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hi guys welcome back to my channel i hope you're all doing well i'm having a complete deja vu right now and that is because i won't lie i have already been in this sport i did try and film this video for you guys yesterday it didn't really work out the way i planned it to i don't know what happened to me yesterday i was like talking and nothing was making sense when it came out of my mouth and i don't know what was going on with me but we needed to have a bit of a break so we're back today and we're ready to do it all over again we're back and we're ready for it all over again i have filmed one azara haul on my channel before and it went down really really well you guys seem to absolutely love it so we're back with another one obviously this is going to be zara online and as we know i'm not going to start talking about the zara website because if i do then i probably will have another breakdown which we're not going for that today i actually managed to find some incredible pieces scrolling through the girls you know stood on cookers with books on their faces you know like saucepans as props i did place one order and i wasn't overly impressed with the things that i collected so i put a poll on my instagram story and 10 of you said don't bother with the zara hall if it's not good stuff so i was like hang on a minute i am not going to be defeated by that 10 i'm not gonna let the zoro website defeat me i went back on the website and placed an even bigger order than the first one and i've now accumulated i mean an ocean of clothes i have an ocean of clothes on this floor grab a snack grab a drink let's get into this zara hall i'm really trying to stay hydrated it's four o'clock look at me not even starting my water yet i love that guys i've got so much stuff here i actually don't know where to start first i'm going to show you is going to be this cream nude jacket i think i mentioned in a previous video of mine that i hadn't bought into the shacket trend this all in winter i hadn't actually picked up a jacket so this is my first one i've actually got two in this haul but this is the first one i picked up and to be honest i'm absolutely in love with it it is stunning i actually saw this being worn by a girl called rebecca jackson on instagram i think she wore in the khaki color i did actually want to get it in the khaki color but it has sold out but this oatmeal cream beige color is wow it's so tonal i'm obsessed with it love the fact it has this tie round way so you can sort of cinch in and make a little bit peplum so it's a bit more fitted i really really like that i picked it up in a size medium and it was 49.99 so 50 pounds it's obviously not a jacket so 50 pounds for just you know like a shirt style piece of clothing that isn't gonna keep you that warm is quite pricey however the quality does feel beautiful it's super heavy and luxurious i did mention obviously i picked up two jackets this was the second one i picked up in this checked print to be honest i'm not sure how i feel about this one the material is extremely different to that one this feels kind of not itchy but a little bit more not as soft as that one this jacket doesn't have a belt around the center so for sure this is more of like a shirt vibe and i'd probably wear this like off the shoulder with a little white cropped up and some gray joggers i definitely think this could be styled up nicely it's just not i'm not as obsessed with it as the one before again this was 50 pounds same as the last one so pricey again i maybe did tell my mum that i had cut out coke zero so mom if you're watching this hi next up i picked up these gray spandexy leggings now look how thin these legs look i'm sorry but my thighs are actually going to be screaming in these leggings i'm hoping they are extra extra stretchy these leggings are from the zara limitless contour collection which i think is like their collection of just like simple basic things that we all go mad for you know like those white razor tops the bodysuits and stuff i didn't notice in my last plt hall you guys said you wanted to stop me to start telling you how much everything was like all the time so yeah 18 pounds for these leggings which i don't know i thought for a pair of leggings is quite pricey but they do feel like sort of spandexy material so this is me introducing to you my new boyfriend tommy is out the picture because i'm now in love with this cream jumper from zara i honestly when i say i've fallen in love with this cream knit jumper i mean like i'm fully in a relationship with it like it's over with me and told me like this jumper is taking his place so it's this cable knit cream jumper with kind of like i wouldn't say it's a high neck but it's a super huggy neck it's just this couldn't be more me if it tried and i i've never been more pleased with an item of clothing from zara than this one it is incredible quality it is so weighty it literally feels like i don't know like a super super super expensive jumper smart of me to rip off the label i have no idea how much i paid for this jumper so i'll put it on the on the screen here honestly if this jumper was 100 pounds i still would have bought it because it is insane i'm just in love with it and it's one of those pieces that i know i'm gonna wear every single autumn winter like this is never ever gonna go out of fashion and obviously it wouldn't be a molly may jumper if it wasn't covered in foundation after wearing it once so next we have this super random piece that i found on the website that i'm still like really confused by so i think this is a collab with everlast and the only reason i really know what everlasting is because tommy wears some of their stuff for boxing and they're quite a big like brand in terms of boxing and sports equipment anyway i think they've collabed with zara