Guided meditation deep sleep - long talkdown

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[Music] [Music] hello and welcome to this mind quietening and body relaxing meditation experience in this meditation the patience of being present and attaining a state of peace is easily accessible to anyone [Music] it may take a handful of times listening to this session to take a fact but you will notice subtle changes as you progress as your mindset alters to that of more focus self-confidence and calmness in a moment the music will change to something that is unobtrusive and helpful in the process of meditating please make sure that all distractions are minimized and that you are ready to listen in a safe area during the meditation breathe naturally and calmly there is no need to change your breathing pattern it will ease down automatically the more you get immersed [Music] relax the best you can always bringing your awareness back to your breath if you get distracted [Music] if it helps before we begin you can take a slow deep breath in through your nose down to your abdomen holding for a couple of seconds and then release even slower out through your mouth perhaps you have felt a slight loosening of your shoulders which sends a signal to your mind that you are now ready to begin you [Music] taking notice of your breath experience the present the gift of here and now nothing else matters in this moment except the calmness that you begin and continue to feel you one breath at a time observe any thoughts as a passenger an onlooker in your own mind there's no need to imagine them in any way visual just let them be and bring yourself back to your calming breath you can observe the sound of your breath that sensation of fresh new oxygen entering your body will the gentle rise in this end of your chest this is a time to feel your own peace within just do whatever feels comfortable and natural to you the hearts right sense the softening of each muscle the rippling wave of inhaling and exhaling easily your breath may make a sound you may hear soft white water waves washing in and then gently releasing [Music] the cleansing of any distractions can be observed in the quiet gap of silence before the next gentle wave rolls in a soft circular and relaxing sound [Music] as your body's muscles begin and continue to soften loosening every joint as you go deeper into peace allow your breath to soothe any chatter of mind noise [Music] you can acknowledge these thoughts with a slow knot or you can offer an understanding in your own way as you do this feel the sense of relief sensual muscles loosened neither more as you now bring yourself back to your breath come safe and quieter the space in your mind may seem lighter more relaxed or Karner in some way [Music] as you continue to breathe associate the feeling you get when you go that little bit deeper each and every time nothing matters in this moment only your willingness to just be now consciously relax your shoulders more allowing your arms to soften and become heavier that's it your willingness to just be present is finally taking effect as you drift off or daydream into nothing but the sound of your breath the peace you feel inside is a freedom of space that you appreciate with everything that you are a warm sensation of relief may be felt throughout your whole body it really doesn't matter where you take your mind as long as it brings you peace and calmness this window in your mind offers all that you need to release into a contented and relaxed state going back to your breath whatever has affected you positively you now become conscious of relax more and feel the peace inside taking a slow deep breath in through your nose and releasing even slower out through your mouth feel positive calm content and peaceful now calmly is the image of a warm empty room into your mind and be alright with the thought that it's okay to spend some time with yourself always bringing yourself back to your birth feeling the subtle and very gentle automatic rise and fall of your chest ease down now this room has nothing in it you are calm in this moment grounded and possibly in wonder that the Peace of quietness can be experienced in your normally noise filled mind take a slow large breath in of relief and really sense the peace that has been bestowed upon you if it helps pace a little explore what you feel inside this room is your mind if your mind begins to charge her away take yourself back to your breath once again we'll simply tell it to stop stop is a very powerful word when you say it either out loud or in your mind it has an effect you're in a conscious and subconscious take notice of when you are aware of asserting yourself to it you are in control now and you can allow or deny which thoughts should be of importance take a moment to assert your own control doing so rationally and calmly this room is so quiet but you can hear your every breath as you softly inhale and exhale every calm moment you feel peaceful content and very relaxed sensing your inner strength coming back and the balance of your mind beginning to be restored you see the thoughts that were there with more clarity possibly having had a hard time focusing on one thought at a time you are now completely able to do just that everything is clear focused and easily manageable in your own mind here and now anything that you find difficult to think about can be placed to the back of your thoughts where you can come back to them if you so wish in the corner of this room is a table with a lit candle on top next to the candle is a pad of paper and a pencil you walk over to the table standing over the parrot feeling the warm light of the candle take the pencil in your hand place any bothersome thoughts onto the paper [Music] as you write every word you feel relief in letting go every thought that has now been transferred all to the paper has now had its energy taken out of you now taking the paper that you have written on place it above the candle letting the flame lick at its edges [Music] there is a plate on which the candle sets you can place the burning paper here as you watch the white edges turned black the flame now consumes the paper passes through your thoughts where again their energies are once again extinguished into smoke as each thought dissolves into nothing the smell of their fading energy in the smoke is satisfying to say the least your shoulders drop once more watching the last remaining edge of the white paper fade into nothingness your chest relaxes and you are again brought back to your calming breath self-satisfaction pride and inner peace can now be felt as your body sends a relaxing signal to your mind on the other side of this room is a door to the outside to the garden of your mind walking over very calmly and now very relaxed you open the door as the door swings open the crack of sunlight begins to fill the room a haze from the smoke that now starts to escape passes out and into the atmosphere with the door fully open now the warmth that the Sun shines upon your face relaxing you more taking a slow look around you see a garden that has been tended to ever so well the grass is cut to the right length the hedges thick and leafy green a fountain with clean water and trees that offer a whispering