Husband And Wife Q & A | Mennonite Family | Fights, Social Media, School, Real Estate

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hi guys welcome back i'm excited to do this video today i just thought about it then you're doing a video i thought it was odd that you were setting the camera and stuff for us moving furniture around yeah well i just realized that uh we didn't film a q a since i don't know two and a half years ago maybe or something i've grown it's been a while i've grown too anyway i put a call out for questions this is nick i'm lynette if you're new we live in sarasota florida uh we're mennonites and also first and foremost we're christians so that i put that out there we have a lot of questions today and we need to cover a lot of ground i was trying to figure out if i want to do two videos or just one longer one so y'all really went crazy on the questions i mean i mean we have like 89 questions on youtube and then i don't know how many on instagram so clearly we won't cover them all and i'm sorry thankfully some of them are similar so obviously we can throw those yeah we'll kind of try to group some stuff together so i think we might try to kind of do some of the more like personal family related questions first and then it might just be jumping around quite a bit so uh all right the first one well someone asked what age we are and if you're the oldest oh yes i am 31 yeah 31. i'm 30. his birthday's coming up though so we're about half a year apart she's the oldest yeah i'm the oldest how long have you been married we will have been married in october 15th we'll have been married nine years y'all that's great eight it's not it's nine we got married in 2011. i'm pretty sure it was our eighth anniversary okay let's count 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20. yeah nine years because i know because next year is our 10th anniversary and i still want to go to hawaii typical i'm wrong again nine years someone asked um how did you find such a handsome supportive helpful guy nick and what's the key what's that from you it's a question from a nick yoder yeah and i replied with i'm one of your followers so i can ask that is true that is true and it got and we wanted to ask questions the questions i got the most likes and i think that one almost did get the most likes i felt like it was important to ask okay what was the question again will you have more children well before we go into that we have three if you're new we have two boys and a little girl will we have more children we have not discussed this like if we can figure out a way how to get them here without a nine month pregnancy maybe i don't know hey as of right now i don't think i think we feel pretty good right now i would love for oakland to have a little sister yet or someone younger than her but yeah we'll see as of now we have no plans yeah we don't know who was ready for kids first you were nick and this was from an adventure she also has a channel on youtube she's a mennonite uh wife that has a channel she's just young married so go check her out who was ready for kids first you or nick i would say me i'm gonna say me we were both very excited okay i guess we were both ready i can't remember it's been too long ago what are some things you have in common and like doing together okay you go first well you have two eyes i have two eyes okay maybe maybe go beyond that a little bit i'd like to do what do we have in common um i can say what we don't have in common and what i like about you what do we not have in common probably i was thinking about this the other day i think someone had asked what was what attracted me to nick or something i forget but anyway i was thinking i i'm pretty sure it was probably his personality because he has the best sense of humor and i am a little bit more rigid you're funny in your own little way and let's just say he definitely that was one of the bigger things we became friends early on and that was one of the main things that attracted me to him his personality he was just fun-loving outgoing and he's still that way and he keeps me in check most of the time and what attracted me to her i mean oh wow speaks for itself they did ask how we met i think we never did go into that i don't know uh i worked for her dad but it was through church yeah it's kind of a long story but we were friends for a long time before we actually dated so and we knew we liked each other for a long time too so it's kind of a long process but we eventually we did get married uh somebody asked what do we like doing together or also do we have a bucket list uh you know what we haven't written down a bucket list no but i guess we could talk and so one of my other friends asked about goals she's asking for 2020 but um some things we like to do together we have goals of of as far as occupation like we want to buy another house um we'd like to buy another house for ourselves but also an investment property as well to fix up but that'd be a long term it'll be down the road um a bit yet unless my real estate would really take off um but yeah we have bucket list goals now as far as fun things to do uh we want to go see key west i know hopefully we're going to do that this fall we'd like to do it with the motorcycles yeah we have some friends that will be taking a trip down there we're tentatively planning that hopefully um any other places we want to see well we would like to go on a cruise someday maybe yes especially maybe a southern gospel cruise but we have friends that cruise all the time but that would be a lot of fun so that's one thing and i want to go to hawaii really bad but i just want to travel in general so she likes to travel better than i do i don't mind going to places once i'm there i just don't like the process of going there and coming back it is a lot of work especially when you have children