because on the back of this shirt that i fell in love with it says everlast zara so yeah i think it's like a little collab they've done i think they've done it with like looney tunes before do you think they do like collabs then they've done it with mcdonald's as well before i'm pretty sure they did one with mcdonald's um but yeah i really really love this shirt so it is this blue and white well kind of gray blue and white pinstripe shirt with the everlast detailing on i just thought it was really cool and different i do own a lot of blue and white striped shirts that i love to take away with me on holiday i feel like there's a common trend in this whole everything seems to be 50 pounds and it was 50 pounds i picked up in a size large i do think maybe it was slightly more overpriced because it is like a collab piece and it does feel super weighty again the quality is beautiful let's have a little shoe moment next because i did go wild with shoes in this haul which is a little bit different for me sometimes in a haul i'll include like maybe one or two pairs of shoes maximum but i have quite a few pairs in this haul to show you because zara shoes they are expensive don't get me wrong they are expensive but they are just second to none like when you see them on the shelves at the bottom and you spot a good pay like i'm having those have been styling up this pair of boots on my instagram the last few days and oh my goodness they're very much a love hate situation i didn't like these at first i saw a few girls wearing them and i was like i don't think i could quite pull those off i don't think they're very me they're a bit too wacky um but i've just been seeing more and more girls making them look so cool on instagram so i saw that they were in stock online which they're never ever ever in stock and so i thought you know what i'm just gonna buy the bullet and get them and see if they suit me and see if i can wear them and basically i've not taken them off i did put a caption on my picture the other day saying that tommy thought these were welly boots and i can understand why i don't know if you could actually wear these as a welly boot a lot of people were commenting on my pictures saying can you actually wear them as welly boots are they waterproof i don't know they kind of feel it to be honest i think they are a very trend moment i don't think these are going to be in fashion forever because of my love for the khaki pair when i went back on zara the second time to place my second order i picked up a similar style pair in white i think it's like a white creamy color and these are absolutely beautiful i've not actually tried these on yet um i put them on a size four and they look gigantic now they aren't a size four to be fair they have actually come with a little like black scuff on them slightly annoying these boots were quite pricey they were 80 pounds i'm not sure how much i paid for the last ones i've left it on the screen um but these ones were 80 pounds pricey sometimes you'll look at zara shoes when you're in the shop and you'll think like oh these will be about you know maximum 40 pounds and i'll be like these are 210 pounds and you're like what like you get the shock of your life when you look at the price of zara shoes now next up for the coat that i basically haven't removed from my body for the last two weeks so it is this kind of teddy bear style coat in this beautiful like golden beigey brown color and it's super oversized super beautiful i can't really show it like this it's so big i've been wearing this with like tracksuits underneath hoodies underneath jumpers underneath it goes with literally everything it's such a neutral color i picked up this coat in my last sarah hall this like burgundy leather one and i've literally not worn it once and they're the kind of coats that i regret buying coats like this where i bought it literally last week and not taking it off they're the kind of coats that i'm like yes it's worth the money this was how much i spent on this 60 pounds this coat which if you compare it to the price of the jackets which were 50 pounds if 10 pounds more and you get this whole beautiful comb and for sure i could have picked up in a larger this is still super oversized in a medium but a large would have been like a really really oversized vibe so guys did you notice how i didn't actually apologize there for buying another coat because i feel like we're just past that level now we're past the point of apologizing for buying coats this jumper excites me beyond belief i told myself i wasn't going to wear literally every single thing from this whole on my instagram before i showed you guys it because you know youtube guys you need having the exclusive you need to see what i bought first before i wear it on my instagram it's absolutely stunning i am obsessed with it so it is this baby blue roll neck knit jumper and it is just the most beautiful material it's super thick and weighty like my favorite cable knit one i actually love wearing blue and you guys really complimented me when i wore that blue jumper in my plt hook it was like a super bright blue color and loads of you were saying like blue is definitely your color and i've never really worn blue before so when i saw this i was like you know i'm gonna pick up another blue piece because you guys really built my confidence with the last blue jumper so thank you for that i picked this jumper up in a medium and i bought it for 30 pounds which i think is a really decent price for this jumper for the quality of it i do have a bit of a confession to make if you watch my previous video which was a vlog you may have seen a little meltdown scene i had about my relationship with jeans and yes i did say that if i bought another pair of jeans on a vlog or in a haul i give you guys permission to basically slate me in the comments section of