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what's up guys and welcome to Muzzy now this is a mascot horror game that we played the demo on the channel a few weeks ago and uh it's already out here's the full release they didn't waste any time boom here it is and I don't know what to expect here but I do know one thing it's going to be interesting it's going to be very interesting that's I think that's the best way to put it so let's how always say any more time though let's hop into a new game and begin Muzzy here we go so uh oh yeah this is from the okay this is from the demo we've already read this so yeah it basically says there's a a kindergarten it's built on like a factory and a complex you know stuff like that and yeah yeah things go bad I I don't know we read that in the demo okay if you want to read it go ahead just go right ahead no one's stopping wait wait a minute where's the AI at dude they got rid of it it's gone okay so this is we've seen this in the demo you can hide hints by pressing escape and selecting hide hints oh yeah buddy what if I don't want to hide the hints huh you ever thought about that kind of floor is this dude five plus minus equal that doesn't even make sense what does that mean all right let's oh we got the button here click here for a chicken breast I've seen this but I don't know it doesn't do anything like what you cannot tell me that's not a chicken breast right there it does I don't know what they mean I guess I got to go find that I don't know what they even mean by that but we'll figure it out I'm sure now that we're in the full release by the way this was $4 so keep that in mind find a kid's gun okay how they word that will never not be funny to me all right give me this open the game room with the gun shoot at the targets above it okay I can do this yeah look now they put an arrow there a flashing Arrow what what am I doing here how do I okay hold on hold on I know I know what to do I know what to do okay so it's like this oh wait no it's staying uhhuh no no no okay so it's that one no goes down this one this one this one how was that not right there's no way that wasn't right right there dude you're kidding me okay like it looks like that would be it right there but it's not it okay hold on I know what to do I know what to do no no no no okay okay so it's this uh this I every time I do that it doesn't work and it seems like it would work there we go hey what's up toast like this man's been getting smacked around goodness look at all the handprints on them uh oh okay I was going to say this leads to nothing all right we got the key oh here we are we're back in we're back at this part of the game dude what is this the Fun Zone it looks like they have changed some things in here so I guess we'll play it again uh snake jump where's a I need a purple area wait is it supposed to be blue oh yeah it is blue I think here take that yeah there we go all right I've got a weapon and I don't know how to use it so stand back find the orange key isn't it oh it's behind there isn't it I think so I'm remembering parts of the demo now there it is give me that all right let's go take it to our buddy Muzzy here I I don't know what this thing's name is actually what is this knockoff poppy playtime monster snake jumps yeah let's go take it to to the snake all right here we go oh look it looks like they've added some stuff on the floor in here step in all the plates whose figures are lit green on the screen or the scoreboard you can change the difficulty level okay yeah yeah uh oh there he oh my gosh he's back oh look now he's got like a string attached oh wait no that's the key wait oh crap uh okay x wait uh I wasn't ready for this okay X you stepped on the wrong what who put that there X Circle okay wait no no no oh no it's goes oh I see I see what I'm doing wrong please don't kill me it's this one even though they're both X's but one's like nice nice nice Circle uh Circle ccle upside down thingy this okay and then Circle where's the circle oh right here right here I'm going to lose dude okay we got it you're doing the right thing keep going yeah okay buddy I'm doing what I want to do how about that all right that's that one done uh smile and then weird triangle thingy this done all right yeah they so they have changed this quite a bit smile weird triangle smile weird triangle got it and then you're doing the right thing keep yeah yeah yeah okay wait there's no way that there's no no way you want me to hit all of them right what what what does it mean by that why is it you win oh I don't even know what I what's that guy doing up there he ate the key give me this I'm not I'm not getting too close to that thing I don't trust it yeah get out of here buddy and don't come back all right we got the key that's all that matters there's that guy remember him I remember him from the demo oh no dude not the Roblox Obby no slippery parkour why would this ever be in a daycare jumping get the key from the top shelf okay yeah okay watch this I can do this like what what kind of daycare would ever have something like this does it make it he sense it's like all right little Jimmy to get the key to you know go further into the daycare and be able to get your snack for the day you got to do this Roblox Obby where you can just fall off of it and break snap both of your legs all right you know what give me this give me press that yeah press that right now press it where is it yeah