Hunting for Shipwrecks in the City with my Submarine

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this video is sponsored by PCB way in my previous video the qyc fee fish underwater drone made a brief appearance when I was using it to capture some footage of my scratch-built underwater tank in this video I'm going to be using it to explore the depths of Seattle's Lake Union this should be an exciting place to explore because it's surrounded by a dense Urban environment so surely there must be some interesting stuff down there like shipwrecks and dead people but first let's take it up to a crystal clear High Alpine Lake in the Cascade mountain range for the initial test dive we launched the submarine off the paddleboard and I spent some time driving around to try and get a hang of the controls it's quite a bit different than a normal flying drone because there are more axes of rotation and movement to control after a few hours of practice I eventually got the hang of it the tether you see connected to the submarine is what sends the control signal from the controller to the sub and it also sends the HD video signal from the sub to the controller radio signals don't go through water very well so having a tether like this is necessary it's also kind of nice because you can just pull the sub up if something goes wrong but you also have to be really careful not to get it tangled on anything as you'll see later after some practice in the clear blue Alpine Lake it was time to go explore the dark murky Waters of Lake Union it is super Smoky today you can just barely see the outline of the skyscrapers in Seattle behind me but I came out boating anyways because I was really excited about two things one is testing this new fish finder I got so I should be able to see where things are on the bottom of the lake and then secondly I got the fee fish underwater drone over here that I'm gonna use to go look at the things that I find with the fish finder it says it's about 30 feet deep right here I'm next to this kind of pure thing that's next to a dry dock area with a bunch of old ships so I figured this would be kind of an interesting place to send this thing down I don't know if we'll be able to see anything the water visibility is probably not great but there's only one way to find out bye there we go wow there's my boat whoa what is that this is so creepy oh Jesus or something this looks like a piece of plastic bag though whoa oh my God we're here we're at the pier pilings whoa oh nope wrong bad bad bad go back oh look at that whoa that is so spooky and these things go so deep I can't believe it I'm surprised there's not more lime bikes down here I gotta be really careful not to get tied up in these logs there's no way I'm not getting tangled in these things now whoa there's the slats in the bottom of this dock okay now where's my boat I don't see the Boston Whaler I think my boat is here no it's not there where am I oh there's an old rope dangling oh wait is that me yeah there I am oh the freaking cable is stuck under these logs so this ended up just being a mess I tried following the cable back around all the stuff it was caught on but that just made it worse so I ended up using a stick to reach down into the water and try and push the cable off all the things it was caught on that sort of worked but then eventually I just disconnected the submarine from the tether and pulled really hard on it and it actually came free I couldn't believe it definitely need to be more careful next time now I'm out here in the middle Union where it's about uh 42 feet deep so see what's down here oh there's the bottom I want to drive along the bottom in the same direction that the boat is pulling me wow I can't believe I'm exploring the bottom of Lake Union oh fish do you see that there's a little fish whoa what is this it's like it's some trash oh look at that a Party Cop where are all the shipwrecks at oh found one what is this whoa that looks like a fellowship bro oh my God there's a ceiling whoa wow EE I'm kicking up muck oh Jesus wow what is this thing it's big it's so big whatever it is wow that's a boat right there I hope I'm not gonna run out of tether here wow it's in 36 feet of water found a shipwreck wow whatever this thing is it's big hot damn what is that well there's fish oh my God can't believe it there's fish in the Shipwreck oh I think we're at the end of the tether again more length wow there's so much stuff I could get caught on in here another fish wow more fish okay I'm just gonna follow this beam here see where it gets me whoa whoa what is that that looks like the top of the ship holy crap right that could be the front of the ship whoa there's a fish down there I think this might be the bow did you like the problem is caught on the table again oh my God it's so caught in the cable Jesus this is terrible oh I lost the Shipwreck I'm just at the bottom now oh well gotta find another shipwreck I hear there's plenty down here oh there's that cup again hahaha it's got to be a different cup there's