this video and just go mad at me and tell me why do i bother um but i actually in my defense did buy these jeans before i put that vlog out on my first order i picked up these jeans and these came and this was where my angle of jeans the last week really started because these wow when i say they didn't fit me i mean like these were just so tight for me i picked these up in a size 10 and they just absolutely did not fit me they were way too small on the leg on the waist everything about them was incorrect but i picked up this pair of jeans from zara i think these are in a size 12 uk uk 12 potentially i think i went a size bigger because those ones were in a 10 and they just absolutely did not fit me but these are in a beautiful blue shade i really really like this color of jean they are much more wearable than the darker black like these go with a lot more i just love baggy jeans like i never wear jeans that hug my legs i like to wear a jean with like trainers that's a really baggy and oversized because i've not tried these on you and i want to tell you how these fit i will do a talk free trial next this is not a particularly flattering angle but as promised i said i would do a little talk through of how i found the jeans so these are the size 12 mum well they're kind of like mom's straight leg fit jeans and you know what i actually don't hate these they're not as bad as i thought they were going to be the only thing is is that the waist is literally like i mean it's gigantic i would definitely need a belt if a jean fits how i wanted to on the leg which these do it would normally mean that they won't fit me on the waist which these don't and so i probably just tuck a jumper into these or put a little belt with them so i'm obviously in this weird relationship with cream jumpers at the moment because i did actually pick up another one and i'm equally as obsessed with it okay maybe that one has still got my heart but i'm like just just about the same as obsessed with that one as i am with this one this i actually have start up on my instagram i'll pop the picture here and yeah i pop this on my instagram to say that i was going to a zoom meeting down the hall which was very true actually i actually was going to do a zoom meeting and i just fancied like dressing up for the day so i put on one of my new zara outfits because i couldn't help myself and yet this jumper is just everything again it is just so me so it is this cream roll neck and i don't particularly want to show you the neck of it because again i've smothered it in foundation it's so weighty again so beautifully made and just feels so expensive and luxurious now i'd be surprised if the label is still on this no it's not so i'll pop this price on the screen here i pick this up in a size medium and it's just so perfect i know again i'm going to wear this every single year i love the sleeves on it as well they've got a super large like cuff on them which is really cute finally in a haul i picked up a pair of trousers on a bottom half item of clothing that actually i am obsessed with if you've been on my channel for a very very very long time you'll know that i have kind of like grown up with this complex about my legs i've always had it um i don't know why i've always just grown up to be very self-conscious of the fact that i have got slightly bigger thighs buying bottom half things for me has always been a massive massive struggle like i literally spent my years from 16 to about 18 wearing high heeled boots every single place that i went to and only in the last couple of years have i actually just grown to just sort of accept my legs and the way they are like even if i was super super skinny i'm always gonna have slightly larger thighs that's just the way i feel and that is actually fine and it's taking me a while to accept that bit of a tangent there i think it's important you guys remember that like every single girl has a complex i'm really hoping these are still in stock so you guys can get your hands on them because these are just a really really beautiful versatile pair of trousers that i know i'm going to continue to get so much wear out of i'm just so beyond buzzing that i found a pair of trousers that i can wear to meetings and can wear in a dressy way but are still considered a jogger because i would still con consider these a jogger but they're just like a smart jogger so yeah i couldn't be more here for these trousers if i tried now i'm sorry but we are gonna have to take a small moment of silence for these boots thank you everyone i have fallen in love i've actually fallen in love with this pair of boots and the fact that i actually um an odd about picking these up annoys me like i'm sorry they are just absolutely stunning i feel like holding them there you can see them a little bit better and the way the heel kind of like drags in i've seen boots like this before online from like big designs and stuff but i've never actually seen them in like a high street store um for a not too bad price actually these could have been really pricey i'm not too sure i'll put the price on the screen here so i've taken the price of these i can't remember how much i paid for them they're actually much more versatile than you think so yeah i know i'm going to get lots of wear out of these and i'm so so pleased that i picked them up then this hauls blazer that's what i'm going to start saying now i'm not going to say i've bought another blazer i'm just going to say this hauls blazer because you know every single hole there's going to be at least one blazer one coat i picked up a khaki cropped blazer which i actually did wear on a shoot that i did with ego so when i was doing my shoe campaign with ego in where was i i think in milan i actually wore this blazer with a little matching skirt i was honestly tempted to ask can i steal this blazer when i was shooting in