Don't Meet Your Heroes (r/AskReddit)

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bambi is shy and not giving out autographs right now what famous person did you regret meeting because they were an ass i've met lots of celebrities due to my job and where i've worked most are just normal people one that does stand out to me though is barbara street she was staying in a hotel i used to work at and wanted a set of small steps leading up to her bed to be made so her dog could get up there she also wanted a fresh roll of turf brought every day for her dog to piss slash shut on on the flip side though britney spears is another sweetheart who comes across like she just wants peace and to be left alone she used to like having flowers delivered to her room so she could make displays etc they were pretty good she's cloned that dog twice at fifty thousand dollars a time no wonder she treats it like glass it's worth more than most people's cars no i'm not kidding i have nothing but sympathy for britney spears she seems to have injured some shut in her life that sweet she just enjoys arranging flowers and no fuss for me thanks i wouldn't say disappointing as i never was eager to meet him but drake drake was just unprofessional and egotistical when i worked with him both times this was before he got big big first award show type level he's told me to duck off directly and i watched his mom calm him down from a tantrum this is the most in character story i've read this entire thread jimmy really got big headed after leaving degrassi jared leto i worshipped him as a teenager mainly from seeing him in requiem for a dream and my so-called life and his band but he was the most pretentious and arrogant person in real life never meet your heroes i've heard that so often the way he talks on a lot of new shows never really sat right with me then he became a cult leader and i no doubt my professor's daughter was his personal assistant for some time and according to her he was completely insufferable i met james brown back in the 80s when i lived in vale the man was dissatisfied with everything and generally drunk absolute flipside was meeting mr rogers when i was at bit that man was the real deal i have seen people who worked with mr rogers describing him as almost exactly the same as on his show and that is beautiful you know the story of mr rogers getting his cast stolen word got around and the thieves found out next day the car was returned with a note of apology nobody ducks with mr rogers tom hanks told a story about while he was filming the mr rogers movie in which he starred he was in pittsburgh and some rough local who knew he was playing rogers cornered him in an elevator and said you know we take mr rogers very seriously here yeah that neighborhood is a bit on the shady side he expected my seat on a plane he was our local news anchor actually said i may look familiar i said you're a merchant banker the people with the smallest claim to fame are often the most egotistical about it my dad works at a luxury car dealership the guy playing adult simba in the touring cast of lion king had an issue with his car that couldn't be fixed immediately when told this he screamed at my dad do you know who i am no jude unless someone saw the show the night before and recognized your name no one knows who you are his mistake was going to the jagger dealership instead of the lion dealership i used to work in a posh hotel in canada they go on purpose and i had met many many famous people during my time there most were forgettable interactions honestly but one stands out as the absolute worst chevy chase he is a trash human being he was totally miserable and insulting to all the staff and we treated him with nothing but professional respect and courtesy if i ever meet him again i'll tell him to his face what a colossal piece of he is i can't watch his movies since for the record the best celebrity guest for me was dave grohl he's an awesome guy everyone always has something nice to say about dave grohl nobody ever has had nice to say about chevy chase i once met bill burr at the comedy store in hollywood this was a little bit after his first netflix special came out and i was a huge fan saw all the youtube vids out of the time including his famous philly rant needless to say i was star struck when i saw him and couldn't really master the courage to speak he was talking to some people in the hallway and i didn't know how to ask for a picture without being rude so i stood there with my girlfriend kind looking his direction once he acknowledged us my girlfriend asked him my boyfriend is a huge fan may we take a photo at which points bill said duck no i don't do pictures my heart sank then he smiled and said no i'm just kidding come here where would i be without you guys then he motioned us in for a group photo and said now let's put our arms around each other like we know each other he totally made my week dude is awesome i met a local weatherman from my neck of the woods twice people love this dude on social media but the both times i've seen him he was a total whole on the flip side i met emilio estevez at work he was cool a famous soap opera star in my