calmness in the swaying of their branches the garden you now stand in is that of your inner self the Sun that shines is hope positivity light and love the grass is your resolution to be grounded that leads to paths you wish to take the hedges are protection not allowing any negativity in or around you and the trees are your self-confidence in standing tall with pride and conviction [Music] sometimes the garden of your mind needs to be tended to and in times where it can sometimes seem unmanageable you can take a break in the room that you just came from feeling every positive and warm sensation of this wonderful garden you hide inside yourself take a moment to look around walking slowly and relaxed through your garden notice what needs to be done here there may be some weeds that need taking up with some old leaves from the past winter visualize clearing anything that bothers your inner well-being as you clear away anything that is of a negative nature to your mood and balance you become more and more calm more and more relaxed going back to your breath this time you can feel fresh new oxygen and the sweet smells of your well-maintained garden your chest relaxes completely the balance of your inner being is at a good place and now you can do something that will help your inner conscious and subconscious flourish on one side of the garden of your mind there is a patch of soil with some seeds on the side walking over to the seeds you see that there are four different types of seed one is labeled focus pick up one of these seeds and place it into the soil burying it neatly and firmly with your hands over time your focus will grow creating clarity clearness and helping with direction [Music] the next seed you plant is labeled peace you place this situ into the soil peace will enable you to be comfortable with any decisions you make and be okay with things that you cannot change along to the seed of groundedness these seeds will help grow your thoughtfulness the thoughts that perhaps need a little time to develop and ponder over and last of all the seeds of inner love these seeds will help create a sense of being balanced helping you to look out for yourself and maintain your own garden covering the seeds with the soil you stand back as the Sun warms the bed that they now lay in with a sense of accomplishment you pour a little water with a nozzle bucket onto your seeds feeling balanced in every way you now walk over to the grassy area where there is a blanket on the green blades of nature laying down on the blanket with your skin being kissed by the Sun and stroked by the warm breeze you don't mind allowing patients to develop in its own time you have done the work to sew your own seeds and there is no need to wait for them to grow they will show themselves in full glory in their own time for now you can bask in your own delightful and peaceful garden clear-minded relaxed and very free you appreciate everything that is you without any distractions [Music] as quiet as can be he perhaps close your eyes to appreciate this moment bringing yourself back to your breath automatically you relax down more and more everything inside you is filled with all the positive energy you have offered your own self you can fully let go and sleep if you wish the leaves from the trees above swish and swaying as they cast soft shadows on your eyes sending you sleepier with every slow movement quiet calm and relaxed you just let go sleeeeep there is nothing to think about except sleep take a mental snapshot of your body right now taking note of any muscle areas that may be harboring any tension and making a slight adjustment by gently shifting those muscles into giving up any energy at this moment now softly feel every intake of oxygen you receive as your chest moves up and down with each movement allow every next breath to automatically become deeper and longer if it helps you may place your hand flat on your stomach to allow your mind and body to receive more of a sensation with your hands on your stomach and your elbows gently resting down by your sides the warmth from each hand is felt as a glowing energy an energy of comfort reassurance and peace your face loosens and your jaw melts as a smile from the inside will access your body more and more manche like the rest of your body every muscle nerve and fibre resting down deeper and heavier as each breath passes your top lip as you breathe in your subconscious is automatically receiving positive fresh new oxygen and re distributing it around your body through each vein muscle and blood cell as you breathe out on every exhale the tense hot air that can be felt is all the negative energy that has built up in your mind and body now being expelled on every outward breath as you relax and continue to relax your mind and body is being renewed with a positive warm and very refreshing sensation whilst you rest from the top of your head to the tips of your toes are being cleansed beginning at your brow a place of expression you feel a frown softly melt downwards into peace around your eyes where tension usually hides you perhaps sensor softening as you continue to become deeper and heavier in relaxation as you scan downwards a chain reaction occurs whereby the next area you visit begins to gently feel the effects of the previous area softening your body like a small and gentle wave along a tropical beach shore the more you relax the more you're slower and deeper breathing sounds like that of the white noise of waves on a sandy coastal island continuing to allow your mind to work its way down your body you reach your lips and jaw where you may find that you just let go at this time where relaxation perhaps is comforting behind your ears you feel softness of muscles that connect with your neck area as if you had placed your head on the most plush and gentle pillow relaxing down more now from your neck to the tops of your arms you may perhaps find that your shoulders automatically let go of any energy as they give themselves up to the pull of natural gravity with agent every natural and fresh breath of oxygen you continue to feel that bliss and peace inside now from your chest loosening to welcome every confidence giving inhalation your abdomen and back float downwards deep and heavy with each outward breath heavier and heavier deeper and deeper and more relaxed as your back arch his downwards your shoulders release your arms unlocking your elbows into submission your forearms send that relaxing and warm wave down to your wrists loosening your thumbs hands and fingers with each breath now in sync with a deeply satisfying sensation from your head down to the lumber of your perk you feel no need to move or adjust anything right now in fact your need has now changed to one of an inward bliss where a warm energy can be felt around your heart area radiating out from your chest to the rest of your body as your back relieves every muscle of all tension your hips and the joints of your legs give way down deeper and heavier that wave of deeply relaxing warmth and peace washes and descends to your thighs allowing your knees - softly position your shin and carved muscles into a restful and tranquil position descending down more and more the tingle of this very needed tranquility is felt in