long distance racing without it didn't hurt at all after the race hurt like crazy but during the race I kept focused on the finish line I had a guy couple weeks ago come up to me and said had an imaginary friend toes 19 is that count excellent subject and if you follow along with my basic precepts I happen to believe in a tiger group and an alpha group like this there's going to be a lot of you surprisingly enough that have been hypnotizing yourselves for years to get to where you are today and I think it's a good thing I mean you're probably going to see a lot of what I'm talking about a lot of what you see here today is simply going to be a refresher course for you in the sense that yeah I do that when it comes to business I do I visualize my goals I see my side go to bed at night focusing on the targets I'm trying to hit that's all it is it's going to be a refresher course for some of you but how do I find these very good subjects as opposed to the average subjects well turns out there are hundreds of ways you can do it but there are two little techniques that I've been using for years with great success there are literally hundreds of different suggest ability test but the two that I like the best each take five minutes or less at the end of this second test we are all going to know who the really good subjects are would you folks be willing to take these two little tests with me okay and each test takes five minutes or less and the first is called the Comstock test again it's going to be refresher for some of you saw me 11 years ago very very simple test all I need you to do if you wouldn't mind is uncross your feet legs please place your feet flat on the floor thank you would you now rest your backs comfortably against the backs of the chairs perfect would you make two fists like so excellent bring your hands together so your thumbs and your knuckles are touching like this beautiful and then if you would simply extend both of your index finger not the little ones the index fingers make your index fingers look like two little goal posts perfect very simple now would you close your eyes down tight keep them closed for just a moment or two and concentrate on the tips of your index fingers focus on the tips of your index fingers and simply use your imaginations I'm going to ask you to imagine that the tips of your index fingers are magnetized that the tips of your index fingers are too powerful attracting magnets imagine you can feed netic attraction in each of those fingers starting to pull the fingers together starting to draw those two index fingers closer and closer tighter and tighter until soon they actually touch now if it hasn't started already in a moment you're going to feel them pulling and tugging together so I am just going to start slowly counting back from 3 down to 1 with each number I count the attraction will get more and more noticeable they'll pull closer and closer tighter and tighter and by the time I reach the number 1 if they're not touching already they will be by then so feel this happening 3 feel those fingertips pulling and tugging and drawing together too as if they were magnets drawing closer and closer tighter and tighter pulling all the way together 3 2 now all the way together and one perfect would you please all look up here could I see by show of hands comedy you got your fingertips all the way together I'd expect look at that 15 percent what a shock 10,000 presentations and always 15 percent how many of you noticed when the finger tips came together that they did not move smoothly together they kind of felt like they were being jerked together Denney of you noticed that that is known as a vesicular technical name hypnotist always look for vesicular Don's every once in a while there's someone in the audience really wants to be hypnotized they want to stop smoking or lose weight or something and they do this they go it's amazing that's not it Paul but that if it was that simple that is not it but many of you did notice the fingertips came dramatically together why did your fingertips come together clearly there's a mind-body interaction if you were able to visualize your fingertips as two powerful magnets if that image got into your subconscious mind quite simply your fingers started acting like two powerful magnets in and of itself that is not terribly hypnotic this is what would make it hypnosis you ought to try this because it's kind of spooky if you spent five minutes a day every day for the next week or two just visualizing your fingertips is two incredibly powerful magnets usually within four or five sessions when you try to pull your fingertips apart much to your surprise you'll discover they will not come apart by repeatedly visualizing your fingertips as powerful magnets at some point that image gets into the subconscious mind your mind accepts that irrational suggestion and then it starts acting like two powerful magnets hopefully you see the connection between that and goal-setting again were you a million-dollar winner tonight and your goal was two million next year like this gentleman here my suggestion is spend a few minutes every day in quiet reflection doing nothing but visualizing yourself coming up on this stage next year getting the two million dollar reward imagine that you're attracting to you high net worth and high income clients see yourself interacting and dealing with those families attract them to you strangely enough by repeatedly visualizing yourself as a two million dollar producer at some point that will strike your subconscious mind and you'll begin to act like a two million dollar producer what's the difference well as I mentioned some of the two million dollar producers are attracting to them clients with higher net worth or higher income now the young lady I spoke to tonight was saying most of you in this room have 500 to a thousand families she was able to get to the level she did with 78 family simply by attracting different kinds of clients to her there are many ways of getting to success some of them surprising and you change the image in your mind you might find yourself changing subtly the way you're doing business and getting you to where you want to be a little quicker and that's really what this is all about so the first little technique was finger tips coming together with a common stock technique I've got one more test the second test is known as the arm rising and falling