so that does change it a little bit someone asked do you think you'll buy a different place at some point in florida oh for sure yeah we're planning on it maybe i don't know in the next year or so we're not exactly positive being self-employed and just recently self-employed it's kind of changed that a little bit we can't right now get another like mortgage like we're not able to do that just because we have to have at least like two years of records and next job has been all over the place since just recently into his real estate and i've been doing youtube but it hasn't really mattered that much financially until like last year so we've got to have a little bit more of a track record um yeah so it'll be another year for sure yeah but as soon as we can we want to we'll keep working on our house here i guess i want to finish this one and we're pretty much finished downstairs want to finish the upstairs yet and then obviously sell it and move on yeah look for that in the hopefully somewhat near future it took us about a year what did we say year and a half to get the the first floor mostly done there's some small things that we want to do yet but and right now the market as it is everywhere is uh because people were asking about how's the real estate business going for nick um the market is crazy hot right now and i'm sure it is everywhere definitely it would be an awesome time to sell our house but then where would we live right right so yeah yeah and if you're not familiar he just became a realtor this year so there was also questions where did we see that one how's the real estate going for nick uh yeah it's it's not been just wildly successful as i i did not expect it to be um but just this week i signed up with a coach um super excited about that to get more um just to help me establish my business and get my name out there and we did put an offering last night on the property for a client of mine so yes there's things happening it's not like i've just not been doing anything but it's been slow as expected we've definitely found out that not to plan on anything until it's actually sold or like until closing and so you know right now i have uh quite a few clients that are looking to buy um it's just taking time to try and find the right property for them and i know yeah things are going like really fast sometimes they come on the market they sell immediately yeah got to be on top of it if it's priced right obviously so yeah exciting i love it i absolutely love doing it somebody else was asking as well about the bus driving which i don't do a whole lot of i just do that part-time but i absolutely enjoy it someone was asking if i'm nervous driving the bus and i'm not nervous i really enjoy the challenge i've always liked driving big stuff vehicles or semis or whatever i enjoy driving it so i enjoy the challenge and then having all the people along and you might want to explain what what it is to those of you don't know oh i drive for pioneer trails which is the bus bus line that drive from well they drive they're based out of ohio but they drive all over the country but they have a route that runs from sarasota to holmes county mostly during the winter obviously but they do some of the summer as well i drive some of them part-time if they need a driver so i really enjoy that takes me away overnight which i don't enjoy but it's usually not that many times so i'm not really a fan of that either and i like the challenge i love it yeah he's always talked about driving bus i'll give him that so i mean i'm i'm glad he's getting to i just always am afraid that it'll turn into something like all the time and that's what i don't want well someone asked is it hard to fit in and make new friends at church etc no we have been very blessed with a wonderful church and a lot of friendships have been made and people our age a lot of unmarried couples and it's just a fantastic church we actually someone asked what is our favorite thing in florida i would say my favorite thing aside from the weather um has been church church life is fantastic yeah i agree yeah someone asked what are the ups and downs of being social media influencers um that's a loaded question and one for lynn probably but i do enjoy the uh connections that it has given us and the friendships and people that we've met throughout lynn's channel yeah awesome i i i really really enjoy the community aspect of it like it's something that i don't really think i fully understood even going into it like i just i never really i mean i saw there was a community of sorts but i was never highly highly invested in it until i actually started doing youtube and that's yeah you guys have encouraged me in a lot of ways uh and it's just it's really good uh it does have you know it's hard times as well as times that i feel like i just kind of am done um but i know that i'm not quitting yet it's exhausting it's a lot of hard work and it's just you know it's not like i deal with a ton of a ton of negativity there's some of it but not not a lot and i'm thankful for the tribe i have i feel very supportive and just yeah obviously the ups would be the relationships and i don't know what you mean she has a friend that she talks to her from out of state never met her in person but they are the best of friends i mean they'll talk to each other don't talk to each other hopefully we're going to see him in the winter hopefully uh those would be the ops obviously yeah i've met so much i've met so many people and i've become so you know i have so many good friends from it and that's that's definitely some of the highlights of it and obviously we're thankful for it it's our main income right now and so we're very grateful for that we're very grateful for you guys just watching our videos and supporting us so when asked do you miss ohio and or the seasons uh yes i miss fall the most i think