your ankles as if being massaged with every soft and gentle tingle of this relaxing energy the bottoms of your feet soften unlocking and unclenching your toes into warm splay of relaxation as you rest down more relaxed heavily and breathe more easily your breath sound like waves along shore in your mind in your conscious and subconscious is a place where you can find peace tranquility and the sense of being one with all that is around open your mind now as you allow the image of this place to unfold in your mind's eye with every wave you hear of your breathing becoming crisper clearer and with more clarity you imagine being now right here right now as you hear those soft and gentle waves your mind begins to make a picture of what it interprets this peaceful beach to be like whilst your mind wanders into every positive thought you start to see it glimmer as your eyes gently close perhaps blurry to begin with you see the fine yellow grains of a sand Laden beach glistening in the light of a clear blue sky the Sun is bright warm and relaxing your skin beginning to feel even more relaxed now as your mind fully enters this blissful scene away from the rigors of the world you find yourself on a tropical island Beach where only positivity can be felt seen and understood you feel it within every nerve fibre and muscle of your body they're all becoming aware that you are in a wooden boat with oars either side this boat is edging closer to the beach you see a head where the calm waves roll on top of one another in a wash of glorious white noise which soothes your mind laying still you look about currently to see seagulls flying about in the warm current breeze that gently pushes the sun's rays against everything it means you yourself feel the very peaceful sensation of that warm breeze across your body as you sleep leap air upon your island of peace feeling the gentle up-and-down sensation of each wave roll under your boat you become more and more relaxed finally your boat has made it to the beach scooping up some of the golden sand as it reaches the shore taking a moment to gain your bearings you see palm trees as high as can be greener than green which stretch in numbers across the edge of this shore of Gold the occasional drift word is littered on the sand for as far as the eye can see some pieces are large and some are small rock formations and rock pools are not very far from sight being recognized by the seagulls sitting in Huddle's on top there is not a cloud to be seen only a dark blue sky above you clamper out of the boat your feet feel relieved from stepping on to the feather like sand as you look around all you see and feel is a peacefulness taking a gentle and slow walk along the beach the warm breeze touches your face helping your mouth cheeks and eyes to soften into a mellow relief the positive colors all around make you feel free calm and at peace slowly walking along sifting your feet and toes through the sand you watch the subtle waves glide in and roll onto the shore as you watch you see the sand almost seem to be drawing as the tide of each roll sinks back very much like your breathing slow gentle and very calm you stand still for a moment to take in everything you see as you do you begin to feel one with all that is around taking a snapshot of this beautiful island you close your eyes now seeing a mental picture in your mind taking your awareness to the waves that you saw you draw in the energy they displayed of power courage and strength feeling this energy in the tops of your arms and chest you begin to sense a confidence within building as you receive every stream of this powerful fuel a fuel that will keep you going through good times and bad to help you finish anything you want to start the idea of negative thinking is dismissed through the confidence you now receive leading to improvements in your life and strength in maintaining any beliefs you hold dear your awareness is now taken to your skin where you feel the warm heat of the Sun a glorious and reassuring energy that you receive without hesitation this energy is of positivity happiness warmth and light wherever you are in life your subconscious will help you to make the right decisions to get you to the right light a place of beneficial and warm reassuring circumstances wherever you are there will be the sun shining down on your skin this is where your dreams and goals can be seen and followed your heart receives this energy and locks it inside for your mind to communicate with it when the need arises you notice the palm trees swaying in the warm Sun breeze your subconscious latches on to the adapting and grounded energy they provide the palm trees hold themselves down deep in the ground [Music] unmovable and keeping perspective at all times whilst allowing for compromise in any change of weather your abdomen takes this energy down deep this is where your intuition lies allow yourself from this moment on to trust in the feelings that you get the sand is now brought to your awareness the energy here is of memories past present and future your feet received this energy to help guide the way for you some memories can be planted in the sand some can be wiped away but they will never be forgotten the untouched sounds that your feet have not thought yet are realized from past experiences in your life where lessons are learned helping to keep you always going in the right direction the warm breeze that touches your skin is that of love self love love from others and as such cannot be seen but only felt your skin soaks up this energy and helps to surround you with positive people feeling and sensing all these energies from the surrounding environment you take a moment to truly realize every energy in its own right when you stop to take a look around at everything that is where you can be grounded realize things that you never saw before or bring change to your life taking a slow deep and accomplished breath of freedom you open your eyes and walk back to the waiting boat that you arrived in as each foot scoops the sand once more your subconscious Ponder's over what these energies can do for yourself with automatic thinking going on and drifting off every now and then into a daydream you continue to be relaxed as you walk onward to your boat as you reach the boat you stop once more to look around and pay thanks quite gently and slowly closing your eyes whilst nodding once with a smile on your face getting into the boat you push away with both balls and now let the tide take you back out back to your imagination and into sleep relax more now as you fill those gentle waves roll once again under your boat giving you that soft up-and-down movement you'll rise an hour tired your body relieved and your mind free to only think positive sleepy and resting down more now your body relaxes deeply heading into a light which is where you started back and into sleep you go deeper and deeper heavier and heavier you relax more and your mind is free your body very relaxed and when you awake you will have those energies to use for your own benefit close down for now if your mind and body the rest it needs you deserve to sleep and awaken refreshed sleep now West and relax for now just sleep and let go as you lay there being gentle on yourself allow the