test by the time we finish this next test there will be a number of you in this room that have one of your arms pointing pretty much straight up into the air my job is to find the good hypnotic subjects so I'll be scanning the audience looking for those of you that appear to be very good hypnotic subjects in the next few minutes I'm going to come down off this stage and out into the audience some of you may hear or feel me come up to you touch your shoulder or your arm and say a few words to you if I do that I assure you I am NOT getting strange or weird or fresh I'm just picking you out as the very good hypnotic subjects I'll probably pick about ten of you and then I will go up individually to each of you and ask if you'd be willing to volunteer let me repeat if I pick you as a good subject and you don't want to come up front simply tell me you don't want to come up front and I'll go find someone else but we'll bring those who are willing to come forward and we'll do a demonstration and I can pretty much state this if you've not ever seen this let me do a survey how many folks have never seen someone up close and personal hypnotized whoa fasten your seat belts this don't blow you away I've been doing this thirty-one years now you know professionally quite a few years before that unprofessionally but it's in college with so much fun anyhow oh I got away with so much that anyhow it's still quite honestly amazes me I'm still fascinated by I mean we do you see what some of you are capable of doing what do you see when you harness this ability to imagine things and focus your attention what comes out of it it's simply unbelievable but again no one's going to be humiliated but it certainly is amazing so to do this second test is really just as simple as the first would you please uncross your feet and legs place your feet flat on the floor just like we did before all right give these folks a round of applause if you don't mind thanks for volunteering sir thank you my microphone cord got caught there for a second well we'll just grab you a chair could could you hear me that chair sir oh there's one there you go excellent thank you so much so you have a chair okay we'll just put this over here then there we go would you mind giving these folks round of applause again for volunteering properly now my microphone cord got caught there have any of you folks ever even hypnotized before very first time for all of you you have okay sir gentlemen start with you in the middle have you ever been hypnotized because you me favor your chairs a little bit farther back than the others would you mind scooting you share up just a little bit you'll see why in just a moment your first name is Tim three syllables and three letters all right huh and I'm just guessing you're from the south somewhere that just guess I just sit and and your first name sir Leonard Leonard II know do you know Tim would you go to shake cuz you're gonna know each other a whole lot better never thought you wait right there we go I need your help Leonard here's what I need you to do I need you to make sure that Tim doesn't hit the floor could you do that for me sounds like a strange request I know but would you put him up there just like that and catch him if you have to fair enough good enough and Tim are you hypnotized right now are you positive of that oh good then would you do me a favor so you got this banker spotlights up there would you pick just one of them anyone you wish keep your eyes on it focus on that one spot let me know when your eyes focused hey they're beautiful and you're not hypnotized right glad to hear take a nice deep breath for me beautiful sleep Tim wait I need five four three two a loose and limp like a ragdoll to him all the way down there you go deeper and deeper Leonard step ankle flex up there would you pick just one of them for me take your eyes keep your eyes on that spot take a nice deep breath for me would you Leonard beautiful seek Leonard way Danny Boy loosen up like a ragdoll we had five four three two one deeper and more relaxed loosen limp loosely sir your first name would be Keith are you hypnotized are you sure Oh Glenn we see those lights up there which one strikes your fancy oh it doesn't matter sleep late at everything all right now who's gonna take take deep breath hey sleep wait anybo wait loosen him like a rag doll at five four three two one keep going deeper and deeper more and more relaxed with each and every breath you take how're you doing sir sleep wait Andy Baldwin em deeper more relaxed loosen lamp loose and then keep dropping down deeper and deeper more and more relaxed with each and every breath you take just keep drifting down until I ask you to awaken loosen lamp loosen lamp loosen limp loosen limb oh yeah I think Tim died take a deep breath just rely close your eyes all I got deep sleep lowing there you go just keep relaxing Tim deeper and deeper until I had to get away loose and limp lose limp deeper and deeper more and more relaxed loosen whoa poor Tim hi here we go sorry your first name would be Pete pick spot right there see deep breath beautiful oh listen look like Greg deeper more relaxed deep keep going oh yeah and deeper more like taking a deep you all way then and sleep oh and I just keep going deeper and deeper more more relaxed toy asked me would you mind catching him ma'am there you go thank you so much you've been hypnotized right good sleep wait honey listen ago and even more deeper more relaxed loosen up deeper loose and limp loose and lamp loose and lamp Lucent Musil first name are you hypnotized Ryan wide awake wide awake take a deep breath for me would you deeper deeper more relaxed loosen the bow and five four three two one loosen just like a ragdoll keep going deeper and deeper just let the tension drain out of your body feel your legs relaxing feel the muscles in your stomach and back growing loose and limp loose in Lampasas ice it was silly taking advantage deeper deeper more and more realize I'll fix that in a minute I promise I'll fix it right now is it yeah I think it is okay only the person who showed her I'm touching other person's shoulder I'm touching deeper and deeper Mormon relax deeper and deeper more relaxed deeper and deeper more relaxed loosely loosely played Andy where you go if you do it do it there there you go deeper deeper more relaxed loose and loose and evolving and deeper more relaxed deeper more