Hydrangea Pruning

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hi my name is christine i'm the assistant gardener here at dunn and i am standing next to this hydrangea macrophylla um it's at the back border of the tennis green so today i'm going to show you a little bit about pruning them hydrangeas there's i don't know some confusion about which ones to cut where um for hydrangea macrophylla the big leaf hydrangea you do want to leave some of the old wood because that's what it will bloom off of so if you happen to cut it back to the ground um you won't kill the plant but the blooms that year will be i don't know insignificant so i'm going to show you how to control the size of it and prune it back but then to not sacrifice any balloons another thing to keep in mind is that these shrubs do get fairly large so you want to worry about size management if it's in a tight corner um as you can see the ones over there are um a lot bigger but that's okay because they have the space okay so what you see here on this branch um the lighter portion is the old wood and then these guys are last year's growth so the darker stems um so when you go in to prune you can see that these are already starting to push leaves um you know you can deadhead after they're done blooming but we do like the seasonal interest of keeping the dried heads so you can come on back here and just snip them right above a node where it's starting to break um when you go in to cut them you can stagger your cuts oops um maybe leave want some a little longer that way it doesn't look like a sheared ball um while you're here too you can cut off any weak stems you know maybe other ones that are crossing and interfering don't be afraid to thin some out all right so here we are this is what it looks like finished um as you can see i kind of left the cut staggered probably just to give it a more interesting shape i also did a little bit of dead wooding i removed some weak branches and did a little bit of thinning nothing too drastic this one didn't need much but yeah this is this is good for now and it'll flush out and look beautiful
Channel: dunngardens
Views: 10,225
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Id: jWuHnNltPug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 30sec (210 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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