obvious places where tension may be held to be released first of all your hands and fingers are they tense if so then consciously take the energy out of those muscles by unfurling your fingers and melting your wrists by doing this your shoulders will automatically relax down perhaps sending a little relief to your state of mind [Music] now down to your feet and toes allow them to stretch out away from you take the energy out of them by also consciously adjusting those muscles as your feet and toes soften your ankles become a little more limp allowing your legs to become slightly heavier [Music] any constant internal chatter from your mind can now easily be halted as you tell it to stop with the subconscious internal voice now fading out from your awareness the rest of your body becomes heavier and noticeably more relaxed [Music] to begin drifting off and to become heavily sleepy I would like you to make a wish imagine in your mind's eye that there is a candle in front of you you can now make a wish for a deeper sleep a very relaxed body and a calm mind after making that wish you can blow out the candle [Music] your eyelids now becoming heavier your body just letting go [Music] in the silence of your now quieter mind he begin to drift into that soft luxurious deep sleep taking your mind now to a place of tranquility and peace in the distance a vision in your imagination begins to take shape you see the scene of a cozy cottage beside the sea the Sun is beginning to set as you watch out from where you stand at the edge of this peaceful Beach [Music] the sparkling ocean water ripples in the orange glow of the dusky sky where the occasional cloud can now be seen allowing you to lose yourself a little [Music] by turning your mind to more positive thoughts as you drift deeper disregard anything negative now sending those thoughts out to sea as you observe the serene surroundings but you find yourself in you realize there is no one else on the beach except you [Music] no one will disturb you at anytime watching the toy coming in above the sky begins to darken as the Sun sets and the clouds become thicker listening closely you hear the slight rumble of thunder in the distance [Music] hearing this it's like the negative thoughts you sent out are being cleared you get the scent of a warm familiar smell behind you see the cottage chimney silently and faintly expelling smoke into the air [Music] walking slowly away from the beach after hearing another rumble of thunder you make your way to the front door a wall breeze caresses your face and every now and then helping you to let go more automatically [Music] walking through the front door of the cottage you're greeted with all bear and an aroma of freshly burning logs [Music] entering the hallway you see a sign pointing upstairs it says step up to your dreams [Music] taking off your shoes you follow the sign up the stairs each step comforting your feet with the very plush carpet beneath you soft gentle and very relaxing the almost bouncy sensation relaxes your shoulders further and makes you feel like you could melt completely where you stand a heavy sensation takes over your whole body as you progress up the steps and your breathing becomes deeper [Music] reaching the top of the stairs you see another sign on one of the three doors it says your dreams are here opening the door the warm waft of air passes your body relaxing you more deeply especially with the sight of a slowly burning log fire crackling at the end of this room the window looks out to see into the horizon allowing the soft light of dusk to enter in this room is the most comfortable looking bed you have ever seen with thick plush pillows and a warm cover walking over to the window the heat that has emanated from the fire warms the softest rug you have ever walked upon each toe and the bottoms of your feet comfort it into relief as you look out to see from the window you lose yourself more as you watch the ripples on top of the vast ocean in front of you letting go of any last remaining thoughts of negativity you send them out to sea again the validation that they are released comes in the form of yet another rumble of thunder [Music] this time a little closer and slightly louder but you also find this comforting deeply relaxed in this moment you realize that your shoulders are completely down now [Music] as a raindrop strokes the window then another and another the soft gentle taps on the window ease your mind staring out to see you'd let your imagination take you to wherever you want to go drifting off fall deeply with each and every relaxing prayer that you take softly coming back to the warm room you look at the bed with a peaceful expression as all your face muscles melt slightly more the anticipation never comfortable slumber in the warmth of a relaxing room away from anything holding you back allows you to slowly walk over and clamber in as you roll onto the thick soft mattress your body sinks sinking further as you lay your head down for the night comfortable relaxed and now not having any reason to move anymore only the quietness of silence in your mind follows the rain that capsule window and the crackling fire soothe your mind more with each sound that can be heard your eyelids become the sense that you will now receive a full night's rest uninterrupted the sleep so deep that it heals every part of your soul and only encourages you to drift deeper you just the touch of the soft sheets that meet your body soften every muscle down deeper into the thick comfy mattress your pillows allow your head and neck to sink deeper relaxing your mind from any thoughts except that of sleep with every sensation of peace that you now unconsciously accept your eyelids become heavier and heavier I'm listening now to the sounds around and the calm wisps of your relaxed well axes my thinking is needed now is it time for sleep a time to let go of everything even the last remaining instances of tension in your muscles feel the warmth from the open of fire melt every muscle down deep until that as you drift deeper from hearing the raindrops tablature window every snap and his from the fire only send you sleepier heavier and deeper as you let go as you begin to sleep you feel your shoulders slide down your back like a wave of relaxing looseness as any tension diminishes in your back that wave continues to your hips and abdomen loosening every part of you way down sinking deeper and deeper heavier into a sleep-like state your legs let go becoming loose free at this point your consciousness fades in and out and as you become more tranquil you sink further into sleep the Sun now set at the room only illuminated by the firelight every shadow that flickers on the walls and ceiling said you deeper as they dance to the tune of the burning logs as the fire keeps you warm and it's shadows of light lull you to sleep the rain outside heals your mind with its own hypnotic orchestra of droplets every type of rain we're leaving you with anything negative only soothing your mind into a positive state of freedom to sleep and as your mind becomes clearer your body sinks further with the acceptance of letting go you are warm safe relaxed and very comfortable ain't going to sleep now let the air clear as the storm passes over also