Hungary Vacation Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations

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[Music] n [Music] [Music] Hungary is a small country in the heart of Europe cherishing a history of a thousand years its capital is Budapest one of the most exquisitely set cities of the continent there's a magnificent view from Gallard Hill overlooking the royal castle and the river danu the bridges and the vast quantity of houses on the PES Bank the current face of the city was formed at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries the most significant buildings determining the look of the city were constu constructed then and the Millennium Monument on Heroes Square was also erected at that time in the Museum of Fine Arts masterpieces of Goya cison Rembrandt rapael and tisan are exhibited among others vaun Castle was designed using the architectural elements of Hungarian castles and palaces it's surrounded by a small Lake that serves as an ice skating rink in [Music] winter Budapest can also be regarded as the city of baz one of its most marvelous Spa baths and swimming pools is a seeni bath also situated in City Park the national museum is the first and largest public collection of the country the heart of the inner city is British Marty Square near the danu prominade the famous prominade streets such as pet vandor Street and vzi Street start from here the neogothic Palace of the houses of Parliament is the most grandiose edifice of the country tourists can visit it only in groups with a guide the gall spa bath and hotel has elegant covered thermal pools from its outdoor swimming pools however there's a splendid view of the Statue of Liberty on the initiative of ishan cheni the first and most beautiful bridge over the danu was constructed by Adam Clark the finic named after him takes passengers up to the castle [Music] District St Matthew's Church dating back to the 13th century is one of the most significant monuments of the country it was a site of coronations wedding cere ceremonies and funerals its Crypt shelters the remains of the royal tombs of sees fahar the square behind the church is closed by the fisherman's Bastion a system of walls and bastions with Towers resembling the courtyards of medieval monasteries the former Royal Castle in Palace was built on a 170 m high and 1.5 km Long Hill parallel to the danu river the Monumental group of palaces was constructed under the Reigns of King Sigmund and King Matthew in a style mixing the elements of the gothic and Renaissance periods today it serves cultural purposes the National Gallery the seen library and the castle Museum operate [Music] here leaving Budapest in a Norther Direction the Buddha Hills are left behind and the higher Spurs of the pish and vagad mountains come into sight the danub river twists and turns in between romantic small towns located on its banks abundant in natural beauties this land is called the danub bend its Southern gate s Andre is a Charming little town of Mediterranean atmosphere with winding streets narrow passages and pleasant squares this picturesque town has inspired a lot of artists several painters and sculptors lived and still live here today there are a lot of museums and Galleries and gift shops of course as St Andre is crowded with tourists all year [Music] round the Triangular main square is surrounded by Baroque roko and Louis the 14th style houses with shops restaurants and cafes [Music] inside the memorial cross and the Greek Orthodox Church commemorate the Serbian Dalmatian and Greek Tradesmen who sought Refuge here in stormy times of History numerous restaurants attract us to taste the Specialties of the Hungarian [Music] Cuisine a Catholic Parish Church rises above sendra on top of Castle Hill we can take a look at the danu and the aisle of sendra from [Music] here a very popular side of the area is the open a ethnographic [Music] museum the unique beauty of the danu bend is best visible from vagad besides s Andre this is one of the most popular destinations of day Trippers from Budapest it can be approached just as easily by boat from the [Music] capital the main road runs under the Gate of the Fortress system of the former Royal seat the hexagonal residential Tower of the lower Fort is called Solomon Tower according to Legend King Solomon was kept prisoner here it used to be a custom station now it serves as a museum and lookout [Music] tower a host of Kings had worked done on the palace but its golden age was under the reign of King [Music] Matthew the red marble Hercules well and the white Alabaster fountain with lions have already been restored to their original Beauty [Music] the palace was buried by a landslide in the 17th century it was rediscovered only in 1934 and preserved for the future at present it is being reconstructed with meticulous care the time might come when there will be wine spouting from these fountains as it used to be in the Court of King Matthew according to history [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] tellers The Citadel was an integral part of the palace it was surrounded by several irregularly shaped Circles of walls and a moat the courtyards were built in an East West