Humvee in Alaska 2 to 4 man and ride up Hatcher's Pass Alaska

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all right so our humvee made it to alaska and as you know from watching my other videos i put all this stuff back on it made some uh temporary fixing so that it would travel it went about 3000 or so miles across land and across the ocean and here it is it's about three degrees outside right now so we're in here in a heated garage sorry for all the noise in the background but we're going to go in here and get all this open i'm going to show you how these things bolt on by taking it off so these uh troop carrier bench seats back here they get held on by several locations the original truck setup has some plates that go in here i'll show you what those look like if you get one of these trucks that's been set up with this setup you're going to notice these guys right here this plate these plates right here all aluminum and this goes inside to reinforce the skin to hold all these down so there's a series of these i replaced the bolts of the original one as when i first took this thing off they basically just they basically just had corroded into the truck because we have dissimilar metals taking place throughout but those come out pretty easy they wrap around the back of the truck here it would be nice if these trucks had wheel wells in them they don't so everything gets sprayed right inside there you go everything just gets sprayed in all right wrap around the very back of the truck this one [Music] there we go got that one out and come back here in the rear all right that's it now you'll notice this whole thing is coming loose now so i gather up these so i don't drop them any worse than i already have okay so this thing is pretty neat actually it's got pins in it the pins connect the top and the bottom of the seat together so i can pull the pins and drop it down so you can sit in it but because i've got the bucket seats back here this isn't going to drop down so we'll give these remember i [Music] went through a great amount of effort to secure this to the truck and this is now ready to come off there's a receiver oh you know what i lied there's two more bolts to get out then i'll have it off be right back all right so we're going to take these inner supports off here this is much heavier duty than the other bolts that we were pulling out and that's that we have to save on these because these will be used at a later date okay let's move over to the outside one i have to tap i have to tap it on the ground to get that to come out all right and ready okay all right now if i actually got all the bolts out let me hand this off to you oops grab that grab that thank you my goodness if any of you have puppies you totally understand what just happened okay um let's see let's get this thing off of here should just kind of come out of the receptacle there it is that's it so focus your eyeballs in right here real quick show you something uh right here on the end this railing and this is steel by the way the body of the truck is aluminum this frame is steel and believe me it's iron it's whatever it's heavy look over here you'll see a receiver that goes into the corner this is only for the two man set up with the troop carrier seats back there i'll be removing that later but for right now i'm just going to get these off so when we come back to you both of these are going to be gone [Music] so one of the uh either genius or redneck things that i did before we made this thing drive across the united states was pin these back doors and some of you who are sharp out there are looking and saying wait a second those aren't back doors those are just normal closeout panels for regular two-man uh humvee and you would be correct so um i covered this a little bit in my previous video but what you're looking at here is the original uh closeout door that had a additional strip here that bolted to the the b-pillar i cut that strip off got a set of soft top four-man hinges drilled them in uh drilled in the door handle and created while not much of a door but at least a door to close out the back of the truck so it doesn't come in a lot of handy but uh it does allow it to be a bit more of a truck setup so i was a little concerned about that that when they loaded this to come out here they put it on the top of a semi truck uh car truck carrier and you know he was doing at least 65 if not 70 in some places and also i know that they drop cars off they pick them up at some point it might have even been loaded backwards and i just wanted to make sure that that this panel didn't become airborne and uh something on the side of the road in here he thinks he's going for a ride in here uh we have the rear seat set up and this thing has a set of latches underneath here let me grab a light i'll show you there's not much to this and uh let's see here's our light not a lot to these things how they install okay so here are the latches right here and they're a little tight gonna pop that off and pop that off you gotta make sure your fingers are clear and let's see if this will just stand right here let you take a ride on the door frame and i pull the seat out that is all there is a rear seat on these monkeys you'll notice down here i have something this is actually the seat belt right here it goes