let your mind clear releasing into a positive state whilst you sleep at any moment if that little voice in your mind starts pulling you back just tell it to stop every flicker from the fire send you to the deepest relaxation content and at peace as you lay worsted in the car every muscle and every part of you begins to sleep feeling heavier with each breath and passes your lips whilst you sleep a good night's sleep every inhale fills you with positivity and every exhalation expels anything and hold you back from going deeper when you awake at a time of your choosing you feel it ease clear-minded and positive for now just like everything allow the environment of peace to take over the more you let go you will be kind to yourself you deserve to rest and experience calmness in your mind as you begin to drift off more you can imagine the peaceful image it could be a happy memory it could be sailing on the sea outside or laying in the sunk is sad on the beach it could be anything let your imagination take over right now and let it take you to a positive place drift deeper sea experiencing touching and hearing this see in yourself deeply the deeper you go into this image the sleepier you become your eyelids heavier now as your breath just automatically let's go deeper and longer briefs are to come and your chest now her space to create that sleepy rhythm to help you drift further drifting deeply going heavier now completely letting go nothing seems to matter anymore my voice begins to fade from your consciousness a storm above starts to fade out and now you are left with the clear air the warm fire and acquired this that is unparalleled even the shadows on the wall that hypnotize you to sleep become distant and every crack from the fire only send you deeper from this moment on every night becomes easier to sleep it will take less time to reach the state of being relaxed enough to just drift off and every morning you will awake refreshed aware very calm for now just sleep that everything just be slipped deeper with every breath and now your every awareness now to fade from your consciousness let go of today and drift into your own mind as my voice fades out your own positive mind will continue to heal every emotion every thought and every muscle allowing you to sleep in a complete peace tonight drift deeper into your own piece you were unhappy relaxed sleep and just drift deeper relaxing further with each and every calming breath the relief of this uninvited guest of negativity leaving sense the muscles in your arms down to a heavy feeling of peace as your breathing becomes more restful and your body fills with a more positive state of being your back becomes loose heavy and warm on the surface that you lay upon let go of anything holding you back from relaxing now by loosening the grip of your hands wrists and fingers each digit and curling sleepily with trust sending the last remaining unser vain thoughts down through your body your hips and thighs unclench loosening and freely inching toward the soft sheets below warm resting calmly and going deeper into your own mind gaps of peaceful silence fill your mind every now and then with the next quiet gap of calmness your knees allow your carved muscles and ankles to unlock into a loose version of themselves weighing down with a very relaxed sensation of wolf there is no need to second-guess any feeling of comfort in your body or any quietness in your mind what you are beginning to experience is a peacefulness within a calmness that feels quiet and as still ness and brings your inner self into a state of wonder with your eyes becoming heavier with the gentle love of your relaxing body your consciousness begins to fade dipping heavier into the gaps of silence that you now observe at this point you may perhaps fall asleep we'll be in a state were you watch yourself from within either way it doesn't matter as your mind will pick up the parts that are personally important for you relax down more now just by observing how you body lays and sensing the peace that you feel inside let you body wash with more relief as the tide of your breathing rose in and then out calming and relaxing you more and more taking yourself now out of any image your mind may be showing you imagine and visualize the setting of a beach feel the sound beneath your feet warm smooth and very relaxing see the shimmering of the yellow sand in the light of the soothing heat the Sun provides become more calm in seeing a blue sky which creates more clearness in your mind there are palm trees slowly swaying in the breeze on one side at the beach and on the other the sea lapping crystal-clear waves onto the shore your shoulders relaxed from the warmth of the Sun and your feet become heavier with each foot forward in the deep piled soft sand heavily descending deeply into a heavily relaxed state your body feels relief in every way possible breathing automatically deeper and longer breaths now you go deeper into this scene of tranquil beauty using every sense available the smell of the ocean lengthens each and every breath your eyes become heavier as the Sun kindly shines down on you the warm breeze effects every muscle into loosening and your ears are massaged with the sound of each wave that gurgles oh sure you mind gently carved and you body heavily relaxed let go of everything right now as you look about you see that you are at the shore of your mind the land you now stand upon is that of the present staying positive and very present as you scan the area you see the things that surround your life right now keeping an open mind as you begin your journey you can see the people in your circles friends and family you see your home and any obstacles that seemingly restrict your way through life again being very present it is natural for you to feel a slight tightening in your muscles just be aware of this and adjust those areas down to that relaxed state once more if it helps take a slow deep and relieving breath in and relax doubt on your exhale now there was a boat showed up on the jetty next to you this boat will take you to the beautiful island you see on horizon across the sea the island provides a place for you to contemplate your most personal thoughts wants and desires and also provides peace you step on to the solid wooden jetty walking up to the boat that will drive you to tranquility scanning the land from which you came you make peace with all that you see and climb onto the boat looking back as the boat departs the whitewash of the note is beneath trail back to the shore over the gentle waves and splay out as they fade from view the blue sky becomes larger as she begin to see the bigger picture the mainland where all that you know inhabits starts to be distant the further you travel away and edge closer to the island destination at this moment feel inside and within which images of your life you see more apparent as you watch them shrink out of sight these are the important areas of your life that need nurturing or perhaps changing turning slowly around towards the front of the boat you let those images automatically fade off and the emotions that you felt melting down with your muscles at this point you are committed to changing your life for the better making the decision to take this