Hunxho: I Hate Weed

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what's your recording process like now my recording process uh I'll go straight in the studio when I get there I go straight in like I don't do no kicking no playing on none of that I go straight in I rap like go to the next beat route go to the next big round right I'ma workaholic like I don't play with it I don't play at work that's like working me I don't play I don't play when I'm there at this point do you like recording during the day or at night uh I record at night but it really don't matter to me daytime one night time they both they're both the same to me like I feel home when I'm at the studio I Feel Home why at night at this moment uh early because I'll be having a lot going on during the daytime like I'll be busy now when it is those times you record during the day versus at night do you notice any difference in the actual music you record it's the same like kind of got this [ __ ] down pay so like it's the same whenever I go are you a loner in the recording studio oh sometime sometimes I'll be alone but a lot of times I'm not a lot of times I'm with the bros we're either deep ones just like five six actually now how do you decide uh it just depends like like us like the most of the times when I go if I go by myself it'll be like a time when I forget the terrible but like most of the time like the Bros out there because it's that time and once again do you notice any difference in the actual music when you have others in the studio recording well excuse me when you're recording with others in the studio versus when you're alone or recording now I'd be the same would be the same oh yeah I ain't allowed like most of the time when I be recording alone like if I'm at a studio alone then I wasn't with the Bros I was probably sneaking out with a vibe is that ever a distraction when you're with a vibe in the recording studio nah or does it actually enhance the experience no it'd be the same embarrassed welcome do you record inside the mic Booth or outside the mic Booth inside and why inside for you because I told you I'm still getting my own I still trying to perfect my sound I don't want nobody to I ain't trying to let y'all unless y'all in I'm on what I got going on do you record sitting down or standing up stand I mean stand down I don't like standing up it made my voice sound different now when you're in the recording studio do you have any personal recording studio rules uh sometimes depend on what kind of day it is like if I'm if I if I'm not trying to really get something done if I like if I'm like man I ain't been to the studio in a minute like I tell them like I don't smoke weed personally but I tell the Bros like don't smoke me out like or or smoke out there your family but most of the time no I don't really got no rules what's your outlook on marijuana marijuana yeah no they need to make it legal [ __ ] tired of people getting locked up for for [ __ ] man for weed man but you don't personally indulge in that no I don't but that's some I feel like that's some dumb [ __ ] to get a lot of having some weed come on man and for you why aren't you a marijuana smoker because it was like I don't like how I feel when I'm high like every high is like my first half I hate we I get how our content like if I smell weed I'm gonna be high geed up for the rest of the night like when I used to when I used to smoke I smoked when I was younger like when I was like 13 I probably stopped smoking I was like um I'd say like 17 18 I probably stopped smoking but when I used to smoke it's like every house my first highlight I get high boom I get high then but my heart stopped being too fast or too slow I feel like I need to go to the hospital or something like I hate it but I just I realized I was just doing it because I was really just being a follower like this is what everybody around me was doing something like I might wear a smoke too but I'm like nah I mean when I when I when I Grew Older and started understanding how to be my own man family I stopped smoking now when you were a marijuana smoker from 1317 uh how frequent of a smoker were you in those days really get up this bill is my routine I wake up in the morning boom walk walk to act like I'm gonna walk to the bus stop trick Mondo real quick I like I'm gonna walk to the bus stop but I walk to the cut with my friends and [ __ ] I watched because my friends boom well buy some new weed this one uh this one they had this one they had the mid and they only had mid and gas you feel me and the meals five dollars and then like we'll buy some both filming roll it up in the Swisher smoke right there sometimes I might sometimes I might smoke then go to school like I I missed like my first two periods smoke smoking and uh in the cut then I go to school or I just be right there smoking kicking uh they don't ever go to school and do you remember what the name of the school was back then that you attended in those days it was a public school I went to I went to too many schools I went to um I went to Bethune I went to Columbia I went to Stevenson I went to Creekside I wanted the fla um I went to WD I wanted the two minute school girl getting kicked out of school so I really I ain't really had no sex School now when you were a marijuana smoker out once upon a time uh were you ever addicted now I never did it and when you quit how did you quit was it like the flip of a light switch instant for you yeah yeah I smoke cigarette too though but but then when I was smoking cigarette I want to date it but now I was just like this [ __ ] addiction like so when you are in the recording studio top three things you need cigarette Red Bull I already knew you're here boy but if I'm feeling down drowsy tight I'm gonna get some Red Bull but I need a cigarette and is there a third or just two for you no just two is it a type of cigarette no poor short and is it a type of Red Bull like a specific flavor no I just need the Red Bull I need like three beat Red Bull at the big ones three on es and three oh yeah I need cookies too chocolate chill cook hot chocolate now what do the chocolate chip cookies do for you in the studio it just takes me in the cigarettes cigarettes cigarettes just give me in it like I ain't gonna say get me in that mode but like when I be in that mode you're like I be moving fast I was like smoke we're out smoke we're out like I don't know I don't I don't even know what cigarette do to me I just didn't got addicted time like I ain't gonna say I'm addicted this week but I've been smoking so long I need to stop ever recorded with no cigarettes in the studio yeah bad sessions it'd be bad sessions and you previously mentioned your biggest song so far is let's get it and 48 Laws of Power everybody know that song Too these three songs if you can recollect where they were ever recorded under the use of marijuana cigarettes or nothing in your system cigarettes I love every song I ever made I was smoking a cigarette unless like I didn't put it out because it was a bad song I can't really get in my vibe if I if I ain't got a cigarette to cool me down I'll calm me down I feel like I think I got anxiety so the cigarette kind of helped me calm down anyone in the music industry encourage or discourage your cigarette use now nobody in the music industry but like other people I run into like I ain't gonna say little people ain't nobody look but people I run into would be like man you start smoking them it it really never be people I I really know it'd be people I just met will tell me so I smoke cigarette what's your opinion of that I'd be like yeah man I know man I need to start smoking cigarette man I'm gonna stop man I've been trying man I need help man happy now personally do you want to quit smoking cigarettes I want to quit smoking cigarettes so bad but he's like every time I try just like cigarette far back in my hand how many times do you think you've attempted to quit I try to quit every day I try to quit smoking cigarettes every day now does the fact that your three biggest songs with the use of the cigarette while you're recording have anything to do with why you keep smoking no I smoke without rapping all right it just I smoke more when I rapping I smoke mowing on wrapping and in the club now when it comes to your cigarette use just smoking period does that ever affect your voice yeah it felt my voice already like my [ __ ] be going out like when I be rapping if you're going up I hope you come back craziest Studio story if you have one to share craziest Studio store um I already have too many crazy Studios Studio stores on on crazy Studio storages the songs I'll be making when I be in that [ __ ]
Channel: DJ Smallz Eyes
Views: 466,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hunxho, hunxho interviews, hunxho highly performing, hunxho 48 laws of power, hunxho let’s get it, hunxho music, hunxho recording, hunxho recording process, hunxho recording studio, hunxho rap, hunxho rapping, hunxho voice, bethune, columbia high school, Stephenson high school, creekside high school, w.d. mohammed high school, hunxho mother, hunxho friend, music, hunxho video, dj smallz, dj smallz eyes, dj smallz interview, dj smallz video, hunxho dj smallz, hunxho youtube
Id: X6akKKxUkZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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