yeah for sure and that somebody else asks do you ever see yourself moving back to ohio i don't i mean i'm not saying it won't happen but i don't not as of now we really love it here yeah yeah um summers are hot right now we're in the middle of summer and it's yeah you don't go outside unless you have to but really we have probably six to seven months of good weather yeah and so you kind of have to just keep that in perspective it's not whether unlike we had in ohio but it was just a lot shorter of a time period so it is hard coming into fall knowing that it's still going to be hot and humid for a couple months you know so that's a little harder uh but yeah and we miss our family obviously yeah it's a two-hour flight it's not impossible to see each other her her parents are coming um tomorrow morning actually so yeah for the weekend so yeah we've had questions about what we're doing for school and i covered this in my last video well i don't know if it's gonna be the last video for you guys but uh if the boys are going to in-person school or for homeschooling uh they are going to a private christian school here locally so we're excited about that today's actually their first day of school jackson couldn't go today but they're hopefully gonna start tomorrow or the next day for kindergarten so kaden's in first grade uh we're really excited for it's a lot smaller school than what uh caden was used to last year we just kind of had to make a switch due to certain mandates that came out and this was our long-term plan but we kind of had to bump it up to this year just because of all the stuff that's going on so we're really excited about it do you manage to have time alone as a couple oh my i have so much time like right now um i would say the time we do have is usually after the boys go to bed which sometimes you go to bed pretty late um we do spend more time together now because of my occupation i'm home several days a week right right but not necessarily alone and we've never done well in the fact or in the aspect of having date nights and i would love to do that and i think it's important it's we've just never really done it we do on occasion go on date nights we're going on one on friday night friday night yeah it's with a bunch of other couples from church so we're excited about that and some handsome singles so yeah we'll be right back we got someone to join us all right she's very intrigued by it someone asked what's your favorite thing about being a dad i present to you she's not a favorite either in case the boys are listening she's the most spoiled one right now yeah she's definitely the most spoiled she gets one attention i just noticed the last couple days or even weeks maybe that jackson really adores her right at first he was kind of whatever but he really gets a charge out of her always going up to her and tell her telling her that he loves her and yeah just so cute he just wants to what did he say yeah he's like you're just so cute i just love you don't we all anyway yeah i absolutely love being dead what's your next project list here at the house the next main one would be the boys bathroom that's like the big thing we need to work on that but i also have some other little ones really okay as the saying goes when one gets married you and your spouse look more and more alike in this case i cannot honestly say the two of you look like brother and sister stay blessed unbelievable talking about looks he's been accused of looking like luke bryan and we had someone ask how that makes him feel or something like that how does that makes me feel like i want to go be a musician and then i open my mouth and realize nope better stay a realtor no he's fine he's actually a song leader at church right now so i've been called adam sandler been called luke bryan i've been accused of being your dad's son which i could see that he does look like my dad's family and people that know my dad would all call me murph jr yes for sure because i think i might look like my dad so i'm talking about family uh so they had asked whether our family is still amish or not or i don't have the actual like question in front of me but um no none of our immediate families are amish anymore nick's family left the amish before he was born actually so he was never amish but i was until i was i think 13 or 14 but i covered that in a video uh a while ago and i think it's in my head girl you're gonna have to quiet down a little bit okay you're not gonna be able to hear us someone asked for nick i guess did you go to a midnight school as a kid or maybe you were homeschooled how many siblings do you have and are you all close in age or spread out um yes i did go to a private internet school as a kid um and how many siblings do you have i've got two brothers and a sister and are you all close in age or spread out it's a great question we are my older brother and i are not quite two years almost two years apart um and then i'll be the second child and then my younger brother is three four years younger not four i would say closer to three and then my sister is another three three years yes you're probably six years younger than me she's 24 no 24 or 25 and i'm 30 so there you go how do you keep your house looking so clean and tidy all the time hey all the time i should pan around and let them see it right now i mean it looks nice and clean right now out of the way so we can sit down here i i know that people get the impression that my house is always clean but i think if you watch some of my vlogs and stuff you all realize that we are normal and my house is definitely not clean all the time so she does very well sorry to disappoint you this is partially cut off but i think that do you ever fight he says do you ever fight do we ever fight well not like fisticuffs no we have we would have um a strong disagreement yes we definitely have our share