country he came into the dairy queen i was working at i didn't know who he was and my coworker started hyperventilating and went to the back the guy was rude and when i handed him his cone he said is that all like he expected extra because he was famous yeah dude if you order one scoop you get one scoop didn't find out he was famous until he left and my coworker came back to the front this is a dairy queen sir not a drama queen beans is dad jerk to wait staff snoop and his dad were awesome though that bar none was in forever will be my favorite bartending gig that doesn't surprise me about beyonce's dad her fans know he's a duck from treating her mom like shut to pretending he's the reason she's famous reggie jackson he was a childhood idol of mine i got the opportunity to get a photo with them at some bubba to trade show called internet world years ago during the dot-com boom no one was in line to get pictures with him so i walked up to get a photo while he was apparently trying to get the girls in the next booth over to sleep with him he acted all but that i asked for a photo even though that is what he was hired for and rolled his eyes i guess he thought i cop blocked him by just showing up in line to get a picture i tossed the picture in the trash once i got it later that day i got a bull signed by steve garvey who was super nice he replaced reggie jackson as my hero that night i was the ass i saw don chebel at an airport and was thinking about ocean's eleven and said to my friend jude it's bernie mac and he looked back and said no i'm the other black guy from oceans 11 but at least you liked the movie probably only for british people but my boyfriend saw peter k with his bodyguard in a chippy didn't say anything but elbowed his brother peter k saw him and said yeah it is me now duck off pretty harsh considering my boyfriend was only 11 at the time me and my sister saw alec baldwin tina fey and sama hayek on the street when we were eating lunch they were just coming out of a car about to go into some building next to us we had no idea why they were together but in retrospect it was definitely because they were filming 30 rock together my sister said oh my god is that tina fey and alec baldwin turned around and went right in her face and said don't ducking say that don't speak to us why would you say something like that you can't speak to us not now but it didn't really end there he yelled again at us outside his building saying don't look over here turn around and eat your food duck off he sounded genuinely furious at us almost like he wanted us to yell back and start something with him honestly my sister was on the verge of tears it was horribly embarrassing everybody knows now that alec baldwin has a history of screaming at people but at the time we had no idea don't get me wrong my sister shouldn't have yelled at tina fey like that but the way alex snapped was straight up scary like he was about to physically hurt her sama hayek and some other lady who i didn't recognize came over and apologized to us she asked if we wanted her to go and get dinner and get her autograph because apparently tina felt bad too but we said no she then talked to us about the food we were eating which was mexican food and we ended up having a brief conversation about new york's lack of quality mexican food she was incredibly charismatic and sweet met kevin costner and clint eastwood when they were filming near austin i was waiting tables costner was a jerk eastwood was amazing and a caricature of himself he's huge huge hands the lines in his face are deeper than you think they are but he was so polite and gentlemanly and gracious prince andrew spent a lot of time around him about 10 years ago as working at private social events he attended the guy is a total prick maybe he would have been nicer to you if you were younger i met will ferrell at a movie premiere for a holiday movie after the movie premiere there was a meet and greet and the actors were lingering on the main floor i introduced myself just to tell him what's up and that i enjoyed the movie he looked at me with a side glance and stated get away from me i was 12 years old at the time i've heard that his entire personality is his characters like there's literal co-stars who say his shtick never gets turned off i met shane dawson at a restaurant i used to work at he used to come in a few times a year with his fiance and in-laws he's a duck lol none of my servers liked him or wanted to serve his family and i damn near had to fight some little girls off the property because they would not leave without seeing him
Channel: Rebbit
Views: 756
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Keywords: Don't Meet Your Heroes (r/AskReddit), reddit, rebbit reddit, reddit top posts, rebbit, top posts of all time, reddit stories, ask reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, reddit funny, reddit best of all time, What famous person did you regret meeting because they were an as, reddit beyonce britney spears, ask reddit meet famous person, ask reddit celebrity
Id: mBp8548_ChI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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