relaxed deeper more relaxed excellent and then there was one your first name sir is Steve if I'm picking any spot up there any spot you like you got it beautiful take a nice deep breath or knee and just keep breathing slowly and deeply just for the next few minutes I know you guys are relaxed I'm going to ask you the how how to really I'm going to show you how to relax even deeper let me explain just a few minutes I'm going to start slowly counting backwards from five down to one as I count backwards with each and every number I'm going to ask you to use your incredible imaginations let yourselves drift down even deeper into this wonderful deep relaxed state that you're in right now even deeper that's it deeper and more relaxed with each and every breath you take so deep so relaxed that by the time I reach the number one every single muscle in your body every muscle from the top of your head to the tips of your toes totally deeply perfectly wonderfully relaxed by the time I reach the number one we're going to start this process by taking a nice deep breath take a nice deep breath breathing deeply and as you exhale slowly five start dropping down even deeper into relaxation just let go all the way down let all the muscles in your legs loosen and relax drop down deeper and deeper more and more relaxed deeper sleep deeper deeper and more relaxed take another nice deep breath now breathing deeply and as you exhale for all the muscles in your stomach and back loose and limp loose and limp loose and limp deeper and deeper let all the muscles in your shoulders totally relax let all that tension just drop out of your shoulders now very deep very relaxed very deep very relaxed let's take another nice deep breath now breathing deeply and as you exhale slowly three there you go let all the muscles in your arms now just go limp limp and loose limp and loose limp and loose limp and lose perfect now when we reach the next number when we reach the next number I want you let all the muscles in your neck totally relax so that heavy head of yours can drop and flop wherever it wants to go take a nice deep breath breathing deeply there you go - now drop way down sleep let that head drop wherever it wants to go sleep very deep very deep very relaxed very deep very relaxed beautiful you're concentrating just perfectly just one more number and we reach this final number that's what I want you to let all the tension in your bodies relax when I reach that final number I want you to let all the muscles in your face and jaws all the muscles in your forehead and temples add very single muscle from the top of your head to the tips of your toes just totally deeply wonderfully relaxed let's do that now take a nice deep breath breathing deeply and sleep all the way down one sleep all the way down sleep loose and Limp loosen lead deeper and deeper more and more relaxed until I ask you to awaken from this moment forward and he sounds you hear from the group we're just going to relax you even more notice how relaxed and comfortable you become every sound just relaxes you more here the audience laughs you just relax even deeper that every single muscle in your body continue to loosen and relax loosen relax loosen relax until I ask you to awaken you are concentrating perfectly I invited these folks to join me on stage because they appeared to be good visualizers again and my parlance a good visualizer someone that can take an image internalize that image very quickly turn that image into action ask a good visualizer to visualize holding a hundred silver balloons filled with helium in the right arms and you often get a dramatic lifting of the arm ask them to imagine the tips of their fingers as magnets and the fingers often come all the way together now all I've done is ask these very good visualizers to visualize their bodies loose limp and relaxed like a rag doll notice the relaxation that you are seeing here this is pretty much as relaxed as a human being can be and still be drawing a breath please notice there is zero tension in these individuals bodies at this point they are no longer gritting their teeth they're no longer holding tension in their bodies total wonderful deep relaxation you may recall one of the three promises I made to all these folks was if they come up here they were going to be completely relaxed and I also pointed out it was because of the technique that I am using it simply has to follow that if you visualize your bodies loose limp and relaxed body becomes loose and limp a lot of people at this point will say just teach me this much you know if you could let me show me how to do this this would be enough for me if I go home at the end of the day you know totally let go and relax like this I'll bet I'd sleep better in my concentration would improve my allergies would go away just show me how to do this well in and of itself this is great this is very therapeutic however there's a lot more to this technique than just this deep relaxation they are this relaxed because of the image they currently are holding in their mind which as I mentioned is loose and limp like a rag doll what would the opposite of that be how about stiff and rigid does it stand to reason if we simply alter the image if we had them focus on a different picture would you expect to get a different result in a nutshell that is my entire presentation I'm saying if you're currently focused on making a million and you started focusing on two million you're likely to reach that goal quicker and easier if you're not focused on any goal at all and you pick a goal to focus on you're much more likely to reach that goal than someone that doesn't have that kind of focus it's just changed the picture you change the image so let's change the picture see what happens we extend your arms I do I want you to feel that on becoming stiff and rigid like a bar steel right now locked into your arm and shoulder stiffen rigid like a steel bar as I extend your arm feel that I'm becoming stiff and rigid like a bar of Steel well it to your shoulders extend or unfeeling arms stiff and rigid like a steel bar concentrating now rigid and stiff stiff and rigid like a bar of Steel as I extend your arm use your imagination stiff and rigid rigid and stiff concentrate now stiff and rigid like a bar of Steel welded to your shoulder as you feel the arm extended stiff and rigid now rigid and stiff stiff and rigid like a steel bar welded