no way that's the same one what is that oh my God it's a hat someone must have drowned here I'm gonna pull back by the tether in the opposite direction I gotta turn around it's difficult to stay in the same spot when the wind is blowing us oh another fish more fish wow this isn't great it's not really coming up yeah it might be caught on something oh I accidentally found a shipwreck and now my drone is wrapped around it need to go okay I need to be very careful here go this way no not that way okay well now the issue is the boat's pulling it okay I'm gonna turn off the motors and just try and pull this thing in feels like it's coming I think it's free I think just wrapped around some random log down there okay there it is I think we're at the surface there's all sorts of wild stuff down there you got to be careful though not to get it caught there's ice in my boat today it's cold but that's not stopping me from going shipwreck hunting 32 degrees we're still going to take the submarine out for some reason only one of my Motors is working I don't know why the other ESC just will not start up okay down goes the submarine bye there's something what is that looks like a hole it'd be cool to find the anchor I'm uh anchored for the first time those fish no whoa my thrusters are too powerful is that a giant leaf that looks like a leaf in a wine bottle or something oh whoa what is that whoa it's just a random board that's spooky I'm really amazed at just like how little stuff there is down here whoa those are party beads wow what is this oh it's plastic wow it's a plastic bag it looks so much bigger than a plastic bag found a beer can looks like a PBR weird it looks like a baking tray here check this out [Music] what do this machined aluminum waterproof light enclosure and this high quality printed circuit board assembly have in common they were both made by PCB way who is the sponsor of this video PCB away offers full feature custom PCB prototyping Services it's super easy to upload your Gerber files to their instant quote feature and then place your order turnaround times are crazy fast and can even be as short as 24 hours you can get started for as little as five dollars they can even do pcba assembly so you don't even need to do any soldering yourself check out this PCB I had made by PCB way it's a prototype of the Lumi boost LED driver that I'm using in this underwater light not only does PCB way make pcbs but they also do CNC Machining 3D printing sheet metal fabrication and injection molding in a future video I'll be showing more of this underwater light that was made by PCB ways CNC service so stay tuned thanks again to PCB way for sponsoring this video the scale is so off I expect something to be like four feet long and then it's just a tiny little bottle that's a hat wow wow wow maybe that's what I saw in the fish finder whoa looks like an umbrella what oh a cup a solo cup oh what is that what the heck you couldn't even tell what that was it was some sort of an electronic device though maybe whoa whoa whoa go back there look at that I could see the word hoem written on the side of it so I Googled that and it turned out to be a smartphone stabilizer Gimbal and there's even a phone in it I just passed over it so quickly I didn't recognize it at the time unfortunately I didn't bring the claw Along on this day so I couldn't grab it but when you're moving along the bottom it's actually kind of tricky to stop because a lot of the time you'll just kick up a bunch of sediment and be engulfed in a cloud what is this whoa are those rocks or what I can't tell uh I'm getting chased by my debris cloud it looks like a big gash in the ground oh that's my anchor is my anchor doing that is my anchor making that gash I thought that was a big gash but my anchor is so tiny beautiful Leaf wow Gatorade zero what is that around the cup weird whoa is that gin bottle is that Bombay Sapphire I wish I could tell oh there it is yeah well there's a cork in it oh my god there could be a message in that bottle that's a Bud Light wood light wow there's a whole liter bottle oh what is that what the heck oh it's a glove oh my God that's creepy geez I need gloves like that right now my hands are freezing that could be a shipwreck of sorts this looks like a big cable it looks like a just a big rope kind of buried although I'm always wrong with scale down here so maybe it's a small rope I can't tell look at that what the heck is that that's a cloth there's a white cloth all the cans I've seen seem like somewhat recent or like kind of new based on the brands so I'm wondering if all the older cans just get buried with sediment super quickly whoa that looks like a purse whoa that's a whole purse right there that's a backpack maybe look at that it's a lobster what is that even real looks like a fake Lobster oh seaplane coming in right overhead haha sick [Music] is this whoa oh spooky that's a microwave is that a microwave full-blown microwave whoa there's a tire oh wait no what is that thing I don't know it's some sort of a