journey takes courage stepping out of your comfort zone is where you will find positive change you know deep down inside it is the only way that you can be true to yourself as you look ahead a tiny island grows before your very eyes as you get closer you begin to see details in the distance palm trees fade into view on a white sandy beach that looks untouched and uninhabited behind the palm trees is a vast and dense forest of green luscious trees and reach up high into the sky a waterfall spills out from the rock formation at the front of this island Oasis onto the ocean below this place is like nothing you have ever seen edging closer to the shore just the sight of everything you see brings comfort to your mind as you relax down more and more reaching the shore you'll boat docks at the side of some large rocks that extend out into the clear sea water you wander asleep exit out of the boat and onto a surprisingly very warm white sandy beach as your feet touch the fine grains below a wave catches your ankles being warmer than expected your whole body waits for the next gentle roll of clear clean and very soothing warm ocean water again your feet and ankles feel relief allowing your shoulders to drop down to a state of fully letting go taking steps forward to explore this peaceful Haven though feet continue to experience a deep relaxation as the sand massages in between your toes and up and over the top of each foot scouting with your eyes the land you see before you is soft and gentle on your inner being helping you to remain present and calm there is nothing but the gentle lapping sound of the small stroking waves but unobtrusively reach out to the shore you watch as the boat heads back to the land from which you came fading out of sight and blending in with the vast ocean ahead now quiet and even more karma you're now alone with your true thoughts and feelings and also able to recognize how at peace you truly are be one with yourself for a moment cherish inside every sense of being one with your inner being and this beautiful island now feeling a little more rested taking this moment for yourself is doing wonders for your well-being you head away from the drifting water that meets the soft white sand up to where the palm trees line the beginnings of the beach as you walk your feet absorb every calming effect that the fine grains of the beach massage you with under one of the palm trees you decide to sit shielded from the warm heat of the Sun and now facing out to see your legs feel tired heavy with relief as you cross them and your shoulders ease out from your neck muscles with your hands on your lap you look out over the blue clear ocean toward the mainland gazing far and wide beginning to daydream about your wants and desires of life you relax more just imagine what life would be like for you to achieve living in that more positive way choosing the people that you want around the places that mean something to you and the accomplishments you would like to gain right now you have left behind everything it is all on the mainland even anything of a negative nature here you can start again looking across the ocean in your minds I only see the things that would benefit your true self from the people that encouraged create trust and champion you to the things that you would like to do perhaps you want to complete a project of sorts change your career will bet you life in some other way see it in your mind right now to accomplish all of this the lines of communication between your true self and the outside world need to be opened communicating your true feelings to someone else is beneficial in every way if you do not assert your thoughts then no one will truly know how you feel it could be that you find it hard to say no to people giving up precious time that could be spent on your own life saying yes to things that your heart is not connecting with will keep you from striving towards your own goals by doing things for the right reason your happiness and fulfillment should be your first priority so imagine the people on the mainland across the ocean that positively connect with you on most levels being with and being surrounded by positive people will gain you energy lift your spirits and thrust your confidence forwards negative people have the tendency to drain that much needed energy so now imagine your life with only the positive people around you a weight feels like it has been lifted remember you can say no to things it doesn't mean that you are a bad person and you shouldn't feel guilty next think of where you would like your life to head examine the path to that goal which or what people need to be part of your journey for you to make it there along the way to your destination you will meet with resistance but with the practice of visualizing that destination you become unflappable shedding negativity along the way now think of the routines you have do you make time for yourself spending time by yourself is important to implement positive changes inside this is where you realize the true you what you want out of life and achieving it in a way that doesn't compromise your integrity allowing small amount of time to be consumed with just being present helps to gain perspective harvesting patience and reinforcing the path that you wish to take looking at the mainland in the distance across the ocean again ask yourself is the path that you wish to follow being considered by all and everything but inhabits the land you see before you if not then what changes need to be made there may be some difficult choices to make once you get back to the other shore but in the end the benefits outweigh the negatives if you think in a positive way and one that accepts give-and-take then you cannot go wrong sticking to facts and again being present helps to let you make informed decisions changing anything is always a foreign experience and once you begin to make positive changes the habit will reward you with signs that propelled you along your journey to become that happier version of yourself anything unfinished needs to be completed have you ever noticed tension and stress from incomplete circumstances this is where your energy is spent complete these things and your energy will saw propelling you along further toward your destination take a moment for yourself to just ponder over any thoughts that may pass it is time to go back to the mainland there you will begin to implement the workings out of your journey that ultimately satisfies your inner well-being taking everything of a positive nature back with you you bought the boat once again as the boat rides the ocean you feel determined in your quest for true happiness and look forward to the doors that open from being your true real self feeling content you look forward in anticipation and are now ready to reveal the true you [Music] being creative is a way of expressing ourselves some people choose art modeling creations or some other activity it can also be seen in our individuality to expression can be observed in tattoos jewelry or hairstyle we are all each individuals here I would like you to express yourself mainly your negative emotions onto a piece of paper to do this imagine that there is a pencil and a part of paper in front of you as you sit or lay