to your shoulder here we go stiffen couldn't find the handstand rigid rigid and stiff more stiff more rigid now as that arm becomes more stiff and more rigid in a moment I'm going to start slowly counting backwards from three down to one with each number that arm is going to continue getting more stiff and more rigid so stiff and rigid that by the time I reach the number 1 by the time I reach number one you'll discover you cannot bend or lower that arm until I until I clap my hands you cannot bend or lower that arm until I clap my hands it's stiff and rigid like a bar steel feel this happening three it's getting stiff and rigid too like a bar of steel that has been welded to your shoulder three two and one so incredibly stiff and rigid now even as you try to lower the arm it will not go down and I want you to try in fact what you feel it's important to lower but you'll discover the harder you try the more stiff and rigid it becomes even as I press on the arm even as I press it remains stiff and rigid rigid and stiff you're not trying hard enough stiff and rigid rigid like a bar of Steel stiff and rigid try as hard as you can the harder you try the more stiff and rigid rigid and stiff that arm becomes you're simply not trying hard enough stiff and rigid rigid and stiff like a steel bar welded to your shoulder first thing I'd ask you to notice I usually bring people up to do this but take a little bit too much time to do that today stiff and rigid like a bar is steel these arms you know honest to god I said I can sit on this one let me show you let me show you my favorite thing is my absolute my favorite thing I love that I love that what you are seeing is a style and a class of rigidity I mean you would have to feel these arms to believe how stiff and rigid they are but I'd ask you to notice how localized it is even though the arms are that stiff and rigid like a bar steel would you also notice the rest of the body hasn't changed at all there's no tension anywhere else in this body except the one part they're concentrating on and that part to a very great degree also please notice it's not just the guys that can do this the women are every bit as rigid and stiff like a bar still I mean it's unbelievable how stiff and rigid these arms can become when they do this beautiful see plie 10d loosen the base really now in a moment I'm going to clap my hands the instant I clap my hands those arms going to drop down like rubber bands you're gonna let yourself fall twice as deep asleep when I caught my hands let your arms fall twice as deep asleep three two one sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep see all the way down loosen limp loosen limb loosen up and sleep beautiful take a nice deep breath wonderful nice deep breath breathing deeply and drop down even deeper five four three two and one that was just a visual representation of what I've been talking about change the image in your mind and you can sometimes radically change the outcome go from loose and limp and like a rag doll to stiff and rigid like a bar steel they begin to axe stiff and rigid like a bar steel let's take a look at another aspect of it your emotional state would you agree that your emotions affect your performance in this business then if you have a positive attitude if you are enthusiastic if you really believe in what you're doing here to be much more effective than a person that has fear of failure fear of rejection doesn't really believe and what they're up to obviously your emotions affect your performance the beauty of this technique is that it allows you to tap into your emotional state there are literally dozens of ways that could demonstrate this I am choosing to demonstrate this in a humorous way but there is a message which I'll explain in just a few moments here's here's the technique we'll take a nice deep breath breathing deeply drop down even deeper now sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep excellent and in just a moment I'm going to touch your shoulder and when I touch your shoulder I'll start laughing laughs laughs laughs laughs laughs attach your shoulder laughs funny funny very funny very funny laughs laughs laughs laughs laughs laughs laughs laughs laughs funny funny very funny funny funny funny funny funny very funny how do you laugh the better you feel laughs laughs harder harder harder you laugh the better you feel funniest thing in the whole wide world it's the most hilarious thing in the whole wide world it just keeps getting funnier and funnier in the heart you laugh the better you feel the harder you laugh the funnier it becomes and here's the best part in a moment when I stay up my foot in a moment when I stamp my foot it will instantly become ten times funnier insta becomes now ten times funny oh my goodness this is rolling around at your absolutely hilarious ten times funny 100 100 times funnier in the harder you laugh the better you feel the harder you laugh out funnier it becomes absolutely hilarious now sleep sleep 1566 sick sick wait Andy five four three you let me explain we all just saw there excellent example of emotional control except for this guy over here by the way sleep wait in there go to sleep sleep sleep wait any five would take deep breath that's okay now if I walked up to any of you any of you and just said only the person who's shoulder I'm touching start laughing funny single hole I do a tent at 100 times funnier two hundred times funnier a thousand dies by now now you got to admit this isn't this is dramatic right let me show you what impresses me even more sleek that impresses me so much more the ability to shut it down like that is awesome I mean you'd have trouble training actors to do that what you saw there is an excellent example of emotional control I promised you a message here's the message some folks as they get close to the time where they're asking for the signature and the paper of the sale they experience what a friend of mine calls closing a phobia they get nervous they start speaking more rapidly their face flushes a little bit you know they're kind of teaching the client that they're nervous about it wouldn't it be nice if as you approach the close of the sale that you got more common side more confident more focused on what you were doing that's an emotional state that you really can increase or decrease through the use of visualization some of you feel that you really can't deal with