in the rear i'm sorry you probably didn't see it i used a set of ammo boxes to hide the shoulder belts i'm going to get these reinstalled i really don't think we're going to have a rear seat passenger in these temperatures but i'm going to put this back in place it only takes a few minutes all right so this is pretty neat um this is originally again a two-man truck and uh when they come that way there's a heavy aluminum plate that covers this entire area that has like some zeus nuts that you can pull it out real quick and drop it back in so you can gain access to that as a pickup truck and underneath that is the back seat i have the buckets in this uh i originally uh once i opened that up there's like a padded commander style seat that goes in here that's just two pads one for your butt one for your back anyway um if you see a two-man and you bid and buy a two-man you may get lucky and find out that the actual bracketry for the rear shoulder seat belt is hiding down inside that container which is where mine was so this guy goes on like this it's nothing special but in the two-man configuration the way i have it this is exposed to the elements i wasn't comfortable with that rain and things getting in i actually bought that new and replaced the actual spool so my little fix to clean this all up was these are not the chinese import harbor freight uh i went out and just bought actual surplus military ammunition boxes and with a little bit of work on this i created a somewhat weather seal for this rear seat belt assembly and it turns out pretty neat i'll show you when we get it all done here in just a minute all right so there's my rear seat belt mod all put together a couple of bolts in this is the shoulder part it simply comes up now and latches in and there you have it you've got one shoulder harness in the back of the truck ready to go somewhat um you know a little bit more weather protected i am going to a four-man kit on this when i do that all this is gonna change but we're gonna leave that on here for now to keep this to keep this stuff out of the weather but yeah that's it put the other side on and we're ready to take this thing outside all right so we got the farmer bill troop seat carrier out of the back of it now got the shoulder belts back in my handy dandy um covers back on got the back seats back in place got everything in here like he would normally be um i was thinking about taking you for a ride but it is uh zero degrees i actually think it's colder than that it's gonna be what minus nine by ten o'clock tonight a lot of wind going on out there not that we can't go out i mean we're what probably 60 degrees in here right now uh but we'll get this thing outside in the next shot and see what we can do in the snow so little change of plans after we returned this back to the two-door model and got rid of the troop carrier back here i was going to go out and do some cruising around but we've had some pretty rough weather and i've been really busy working a lot of hours so we're going to continue that on a little bit further forward at this point i'm going to go ahead and convert this out of the way we're going to move it onto the four-door top it's going to be more beneficial so that we can all go riding in it in the weather the way that it is it's actually been raining and sleeting and snowing and it's getting ready to get really cold again so we'll all be able to get in here let me show you some of the things i have going on uh over here is uh the uh the soft top that'll be going on i've got some other goodies in there for something else i've got a hardware kit down here and this is here the bow kit that would be going in and uh over here i have a set of four doors so the two front doors that i already have that are part of the regular two-man kit um those could be reused but these are in better shape than those so i'll be putting those on and we also have tucked away in here this is the the c-pillar that's going to go back here and across and i don't yet know how that's going to affect my incredibly cool uh ammo can seatbelt covers i have a feeling this is going to have to be severely modified or go away so we're going to figure that out but before we get too far i'm going to start out with the old instructions and and the spectacles and get going here so i can figure out what goes where so see you in a minute more important so um reading the instructions there's an assumption that these things are already out of the way and i'm gonna do that uh i'm gonna have to reuse this cover that's not exactly copacetic this back cover because it doesn't have the cutout in it for the wheel wells we'll do a little bit of uh homemade engineering on it but this top here is old ascend and it is uh you know really tight and shrunk up they use these these little cam locks which before i did this i bought a bag of them and if you do this right you see here now i'm exposing an additional a secondary layer of these cam locks and they turn and hold hold that in place so we're going to go in here and get these out and then i'll show you how this top comes off at the header bar next so this top once you've got those cam locks loose it's going to roll up before i've had this off before and uh you'll notice this plywood right here is obviously not stock at least i think it should