it because i was that obsessed with it so when i saw it online and still like a pickup myself i was absolutely buzzing i actually have a picture going on my instagram tomorrow that i shot for descenio wearing this blazer which i'll insert here for you and yeah i just absolutely love it i cannot wait to style this up and actually wear it out for dinner and stuff with some nice gold jewelry i paid 40 pounds for this so quite pricey for a cropped blazer they're the one thing that i don't really compromise on price with because i feel like you can definitely tell when a blazer is slightly more expensive so next is a piece that i've not tried on yet and i'm kind of nervous to do so i don't know what this is going gonna look like there is this cream off the sh i think this is off the shoulder jumper with like a zip down the center i'm gonna and obviously insert clips with me wearing it here to show you what this looks like um but yeah this is super different for me i've never actually bought anything like this before don't get me wrong i am cream jumper obsessed but this is a super different style of cream jumper for me this is either gonna look super super cute i'm gonna be obsessed with it or this is not gonna be for me at all i picked this up for 25 pounds and i picked up on a size small potentially i could have got a medium but i don't know how this is meant to fit if i end up liking this piece i think i'll wear this in my next haul when i'm sat down because this is such a beautiful neckline i do love off the shoulder things and my pigmentation is kind of going now guys i'm so so so happy my pigmentation is like has really really faded the last couple of weeks which has honestly made me the happiest girl in the world so wearing like off the shoulder pieces and maybe sleepless pieces soon fingers crossed will be hopefully coming my way the final pair of shoes i have to show you i picked up because i was pretty sure that haley bieber wore a black boot with a red sole on it now i need to try and find the picture and if i can find it i will insert it here oh i love a plain black like leather boot i just didn't know if these were going to be very me because they don't have a particularly thick sole and i was hoping it was going to be slightly thicker in person but it's not it's still quite thin whether i'll get much wear out of these i don't know um but i just seem to be addicted to buying boots and shoes at the moment which you know i don't have a problem with these boots were 70 euros so maybe around like 60 pounds i i don't want to do the math on that one and get it completely wrong um but quite a pricey pair of boots for something that i'm not sure if i'm going to get loads of wear out of yet with haley bieber wearing things and me copying her it's literally like regina george wore army pants and flip-flops so i wore army pants and flip-flops and that's nice of me isn't it having this crumpled up on the floor and now it's totally creased to show you guys and i actually started this next piece off my instagram the other day it is this gray oversized blazer coat and it is a really really nice oversized fit i picked this up in a size medium and this is definitely big enough to fit like hoodies underneath jumpers underneath i kind of realized i didn't have that many like smart dressy coats i could write like meetings and stuff and slightly more professional looking coats and so i picked up quite a few recently i've been outside the door for about 10 minutes and you are officially the number one fastest talker on the planet great yeah started saying that so do you think this is going to be too fast for people to listen to i mean if you've you've done youtube for years so i think you'll be used to it by now i feel like yeah anyone that's on this channel knows that when you come on here you need to be like really concentrating to actually have to understand what i'm saying because carl there's i think you need a headset on i think any slightly noise in the background yeah to be you know you distract to be on it for my videos to understand what i'm saying um but thanks for that input after the video's finished you could have told me that in the intro it's kind of like a massive sigh of relief that i've managed to even film this video today i had really weird anxiety that i'd have the same situation as yesterday and i'd have a massive brain fart again and i wouldn't be able to film it but i'm so glad that i've actually managed to somewhat get through this video i'm sorry if my super fast talking completely ruined it and put you off i've got things to do and people to see i really don't i'm literally in the middle of a lockdown and after somebody she's going to go and sit on the sofa with ellie belly and do nothing all night but listen people i don't have time to be talking slow okay now that wasn't annoying was it i literally had the outro to film and my camera died so i've just changed the battery pack i always want my videos to be so good and engaging and enjoyable for you guys and when they don't go to plan and when i feel like i'm not being myself and them and they're just not quite what i want them to be it does get to me because i care about my videos so so so much i don't know when you love something so much like i do with youtube you just want it to be great and i want you guys to enjoy my videos so yesterday when it didn't go to plan i just had a complete freak out but i'm glad i just left it and i've come back to it today and i'm just much much happier anyway guys you know if you stuck around the end of this video then thank you so much for doing so i love you all so much and hopefully i will see you all in my next one bye guys
Channel: MollyMae
Views: 1,023,149
Rating: 4.9543533 out of 5
Id: Db4FKTusKTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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