or don't know don't feel comfortable in front of a certain type of net worth or income type of clients you just you know don't feel comfortable you can change that by visualizing yourself as being smooth comfortable and in control while you're dealing with those kinds of people there are a variety of ways that you can either increase one emotion or decrease in another where visualization obviously would be of value to you now those of you who have seen me do this 11 years ago know that this is pretty much what I do in every presentation and there really is a part to this that is part deepening part me reading the subjects figuring out who the really good ones in are from this point forward it gets a little crazy ok so we've got the subjects that are deep and are really in a good state but their own kind of weird positions and I certainly don't want them to get neck aches or anything so in a moment I'm going to count from one to five at the count of five I'm gonna ask y'all to sit up straight the chair eyes wide open but still responding to the sound of my voice feeling fantastic and every way eyes wide open responding son of my voice one two three four five Center straight your chair give these folks a round of applause wait wait wait wait wait wait okay oh here we go No yeah guys are great great and none of you with the exception of the young lady have ever been hypnotized is that correct sir are you hypnotized ah are you positive of that are you a betting person ever place a bet I got a bet okay we'll keep the bed small I'll bet you a buck you're hypnotized fair enough shake on it sleep listen loosen up loosen up loosen up loosen them stop stop a few sealed block like that hands clutter your face field fusing ceiling locking to your head and when we count one two five your eyes will pop right open you'll wake up completely but that hand will be fused sealed and locked to your head until I clap my hands you'll discover no matter how hard you try you cannot remove that hand until I clap my hands one two three five up eyes wide open okay now let's check this out here gonna go to the mic here for a second here we go sir are you hypnotized be honest yeah okay here's the important part for the group do you feel hypnotized no other than the fact that your hand is glued to your head is there any other indicator to you that you'd be hypnotized just glue the glue anyway I'm going to try to help you out here would you you can use that hand try to pull your other hand off see if that helps at all see how much have fun he's having sleep late undergo a deep sleep solution people normal people all the way down 5 4 3 2 I'm keeper and more relaxed only the person is shoulder I'm touching deeper and more relaxed de promoter likes button wait a second look at me for a second look at me a second look over here there you go tough in there good night only the person shoulder I'm touching the other person's shoulder I'm touching kind of fiving open your eyes gonna be incredibly thirsty man you'll find it you gotten so thirsty being sitting up here you can ask me for some water I'll give it to you but we go to drink it and discover you can't find your mouth no matter how are you try no matter what you do you simply cannot locate your mouth and the harder you try the more impossible it becomes until they come up and touch your forehead you can't find your mouth until I touch your forehead let that suggestion sink into the deepest part of your mind all the way down in deepest part in mine with my eyes wide open okay pretty interesting with this guy was doing though wasn't it I mean kind of I saw your kind were laughing and joining it when he couldn't get its hand off his face are you okay you comfortable hey I'm get you is this guy alive it's God are you hungry is there anything are you thirsty are you alive okay yeah yeah welcome back guys ready gonna get you sleep weight any ball around five four three two I knew some type loosen up take an easy breath sleep wait loosen up loosen up loosen up deeper more relaxed deeper more relaxed loosen up loosen up loosen loosen but when to clasp your hands together classical tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tighter tighter costs weight feel them fusing sealing locking is if they require from a single block of wood three fusing sealing Joaquin's if they apart from a single block of wood when I reach number one you'll discover you cannot pull them apart they feel like they're carved together like a block of wood three two one try to pull them apart they will not come apart you can open your eyes wide open those hands are stuck until I touch your forehead far as hard as you can go ahead feels important I'll give you an advantage see if that helps use a little leverage there now did you think you were hypnotized before all this started be honest do you think you're emphasized at this moment wide awake right tries hard you can are do you try the tighter it sticks hey now if you're not hypnotized why can't you get your hands apart believe it or not there is a lesson here well you see obviously is a very good hypnotic subject responding to it not a suggestion that his hands are stuck yet at the same time consciously he does not think he's in a trance do not go home and practice this technique and think it's going to feel like you just got hit over the head with a baseball bat or you're not going to hear the twilight zone theme or you know it's not going to be like yes master no master these folks are obviously all in a trance-like state yet none of them actually believe or feel that they are you don't feel different you don't think different okay so how am I going to know if this works the only way you're going to know that any type of visualization works is if you get a reasonable period of time if you pick a goal that you really want to accomplish visualize it over and over again give it at least a week or two and then kind of look back and ask yourself has that behavior changed am i improving in my in my stated goal everybody else doing okay up here how about you sorry you hypnotized be honest no good sleep wait I need sleep sleep sleep way down deep five four three two one nice deep breath breathing deeply try now see what happens oh that's amazing isn't it don't worry sleep waiting five four three two one you silly thing I see by breathing deeply breathing deeply breathing deeply in a moment I'm gonna count backwards