be obvious a lot of times these tops well i would say all the time these tops leak they don't sit flush up here and they'll allow water to puddle and it'll get right down in your seat so one of the tricks you can do is to put throw a piece of plywood up here i took this to the next level because i put the speaker box and stuff on the bluetooth speaker box on the side we're going to leave this in place it may or may not cause a little bit of trouble to get the um to get the top actually to go down i've got to be concerned about these uh screw uh these screw heads here that those don't end up gouging through the uh the new top so i'll take a look at that and i may also end up putting a secondary piece of plywood from here back to do the same thing and essentially that would allow you to get up on the roof and you know walk on it if need be but from here we're going to take off these these screws now actually you know what i'm not going to i lied i've already butyl taped all that down from the last time i had it off and i tell you what it was a it was a pain to get it back in so i'm actually let's see if i get it to slide in the channel theoretically theoretically it should so let me see if i can get that to slide out i'll get back yes so unfortunately i did at least for what i'm doing need to go ahead and take the screws out of that window frame that are on this piece of trim right here there is a hard uh it's flexible but there's a hard tube that's inside of the vinyl right here and what i'm doing is i'm sliding sliding the top out of that bead now if you're buying one of these trucks or if you have all these trucks you're not going to find this butyl tape in here again that's something that i did when i put that metal roof up there that wooden top i'll need to get this back in shape because that channel there is where the other top is going to go in for about a half a second i thought about just taking a razor blade and slicing that but i'm probably going to want to put this top back on in the spring summer time i love this truck when it's just a two-man truck and the back the back panels off of it so i will very carefully find a place to store this but that is the removal of the two man all right i'm not gonna lie uh pulling off my crazy ammo can seat belt protector on my two-man setup it kind of makes my heart sad but um on to bigger and better things so just sharing with you a little bit more the two-man setup with the troop carrier on it has this bracket this receptacle is what the troop carrier the bench seat that goes in goes into and not only obviously is as dangerous as someone sitting here if the seat belt doesn't hold and you bang your head on it but it it completely get blocks the back door from having the upper frame so this works as long as you have the cut down door that i showed you on the mod it does not work with the four man so we're going to get this out of here and something else i'll tell you the fellas out there that and ladies that own one of these you know this already but you'll be surprised how few so like this is a little rivnut here that's been pressed into the aluminum frame allows that screw that sheet metal screw to go in that's fine but what they do in many of the locations of this vehicle is that there's no threaded blind threaded holes you actually have nuts on the back side of almost everything and so for example this guy here this is not an easy job to get up inside the c channel that makes up the pillar and snag on that that nut when you take these off without the potential doing what i guarantee i'm going to do right now oh what that dropping your shouldn't drop your nuts and sometimes it happens so anyway i will continue i'll keep sharing with you as i go so the next part of this i think is easy we'll find out basically just um with the bolts supplied in the kit and applying the uh this c pillar down and just to let you guys know any of you that are not car people when i use the term pillar in a car truck doesn't matter this is considered the a pillar and the alphabet letter a this is considered the b pillar you can also call this the windshield you call this the windshield pillar and this the actual a pillar but they run together this is the b pillar b like bravo bravo company c like charlie company c pillar abc and if this was a full station wagon i bet you can guess this right here would be the l pillar of course but probably more likely the d pillar so uh but you know if we went all the way to l it'd be l but that would be the d pillar so um get gonna get these in these are dissimilar metals it it it uh we've got aluminum aluminum steel uh the truck has a carc coating it's a chemical treated coating and uh bothers me a bit that i don't have a treatment on that but i'm going to come back after i've got all this in probably take it apart and i'll put some treatment on these to try to keep issues from occurring from dissimilar metals and corrosion so uh let's go ahead and get this tightened up we're going to move on to step number 39. so this um pillar was uh transferred with me when i moved and um who knows where and how it's been in but take a look at this fellers i'm gonna tighten it down here in just a minute but this thing's as crooked as an illinois politician so hopefully i can put the old torque juice on it right here