Direction all guarded by watchtowers there narrow Gates and draw Bridges leading to the inner Fortress from where Terraces Overlook the danub [Music] River esum is located on the East West Bank of the danu band and is connected to Slovakia by a recently reconstructed Bridge at the time of the establishment of the state it was the capital of the country and has always been a religious Center the sanctuary of the cathedral standing on Castle Hill faces the danu while the colonate of the entrance has a view of the slightly sloping St Steven Square its 100 m High Dome is supported by 24 pillars the fort and Palace of the kings of the arpad house in estom is the oldest Stone fortification of the country it opened at the same time as the palace in vishad part of the walls and bastions of the fort can still be seen [Music] today the hills of Galu used to be a royal hunting territory the grovich family's hunting seat built here was the summer residence of Emperor France yv and his Queen from 1867 now there's a museum in operation in the 26 Halls of the palace that has recently been restored to its original [Applause] Splendor the Interior Furniture painters and personal belongings of the period commemorate the suine couple but especially the adored Queen of the hungarians all tapestries wall tiles and stoves were reproduced based on the originals there's a pleasant Cafe in the castle each summer concerts and cultural events are held in the building and its Exquisite Park the main attraction of Jean situated in a magnificent natural environment not far from Budapest is the church built by the monastic order of Premont in the 13th century The Majestic Cathedral with its Splendid interior is perhaps even more impressive in its present rundown form than if it were in an unharmed [Music] [Applause] [Music] state the bronze sculpture of the turo bird erected in honor of the Millennium rises above the motorway connecting Budapest and Vienna the gothic Tower of the old castle in tata is reflected on the surface of the big lake in a picturesque fashion the castle was originally built with a tower on each of its Four Corners under the reign of King sigmon life in the Royal Court was luxurious foreign princes ministers and artists often visited here under King Matthew it served as a hunting lodge but not only the castle is worth visiting in tata as a holiday Resort abundant in water the town is an ideal place for a longer vacation with its several hundred C Springs water Mills and [Music] lakes approximately halfway down the motorway from Budapest to lake batone lake Valencia is located [Music] vespr is an Episcopal seat and a University Town rich in monuments and historical Records located between the bcoin hills and the Uplands of balatone even the first Hungarian King St Steven and his wife Queen gizela preferred to stay here the coronation robe was prepared by the nuns of the vespr monastery the current form of the vespr castle consisting of of an outer and an inner Fort was constructed in the Renaissance period it was occupied by the Turkish with the help of a plot and was under their rule for 12 years most of the houses in the old town were built in the middle of the 1700s following the end of the fights of the Hungarian insurrectionists against Austrian rule when the town started to flourish once again the Baroque edifice of the town hall and the Watchtower originate from that time from the neighborhood of the twin towered Roman age St Michael Cathedral situated in the C CLE we can see Calvary Hill and the [Music] viaduct the viaduct bending over the shade stream the current of which used to drive water Mills was constructed in 1938 and has since become the symbol of vespin the cathedral and Monastery of Pon halma cherishing a thousand years of History offers an an unbelievably immense quantity of sites in the area of architecture and Fine Arts the group of buildings was constructed on top of the 282 M High Castle Hill and was founded by Prince Gaza the peace talks putting an end to the fights between the pontificate and the German Roman Empire were held here at Christmas time in the year 1091 ladislas I first held sessions of parliament here in Turkish times the edifice was fortified and became part of the Border Fortress system the 320,000 volumes of the library are stored in carved Cherrywood cabinets the cuses of panon halma and the original Foundation deed of the tan absy regarded as the first Hungarian linguistic record are kept here besides 230 pieces of ancient prints and numerous other Rarities the collection of metals seals and Engravings is also significant not to mention the picture gallery the significant role of ponon halma in religious education dates back to the reign of Steven the who entrusted Bishop Gallard with the upbringing of his son Prince Emory according to Legend St Martin was born here being extremely modest he hid among the geese from the Pope's Messengers who came with the intention of appointing him Bishop the gaggling of the geese gave him away in honor of him we traditionally have Goose on St Martin's day in [Music] November the church is 50 m long with three aisles and 11 altars the windows are decorated by The Marvelous mosaics of miksha root the