Cheap & Easy DIY Hydroponics | Ditch the expensive stuff for a $1 Pool Noodle

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whoa slow down there you want to try some hydroponics ski some hydrogen and some net cups and then don't forget to rock wall and some other things gonna get kind of expensive the girls and vegetable oh that's something cheaper like a pool noodle careful at what you do and that comes out to that two cents apiece will that work for you cool let's get started [Music] already here's some bok choy that we let go to seed you can see we're still munching off of it still eat it but if you let him go ahead and flower and get you own seeds I had some people asking me about the small amount of seeds you get in a packet believe it or not five years ago bought one packet for dollar ninety-nine let two dozen of these go to seed and I haven't bought any seeds ever since so I'm going on my fifth year of seeds just from a couple dozen plants all right we're gonna change out one of these containers here first thing you got to do let's get rid of the old plants we've harvested bok choy plain so you can see them on the back row they're the ones that we let go to seed we ate these before they had a chance to bowl you can see how easy it is to take them out like in the last video the pool noodle it just comes right off you don't have to fight with the rock wall or anything like that no net cups no hydrogen or anything all right these we've already done now these are just a little dirty you can clean them perfectly good to use again but somebody asked me how to make the pool noodles so we're gonna start from scratch first thing we want to do is get rid of the old nutrient solution I'll just dump it in a bucket and then toss it in though my wife served garden later I'll go wash this off all ready so now if you go get your pool noodle and cut cross-sections about one inch thick there's 48 inches on a average pool noodle and you get 48 of these out of each one we're just gonna use five for this one right here now what you got to do is somebody asked me about the big hole in the middle how you keep the microgreens from falling through we're gonna show you you're gonna need a pair of scissors but first you got to fill this thing back up with nutrient solutions I'll link up a little recipe up above the one that we used with the master blender anyhow all you do is this cut a little section out take that piece put it in the middle and make sure there's still a small hole for your micro grain to fit through so you don't squash it because it's a tender plant see just like that that's how easy it is now see I used to use cotton or bio straight or some other material like that in the middle but it was keeping the stems too wet and it found out if I just use a little piece that I cut off of here leave a little space for your microgreens so you don't squash them sometimes if it's there's no space you might have to trim it again just like that and that's how easy it is nothing extra to buy and see we just did it that fast so now we're ready plants more popjoy [Music] get that off of here this is gonna be take your time we're gonna relax and show you we're not gonna race through here we'll keep the timer going down and see how long it takes see that one's pretty clean see the route coming down off the bottom we'll get one off here it's a little dirty and use that now you're not having any pumps to worry about there's no kind of aeration so you can get a little bit of dirt in here and it's not going to bother it so this is like you know no worries pull it back out the first one and make sure that your roots are touching a nutrient solution pop it back in repeat the process four times now see these microgreens here there's no nutrient solution and there's just water so they grow slowly and I keep those around and you can see the row in front of it I planted those last week and you can tell they're a little bit bigger because now they're in a nutrient solution so if you go ahead and plant two or three in each one of these if something happens to one or if you harvest one off of it and you want to plant some more you've always got microgreens to go back to and start over pop it in there you just make sure that little space that you left that you get the microgreen in that space so that when you close it up to stick it inside of the hole you're not gonna squash the micro grain it's just that easy and this is a set it and forget it want you to go ahead and finish this off this thing will go for about a month without even having to do anything to it you can just leave it like that that one in the front I haven't even touched it really is just the simplest way to grow I just love it in about five to six weeks you're going to be harvesting bok choy and keep it going to secession so you always have a fresh crop we're gonna put about three in this one you can put three four or five there's no rules because you can just eat whatever you want alright that's it yeah I share this with somebody all right get out there keep on growing two minutes and 40 seconds you
Channel: Keep on Growin' with Mike VanDuzee
Views: 1,956,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hydroponics, how to grow hydroponics, diy hydroponics, aeroponics, aquaponics, no soil growing, off grid growing, how to make a kratky container, microgreens, how to grow microgreens, how to grow leafy greens, gutter garden, how to grow in a gutter, how to grow lettuce in a gutter, how to grow in a downspout, diy gutter garden, easy diy hydroponics
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 24sec (444 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 13 2018
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