and get this thing to lay down but that's a little bit uh frightening we'll see what happens get it tighten down and helps put the right size wrench on also helps turn the wrench right direction that looks like [Music] that looks like it just accomplished something i don't know what you see that looking any better but it's still it's still uh [Music] looking like i'm afraid there we go all right let's go let's go hit the other one don't get any better you might notice all this mess over here i've opened suggestions what to do with it all it doesn't quite fit so what happens when you go from a 1 600 square foot shop to that [Music] i don't know what we got now i don't know i still think that puppy is crooked so uh oh would you look at that that's about as solid as uh well as the word of an illinois politician that's not saying much so i don't live in illinois anymore and that's one reason why you can't have uh flim-flammy politicians like that so all right let's see if we can make it we're gonna put the next piece on according to the destructions this comes next and i do have those here and um it said something about the short end goes towards the front of the vehicle and uh we'll see oh i see you right here looks like that's gonna pull it forward should be all right it's gonna get back in line so check in with you in a minute so i think i i know why i got this kit at a discount because apparently i have two left-hand rails and uh all jokes aside about uh crooked c-pillars the reality is when i went to put this in i am so far off you know i'm hanging over there back here i go compared to the other side the other side is the exact same uh it's this exact same so that one's in right i've measured the original two-man setup obviously just goes in here um so i can't you know i can't just go on amazon and get this sent out to me right away i got the roof off my truck and i'm gonna make some decisions whether or not i ought to uh cut cut in half and see if i can splice a piece in important part would be that these tabs line up if they don't i can drill and rivet them in appropriately accordingly but that's a dilemma i don't know why that always happens but bolt on has never bolt on and uh you know as a kid i'd get a lego kit start putting it together never failed i'd get down to one last piece is missing i'd have two and you know some things never change it's just a big lego kit so i'm gonna see what i can do here and uh we may have brought this to an end for this part of the video i don't know find out so i want to share something with you there's about 17 things here i'm doing you shouldn't do number one i'm cutting next to some blankets it's a bad idea number two i got this old you know it's an old car so you know it's probably just old car i guess old car i'm leaning against and uh i'm cutting right here but i do have safety goggles on so here we go but look unless you just moved and all your stuff is in a pile like this don't do this at home but if your home is like this and you have to do this at home i endorse it so here we go all right [Music] [Applause] now later in the spring when i'm watching this car inside the sunshine i'm going you know how did all those scratches get in it yeah you know but we'll pretend we did that in a proper vice and things and here's the deal we're going to find out if i'm on the right track or not [Music] by using a left hand on the right hand think that's getting right i'm gonna go compare that to the other side real quick and i think i gotta nipper this out here too and then it's gonna make it square with that side let's go take a look this just cannot be right so i'm flipping it the opposite direction as if it was sitting on the other side those holes are going to line up but it's certainly i gotta go back in the vise i got to take this piece out because it's it's hitting the pillar on that side so what i'm going to do is i'm going to move that car out i'm going to set up my vice you know in an open area and get a probably a different saw and i'm going to cut this and by the magic of the camera the next time you see this it will be perfectly cut professionally yeah i might even take this down to a shop somewhere have a pro actually no i'm going to cut it right here right now so i adjusted my icrometer when i was over there a moment ago i had to there it is and now here we go [Music] all right let's see if that gets us in business it does cut pretty easy that's nice somewhere there's a machinist losing their mind somewhere there's a painter or a car detailer that saw me doing that next to the camaro you're losing your mind it's okay look at that now so here's the other problem remember i'm in the great white north right now so we have a furnace running or we'd be freezing out here sorry about the noise now we have an overlap of sorts between these two and i don't know if i want to you know cut this in half maybe split the difference on the hole that's that's an idea and run my bolt in uh i haven't figured that part out i haven't really thought it that far through but i'm gonna do that and we'll see what i come up with fixed approved good enough for the government almost good enough for me so and just like the uh crookedness of the uh you know the whole crooked thing uh you know politicians will screw you and uh you know that's how