organ with 3,000 pipes is most [Music] impressive the church was renovated by feden storno the most famous restorer of the period it was originally built in a mixture of Roman and Gothic Styles and consecrated in [Music] 1001 the one and only unharmed Courtyard of Hungary decorated with stone cuting and beautiful glass windows can be found [Music] here ponon halma was rightly included on the list of unesco's world [Music] heritage hen the biggest porcelain manufacturer in the world looks back on a past of 175 years there's a museum in one of the wings of the factory but the new building has been designed and constructed especially For Tourists visiting [Music] here it consists of a shop a cafe a restaurant and a Factory of miniature size where we can easily follow the process of porcelain production step by step the individual figures are cast in plaster molds the cylinder-shaped figures faces and plates are produced on a wheel molds of Steel are often used here in the next tall porcelain flowers are produced and basket weaving is done with great manual [Music] skill the ornaments of the so-called breakthrough method are also done here the most spectacular process is the painting The Light touches of the brush and various colors make the pen and ink draw drawings which are as delicate as etched Engravings look Splendid several methods and styles of painting a thousand different colors 3,000 patterns and approximately 15,000 molds are used one of the wings of the magnificently renovated Factory is a museum [Music] today the statue of the founder more farazi fiser stands here the former combustion furnace is a historic industrial [Music] Monument we can buy head-end products in the Victoria [Music] shop and of lunch afterwards in the aits restaurant where naturally all the tables are laid with head and Porcelain the part of chapron which has the most monuments is the characteristically horseshoe shaped inner city formerly surrounded by Town walls the main Square Sheltering architectural memories from past centuries provides a harmonious picture just as the helmeted Baroque Watchtower with its Romanesque foundation and Renaissance interior also looks very [Music] homogeneous from the balcony of the 61 M high tower a guard used to watch out for the approaching enemy or the possible outbreaks of [Music] Fire one of the most Exquisite Baroque houses of chapron is the storo house with its double facades decorated with a semicircular Corner balcony the picture collection of the famous Resto and art collector fedan storo is exhibited inside each and every house of the square is a cherished Monument The House of the Angel Pharmacy the gbros restaurant the town hall and the fitus house the goat Church with its peculiar name and a Baro sculpture of the Holy Trinity in front was the site of Parliament sittings and coronation ceremonies the arched gateways and Courtyards of old buildings cherish the memories of famous personalities fence lists gave concerts here the great Hungarian poet pety served as a soldier King Matthew lived here count seeni was a guest and Johan Strauss composed music here while he was on honeymoon the famous Roman am Road ran through chapron some parts of which have been successfully excavated chapron is a wine region noted especially for its red wines but its breweries are also [Music] excellent the quaint small town Kus is located not far from chapron near the Austrian border it's hungary's highest situated town with a pleasant subalpine atmosphere the urish square still shows a medieval face there's no trace of the former mod and drawbridge but the old Square unfolds itself as if in a frame under the arches of the heroic portal there are two churches here one named after St Emory and the other one after St [Music] Jacob the cannonballs that remained in the walls of the castle are proof of battles fought a long time ago it was here where mikos yurish the captain of the fort forced back the army of shulan II of 100,000 soldiers marching against [Music] Vienna the small settlement of fud became famous throughout Europe because of the castle of the fich family Lord miklos esterhazy who admired Versa and Sher Brun had his own castle built here as a synthesis of those palaces we can enter the Magnificent u-shaped Courtyard surrounded by buildings through the forged three-fold gate harmonizing with the handrails and the lamps of the edifice there are 126 rooms in the symmetrically arranged Palace and most of them can be [Music] visited the notable picture gallery including Raphael's estaz Madonna can be seen in the Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest the furniture stoves and decorative objects remained here however ornamenting the interior of the [Music] palace the famous varnish Chinese rooms the royal suite and the two-story Music Hall where heyen gave concerts while living here are all situated in the [Music] palace haves is located at the Western corner of Lake batone 6 km from cast its attraction is the thermal water lake with a surface of 47,500 M the largest one in Europe its source situated in a 36 M deep funnel provides 86 million L of water every day the temperature of the water is 33 34° in summer and 23 to 26° C in Winter the