take a moment to allow your mind to conjure up those unwanted thoughts observing which ones protrude first just watch as if you were a passenger in your own mind [Music] thinking clearly and being grounded by seeing what your mind has shown you take the pencil and place it in your hand now thinking consciously about that first thought that you observed rest your hand on the paper with the LED touching without consciously guiding the pencil to automatically steer the path or pattern that your mind wants to draw just let your emotions of that thought be present in your mind as your hand moves around the paper without being prompted [Music] as she true on the white sheet feel the release of negativity flow out of your body through the pencil and onto the paper what you are doing now is called creative expression letting go of the blockages in your energy that stopped you in the flow of life feel relief in giving up that energy realize it drained your emotions and took up valuable space that could be put to better use as your hand continues to move the pencil around the paper you begin to regain that space in your mind a loosening in your muscles can also be felt the more your hand pilots the pencil the more you notice how each part of you is letting go of all a negative energy your shoulders feel cooler as they descend downwards and the more they descend the more it feels like they are pulling the negative energy out of your mind [Music] with every muscle that relaxes you restore the positive energy flow in your body and your mind attains clearness and relief [Music] with any kind of focus activity especially when being creative have you ever noticed how your breathing changes here and now your chest Rises gently and descends loosely with deeper and more automatic Locker breaths any person of your lips can be observed in the now loosened cheek muscles above and your eyes feeling softer with each and every deeper breath you you purge every bit of negative energy from your mind and body as your hand automatically draws upon the white sheet of paper [Music] a quietness forms in your mind a stillness but she possibly haven't felt for a while clear focused and very grounded feeling ever so present in this moment take a look at the patterns created on the paper as your hand continues to perch furthermore allow your mind to see through the patterns created see past what is etched on the white sheet as you look past the written sketch he may possibly see answers to the thoughts that were concerning you you may see something of a positive image behind it whatever you see brings relief in some small way and may possibly get you curious as to what these scribbles mean at this moment in time it is not important but what is important is how your state of mind has altered for the better it may not be until later on that curiosity provides an answer for you and herein lies the virtue of patience patience with yourself and patience with the circumstance placing the pencil down by the side of the paper feel accomplished in every way as you relax more allowing the gates of positivity to open up restoring the free flow of positive thought once again [Music] imagine if you will a sandy beach where waves subtly lap along the shore a blue sky and fresh clean oxygen in which invigorates your every birth place yourself completely into the scene you can vision it in any way you find it here you have the experience of free will in every way you can look up at the clear blue sky focusing on any soft puffy clouds you can touch the warm sound beneath your feet even sift every grain through your hands or you can look out to sea exploring your dreams and goals for the future here you can do anything you want to do the smell of the salty air is mixed with a warm breeze that relaxes every muscle down and begins to clear your mind the first thing you notice is the weight that has been taken off your shoulders allowing you to appreciate every moment here clearing your thoughts furthermore take a stroll along the shore if you will or perhaps sit on the warm yellow be a choice is completely yours as you bask in the heat from the soothing sauna bath in a clear blue sky your chest loosens freeing up your lungs to accommodate more natural and deeper breaths with every inhalation and exhalation your breaths automatically become longer loosening every muscle on every outward breath here it is quiet calm and peaceful there is no one to disturb you as you look around you can see the peach is decorated with lush green palm trees for as far as the eye can see in each direction as the beach cups the shore the sandy landscape goes on towards each horizon out of sight and into the distance clear your mind further by cascading the sound through your toes invigorating and soothing your feet with its warm massaging a fact small islands can be seen in the vast ocean siècles skillfully ride the warm current between sea and air everywhere you look you are surrounded by beauty feel your skin becomes softer as you rest your mind more soothe yourself as much as you can in this moment you are allowed and are entitled to if at any point you wish to close your eyes you may do so without hesitation it doesn't matter if you fall asleep or drift off because this time is just for you as the waves lap along the shore you can see the whitewash as each wave rolls car way and then spreads onto and into the sand as you watch each wave retreat back into the ocean the sand glistens for a while and then changes back to its original color as if it seemingly dried each wave relaxing calming your every nerve soothing you down to a peaceful and pleasant state of mind oh and in the sand our shells each one more different than the next some curved some ridged and some larger than others every one of them with magnificent patterns to be observed littered along the shore are the occasional pebbles flat in shape perfect to skim along the surface of the ocean if you want to you can pick up a pedal feeling its smooth edges and oblong shape throw it along the top of the water if you do decide to skim some pebbles imagine each pebble as something that may be playing on your mind and by throwing it away it is being released and allowing you to bring more peace to your emotional state feel how loose you neck now feels the sensation of being completely free as though experiencing life here for the first time everything seems new and fresh you are you and being your true self is about taking time to get to know who you are you can completely do this here enjoying the space and the freedom of feeling free even more focused on everything you experience in this moment you just let go let it go with the bias you have of yourself freeing any last remaining tense sensations into the air and basking in the place where you can just be that is here and now as the wool breeze softly strokes your face you cheeks oh isn't jewel settle down you are now completely at peace with your shoulders relaxing more and more with every soft sensation that is tranquil environment brings your fingers and palms relaxed softer feeling looser and cooler appreciating the warm air that flows between each finger softer and looser more relaxed and karma you let go more blissfully soaking up every peaceful intention that