of arguments and fights i guess you could call them how do you resolve major disagreements um that's a good question i'm usually the kind that likes to give a little time i'm not quick to apologize i don't say that arrogantly i just um i'll apologize eventually usually i feel guilty before he ever gets there he starts apologizing halfway through the argument which frustrates me i'm like no let's finish this thing out before we start apologizing i know a lot of you guys think i'm very calm and just patient and stuff but i'm not i'm just not like i'm not going to show all of that on camera i don't see any need to do that i can do some of that filming for you i'm very quick tempered and so stuff like we'll bottle what she does get riled up but she's not quick tempered i do get what rolled up i guess that's what i'm trying to say i get very passionate i'm not quick but i get passionate i was golfing with last week with a guy and i kind of got passionate about golf and he said you were getting pretty frustrated i said no i'm passionate i was very passionate so that's what i call it i don't know what i'm trying to say is stuff usually bothers me first and i'll like bring it up and i'm upset about it i should just wait a little bit you know i think that most problems will go away if you leave them alone for a while no no you have to talk about them but i will say usually it's it tends to happen in the evening just like last night and stuff is always worse in the evening i will admit usually by the morning it's better but uh i just i know it's important to talk about stuff we kind of grew up a little bit differently on how we resolve things so that's been and she grew up in a family of girls so you talked about everything and we you know maybe argued and whatever gave our opinions and stuff and then we were fine i don't know i mean i don't know how we resolve them i guess we usually do we do resolve and that's the important part yeah whether it takes some time or not we don't stay mad at each other and you know yeah that's the main thing how did you feel the first time you held your daughter love of course some terror lol i've been interested said what i've always been interested in what dad say after having a daughter i don't know that was much i mean it was definitely different i was just super super proud i just felt like um it had been a while because there was quite a bit of age between jackson and her so it was just kind of felt like having you know the firstborn again yeah it was really exciting it did feel different as a because she was a girl i felt more protective maybe i don't know whenever we go to a wedding i always feel so bad for the dad of the bride i don't know why i just don't i feel like that would be the hardest day for me and that kind of scares me yeah so but that's fine she'll just stay single and so he told her that on the first day of her you know living here on earth i didn't tell her no boyfriends what are your biggest struggles in today's society as a christian well i think we're living in interesting times it's just the world is very chaotic right now and it's an election year and i know that that adds to a lot of the drama that's going on um i think it's just hard to stay kingdom focused right now yes and not let all these things around us um the virus and just everything that's going on there's so much fear being pushed at people we're not supposed to live in fear um god is not the author of fear and so yeah i would say the biggest challenge in today's society is just to stay kingdom focused to stay focused on what's important and because it seems like a lot of people aren't focused on that they're focused on fear and everything around them and there's a lot of good happening in this world it's not getting covered and we hope to be a little beacon of light through our channel um to be an encouragement to people and keep serving the lord i don't know if we're in the last days i believe we are probably um but it's just important to stay strong keep looking up keep smiling and help people out help those around you yep people are really struggling right now a lot of people yeah i think we we need to pray for each other like a lot and the tripod may move right now we've got a little one moving the tripod so anyway yeah so yeah take heart be encouraged i generally don't focus on a lot of negative stuff on my channel i just try to keep it a place of a place that's positive and encouraging and you know i just i don't really feel like i want to focus too much on that and i want this to be a space of where you can come and not just feel bombarded by all the other stuff that you hear in the mainstream media and stuff like that so anyway all right i think we should probably stop with that i have no idea how well the video is gonna be but i'm gonna try and condense it into one i think so i hope you guys enjoyed it i know we didn't get to all the questions like i said but i hope this was um i guess interesting and we answered some of the questions at least so we just want to thank you guys again for supporting us like i said and just following along our journey and just pray for us and we will try to pray for you guys as well uh we just really appreciate you so before the camera goes down before the camera goes down see you later guys
Channel: Lynette Yoder
Views: 90,674
Rating: 4.9560342 out of 5
Keywords: Lynette Yoder, mennonite mom, husband and wife Q & A, Q&A, Question and answer, Mennonite family, fights, social media influencers, real estate, realtor, sarasota florida, family vloggers, kids school 2020, comedy, mommy vlogger, WAHM mom and dad, self employed, working from home, three kids, third time mom
Id: KpZU_xhla4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 42sec (1542 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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