thermal water is effective in healing arthritis problems of the spine and other illnesses of the mic system the pools with their characteristic towers and a dome made of glass built in the middle facilitate bathing even in Winter the typical plant of the lake is the splendid nymphia with large red and white flowers floating on the surface the Lake's characteristic animal is the nice water bird the common coot the town of toota is located in the area in a gorgeous natural environment its attractions are the cage Lake and the Lake of the mill with romantic old buildings and a well-groomed park surrounding [Music] [Applause] it [Music] the most significant fortification of the region between the Bon Mountains and the Uplands of Balaton is that of n vajon the fort belonged to Pal Ki King Matthew's loyal and vigorous commander who was the captain here for 22 years keniji was the commander of the famous black Army and was given the fort of vaj as a reward for his heroic deeds in battle he was buried in the castle which is one of the most spectacular and intact fortifications of Hungary its residential Tower Wolf Trap interior wall with Corner Tower fortified gate and square Courtyard with a wooden pool create an extraordinary site there are tournaments held Here In Summer with battles fought on foot or horseback by actors dressed in Period costumes they impersonate King Matthew and queen Beatrix pal Ki and his wife Ben maor [Music] lake batone is the largest shallow watered Lake of Europe with several beaches on its Shore the twin towered Baroque Abbey noted for its organ concerts was built on the highest point of the peninsula reaching into the lake [Music] tan is one of the most popular holiday Resorts of the balatone [Music] region the Noble Town of baton fed became famous for its Spa water and Hospital specialized in diseases of the [Music] heart the shallow Waters of the 72 km Long Lake which is suitable for swimming water sports and fishing warm up to as much as 28° cius in [Music] summer shio folk is the capital of the Southern Shore a busy holiday resort with bustling life Grand hotels and a lively night life there's the most marvelous Panorama of lake batone from the hill by the landhouse of zamardi since it's right opposite the tan [Music] Peninsula between Santo and zardi the width of the lake is only 4 kilm the ferry here saves Travelers a lot of time when heading for the opposite Shore full of flowers Bon fvar is one of the most beautiful towns of the batone region which is no wonder as it's the only one originally built as a real holiday Resort Pigeon Island and the two armed mole make its enormous ship in Yacht Harbor the most Exquisite one on Lake [Music] batone [Music] batone boular is noted not only for its excellent winds but also for the special spherical lookout tower visible from a great distance when weather is nice the hills of the northern Shore can be seen from here [Music] one of the biggest Leos of the Southern Shore Sycamore Beach is located [Music] here the Narrow Gauge small Railway of baton fenes takes its passengers to the untouched territories of inner Sho C is a large town of the batone region thousands of tourists are attracted by the FES Palace situated here the aristocratic building standing in a park of 72 Acres was constructed in the middle of the 1700s there are more than 50,000 volumes in the empire style Library all rooms of the palace serve cultural purposes there are concerts held in the gorgeous great mirror Hall and in the park in summer the castle of siget though in Ruins is one of the most romantic sites of the Lake District glancing out of the fort we can see gentle hills and mountains called a heartwarming region by a poet the bus mountain of Bon has a characteristic shape and the picturesque settlements lying at its feet have attracted tourists for a long time which is also due to the famous wines of Bon even as early as 1 and a half centuries ago great representatives of Hungarian culture preferred building press houses and Cottages [Music] here naturally the greatest Festival is the Harvest here and its closing is celebrated by a harvest March and a party until late in the night this colorful whirling drift of the Early Autumn attracts more and more visitors from around the world year by [Music] year [Music] [Applause] [Music] spe [Music] not far from the Southern Bank of lake bellatone in one of the deserted corners of shomo land all elements of popular architecture folk costumes traditions and popular art have been Ed that are worth preserving this is the open air Village Museum of senna awarded with the Europe Nostra prize built around the church still in operation today page and surroundings are called the Hungarian Mediterranean because of its favorable location on the slopes of the meek mountains both grapes and figs grow The Heart of the City is the former Marketplace the seeni square where 12 streets converge the look of the square is determined by the 28 M High green doed Muslim main mosque the Jami of pasag gazi kasim this city was formed out of the gothic Parish Church of St Bartholomew following the beginning of Turkish occupation almost all houses surrounding the square are art memorials a couple of steps