Hustle Culture will Destroy your Life

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I always felt like I was failing get after get it earn somewhere I think hustle culture is fool's gold question from a younger viewer he's a teenager he's trying to follow the war poet way and he says John it just seems like an awful lot I don't understand how to balance becoming a warrior poet having a having a job reading my Bible serving uh trying to develop the courtship with my lady how do you balance it all I think this is one of the greatest struggles of a good man A Good Man is basically one who sets good priorities and balance as well between those priorities and it can feel a little bit daunting it's like spinning plates constantly you're like I'm kill it at work I'm advancing I'm doing great and then you get home and you're wondering why your wife is a little bit more frigid and you're like what's wrong nothing oh I bet it's not nothing and then you dig in and she feels neglected uh you know and maybe the kiddos too and it's like ah I've been doing I've been too much in my own world I'm like I need to be making more deposits uh into family and you're like but man work I'm like I'm really invested I've really got stuff going on I'm like you man you need to back off that throttle a little bit take your mind a little bit off that even though it see means a little less advancement a little bit less money a little bit less clout your your rise in your career may not be as steep as you wanted may be a little bit flat because you plan on going places in your business and keeping your family with you and so it becomes this balancing act for the longest I felt like I was either killing it at home family's happy or work is happy but being able to do both at the same time really well brought me as a young married man into a bit of a uh I for lack of a better word a crisis I always felt like I was failing somewhere I think there was erroneously uh place there maybe or maybe it was just inner Drive I wanted to do whatever I was going to do at 100% I I I wanted to whatever I'm doing focusing on that and I'm going to crush this I'm going to do fantastic you know like hustle culture is good about this I'm like get after get it earn you know and I think that's wonderful if you can in the game of career or working out be singularly minded but a successful man isn't so singularly minded yeah they may be successful in business and and you know getting the physique they want but they're on their fourth marriage and I'm like well that that's not what I mean by successful man and then hustle culture Falls utterly into Ash when you think about the balancing of life I'm like no no no don't crush it in one area just to lose it another maybe you're really good at building your body but you're not working on your soul at all you know you're not generous you're cranky uh you're not selfless you're not a prayerful uh person you're not a repentant person ask those around you whether you are ever apologize for anything just listen do they ever hear that do they hear you being a humble man perhaps your body is strong and your spirit is pathetically weak your soul is decaying and I'm like no no no we want all strength emotional and physical mental spiritual you should be reading books you should be praying on your knees you should be loving your wife and reading to your kids and working hard all the things doing pretty darn well now that's difficult that's a lot of responsibility that's a lot of burden and for a young man you'll find quickly you're frankly not strong enough you're not strong enough and you keep getting this balance thing out of kilter it's very difficult and it takes incredible intentionality to balance your life well it's no small thing uh and so we want to be able to really balance our lives very very well now as we do that what we find after we do it enough we become stronger as men and so those it was very difficult to hold hold all those responsibilities up if you do it for a little while you get stronger and stronger and stronger now if you're just majoring on a few of the things at the expense of others you become kind of like uh the bodybuilder up top that always skips leg day I'm like no no no that that's off-kilter that's not a good thing you want even strength building across all your different priorities and so I would say that is what you're uh contending with and if you just set yourself up uh for setting the right priorities clearing off all the chaff all the stuff that isn't really important uh you'll start to really gain in strength make sure you're also not uh neglecting rest you do need rest if you're trying to Sprint a marathon like hustle culture would push you to you're going to have a really great week uh maybe a a a a pretty darn good month and then you're going to gas out uh you're you're going to uh tank and so that's what Hustle culture doesn't really understand uh and they and once they fall down exhausted and explode they oh get back up and I'm going to do even better and then it's just this way but that trend line actually goes down as burnout goes up and so hustle culture is fool's gold uh I've got friends especially Ops community that are highly engaged in Hustle culture and they don't understand why over the long term their lives are going down even while their bodies are getting stronger you make a point I I think that's often forgotten is that solitude student reflection or important pieces uh for a man constant activity and constant grind leaves you no space to to contemplate what it is that's actually happening yeah and or space if you're a Believer for the Lord to speak into what's happening uh in your life I think that Solitude and contemplation are worthy things as well but you feel like you're wasting time that's right if you can't take a full day off mentally and physically you take a Sabbath you take a full day off and if you can't do it it's because you're idolator work that's what it is that is your golden calf and you worship it uh and the proof is is you can't take a single day off from it a day that you actually need you are programmed to need rest and if you refuse to take it well the body keeps the score and it won't happen today won't happen next week maybe you're real strong and you'll make it a month and a half but eventually you're going to crash and it's going to be ugly and other people will have to pay the consequences of it and you will as well and then you'll have uh you know um do some self-speak self- coach get up you Slug and work harder and you'll have another Sprint and then crash Sprint and crash and the problem is in the game of life you're playing many games simultaneously not the one or two that you're focused on and so your life is going to be destroyed because hustle culture is stupid you know and the other thing too is the the Vier asking this is a younger gentleman and I can't help but think that he sees the Finish Line way off in the distance and he's trying to get there as fast as he can where it will indeed take time you need to be patient with the process that's right that's that's a good word I like that absolutely um there there's an old adage of people will overestimate what you can do in one year but underestimate what you can do in 10 that's deep stuff we jog the marathon you don't walk it and you don't Sprint it we jog it should be hard it should be difficult it should be tiring that's good of dudes you should always beat your wives to sleep because we're carrying more we're built strong so that we can I mean not beat them you don't beat them to sleep yes I do not mean like Club your wife and your wife be you know not that I mean like I hate bedtime I mean as soon as your head hits the pillow you should be out within a minute why because you're loaded down with work and responsibility if you were not fast asleep well you could have all kinds of stuff going on but I mean generally there's a general nugget in there some people have like your mind just doesn't turn off it takes a while because your problem solving and not being able to put down uh but typically for me I am so exhausted under the uh responsibility I'm typically carrying each day by the time my head hits the pillow I am I am out within one minute uh two minutes uh tops my wife is astounded at how uh quickly I fall asleep and it's because well I'm saddled with a lot of responsibility and so um I I work hard I play hard and I I rest hard you know and so I'm getting good sleep uh because my life is balanced some people can't sleep and you don't know why could be a medical condition it could be that you have a lot of uh conflict unresolved conflict um could have uh all kinds of just different uh um sin or or or difficulty or Strife that's kind of eating n your soul and it manifests in its subconscious and it won't let you sleep uh all kinds of stuff could be going on and I don't want to play psychoanalysis here or Pastor uh here uh but I'm just saying your sleep's real important you got to be able to rest you got to be able to rejuvenate we don't um I've heard somebody say we don't um rest from our work we work from our rest and I don't know whether I believe that or not I have no idea and maybe even the distinction is a little bit absurd but here your rest replenish you so that you're ready to and let's go get another day guys here we go and we do it with hard work and with joy and with balance and so that's what I'd urge all you guys to that's the goal it's not an it's not a certain salary uh or um a status or a certain car or a really nice house that's not the goal it's priorities are balanced well and all things things under your care are flourishing little bit at a time and over time man holy smokes um that's that's good investment that pays dividends of joy and impactful Legacy that you can't imagine it won't happen this year it happens over the next few years you know uh so it's not the incline you want it's a uh lower flatter trajectory that works like that uh and I think that's more realistic and that's the picture that I think would be healthier for you guys to go to
Channel: Warrior Poet Society
Views: 101,865
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Id: 0s5neJ6f0Ek
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Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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