that's that's more like it that's what I'm talking about game this is what I'm looking for this one right here hard mode I've done my hard mode okay I'm done with that one now we're on okay this is rough dude okay there's got to be an easier way to the problem with it like the jump is delayed I think it's the word look see I jump it's delayed okay you know I can just start on this one yeah there we go there we go there we go see I'm making excuses already but no it honestly it does feel delayed okay got it give me the key I'm out of here get me get me out of here right now get me out all right time to go visit buck B maze buck b maze okay H all right let's go pay uh little visit to our friend in here we've seen him before go through the maze to get the Pink Key the path may change dir what was just in front of me something was I was reading I didn't get to see it I don't okay well we'll never know it kind of looked like a ghost or something but I I don't know for sure and now we never will know oh it was a ghost look at that that's new and once again don't forget that the path may change yeah once again if I was a child that would never go on tired of this thing ever not in my entire life you could not pay me to come in here I would be so scared where okay so the path should change right now I should be able to go back around and then it should be different yeah yeah this is different okay it changed already right now we got to watch out for buck b because obviously last time gave us a little bit of a scare he just pops out from thin air usually okay so do we go back around here now I think this is the final one right here turn left and then this is where no I mean this isn't the demo anymore so they could have changed it uh where do I oh right here right here this yep I do it get out of here Buck me you're not allowed within 10 ft of me I've got a restraining order after last time go back to the first room and insert the Pink Key into the prize machine okay uh one little problem though how do I get out of here I have no idea if it keeps changing how am I going to find the exit wait is that oh nice they made this an exit now perfect can I jump on this holy yep I can all right now is where the good stuff begins you know what I'm saying we completed the demo now is where things are going to get interesting all right I take this bad boy right here I put that in there and I get gift what kind of give ooh all right new weapon new car key find the door to which this key fits okay um wait you're trying to tell me this is what I'm holding I thought this was a chicken breast this whole time what the this looks like a golf club what is this supposed to be it's massive oh it's got to be this door it's got to be green on green here you go there we go all right let's go uhoh wait a minute this is a setup I'm telling you right now this is a setup good think I got my blaster on me I got that thing on me I think it's all right what wait this door I thought it was open I can't see hold on get close to the walls dude what is is this wait there's an elevator open oh it's so white in here what get me out all right we did it we escaped the Muzzy Kindergarten now we're going into the factory I'm assuming right let's go oh well this thing's going quick I'm going down somewhere fast all right well wait what's the difference between this one and the one I had it looks the exact same and it shoots the exact same it's like I'm shooting little tangerines around or something what is this I think I got scammed what's this what floor okay we're on the mystery floor I guess oh no dude am I supposed to have a flashlight or something cuz it is so dark okay I need a piece of chicken for that oh here we go all right oh there's a key out of here and a wrench um light what this no what is oh oh what yeah I I know exactly what I was doing there I KN they don't know who they're messing with all right I'm quite the problem solver I I knew exactly what to do oh God they got animatronics in here what is that dude you're trying to tell me muzes an animatronic they're just throwing it all in this game dude everything they can they're throwing it into this game animatronics check mascot horror check uh what else you got yellow giant light switch check uh what we got oh there like their like schematics for how they made it huh okay cool I can't go in there though I really want to all right what else we got in here oh another another wrench dude another why am I collecting wrenches what are all these wrenches for I'm just like collecting them and putting them in my pocket I don't know why this doesn't open no oh oh oh I can throw them no no no don't throw that we might need that might need that for the demon huh large Windows could be oh okay wow so you're these giant killer animatronics can just break out with a wrench that's funny that's all that's holding them in it's like a thin piece of glass what's this uhhuh I've seen one of these in cursive dreadbear but I'm going to leave that what is that what is is that you heard that I don't know what that was all right um light big room what connect down connect okay I think I know what to do here it's connect down connect so that would be um connect down connect there oh ah there we go we're in what is uh okay yeah this room's got some serious protection dude all metal walls whatever's in here is something big dude what's in here don't worry I got a few extra wrenches in my pocket I can