from the town hall is the Je Fountain glittering with greenish light it was manufactured in the famous ceramic Factory of page Northwest of SE CH Square behind the Shady trees of the prominade square with its cafes and beer cellers is one of hungary's most valuable monuments the four towered Cathedral its construction was initiated by Steven the its Crypt three aisles and two of its Towers were built in the 11th century the other pair of towers date from one century later but some parts of it were constructed even in 1854 it was in the square in front of the cathedral where The Sensational archaeological findings immediately declared part of the world heritage by UNESCO were excavated P was called soana in the Roman age and this old Christian graveyard is the largest and most significant among necropolis found outside Italy today the elegant palatinos hotel is situated in the prominade street which begins near town hall and the National Theater of page is a couple of steps away in the opposite direction the street is lined with houses of the 18th and 19th centuries in Baroque and romantic style and that of Louis the 14th the town of shiko lies to the south of page at the feet of the vine mountains the Border Castle guarding the Flatlands of the drava river used to be the residence of the most significant noble families of the Middle Ages miklos gar Hungarian Palatine kept King sigmon prisoner here for 5 months in 1401 the entrance next to the gate fortified with a tower opens into a for court surrounded by a protective closed passage the two-story Fortress the prison and the chapel stand in the inner [Music] [Music] Courtyard [Music] [Music] [Music] call POA established on the marshy land between the old branches of the danu river can take pride in two things the popular embroidery of kocha tablecloths aprons and blouses made here with traditional colors and patterns are known and recognized throughout the entire world most of the country's paprika production comes from Kucha and its region following the Harvest garlands of red peppers are hung out to dry on each house this spice itself is obtained by grinding the dry peppers and it's classified on the basis of its spiciness where else should the Festival of food seasoned with Paprika be held other than here the various paprika spice dishes mainly cooked in big traditional kettles are judged by a jury of [Music] chefs mezuk is the center of Mao country that has achieved its reputation Nationwide or even all around Europe by its fkart but especially its embroideries The Mao ethnic group has clung strongly to their peasant Traditions the most conspicuous form of which is their individual folk art their folk costumes differ from those of other Hungarian ethnic groups in many respects they've been decorating their bedding and tablecloths with their characteristic patterns since the 19th [Music] century located on the southern part of the Great Plains seed is an economic and cultural center with a rich past the current structure of the city was formed after the great flood of 1879 each summer the Open Air Festival of seed is held in the square in front of the twin towered Neo Romanesque style Cathedral of the city center the beautifully proportioned Cathedral is one of the most grandiose churches in Hungary its towers are 93 m [Music] High the center of the inner city is SE Chene square covering an area of more than 50,000 square m almost all surrounding houses are significant in terms of cultural history it would be impossible to list the names of Statesmen writers and artists who are somehow related to seed mixat Yokai gardoni Ai and Rodi all visited [Music] here the inner city of seed where the universities are located is connected with the new districts by a bridge spanning the Tissa [Music] River according to the chronicles of anonymous the Conquering Hungarian tribe tries held their First Assembly on the site of the present Opus in 896 the place has since been declared a National Historical Memorial Park the Romantic Panorama painting of arpad festi portraying the arrival of the Hungarian tribes into the Carpathian Basin has received a deserving place here viewing the picture is most interesting because of its diorama effect which is heightened by various light and sound effects [Music] d [Music] rafts and fishing equipment of the Tissa region are exhibited on the shore of the little [Music] Lake a unique open a Village Museum has been established in the park in the museum preserving the characteristic architecture of the region we can find a completely furnished School a village pub a post office a Coach House a well typical of the Great Plains an operating grocery store and a water mill all originating from the last [Music] century next to the Ard Monument the foundation walls of a monastery have been [Music] [Applause] [Music] excavated ancient Hungarian mounted archers are commemorated by live [Music] shows for decades thousands of tourists have come to hortage to see the plains the typical Wells of the region the gray oxen the horsemen the cattle herdsmen and the studs part of the ex exhibition area of the national park can be visited on Horseback by horse carriage or by bicycle and even sightseeing flights