star-shaped I don't know I can't tell a lot of straps that's a hat another hat so many hats as well hats and cans it's like the two main things look at this thing wow right that would be pretty bad if a boat hit my tether there's more bushes coming into view yep [Music] oh fish I saw fish there's some gnarly looking bushes oh there's a ton of fish oh hi wow I'm in a school that's so fun okay I gotta keep going Northeast though so I don't get dragged by the line here wow looks like an old Crab Trap or something yeah look at that it's a trap if there's any dead crabs in it let's see if we can look oh difficult to maneuver precisely fish there's my fish friends again hello it's the next day today is quite beautiful we got Sebastian here he's going to be the submarine co-pilot and we're gonna go over by this wind sheltered side of the lake and uh look for some shipwrecks I haven't found anything yet it's pretty flat out here there was one blip back there but I think it might have been the umbrella that I found last time we might be about to witness apartment building burned down oh oh look at that what is it um probably just a bottle like I said scale is really weird really Oh I thought it was big you're right so it's probably really small one of the attachments you can get for this thing is a tape measure like a like a ruler banana it's like a leash like a paddleboard leash look at that it's a rope I wish I had my claw I need I need a rope who's this a stool upside down that's a table dude it's a whole table sure it's not small maybe it's one of those things you put in the middle of the pizza I mean maybe like we don't get dust storms here so I wonder what all the underwater dust is of course just like a polka dot sweatshirt or something oh there are more leaves yeah you'd think there'd be a ton more okay whoa oh oh oh oh oh shipwreck go back go back go back go back oh wow what is that oh this is exciting okay this is something big I think this is just a log but we don't know it could be something big wait I think I might have lost the log already oh doing it oh yeah whoa what is that look at that uh something piece of wood that's an anchor our anchor no somebody else's anchor yeah someone lost their anchor oh yeah well we probably couldn't carry an anchor up but if we could use the gripper to like attach a well that's probably let's see how high this rope goes there's got to be a buoy on the anchor wow it's almost it's it's only 17 feet deep oh that's it oh there's no buoy oh oh that's our anchor yeah that's our anchor look at it dragging yeah okay pull on it a little bit let me see if it moves yeah yeah here it comes yeah it's moving oh it's going along it's I gotta chase it oh this is fun go go go go forward yeah it's leaving like a clue of dust oh it's so it's up it's up in the air now oh chips oh it's chips bag of chips wow that's like a big tank or something whoa here's the end end of it that might just be a giant log it's a hell of a log if it's just a log I just dropped anchor underneath this big bridge and I'm gonna do a little bit of underwater investigation they had to have dropped some interesting stuff when they were building this thing I would think and here we go Crab Trap another Crab Trap oh there's a lot of those things around here are there any old crabs in it old dead crabs I don't see any whoa what is that there's a log there's some cloth on the ground [Music] this looks like just a log what is that there's something underneath it oh bridge is about to go up wow that's a beautiful specimen whoa holy cow look at that there's a whole freaking tree right here oh wow see that as an umbrella I think yeah it's a whole freaking shopping cart Jesus people are so bad huh looks like a shoe oh oh oh a traffic cone that's a skateboard oh it's a skateboard with only two wheels okay now I just moved closer to the shore get out of the ship canal and I'm gonna put in right here and look for lime bikes I'm pretty sure I've seen lime bikes around here before Oh there's the bottom already oh it's slanted we're on a hillside wow there's so much Rubble oh this is interesting wow oh whoa holy look at all those fish oh my God this is where the fish live along the shore this is way cooler than the flat bottom of the lake oh that fish just shot by up the hill here up here's where Lake Weeds start that's too too high up this must be all artificial just Rubble I must have dug this canal really deep for the bridge and then they just filled it in with garbage or reinforced the walls with garbage or something oh here we go this is what I was talking about I knew there was a lime bike in here and not exactly a lime bike but it's one of those Rideshare bike kind of things I wonder if the motor is still usable oh this is where all the fish live so many fishes this is crazy oh I hit that pole oh wow another lobster trap people lose these things all the time it's like there's two of them three three of them oh my God my boat must be here somewhere is that it that must be it right there yeah that's me right