HUGE Water Salmon Fishing!! Ft. @SBFishing

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like just quit are we live no camp where Moochie rod up a little somehow there was already 37 I don't know they're all goes you guys all watch the video on Facebook and you knew what was up they were all talking like on the chat before even guys let us know how a camp camps a sports people learning to test this microphone yeah hey can hear me I mean nobody wants to hear what I have to say but can you hear at least the words coming out of my mouth they go this week that's all I got what's up guys see lots of you guys tuned in we are out here in a story of Oregon if you guys can please do us a favor if you are not subscribed and you're just finding our channel go down here hit the subscribe button also give this video a thumbs up thumbs up that video smash that thumbs up and help it kind of get out there we are joined by smash yes tonight trying to get there first salmon this was kind of like a man you guys we could probably go down and catch a salmon and they were like we're down let's do it let's go we're leaving for Alaska tomorrow I'm taking these boys up to Alaska to do some amazing fishing but oh yeah you guys know too much about that there's some stuff go wait for goods goods I think it's gonna happen boy what do you think pop off I think it's gonna happen it's happen the last two nights out here so big a fishing it again I'm not gonna get any big fish these boys pint though you hate anti-popes I hope everyone gets a big fish then they get a small Jack - I can't never lies got one of us can you drop a comment let us know how the sound is we've got a nice how well can you hear each of us it is pretty windy out here and we do have a new microphone that we're kind of testing it out so sound is good I like to hear that thank you Chris good on your end awesome thank you so much everybody appreciate it again if you guys want an opportunity to win an addictive fishing prize pack you guys know the drill just keep commenting on this video share it out there with your family and friends text it to some of your buddies hit that little link down at the bottom where you can text message it out to a few of your buddies and let's get some more people and you're hanging out hopefully we can watch one of these the guide selects berry into the water oh you need to get all I'm doing out here flicker on for you I'm great awesome that ditch guys like I said we will be picking a winner so you get thanks for comment keep calling and make sure you guys give this video thumbs up smash that thumbs up button and yeah we'll randomly select some more to win an addictive fishing prize pack at some point during this feedly market some myself [Music] [Applause] [Applause] unlike the other thing click on the show it to your buddies next message um tell them to come join us live we're gonna hopefully catch a few see I'm here today let's see what the columns keep the cold here we got here Oh Thank You Brandon so much for the super chat we appreciate it so much man and your question was question anyone fishing Pro Tools yes so let's talk I know a couple guys at our fishing 360 style flashers and are doing quite well in fact actually when the things were kind of slow the last couple days it would be a barrier one of my buddies have like 18 yesterday that shoot I struggled a lot of guys honestly struggle and then I ended up getting I ended up getting literally everything every bride I killed on a 360 it's very because I was listening I was like dude we just did really I better switch so but today for me was babe I and I ran a couple big rods up front and then I ran four short buses with some short bus spinners out the back and yeah we did end up killing a fish and missing the tough little watch that we didn't have killing a fish and watch and a missing some but my bait rods did really well so so they're doing really well so but I'm telling you the horn but those other guys I know did really well on spinners and 360s too so you know what you got to give routine down here I'd fish it I wouldn't be afraid to fish it but go get them Mike I think you can't spin it too much in your head they're not hopefully gonna bite one thing but what you do well if you're a better if you're a bake I've your Springer bait guy dredging the bottom of your like better and fault stick with your guts yeah I can definitely see that I found myself doing that I heard too many times or unlike rotating but I mean I mean [ __ ] our buddy Ryan D he smashes him like suspended all day long I'm like I didn't see these fishies killed he's killing though there's my answer here's your answer but I didn't go really well on bade today and so we're just running all day abroad right we also have another special guest in the building tonight right we got here I want to introduce yourself hey Dave sham patch me and wild coexist we're rockin it people you guys don't know a tree and while co-exist is make sure you guys get educated all that you want to give them just a quick rundown just in case is anyone yeah so happy while coexist is a campaign exists to highlight the importance of hatcheries and the role they play in bringing about abundant and healthy fisheries and you got a lot going on right now you I know you guys are doing like a campaign to try to raise some funds for a new study is that correct yeah you're absolutely right so on August 1st we initiated a capital campaign to fund an economic study so we want to demonstrate the importance of our hatcheries when it comes to the economy of the Pacific Northwest you know if you think about it