you fix this just screw them back so what i did here these are really cool by the way i picked these up at tractor supply company in illinois and um these self-tapping screws have a ceramic coating on them that's going to help with corrosion and dissimilar metals which is very neat self-tapping good set of threads i pre-drilled mounted this trim cut and there we go that lines up these line up so unless this was intended to be in any way ambidextrous from left to right we're ready to rock ready to rock on this so um the next part is this original bow right here has a you can probably see a nice little curve in it that's not that's not approved that's not a factory option but that is likely from people getting on the roof and walking on it another reason why i have plywood on it so we're going to go over here and set these new ones in probably going to be a fight right everything's tight the instructions say to check and make sure that these rotate check and partially check oh oh there wowsers okay oh there's a screw on there that's gonna affect the rotational pull of it gotcha so this is gonna go in and our factory approved boom boom stereo box you watch it's probably gonna cause me a problem just occurred to me it just occurred to me that this is gonna be in the way so uh you know before i say something i'll regret on camera and i don't know how to work the bleep function i'm just going to stop right here so uh i think i did the right thing here and we got rid of the new brace goes up top or what they call a bow i actually put my old rusty beat up one in one that i told you that is unapproved and crooked crooked like a politician uh from new york state so but it turns out that because i put this roof on here i'm stuck with that i already shaped it and it definitely took some loosening and tightening and moving it's in so we're moving on to the next part of the destructions and this has to do with bracing this crooked c-pillar this hand dandy little aluminium piece is going to go in here i'm going to be doing some work on it but before this can go on wow there's not much connection there but anyway before this can go on there is right in here a plug uh part of an old rivet that i'm have to tap out and by the way this isn't supposed to be here yet or not supposed to be here this is what i added to make my old pickup truck doors have a latch on them that'll be coming off maybe maybe not but there we go so punch out that rivet plug right there and now i'm in position to set this in i am not going to bore everybody with drilling and riveting pieces in but apparently these are the uh the hardware necessary to get this guy to get this guy attached so i will uh scribe it wow i tell you what that is just not much that is not much room i honestly think it'd be better to drill a brandly new hole through here because it's not it just isn't much meat on that one so uh that's probably what i'm gonna do actually we'll just do some manipulation on it because it's not a real happy piece and then let's see i've got one two i've got yeah it would make sense that these rivets now are gonna they're gonna hold that guy in there so like i said i'm not gonna bore you with all that we'll just come back and buy the magic of that camera it'll be done when you see it all right so got our strikers in here and adjusted on the doors a bit so that they close dropped the front doors on and i had to move around because you know i did my own mod for a rear door i had these down here that didn't work had to move them up and uh we got basically the ribs and the bows on let's take a look up here i went ahead and removed the bolts i had that had the heads exposed and i went with those self-tapping ones that i showed you earlier that are ceramic coated those are in added some right here as well to this bow so i added screws to this bow here as well and just to hold that piece of plywood down and of course you can see the butyl tape that i added to seal that top edge the next challenge here i'm gonna go ahead and get this thing prepped and ready to go onto the new top but before i do that i thought i was gonna get away with reusing my old curtain and trimming it but looking here if you observe the number of these latches observe the latches on the old two-man top and you see how it criss-crosses around so the good news is that i do have with me anyone that owns one of these trucks if you're going to keep stock parts like this on it needs to be aware of these little you can buy these parts right here so um [Music] i got that and the rivets they take eighth inch drill bit and i'm going to mark off the the rear part make my locations of the trim get this guy ready to hang in but in the meantime since the big fight's probably going to be slipping the trim piece in on the new top i'm going to get that part started i can lay the new top up here and just kind of roll it back like a curtain so i'm going to work on that show you where i am when i'm done all right so i pulled the metal strip through the new top and you have to be aware of uh you know kind of think about it from an inverted point of view because it's going to flip over so now we're going to do is head up top and see what's going to take to reattach this along the lip here then i'll fight with that for a bit and then should be able to just start rolling