throw at it I'm not too scared right now now if I didn't have those I'd be worried this is what is this this say a car lift it's for the Muzzy mobile huh find a 48v battery and plug it into the lift oh okay yeah I know exactly where the 48v oh there okay I actually did um plug it into the lift where where oh this there's something here nuro World H he doesn't want it though I think it's in this door over here but we need some kind of key or something yeah we need that orange key again which I think I dropped it let me see if I oh right here oh I can go up okay put this there up we go all right Muzzy come here you're about to get a wrench to the forehead as soon as I see you got these bad boys lined up I got like three of them oh what's it oh the key what oh it's our lift going back down I thought something was here with us they've got a lot of fire extinguishers in here they're really expecting a fire at some point they got two up there one there I think yeah another one in there I think there's probably like two more in there they got them everywhere dude what's going on here all right open another one in here what the uhuh oh look Muzzy sighting there he is all right let's see here P1 huh okay that doesn't do anything oh my what is that notes I guess just press what was that sound like the switch just growled at me dude what was that you might have opened the door over here no maybe now this is open no huh wait why is this door closed huh wait the key is open this who who closed this door what what was in there I guess we'll never know I don't know oh my gosh dude what the heck is that Buzzy oh my gosh he scared me wait what do I stop what do I do the elevator help wait what what do I okay wait my gun my weapon my weapon he scared me so bad I dropped it give me give me the weapon okay open the gate by turning the lever uh yeah if I could just what is going on right now dude it's FY and his child I'm going to go through here I guess yeah yeah this is where it wants me to go open open open quick run oh he's got more children look at them all hey that hey that one's pretty chill look at him he's he's standing like that Meme where it's like you know have talk about the guy with the shorts on the street he's standing just like him that one's kind of chill dude uh okay who's throwing chairs out at me that one's pretty chill this one's honestly pretty chill too he's very slow uh can't go any the hey what's up how you doing there buddy all right goodbye so far these monsters seem kind of cool not going to lie open this thank you uh what is am I wait am I supposed to do something oh okay this scripted event I see oh that was cool what what's up there by the way just like a a camera and then a bunch of spikes oh dude who's spitting out meat over there sounds wet oh dude there's someone wet out there what is going on hey you're dropping sand on me up there uhoh that's not good okay oh can you stop playing with the waa oh wait so they're all like different sizes like look at that oh dang that remind me of Garten of bamb band a little bit I got yanked Away by something bigger what is oh we're free I did it all right where's that one that was kind of chill he can come home with us the other ones you got to stay here oh boy the door oh oh there he goes wait come back you were chill you don't have to run Muzzy Prototype 3 the model uses G1 G2 type hydraulic motors physical abilities are limited compared to Prototype 2 whoa yeah if you want to read the detailed characteristics of this model go right ahead it's right there you got a box here got some paper oh is this dude the Muzzy movie This is the Muzzy movie script muzzy 19582 yeah that's for the movie guys get ready what is a safe deposit box passwords okay I mean do that kind of defeat the purpose of the box if you're just going to put the password right next to it okay 1 593 dang it 4545 oh that's a good one I wouldn't go with it though if I was yeah I wouldn't go with that one I would go with the 3659 but no no no no no it's definitely 9368 watch this 936 68 I told you see they expected it to be the last one but it's not oh oh love Le letter in here uh love is immortal love is pure I see the pain within your eyes endure a day will come when I'll return and take away your sadness let it adjourn I was created just for you like a doll of beauty to view I'll give my soul my all to thee just love me back and set me free great changes are on the horizon everyone will be proud no denying love will be forgotten cast away but you oh love me love me I pray the world will wither turn the dust pain our rain as it must but for night today I'll reappear taking away your sadness and fear I had no idea I was in love with Muzzy that is definitely a Twist did he write that or did I write that to him or I don't know all right well that's definitely a strange twist but sure you know what hey the other mascot horror games haven't done that before I will say I don't know why though or well I I don't mean I don't know why they haven't done I mean why are they why is this game doing that never mind you know what forget we're reti just continue the game okay stop getting distracted everyone this door doesn't work great I got to go this way who brought the who brought this trash can in here and where do they take that to put it out this does this like Facility have like a a trash department or something that like you know drives around in trucks and picks it up or I don't know