from five down to one as I count backwards I want you to use your incredible imaginations I want you to imagine as we count backwards that we're being transported by the time I reach number one I want you to imagine that we're traveling to the top of a mountain the top of a mountain by the time I reach number one we're going to be at the top of a very high mountain and here we go five four three two one we're at the top of a mountain and it's freezing up here and you didn't bring a jacket it's freezing up here the temperature is plummeting it's getting colder and colder more and more and more uncomfortable your hands are freezing your legs are freezing it's super cold up here now there's one way that you can stay warm in a moment when I clap my hands if you grab the person next to you and hold on as tight as you possibly can that'll keep you home but you got to hold on real tight five four three two one grab somebody next to you hold on as tight as you possibly can grab tight tight tight tight grab somebody the tighter you hold on the warmer you're going to get now hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on and freeze this is your Kodak moment by the way this is the one you can bring over here I'm so sorry about this sleep weigh 90 5 4 3 2 1 believe it or not there is a message here as well if you could measure these folks skin temperature if you'd actually could bring a thermometer and measure their external temperature you got to feel this guy's hands cold and numb their body reacted just like they were out in the cold now you talk to a physician and they will tell you that your body temperature is an involuntary response you can't look at your hand and say get cold get warmer it doesn't work like that yet by visualizing you can actually alter the temperature of your body how many of you have ever heard the statement of business never let them see you sweat you know a lot of times if you go into a meeting I always urge people to sit down for a few minutes before the client shows up or before they walk into that meeting visualize yourself as if the meeting has ended and you've gotten what you wanted you've accomplished your goal it's over and you did exactly what you intended to do if you visualize that clearly about 30 seconds before you walk into the meeting what's the net result well if the client comes in your office or you open that client's office door they look and they see a person that appears confident looks like they just got something done just just was successful you've all heard the old adage you never get a second chance to make a good first impression and I believe visualization can also influence that aspect of the sale I'm sorry about this and when with the count of five everybody eyes wide open one two I wake what are you doing holding on to this guy what's going on with this wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait give her a round of applause if you don't mind these guys are excellent now you sir have never been hypnotized and and I'm just guessing it prior to coming up here you would have bet the farm that that it could never happen right yeah okay and and your name is Paul Paul of the sleepweight and he probably kind of five your name is Sally I say L why your name is Sally until I touch your bird again would you eyes wide open would you say your name was Sally um your mother looked at that cute little baby boy and said let's call him Sally is that short for Salvador no it's Sally Sally do you happen to have a wallet with you no no any kind of identification at all yeah I got my license okay great great great that's what I'm looking for driver's license yeah perfect take a look tell me what it says would you you don't carry a wallet yeah what's that driver's license say this is Paul okay so is that your picture yeah set your last name yeah that your address you know what's your name Sally are you sure yeah would you bet on it let's go back to that bed again I bet a buck before you want a bit more now I bet your hundred dollars I'll bet you 100 hours that your name is not Sally would you take that bet yeah would you shake on it before you shake this is your team right these guys your fellow all right how many people think that this guy's name is Sally can I see what your hands this one person here is not your friend how they think this gentleman's name is Paul I want you look around at this family it's Sally want to make it 500 now understand the terms here if you okay alright alright so now in other words if you find out later that your name is actually let's say Paul you're going to owe me a thousand dollars but but if your name is Sally of course I would owe you a cell right right and you'd shake on that now you know that like in the state of Florida shaking hands is like a contract especially with like 500 witnesses you realize that right yeah and you're still willing to do that yes you're absolutely what a check for second you don't want to shake sleep deeper more well I guess even all the way down you guys are great if y'all look back here just take a nice deep breath breathing deeply sleep wait I need five four three two one deep deep Ebola and loosen and loosen them round of applause for these guys they are excellent you snap that if it didn't jump so sorry we'll keep you up here I have fun with you though okay deeper and deeper more and more relaxed Lisa limply slink loose limp all the way down deeper and deeper while the person who showed her I'm touching on a person's shoulder I'm touching a moment count four one two five and I reached number five I was gonna pop open you're gonna wake up you're gonna feel wonderful however you're going to notice that that woman sitting to the right of you has the worst body odor you've ever smelled in your life just something worse body odor you've ever smelled yell if you try to be polite about it but I'll just get worse and worse with each passing moment where's body odor in your life come from that woman to the right of you only the person showed up touching sleepweight on dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee kind of five when you open your eyes me I'm first thing you're going to notice is that man sitting to the left of you has the best smell you've ever smelled in the world smell drives you wild you love it you can't get enough it the closer you get the better you feel you love that smell coming that guy to the left of you and