the top over i think that one's in the center it's pretty close to the holes that i had first time around this is uh all right i'm gonna loosen that a little bit scoot it over did you bring me [Music] yeah so something else i know it's different in the center header i can't i can't take it because of um because this wood board i put here but um i can smell that from here smells like cinnamon anyway that board you got these little places to go through and strap the head on the thing in um can't strap there with a wood in it can't talk and work at the same time sure all right i remember last time i did this this is when i put the board underneath there but it's really hard to find the holes through the butyl tape it's kind of magic butyl tape is that it it's a little bit self-healing [Music] so where i pulled it through it um covered up the holes in some spots making it hard to find my way back home i think [Music] all right and we got a problem developing out here let's go take a look so what happens i noticed this with the original rail that rail really wants to sit on top of this header you see where they overlap a little bit i don't know why it's probably not right but that is the way that it is [Music] so [Music] i would have liked to have new bolts to put in all this i do have a lot of new bolts not as many as i'd like [Music] okay and i'll show you what i mean right here [Music] see that it's wanting to ride up over that so i'll pull this guy out and then run the other one down lost my camera guy something came up inside so he's inside but that puts that corner down and that's it wow that's a fast coffee how did you make that so fast [Music] there it is [Music] okay so we flipped it over and you know my temperature in this shop right now is about i don't know 55 degrees maybe 58 degrees not premium temperature to kind of get things to stretch but this goes in with a series of those cam locks i actually replaced uh this one riveted a new one in here because that one was actually coming off um put the light in a little bit it has these velcro straps that come down i'm gonna have a problem with these uh on this one because i've got this um the the roof that i put on so i'll work something out figured out as i go i've got the rear ones in and i think the uh big hassle now is going to be coming back here and setting up uh my new location for this curtain so um i'm going to do that as soon as i get this thing to work pretty much ready to clean up and um how much snow have we gotten today two inches two inches yeah on top of a bunch of ice on top of what eight inches we got last week or whatever so we're still going to try to take you guys with us out there and go do something with it but now all of us can go all right so this plan which is probably not good is i'm going to use these same screws that i told you about these ceramic coated screws here i've lined up the window in the center i'm going to place this in as a place keeper this is not [Music] that beautiful the thing is like it's like butter okay so what i'm doing i'm centering this thing putting this in [Music] man that's nice okay so now i'm going to do with it centered is go about figuring out where all the corners and bits and pieces will need to go in order to get this thing done and uh i will put those other locking i don't know what they call those you know what they call these things camlock things by all means chime in but what i'll do is you know mark them set them and then because on the original top that flap came over and flapped with them so we'd probably probably be okay probably won't i want to drill holes in here anyway and see what happens so in the meantime i may order one of these tops just takes a while to get things in and stuff and i want to get out there and do something right now so uh be back with you in a bit all right i honestly couldn't be a whole lot happier right now with how this turned out like i said i went in here and i used the self-tapping ceramic coated screw with a washer and i offset the additional whatever you call those things up underneath here to set this in place according to the destructions uh you're supposed to slit the back cover in order for the seat belt to come through if you're running seat belts which we are and by the way feast your eyes on on that so they went back um you know i wasn't sure how this was going to lay down i didn't know you know i know the standard factory setup there's a tab one of these on the back of the seat belt bracket and you typically see a little um a little bulge out here that covers that keeps the weather off of it but i like these a lot better it went right back on and uh top is going to straighten out more as it gets an opportunity to settle and oh yeah there's air gaps you can drive you can drive a small foreign-made truck right through the gaps in these doors um but you know the lines on it they're about as true as joe biden's resume see right there kind of all over the place so um something else in the door handles that's how they were i guess that's how they're supposed to go i had put the original ones this way that's how they were when i got it actually they were this away and when i built in my my uh my modified ones on the old truck bed door skin i put them through this way but i think about this probably smart going