nature provides here lose yourself now explore there sure with your own mind experiencing the smells sights sounds and sensations of everything around be so relaxed that you receive healing in every way being so kind to yourself allows for more sleepier feelings to consume you from the salty air to the relaxing sounds of the sea to the warmth of the Sun and sand you relax let go now completely relaxed into a blissful state if you wish to close your eyes and slip into a deep and restful sleep allow your soft eyes to do so right now relax be free and just let go only the sound of the rain at night as you lay in your bed can be so comforting listening as each raindrop taps you gently to sleep it could be the safety of being dry inside wrapped up warm that makes sleep so inviting as you rest there possibly after a hard day let any negative thoughts worries or stress just dissolve away from your shoulders as you breathe in a breath of fresh new oxygen and as the exhaling sigh of relief exits your mouth feel your chest loosened down slightly easing the muscles around your rib cage taking another slow deep breath in allow your chest to expand filling with sleepy air that enters your lungs exhaling out your abdomen releases into a karma and more restful position as each drop of rain finds your window you can see the rounded shape of each water pearl and as gravity entices them downwards you see them wiggle slowly down the glass the sound of the rain is relaxing as it turns out a message to your mind to become calm restfully and peacefully laying in comfort you let go of any negativity about yourself you let go of what your date has held for you nothing matters in this moment you can just let the thinking process settle down for now the glass of your window and the raindrops being translucent helps to ease your mind into drifting off more laying present early appreciating every soft touch of the warm sheets the sound of the rain and how peaceful you are inside feeling rather sleepy now you close your Ollie's has every hypnotic raindrop that rolls down your window draws your eyes down further as you versed quietly and comfortably the gentle sound pattern of water droplets affirm your every relaxing sensation sending you deeper and more content listening to that soothing sound each raindrop fades out any overthinking that may perhaps keep you from drifting off the more you listen the deeper you go feeling sleepier and more comfortable as you watch each pearl of water slowly slide down in a drizzle on your window your body begins to do the same first your eyes becoming heavier and softer following every downward drop then your mouth loosens possibly opening slightly as your jaw releases whilst you drift off more and more downward heavier deeper and more relaxed you go with every jump the turbo brain your neck muscles feel relief in letting go allowing your head to rest further downward more and more heavier more and more deeper going even deeper the beginnings of sleep in releasing those muscles alleviates any tightness in your chest which helps it become looser and more free with each and every free breath end and out comes even all relaxation in being safe from the elements you hear on your window leaving today behind your back rests down to a position of intense tranquility sending you deeper and more relaxed your breaths are easy more loosened automatically longer as she begins to drift off following the gems of water on your window through your heavyset eyelids your hips unapologetically let go making your whole body go deeper and heavier into a sleep-like state outside the rain continues to pour down creating a break for everything of nature listening and watching inside your mind makes tracks for the soothing darkness behind your eyelids as you sleep you let go of everything on your mind now is the time for rest and comfort as you sleep you heal in the dreams that you may dream and the rest that you may go take from your head down to your hips you are relaxed as can be and have no inclination to move 15 more and more into sleep the pitter-patter you hear begins to fade out as your eyes now become too heavy to open your legs slowly and gently touch the surface of your sheets more heavily as those muscles sleep for the night more loose more free and mind and body going deeper with each and every raindrop you hear fade off into the distance as you begin to sleep as you peer out from your very heavy eyelids one more time you only see the outlines of each globe of water on your window only illuminated by street light outside close your eyes now and let go of everything your bias toward yourself anything anyone has said and any worries that you may have it's time for sleep as your eyelids become heavier and heavier you mind clears to a state of quietness the peaceful Haven once more where you can reach into the realms of dreams and your higher consciousness with every deeper breath you take of sleep you rankles unlock your feet into a sleepy position and your toes splay out in the deepest of relaxation as you let go more and more your shoulders drop and release the last remaining tension that could be felt and your arms drift downwards comfortably resting your wrists hands and fingers into bliss with only your ears being aware of anything you only attend to the sound of the rain in helping you into sleep each raindrop unburdened your mind each tap on your window pacifies even the most bothersome fault to acquire this with the sound of each raindrop your mind Tunes out and into sleep it's time to soften and settle down for the night it's time to slow down as your body reduces down more and more the sense of deep content fills your every being in the form of deeply relaxed muscles the tingling of warmth and a peaceful face of relief breathe easy as your mind gently slips further into bed boom content and very safe letting your body really juries is important and you are important allowing your range to really see the positive version of yourself where all your natural traits are appreciated and I felt myself as you feel the comfort in Jilin serene a wolf through your whole Terrier precedes to radiate throughout your whole body sensing and feeling this great and soo the emotion of peace you go deeper and more relaxed as everything fades out Lord would you become one yourself accepting everything you want in a positive light filled with contentedness and worried you let go those who worries descend into sleep with Hertz rest down and sleep deeply tonight as you just let go you
Channel: Meditation Vacation
Views: 1,223,475
Rating: 4.3290401 out of 5
Keywords: guided meditation deep sleep, guided sleep, guided meditation sleep, sleep talk down, meditation for sleep, deep sleep, talk down, deep sleep meditation, sleep meditation guided, guided meditation deep relaxation, guided meditation deep relaxation and sleep, insomnia relief, guided sleep meditation, sleep meditation, guided sleep hypnosis, progressive muscle relaxation, deep sleep guided meditation, guided meditation for sleep, sleep guided meditation, guided meditation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 188min 47sec (11327 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 18 2018
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