Hundreds rescued from flooding as waters continue rising in Houston

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the flooding emergency playing out and it's turned deadly now Houston with 2 feet of rain in just a matter of days thousands forced to evacuate homes in neighborhoods tonight underwater First Responders making hundreds of high waterer rescues a Houston police officer on a jet ski rescuing a man and his two dogs who were treading water outside their flooded home and tonight Texas now reporting the storms have taken three lives including a four-year-old boy when the family car was Swept Away ABC's mola lengi in Texas tonight tonight the National Weather Service issuing their highest warning a particularly dangerous situation for large long track tornadoes for parts of Texas Kansas and most of Oklahoma our Oklahoma City affiliate K tracking supercells pay close attention to this storm listen to our language very closely listen to our tone and be ready to seek shelter if a tornado warning does come out on this it's the fourth tornado outbreak break in 4 weeks with many of the same areas under threat while millions in the Heartland brace for tornadoes neighborhoods north of Houston still flooded after days of rain oh this neighborhood is almost completely underwater best case scenario you've got a house on stilts that's undamaged but even then the ground floor property cars are flooded out but worst case scenario you've got homes not on stilts totally flooded out Timothy budro and his wife using a jet ski and a tin boat to deliver Essentials to stranded families in Riverside Texas well I was actually the UPS guy here for 15 years now you're making different kind of deliveries yeah well David flood waters were seeding dramatically tonight revealing the damage this family's home getting swept away about a 100 yards away here Landing here finally David as you can imagine a lot of cleanup ahead of these folks tonight yeah that is really extraordinary to see mola thank you
Channel: ABC News
Views: 51,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ABC, Houston, News, Texas, Tonight, World, damage, flooding, floods, p_cmsid=2494279, p_vid=news-109972909, rainfall, rescue, storms, trapped, weather
Id: YK0UWlMiHqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 51sec (111 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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