through the jungle running into things you probably don't want that up front here to catch stuff so my biggest issue right now is getting it in and out of this garage without snagging it i may have potentially snagged it once or twice so there it is uh unfortunately it took a whole lot more time than i planned why well because i had two left hand rails we modified that totally approved totally proper uh getting back here messing with with this was a lot of trouble you know getting that in and also the fact that i had put the plywood top on it added some additional work i would tell you that if you had a good pliable top there would have been no reason to undo the screws underneath this ridge you should be able to pop these whatever you call that and then work this thing out after you flip it to the front but actually by putting the screws in it i laid it right in place and put it down so it has unfortunately gotten dark out and cold so uh yeah i've got some snow going on let's get some light yeah here we go so definitely got some snow going on i am walking on pure ice this is the fleet has to go yeah i might have almost fell there this is the fleet that has to go outside because i got nowhere else to put stuff right now until we organize this better but so thinking about taking it out maybe be smarter to take it out tomorrow so actually see what we're doing and go from there but very happy with it i don't think it looks as playful and sexy and uh can a humvee be sexy anyway i don't think it looks as nimble and light as it did with just the pickup truck set up but i think it's going to work real well so i appreciate you hanging out with me at least this far and we'll go a little bit longer and see if we do oh let me mention a couple other things these uh hideously ugly phillips head bolts right here you can see the slots there are adjustments that still need to be made this thing is sitting out at sitting out as far as the ratings gap and people watching mainstream news nowadays it just is out there way out there too far so i'm gonna work on and work on that but pretty satisfied with it otherwise and the yeah i'll show you telling you the doors that were on it the handles were facing that way and that's the way that i had bought it had purchased it so um you know this is about uh 2 600 bucks give or take plus your shipping costs for a top and or kit and time will tell but i do like the fact that my puppies can ride inside here now uh we got a gap as big as well as big as the deficit right there um going on in the back of this i'll deal with that later i'm sure and try to seal it up i've also got some gaps here that i think i'll actually believe it or not i think i'll tape that when i first got this truck i taped the old rear curtain down to the divider that i put in and it worked incredibly well and with all the black and different colors on it it blended right in so very good thanks again and we'll see if we can get it outside [Music] now we're officially entering this patch right now ah look at this i think we're supposed to get a you know a shot of us driving by right oh great athletes are in next four miles do not stop keep that in mind is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] late [Music] trail goes up that way wow [Music] let's see the road there it is so we're aware this is gold mine miners pass or something gold mine gold mint so uh i don't know what mountain that is but we are in hatcher's pass generally and um the dogs had all of a humvee ride they could stand so uh we are out walking in it looks like a little river down there looks like it still has some water maybe at least from here probably can't see it on camera yeah we are right in a valley of some mountains the uh humvee made it all the way to the top and there were actually more people up at that area than we wanted to get out walk so we came back down we gave a couple of snowboarders a ride up to the 16 mile point and uh we are here i don't think we have the best foot gear at least i don't so this won't be a super long ride walk so what is it uh about 15 16 degrees maybe and uh beautiful over there check out those mountains in the distance little mist on top smoke clouds so uh we agree i think the whole family the truck is not quite as cool looking do you agree it's not it's cool looking like this you agree but definitely functional so we just took it uh i guess if we look over here not quite sure which mountain we were on but we we topped out over in this direction over here to the right and uh went up as far as we could go came out did some trails with the dogs here's keeping us warm and uh for the winter time perfect so uh thanks for watching if you've got one of these and you're considering two-door four-door go for it but i do think come summertime we're gonna drop all that back off because this is just so much fun with the top open the back end open and certainly if we need to haul anything uh big in it i need to pull the backpack open so we can get it in but uh anyway thanks for watching
Channel: McSpeed Alaskan Adventures
Views: 4,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CkaZInv8cwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 13sec (3433 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 09 2022
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