it actually gets better better Willie's passing second let that suggestion sink way way down to the deepest part of you only the person short attention out take a nice deep breath breathing deeply and then sleep Wade Andy loose and Limp loosen up the kind of fight when you open your eyes so you're going to feel fantastic in every way but about ten seconds after you awake and you're going to hear a sound coming from your left side and when you look over your left shoulder you're going to see a little man standing there a little six-inch man wearing a tuxedo that's right six inch man wearing a tuxedo standing on your left shoulder and he's going to be singing love songs to your strangest thing you're going to hear the love songs you can see the little man you're going to know what the song is we'll be as clear as day to you little man standing on your shoulder singing love songs to you few seconds after you open your eyes at the count of five let that suggestion sink in the deepest part of your mind loose and Limp loose and Limp loosen up only the person's shoulder I'm touching only the person who showed oh I'm touching for the rest of the evening whenever you hear me and only me say the word Edwards Edward Jones you're going to fly up out of the chair that you're sitting in and yell at the top of your voice it's would Jones for me but you're not just gonna say this you're going to yell this like a cheerleader it's Edward Jones for me every single time you hear me see under Edward Jones you're gonna jump up and zoom up on that chair and each time I sit you're gonna get more and more enthusiastic which each and every time you hear me say the word Edward Jones you fly one jet it's Edward Jones for me that's that suggestion sink down down deep deep deeply let the suggestion sink in the deepest party might at the count of five eyes wide open still respondent sound of my voice feeling fantastic in every way one two three four five eyes wide open round of applause again for these guys they are excellent wake wake wake wake wake wake wake wake one two three four five wait wait wait wait wait wait wait everybody why don't wake doing fantastic no no no no damn dude do you know this young lady who sitting next to sir do you know well she you know I happen to talk to her goal was to be like the number one advisor in the entire you know I think she just might make it I think now you what's going on what I I gotta ask you seriously oh no no no no is it really bad is it really bad oh I don't watch it what do sleep sleep wait I do ladies now what are you up to you say you didn't know this guy smells good smells like Downey Downey's the best smell you can come up with you do a lot of laundry or something I mean Downey Downey's it huh okay well hey you know you never know eyes one with the count of five smells back to normal in TV whoa eyes wide open what is your favorite subject in school sir what was your favorite subject math sleepweight and evolving on five were there kind of five when you open your eyes you'll discover you can't remember number seven number seventy raised from your mind until they touch your word again number seven is gone to count of five one of you wrote eyes wide open math is your favorite subject right correct sir you told me math was your favorite subject right yes all right so you should be able to cow for one to ten for me right one two three four six seven eight to try again one two three four seven eight nine ten first easy try again three four six seven eight nine yeah you got a dad time now how much is five plus two four huh I might just do please do for how much is four plus three okay I got a skit today do all the advisors and Edward Jones add like Jack what do you think do you think all the advisors that ever Jones Act like that so you like Edward jungle would you mind stepping up here for me for just a second I got to show you the neatest trick one of you River second sorry turn around here Paul no what's your name I've forgotten what's your name Sally you're sure still come on of it just a second stand back here I want to show you a really neat trick do you know what this is it's a sleep gun let me explain you shoot people with this they fall into a deep hypnotic sleep watch watch see the young lady over there watch that's that's pretty cool yeah yeah no I take remember I'm gonna get you got one to shoot the guy next to her watch he's going there you go that was pretty slow yeah well you know some people die slow what can I hear you guys he's going right now now stop for a second you're being a good sport about this thank you so much hey how you doing sir sleep late and Ebola and sleep sleep sleep sleep round of applause for these guys and we got one more thing we're gonna do here so you think oops sleep loose and Limp and relaxed concentrating and relaxing eyes with kind of 5 1 2 3 4 5 cent I'm straight in a chair this is as I mentioned my second appearance to this group Edward Jones has been very very kind to me had me a number of forgot about that and I've met a number of the management within this group but I have to tell you the gentleman that brought me in tonight Alan whose last name I will never pronounce correctly who is the advanced technique guy was with probably my favorite in terms of enthusiasm Alan are you here anywhere could you mind 7 if you're just a second I mean you're such a joy to work with I figure since you have a number of these Edward Jones people that are focused the way they are that you'd like to take a moment and inspire them everybody eyes wide open wake wake wake wake wake wake wake wake wake wake wake wake if you say over here say something motivating to these folks there's your microphone look straight at them give just a motivating message if you don't mind folks we need to deeply serve a hundred and fifty thousand more households this year a hundred and fifty thousand more households this year Leonard you don't have to do all of it yourself but we need to deeply serve 150 thousand households Steve do you think we can do that yes everybody eyes wet over the kind of five wait wait wait wait wait wait wait come on you guys Alan you know you hurt his feelings here he's on the top-performing pay attention anybody look over here pay attention Alan one more time you don't mind on this time a little bit more enthusiasm okay folks we need to deeply serve 150,000 thousand households why is that not working