Humiliating - Tragic Kamala Harris Video Ends Her

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hey ladies and gentlemen this is Carmine Sabia for explain America and Camala Harris gosh I feel humiliated for her before we get started please make sure you like comment share and subscribe those little things really help us out and they help our Channel continue to grow former Fox News host Megan Kelly was actually commenting on this about Cala Harris's appearance on the Drew Barrymore show and it was humiliating and it wasn't kamala's fault it wasn't vice president Harris's fault at all it was the fault of Drew Barrymore fawning over her and then calling her saying she needs to be a malamala for the nation and it was just it was so sweet and so over the top with the acting that you could see her the vice president was uncomfortable with this she herself was uncomfortable you could look at her face and she's like oh boy what is this it's just more typical Hollywood BS and I'm not going to I'm not going to waste your time describing it to you I want you to see it and I want you to see Megan Kelly's response to it cuz it is fantastic so I want you to take a look at this clip and then I want you to let me know what you think do you feel sorry for for the vice president I do you could see like she's visibly uncomfortable in this let me know what you guys think as always please remember to like comment share and subscribe I'm Carmine Saia for explain America we love you guys God bless you take care everybody our leader the feminine hero that we need feminist um first of all for the first time in the Drew berrymore television show history they stocked the audience with all women here's a look at that s 13 welcome to the show our guest no introduction she is the first black First South Asian and yes first female Vice President of the United States please welcome vice president pela Harris but I'm already standing up we have all women here today in the audience thank you lady comes the following kamla offers the following little diddy about her name and what her stepchildren call her listen here we um we kind of don't use the term step cuz I just think I love Disney however Disney kind of messed that up you know for a lot of us over the years you know the evil step parent um and their word for me is mamala and so they call me mamala all right that's fine I actually think that's kind of cute it's kind of clever I I fine here's the followup by Drew Barrymore I keep thinking in my head that we all all need a mom I've been thinking that we really all need a tremendous hug in the world right now but in our country we need you to be mamala of the country yeah I mean yeah no I know and as a woman who respects so much and wants to share and wants to be confident and has no ounce of meat that has competitiveness yeah when we lift each other up we all rise that's exactly right oh my God that's right that's right however we need a great protector oh my God she wants us to believe that that great protector who we apparently all need and desperately want is kamla Harris [Music]
Channel: Explain America
Views: 64,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 9sec (249 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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