HVAC Heating & Air Rough-In on New Construction | Building A $350,000 Custom House | Episode 20

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we are getting the hvac roughens that was right there so my floor system got cut out boom there's that unit right here [Music] it is cold out here as you can see that air [Music] what's going on everybody welcome to nico's property show today i am so excited because we are getting the hvac roughing so heating and air and i'm gonna take into some of these bedrooms with me explain what's going on we got guys working it's a little bit cold so i'm glad they're here because my hands are kind of freezing i'm about to build me a fire outside or something it's too cold up in here i thought it'd be good with all the tyvek but it's all right so come in this bedroom with me right here as you can see um the main guy mr john he came in he put uh the areas where we're actually gonna be putting the vents so he's got like a four by ten inch um vent going in right there or approximately and so typically you're going to want to go centered with the windows and one of my or in my last house that i was living in that i sold my vents were actually up in the ceilings okay so the unit was in the attic and everything like that but i don't like air blowing down my neck and everything like that i don't know if that's a ukrainian thing they call it fois nyok and it's the worst thing ever when i start getting air blown on my neck my neck starts hurting so in this house i was like look i want the air coming from the bottom i ain't got to worry about it and so we center it on the windows in there if you come in the bathroom we'll be able to hide them like behind doors and things like that so once the air is blowing it's going to be fine in there it doesn't really matter exactly where it's at in a room like that but as you can see here again they got it marked out to where it's going to be in the middle of the window so with how the furniture is going to be with how everything's going to be working out it's going to be great let's jump in my kitchen real quick i'll show you around in there so i've got my little mini island right here and it was going to be a little bit tight with how my all my stuff was going to be here with the oven the refrigerator so i'm actually going to shift my island and there's going to be one little area that comes out and vents in here as well so that there can be air on here because we have four points of air access throughout this entire kitchen to living room area come over here with me we're going to go into the other side of the room got my we got a guy working right there he's working hard and then they got all their tools in here oh we got a bunch of milwaukee tools must be a good company or something doing all the work here so we got all their you know the sawzall we got uh another saw right there got their hammer everything's going on and if you want to look here in my master bathroom they've got it drawn out that's where they're going to cut it out and they actually have already cut it out in the master closet so i'm going to go through this little tiny door right here that's for like secret access i'm just kidding definitely just wall but as you can see this is how it's going to be coming out from the floor so that was right there so my floor system got cut out boom and then we're gonna have nice decorated i'll probably go with black ones um because my house is gonna be very like decorative with you know the black gutters the black windows and everything like that so that's what it's gonna look like essentially and then they gotta cut all these out all the way around and they're going to be putting the unit underneath in the crawl space that's why i have a tall crawl space and then the other unit going to be on the side of the house the one where you kind of hear it always kick in and kick on and you're like man i hear the air pulling in so that's going to be outside and i'll show you once we get out there right now let's go outside maybe build a fire something because i'm freezing oh yeah [Music] okay i'll move it probably at least eight to twelve so that'll still give me the room for it yeah if i bring it out to maybe here okay folks so i got you out here on the side of my house i wanted it to go on the other side the condenser which is going to be out here but unfortunately not unfortunately i'm actually putting a like a bungalow so i'm giving away uh content that's coming up so i'm actually going to be doing like a cool bungalow vibe like a covered roof area with a like a outside fire pit type thing maybe a you know a nice grill underneath there that's my vision right now i hope i can bring that to life i hope it's not too expensive so therefore i can't put it on the other side of the house and hide it so it's going to be about right here and my dirt's actually going to come up as well so the bottom of that unit is actually going to be somewhere around here because i got to build this up and i'm going to run off this dirt right here and then the um the other unit that's going inside will actually come into my crawl space which is a beautiful beautiful beautiful room for them to work i mean look i'm like i said six foot tall i'm standing up straight right here and then they're gonna put it actually in that area if you want to zoom in you can actually see they've got it right there and it's going to kind of hang from those floor joists and so i'll actually run in here because it's not that hard but there's that unit right here so they're going to actually hang it from here and then there's just plenty of space to work it's not like you're cramped under here or anything like that let's keep progressing let's get this thing going and let's just