there I want to see what my anchors caught on oh there it is it's just in the dirt I hope there's the police hopefully they don't come get me oh I can see the bridge through the water look at that that's pretty cool fire extinguisher there's like a fire extinguisher it's above us oh my God look at that I'm under a dock oh look at this tires oh that looks like another Crab Trap or just a basket what the heck this boat is called the Alaska Voyager and it looks pretty old and decrepit from what I can tell through the holes there there's like trees growing on the deck and stuff it's been there for a super long time so I just dropped anchor and I'm gonna go down and have a look around want to see if I can find this both propellers oh wow that's the whole holy crap yeah this is scary I really don't want to get like wrapped up in its propellers like what even am I looking at I don't know oh that's the prop holy oh my God this is amazing oh there's the rudder holy cow [Music] that is nuts oh it's a pretty low pitch propeller okay I should not hang out around here because I really don't want to get tangled so I just dropped anchor near gasworks Park I'm gonna go down here and see what there is to see I cannot tell what that is what the heck is that whoa there's something there I need more cable though oh there's a lot of stuff here so this is a oil drum okay and then what's behind it is that a shipwreck that looks like a shipwreck yes I've been waiting for this moment all day wow we found one yay oh I'm stoked oh there's weeds inside of it wow whoops this thing is not in very much water it's 16 feet down it's not a small boat there's like that looks like it's a a cabin this boat had a cabin wow here's the back maybe this is the front I'm not sure but look at that hole you go crawl in this hole see any bodies whoa nope okay it looks old that's for sure so this must be the side of the cabin right here or something I can't tell what that is oh there's a looks like there's a lobster trap right beneath it wow so what is this thing here this oh maybe this is the top of the boat it fell off so this was the upper section of the cabin or something like that could that be possible that looks like a light right there wow there's a nav light I could get my tether caught real easily under here see if I can peer down in this hole in the bow that's in there nothing it's empty okay well that's been fun I think I've seen enough of that shipwreck I need to go into deeper water away from the weeds this is spooky looking whoa what is that oh what the holy that is oh my God this might be a big shipwreck this is legit I'm going 12 feet down this is so close to the shore Let's uh let's follow this hole down and see where it goes what the heck this boat has got a big old flat top on it it's like a old barge or something wow is this the back it looks like the back what is this chimney thing over here I can't tell what this is just a random beam sticking up wow this is incredible okay what is this oh it's a board on here that's the that's the plank that's where they had the naughty Sailors walk off or the naughty Pirates looks like it oh wow is this words on here whoa yeah that says something I see a five and a four other than that I can't really read it oh there's a oh whoa look at that I would get so tangled in that whoa let's go follow this thing down and see what it is looks like this piece of wood was connected to the boat I'm gonna go along the hole here until I find the front of it so it's going down um descending right now in depth look at that I shouldn't go look in a window and then immediately back up because this is sketchy whoa oh okay I can't get that close that's too dangerous I thought I was at the front of the boat before this thing is so big holy frick it's huge unless I've just been driving in circles and I'm really confused I want to descend all the way down to the sea floor see if there's a propeller or anything oh that's the bottom oof whoa are those stairs going down that's so creepy yeah I'm gonna pop up and see uh where this shipwreck is relative to the rest of the world it's like literally on the shore I'm gonna drive my boat over there and look the sun is just setting so I can't really see into the water very well but it totally kind of looked like this log sticking up here was basically part of the Shipwreck so the Shipwreck is is right here I just can't see anything yeah it's right here it's Gotta Be right next to the park super close to the shore this is what a shipwreck looks like on the fish finder wow so that's it for this video in the next video of the fee fish submarine Sebastian and I put the claw on and go try and find treasure and we also find a World War II bomber so stay tuned thanks for watching bye
Channel: rctestflight
Views: 458,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: qysea, fifish, underwater, drone, rov, submarine, seattle, lake union, wreck
Id: 2kWmDtXF8kQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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