that's I'm just you know spit in here we got a long walk okay so I'm just talking about anything oh no this looks like either another Chas scene or was I chased through there oh oh that was right it's giant fuzzy oh my oh my gosh dude he seemed like he was going to be holy he seemed like he was going to be so slow that guy was moving extremely slow and then all of a sudden he just like activated run run run run run we got to go I throw the fire extinguisher down on him all right so he's really quick yeah look at oh my gosh dude he is okay wait I don't think I'm going to make it hurry up and turn the yeah I don't think I'm going to make it oh please muzy we're in love we're soulmates don't do this oh no I'm dead I'm not going to make it muzy I saw your letter I found it I'm in the middle of writing you a poem right now as we speak if you just don't kill me I'll give it to you no what's he doing what he got did he kill me yeah he killed me in the wall he killed me in the wall oh guys the door wait no I thought I was going to be able to go in there he's going to get me he's got his little Muzzy shoes on help oh hey that time it worked oh yeah I'd like to see you try to get through okay I like to see you try to get through there do it do it again okay don't do that anymore you're actually starting to put a little dent in there wow that's okay he's pretty strong um oh thanks someone in here is like opening doors for me and saving the day so shout out to whoever that is is it oh it's this wait which way do I go what's in here the control room H interesting interesting we have a note here if you want to read that I it's really hard for me to read cuz it's so far away but if you want to read it there you go what do you got in here lock door more fire dude enough with the fire extinguishers you don't need two you need one dude and you don't need look there's one right here they have way too many in here there's another one down there what another one like there's a problem here there's a problem and there's it's too many fire extinguishers oh this is a big red cup what the heck is this dude is that cup everyone's talking about the um what's it called the Nelson cup or something there's a cup that everyone's buying right now like a horse on it that's probably what that is uh note there you go if you want to read that open this H oh here we go purple door that means it's the purple Huggy wuggy monster that they changed but totally not cuz copyright end of chapter one wait what huh end of what do you mean end of chapter buckby humanoid Monster toy used in the playroom has no built-in artificial intelligence system okay foggy toy Series has an artificial intelligence system realized in the form of voice interaction uh okay getting a lord dump here nibble a large mechanical toy used in the playroom does not have built-in artif artificial intelligence puzzle his name is puzzle dude May Betty mascot I thought that was a piece of toast he's supposed to be a puzzle piece Muzzy a robotic toy in the form of a knitted Mouse developed by nuro World company it has built an artificial intelligence system okay this feels kind of random it's just telling me which ones do and don't have ai in them Alpha Muzzy no information available wow he's got some cool shoes on though I do I'm a I'm a fan of his fit dude and that one that was really chill I don't know what happened to him but if we could find him again that'd be kind of cool too thanks for playing okay so my thoughts on this um it's cool it's cool for what it is you know it's definitely goofy it's definitely you know typical mascot horror game nothing too crazy going on with it I do like the the characters though and like the chase scenes and stuff like that I thought the monsters were pretty fun I don't like how this first chapter hold on we got something happening here what oh that's the next monster what is that a lady tied to a heart I think this first chapter should have been free that's like an animatronic yeah H let's see that in Chapter 2 but yeah I I definitely 1 million per think this first chapter should be free it's $4 for about 15 minutes of gameplay you can probably beat this in under 10 minutes so yeah 15 minutes of game playay and that's if you don't like stop and read anything I mean if you read stuff yeah you probably got like 20 20 minutes but yeah I mean 15 minutes 15 20 minutes for $4 do you think it's worth it I don't know I mean hey up to you it was definitely worth it for me cuz obviously I got to play with you guys and we got to do a video on it so you know but I'm just saying for you guys at home I don't know let me know let me know if you guys would spend that or not and if you guys would I'll you know have a link in description if you guys want to check it out but yeah that was Muzzy chapter one I'll have to see what they do with chapter 2 maybe you know now that they get some money from this they can you know put a little more into it and make a bigger chapter um but we'll have to wait and see anyways hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you guys in the next one thank you so much for watching peace out
Channel: FusionZGamer
Views: 443,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: muzy, garten of banban, poppy playtime, horror game, indie horror game, muzy chapter 1, poppy playtime chapter 3
Id: VOsSDih3vbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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