because oops I I hate to tell you I told him to respond to your voice exactly the way they felt and this is this is probably not good I am very sick now I give him a round of applause he was great thank you thank you thank you having we're gonna wrap this up wrap this up all right everybody nice deep breath breathing deeply and sleep loose and Limp loose and limp loose limp everybody Wade and Abe loose and Limp relaxed and comfortable excellent now at the moment I'm going to count back from three down to one when I reached number one every suggestion I gave to you while you've been up here is going to be totally and completely removed I'm going to say that again by the time I reach number one every suggestion I've given you is totally and completely removed everything's back to normal but still very very very deep asleep everybody very deep asleep by the time I'm used to number one but all the suggestions remove three everything back to normal to all the suggestions I gave you complete and totally removed one still very deeply sleep perfect now I'm going to give you one more suggestion before I wake you up this one is the most important so please listen carefully from this moment forward you and you alone are in total control this state of mind I'm going to say that again from this moment forward you and you alone are in complete and total control of this state of mind you are in right now here's what that means that means you're gonna be able to return to this deep relaxation whenever you want and wherever you want extremely easily and very quickly all you have to do to return to this state of mind is pick a spot to look at just like you did here take a few slow deep breaths just like you did here and then start slowly counting in your mind back from five to one as you count backwards you'll feel this deep relaxation coming over your mind in your body and by the time you reach the number one your eyes will be closed and the best part of all is that you're going to be able to give yourself suggestions that are every bit as powerful as any suggestions I could possibly give to you you completely totally control this state of mind from this moment forward you can give yourself any helpful suggestions you wish and then to wake up will be very easy all you have to do is count forward in your mind from one to five at which time you'll be wide awake rested refreshed and relaxed and that's what I'm going to do next which is to wake you up however sometime after you awaken you're going to hear me say the word success sometimes I feel awakened you're going to hear me say the word success the instant that you hear me and only me say the word success that's the instant that you immediately realize that Alan is the most motivating and inspiring person you've ever had the pleasure of working with he is mister inspiration you will be so thrilled about Alan and his inspirational qualities that the moment that you hear me say the word success you will jump out of the chair that you were sitting in you will run down you will find Alan and give him a great big bear hug just to show him how grateful you are for all of his moments of motivation and inspiration you will give Alan the biggest bear hug you possibly can whenever you hear me say the word success when you realize what a wonderful enthusiastic and motivating person he truly is let that suggestion sink down into the deepest deepest deepest part of your mind and of course only the person shoulder arm touching whenever you hear me and only me say the words Edward Jones you will fire up out of your chair with all that enthusiasm those suggestions tick now very deep in your mind and moment we count four one two five is I come up one two five you will awaken you will feel rested refreshed relaxed you're going to feel wonderful in every single way totally wide-awake by the time I reach number five one we're beginning to wake up now feel your arms and your legs waking waking waking charging with energy - you can sit up straight in the chair now your eyes are opening wide your thoughts are clear sharp focused and precise you feel great three mind sharp mind focus minds clear wide wake wake wake wake wake wake wake wake four totally wide awake enthused and focused and five all of this applause and him dead I want to take a few moments before I get offstage and I absolutely want to thank all the folks at Edward Jones who were wonderful endeavors I actually I'm about to catch a red-eye I catch on 11:50 flight I fly all night I get into Orlando tomorrow at 8:30 in the morning I happen to live in Melbourne Florida so I Drive home grab another set of suitcases and I catch a 12 o'clock flight to Cairo Egypt and then I am off to Rome so it's going to be a real thrilling a few days for me but I do before I leave want to thank all of the folks I really want to thank Allen and John Brewer line who didn't get a chance to say hello to tonight and all the folks here that have been so good to me in every single way I want to thank them all but most of all I think these guys who are absolutely fantastic in every way don't you think these guys are great that's a great great David I hope I was able to convey a message to you all you saw all night tonight was people taking imagery and transmitting it into action see your arm like a bar steel it acts like a bar steel see yourself up here next year taking a four million dollar award and you'll act like someone that deserves to receive the four million dollar award a lot of it goes on inside your head and one part that usually gets ignored is that visualization and hopefully I have impressed that upon you today but with these folks and their ability to focus and visualize all I can tell you is that if you practice the little techniques you learned up here today it can only help you guys to be you know much more likely to be a success in this business than before and I want to thank you all I gotta go good luck to you all thank you so much for having me I gotta run I gotta catch a plane but you guys you
Channel: Anthony Galie
Views: 100,113
Rating: 4.8910327 out of 5
Keywords: Hypnosis, hypnotism, hypnotist, motivation, success motivational, Mind, Brain, Control, Control (Award-Winning Work), galie
Id: V1kxO_xxaig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 13sec (4573 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 02 2014
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