can be arranged this natural reserve of 81,000 acres is hungary's largest national park a natural reserve and has been part of the UNESCO world heritage since 1999 its main attraction is its special flora and [Music] fauna the traditional Center of hortage was formed at the Crossing point of the Railway the road and the river hortage obviously there's always been a village in here in the tavern we can taste the food and wines of the Great Plains we can take a look at the shepherd Museum the landhouse and exhibitions in the vicinity the characteristic nine-hole Bridge was constructed in 1827 on the side of former wooden bridges with its length of 167 M it's the longest vehicular Stone Bridge of the [Music] country it's worth visiting hortage for the horse days in July and the bridge fair in [Music] August deiton is the third largest city of Hungary the center of the territory east of the Tissa River the main church is the largest building of the calvinist church in Hungary built at the beginning of the 19th century the first Parliament following the end of the second world war in 1945 assembled here the long Square in front of the church has become a pedestrian Zone with its ornamented pavement and fountains the Phoenix Fountain is the most [Music] Splendid hotel aranga is regarded as one of the biggest and most famous hotels of the countryside and is all the more interesting as it was designed by Alfred hyos the first Hungarian Olympic champion swimmer [Music] there's a most spectacular flower Carnival held here each [Music] August [Music] not far from the wine District of the toai mountains on the banks of the bodog river the Fortified castle of shash pook was constructed the castle that played a truly important role in Hungarian history was built by the P family then became the Poss of the rot family for almost a century we can still see the balcony from where according to Legend balent balashi the poet of the Border fortresses eloped with his lover Christina Doo the granddaughter of the captain of Edgar's border Fortress xan lauran had the Renaissance sty loia constructed that connects the building of the castle with the red Tower once the residential Tower of the [Music] fort besides the vaed stories of the tower the night Hall the cannon Terrace the fireplaces and the Renaissance wood carvings the castle is famous for its kitchen the semicircular lur Ani balcony and the sa Rosa Hall the library with its original Furniture is most [Music] Exquisite from the top of the red Tower we can take Delight in one of the most attractive Landscapes of the country the leafy boughs of tall poppers and Whit stemed birch trees reflect on the surface of the bodog river with old Towers stocky bastions and balconies in between them the dark line of the Willows of the Tissa river is visible beyond the marshy land of the bodrog [Music] inlands the thermal spring spouting at the feet of the B mountains supplies Spa water for both the pools of the 50,000 s met baths of mishko TOA as well as for the famous cave B bath located right next to it this unique natural cave bath provides an unparalleled experience of real Rejuvenation its water with iodine bromine and potassium content coupled with the crystal clear sterile moist air is effective in healing arthritis problems of the heart and circulatory system Leela fured is the most famous holiday Resort of the B mountains the forest Railway was originally built to transport wood after World War I its commercial significance has gradually decreased and it's been used for public transportation since 1990 Lake haror was created by damning the G stream in 1813 in order to supply the iron furnaces of hamor with water the Magnificent eclectic style palota Hotel was constructed on the shore of the lake at the end of the 1920s the Anan isban caves are situated in the walls of the hotel's hanging garden and in the vicinity of the SVA [Music] Falls the4 M High Kesh tattoo is the highest point of the country from the lookout tower built on top of the B mountains in the year 2000 it's easy to look over the popular h holiday Resort silv in the whole of Sola Valley there's a small Railway in the Romantic Valley trout are bred in the fish lakes and the stad farm is famous for its lip horses and there are horse cart riding World Championships held here on the racetrack as in Leela fed this Railway used to carry wood too it's been transporting only tourists since 1967 from the racetrack to the faul falls 5 km away the Limestone Stairs Of The faul Falls were created by Nature itself rain and snow together with the oxygen of the air created carbonic acid and dissolved the lime next to the spring there's a path leading to the cave of Ishu 30,000 Yee old tools made of stone and Bones were found in the cave of prehistoric man excavated in 1911 egar is noted for its Turkish bath and [Music] Spa but it's mainly The Monuments the atmosphere of the town and the wine that attract visitors to such an extent that it's become one of the most popular destinations of foreign tourists recently the famous 14 angled slim Tower the mineta veger is one of the monuments of the country dating back to Turkish occupation and it's remained almost unharmed there's a narrow Spyro