let's just get some progress on niko's property show [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so delivery came in we got all the duck work everything that's needed for the job is here so as you look around boxes on boxes on boxes and my house isn't that big 1599 square feet that's not that's not that much you know that's not much of a house to need to do a bunch of stuff so this is all the stuff they need until the actual units come in and everything is needed to be installed you know exactly so they got the piping they got the duct work they got everything here and they're going to get straight to work i'm going to get out of their way let them do their thing so that this thing gets done on time he said maybe a day and a half job but they're going to try to get everything done today so we'll see you know you might have a what's going on everybody it's the next day video coming up so anyways let them get to work i'm going to film some of that and we're just gonna keep progressing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] long easy i get a discount [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so [Music] i just arrived back on the job site and the guys have been working extremely extremely hard um they're under the crawl space they're in there going crazy with everything making sure that everything is getting done correctly i'm gonna jump under there i had to go run a few errands so they did do a little bit of the work while i was gone however i will get under there show y'all what's going on show you how they're connecting everything getting all the duct work in place making sure it's going to be ran perfectly throughout the house because this thing's got to be just right we want to save money we want to make sure that we're you know getting the right energy getting the right heating and air and everything is really really really good so anyways let me get under that crawl space and show you what's going on under there it's pretty cool [Music] so [Music] so [Music] well top of the morning to you folks we are back here on the job site the hvac guys couldn't get the job done in one day they did say it'd probably be a day and a half you know two-day job so we are back here i'm excited they're on the way right now as you can see it is cold out here as you can see that air um i do not like the cold however i am ready for this hvac to be roughed in so that i can have heat in my house but honestly we don't get to use it until the house is close to being done so regardless i'm excited and i'm happy about the progress they got most of it done the majority of the work scenic air solutions they're great guys they're getting the job done and i can't wait till we actually finish up so why don't i stop talking and wait till they show up so we can get to work [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right y'all so i wanted to take you inside under the crawl space and show you exactly what's been done with all of the hvac roughing they are completely finished okay so we are going to be scheduled for an inspection but i wanted to give you an idea of what it looks like once they're done once they're cleaned up and how this entire process looks i mean if you look around me right here you can see that all of this duct worked around me is running all along the bottom of this crawl space i mean it's everywhere let me get a little bit deeper in here and show you what i'm talking about here's that unit that i was showing y'all at the beginning and there's the runoff piping going outside of the block work and everything like that outside of the crawl space but they did a really really great job got me all installed and i am really happy with all of this progress because i know that i'm that much closer to getting my house finished up so we've got all kinds of piping running out from this crawl space and essentially we're getting closer to being done with building this house but i'm gonna head out of here head over to the front and i'm gonna end out this video and i hope you've enjoyed it to this point i'm extremely happy with the progress of the house you know getting this done moves me one step closer to being completely finished with my new custom home build so this is some really really good stuff they got the entire hvac system roughed in i'm excited about it the next thing that comes is the electrical roughing which is going to be quite a bit of work you know running all the wires everywhere but i am excited to move forward to keep on getting things done to keep progressing if you did enjoy this video make sure you like and subscribe and follow me on all social platforms but especially tick tock because it's so easy to edit and post there right away if you haven't yet check out niko'spropertyshow.com grab you some merch maybe a hat maybe a crew neck a hoodie or a t-shirt it's getting cold so you got to keep you cool in the cold but regardless i hope you have the best day ever make sure you smile more and worry less and guess what people i'll see on the next video peace out [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you
Channel: Niko's Property Show
Views: 30,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HVAC Heating & Air Rough-In on New Construction Building My 350000 Custom Home Episode 20, hvac, Nikos property show, heating and air, installing hvac, home renovation tv show, hvac installation, hvac technician, new custom home construction, new home building, custom home builder, construction videos, home builders, custom home building, how to do heating and air, how to install hvac, heating and air system, nikotjr, new hvac system, building a new house
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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