HYDROPONIC Seeding and Propagation . HOW IT WORKS!

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[Music] okay so as promised in last week's video um where wayne talked about the entire setup here in the hydroponic house he is going to now show you the propagation station and answer a few questions that we have hello everybody it's uh first of november right today oh second second yeah you can see we gotta we had a good dump in the snow last night i'll bring you outside later and show you minus -10 most of the weekend the last three days so it is starting to cool down so it's time to do a few few videos i guess so what we're going to do here is i'm going to show you how my my seating germination setup is it's very simple but it's probably the most critical part of the whole greenhouse we all know if you have good plants going in you're going to have good crops coming out and we had a lot of difficulties when we first started and got hold of a fellow joe sullivan down in maine and maine i think he is or new hampshire and he helped me out a lot so we'll go through this what we do up here we've seed our seeds you see there twice a week basically so it's monday we we planted these friday afternoon and you can see they're already they're ready to sprout so by tomorrow i will be moving them from from that up here down to here the sooner you can get them out of these trays the better for air circulation water movement everything you get a lot better germination we do have these on a heat mat and also you can see the heat mat we can do five trays at a time on this heat mat we keep it at 72 degrees and there's i just want to let them know that there's it's just sitting water in there there's no nutrients or anything no straight water at this point they say after about three to four days depending on what what it is in here you can see here some beet tops they sprout really quick and because we do that we try to sell the beet greens by weight rather than by the plants we put two seeds in every hole and i think you saw in the last video of the crops that we're harvesting so i mean that's pretty good for three days of uh plant or four days now i guess so tomorrow soon as i have room in these bottom trays i'll start moving stuff down so you can see these trays here they will hold two sheets of rockwell or oasis and this runs 24 7. the water never shuts off and we never shut the lights off i mean it just runs steady you can see the starts back here we just got a little home depot tote it's pretty simple setup and inside here we have an aquarium pump and here's my backup one i can show you it's just a little pump 25 pump this one happens to be 400 gallons per hour uh that pump has been running for six years now in there i've had no issues the same as the pool pump can i just say something though you said that this never shuts off it runs 24 7. it only comes on yeah yeah yeah sorry about that yeah it runs three times a day i'm just gonna say that too and i always said that that system runs all the time yeah this one here runs three times a day for 15 minutes and you can see the germination you're getting in here we'll we'll transplant these ones back here is the red oak leaf and the red mir or the green mirror next week or tomorrow partly i'm all mixed up here but you look at these sheets so these are ready the back ones the red oak leaf and the the mirror are ready to um transplant into the nursery trays and they will be probably 10 days old though we could go friday they were planted so yeah about 10 days 11 days so tomorrow be 12 days so so they will go into the nursery troughs so you can see it just runs through back into this we just used a piece of tube that we had trough you could use anything to get we have two hoses here and the water just flows back and when you're looking at getting these trays you can tell we got ours that am hydro i mean they're probably pot available elsewhere but i couldn't find them i had a hard time finding them actually but what are they called just uh propagation trays i think they're they're roughly four feet long 40 inches long they say they hold two sheets and how do sorry how deep are they about three inches but they do have different colored drains i've gone with the teal color and what that does is allow certain amount of water holds the water back it drains at a certain rate and it's i mean it's been a great setup you can see the germination and these are just regular blue light fluorescent lights we haven't done anything fancy under here uh at some point we may switch to led but for now we had these fixtures and that's what we're using just a little harder on the electrical bill that's all i think leds but they're also giving us some heat but you don't get off the leds you can see some different crops we have in here we're playing around with some green onions this is more for our own curiosity than anything we enjoy doing a few different things about joy here swiss chard something about swiss chard it's a great crop to grow but sometimes it's a little fussy about germinating so what i do so seed is cheap oasis costs it adds up so what we do is we put two seeds in every block and then when we go to transplant them we'll pull one out in the bok choy though we do know that that does really well here in the winter time we don't grow in the summertime and again multiple seeds yeah you can grow one individual so you can get a nice big bok choy but you can put three and four seeds in a block and you would not believe the weight that you don't follow okay we'll follow this through right to the finish so you guys can see how the the bok choy is just gorgeous in this system so i mean this is a fairly simple system there's some more beet greens uh they'll be going out tomorrow probably too if we have some space in the finishing troughs nice so this is a very simple system you know you can source pretty well everything at your local hardware you might have to get some specialty parts from the specialty companies which which is fine i mean we've had to get a few things but most of it we source out locally a couple things i want to mention about from the last video i had some questions well one of them was about these troughs we found ours at anhydro but i mean you can when they're out of california that i think they're about fifty dollars each but i'll tell you it was money well spent and they're very sturdy they're not just a flimsy tray we've had them five years now five and a half years so i mean we washed them out when we're done we've switched the troughs and i mean they've been great so the other thing the pump our big swimming pool pump over here for a rush where i had some a question about going from 110 to 220. okay so we are hardwired when you're wired i should say hard way we're wired for 220. you can see here i've got i broke the line and put a couple plug-ins well if the hydro ever goes off we've got to start up our generators and and keep this running so we unplug it i plug into my generator that i've got here set up out here but in this cap you can pull this cap off and in there you can just pull the wire there's a little clip you can pull the wire off the clip off and go on to another wire and it'll switch it to 110 for you so if you don't have a big generator you can run off a smaller generator without any issues like i said this pump has been running for six years now it's pretty warm today so i mean i hope that helps uh if you have any other questions about the startup and stuff and you can see here from this this section over this section to the nursery trays here's some stuff that's going to be going in the finishing troughs tomorrow so they came out of here about a week ago out of there into here and we could only move things along as fast as we could heart as we have or harvested or have orders so we have a tank time down pretty good we know we need 10 10 of these every week in the winter time so that means i need four four tr oasis trays every week and that would change for anybody who is doing this yeah exactly it depends on on the market for it our northern climate things are a little slower but we do know we take a quarter of this greenhouse now every week so it's just a matter of getting your schedule down and figuring out where you are and what you're moving you're just pro at this all right guys so any questions just leave them in the comments below and wayne will be more than happy to answer and uh we are gonna do a video from seed to finish actually and we'll show them how we do all that we might do the nutrients next week so we'll get going on that and then we can go from individual varieties right deal with one or two every episode yeah perfect all right we'll see you next week bye
Channel: Spring Hill Farms ~ Beyond Farming
Views: 38,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ocHrBdJSqJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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