staircase of 97 stairs leading to its circular balcony from where the muine the Muslim crier announced the glory of Allah the narrow streets are lined almost exclusively by Monumental houses giving the inner town a unique [Music] atmosphere [Music] the famous forged Gates of the County Hall were made by the German Henrik fola who settled here the main gate is decorated by the allegories of Truth Faith and Hope the right gate by the Coats of Arms of the country the county and the bishop while the left one is ornamented by grape Vines and the leaves of [Music] grapes there are two grandiose buildings standing opposite each other the Cathedral of agar which is the third largest church of the country and a Secondary School for [Music] Girls The Pedestrian Zone starting from here is lined with shops and restaurants the famous Doo confectioner is also located [Music] here egar stream runs through the [Music] town it divides the small Doo Square Square operating as a large Mediterranean style restaurant with Terrace and Summer from the doo [Music] Square The Heart of the City is the former Marketplace the current Doo Square the group of statues commemorating the fighters of the Border fortresses is situated in front of the Town Hall while on the north side of the square stands the statue of ishan Doo with the castle behind the gate of the castle isn't far from here the Fortified castle of egar became more famous than the other border fortresses owing to the famous novel of Gaza gardoni the stars of egar which has been translated into several languages the novel is about the Turkish Siege of the Year 1552 when Captain ishan Doo of the fort and gge borisa forced back Sultan shain's Army of 150,000 Soldiers with the help of less than 2,000 Defenders Of The Fortress following the Battle of MOJ the castle fell from the possession of the Bishops into the hands of Peter peni construction on the gothy cathedral ceased some finished parts of it however can still be seen today the soft ground under the town is of volcanic origin due to this it's easy to dig holes and sellers in it the characteristic of the ground was made use of not only by wine makers but also by Fort Builders who cut a several kilometer long connected system of sellers under the castle and the town over the centuries a lot of it has collapsed the parts under the streets were buried those under private houses were blocked it's impossible to reveal the basic plan of the seller system today but its part under the castle has been made suitable able for visiting there are vaulted rooms Barracks a cannon Hall corridors for tunnel watches and sisters to be seen underground the seller of the old hospital offers delicious wines of egar to the tourist exhausted from his visit to the [Music] castle we can pay our respects in front of the red marble tomb of ishon doo in the Hall of Heroes there are period costumes and arms exhibited in the castle Museum together with the model of the not [Music] Siege Gaz a God on you the novelist who eternalized egar is buried [Music] here for a pleasant glass of wine in the evening it's worth visiting the Seas Road the Valley of the beautiful lady where there are wine cellers built right next to each other on the hillside just like the grining of Vienna besides having a good meal we can taste the white little girl of egar or the famous Red Bulls blood life is the busiest here during [Music] Harvest [Music] the castle of holoku Rises almost 400 m above the Village from its pentagonal shaped Old Tower we can glance over the natural reserve area the hills of cherot and the EPO River Valley the road runs between twisting castle walls to the inner Castle which has three stories in some places according to Legend the devil's sons took the stones of the cast Castle away in the shape of ravens which is why the village is called Ravenstone in reality The Fortress was built in the 18th century King Charles Robert confiscated it from its owners and bestowed it on one of the loyal men it was in the hands of the Turks between 1552 and 1683 the settlement lying in the valley is hungary's most unique Village it's a Living Museum the 65 protected houses of its old part shelter the masterpieces of Po's popular architecture from the 17th century the characteristics of the houses here are the porches the board banisters and the special roofs pooku is the only Village of Hungary that is part of the world heritage together with its entire surroundings of 141 [Music] Acres
Channel: Expoza Travel
Views: 90,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Visegrád, discovery, travel guide, Sopron, documentary, Pannonhalma, Fertôd, travel, holiday, expoza travel, Esztergom, Hortobágy, tour, Sárospatak, Debrecen, tips, guide, Velencei-tó, Szilvásvárad, Herend, Lillafüred, Siklós, adventure, Szenna, city, Kalocsa, vacation, Veszprém, Kôszeg, Tapolca, Szentendre, essentials, Eger, Tata, trip, channel, Pécs, world, Zsámbek, Szeged, Budapest, Gödöllô, Mezôkövesd, Hévíz, Balaton, Ópusztaszer, videos, Miskolctapolca, Nagyvázsony
Id: 7Lkxq11N-BM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 58sec (3538 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2015
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