every business out there restaurants tackle shops obviously boat manufacturers but it goes even deeper than that into the local communities and we want to be able to show the decision-makers how important our hatcheries are to our region and that takes money to do a study like that we want to do it right we want to have good solid defendable answers and so we're asking everybody to give a little bit so nobody has to give a lot exactly guys and it makes a lot of sense if you guys you know don't feel obligated but you feel obligated because if you're out fishing in the northwest and you want to help if you like more hatchery fish you want to change this freakin narrative out there that hatch at all hatchery fish are bad for wild fisheries is not the case anymore not all hatchery fish are the same and last I checked page 46 said if we don't put a tree fish in the water we lose our southern resident killer orchids I can't think of anything else that's freaking better than being able to use that as ammunition and get support behind this campaign to raise awareness that we have to have hatchery fish until every dam on this River is gone until every house that's up every damn tributary 30 freakin yards and until every culvert is gone until every wetland is restored we have to mitigate with hatchery fish period and a discussion if you don't we lose our orcas we lose our fisheries and we will lose our wild fish cool so what's the website where they can go donate quick and easy so hatchery - wild - coexist calm so we'd love you to join the fight so go on there subscribe doesn't cost you a thing that way we could show how much support there is for the campaign if you want to donate and we hope everybody's willing to give a little that way nobody has to give a lot there's a green donate button click on it it'll take you to a donation page make sure you select hatchery wild coexist and if you got a buck we'll take a buck if you got a hundred bucks we love you you got a hundred thousand dollars even better help us out you do something like that take you fishing for a week you hear that yeah yeah there we go that was our donation a thousand of these one hundred thousand so hopefully hopefully everybody's following our Facebook page so part of the program is to build the largest coalition we can right so we're up against the patagonian of the world and as individuals we don't have a very loud voice so we're trying to put together the largest coalition that we can and right now we've got over 70 supporters that have signed on in support of the campaign and a lot of people have been asking so how do I become a supporter it's as easy as this again go to a tree - Wow - coexist calm and there's a Contact Us section just go to the contact us section say you want to be a supporter and we'll follow up and tell you what you got to do it doesn't cost you a thing you help us we'll help you that's the way this campaign is working so don't worry about not having a big bunch of bucks in your pocket just contact us we'll work with you and we'll get your logo on that page we got a we a two-page spread in the latest issue of salmon trout steelhead our magazines showing all of our supporters and we implore you to support the folks that are supporting our hatcheries and somebody's asking so can we get a list of all these companies that are supporting at Rabaul coaxes here's a better way to do it so when you go to a business ask them if they support after a wild coexist if they say yes give them a pat on the back give them a big thank-you thumbs up if they don't ask them why not and tell them to contact us we'll follow up and get them listed as a supporter as well it's not some grassroots everybody's in it we all need to help spread the word and change this anti hatchery narrative awesome well thanks for joining us Dave hopefully we can whack some hatchery but hey it's my pleasure happy to be out here me too everyone wants the salmon for everyone she just showed the screen we just had a follower what like just like sleeping yeah I'm called like all right guys if you guys are new to the channel also make sure you guys tatted a subscribe button and I saw that there's only a few likes on I mean lots it read about 300 people watching this you guys it's smash that like button make sure you guys smash that like button you guys didn't have that many people until you yes thank you Chris smash that like button you guys it know that's kind of a little one of the little seater how YouTube works if you guys can make sure you smash that like she when I mark stuff like that you'll see me make the life episode are wrong fairing you I'm joking about like Oh that's like to me that's like [Music] [Music] you're going over honestly that cloud like those ones you saw at the start that is a hundred and the line on the bottom [Music] [Music] things like a sail things like all of my like this is gonna be hot fire dude I don't know but I make fights oh I'm not sure that's right I think you know that way your mark that you saw no one that was a frame above yeah that little tail streaked out yeah that's what I see on line two it says good thing cameras driving Nick couldn't catch a thing on the tiller last week you should see my drag today you should drive my boat for five minutes in your promise I'll Drive autograph I'll grab the next pass oh maybe we should do a little rotation rotation well I mean that's really unfair because like [Applause] all right attics all you guys were gonna pick one of you randomly to win a prize here I know we said we were gonna do that so here we go making room REE I think that's how you pronounce your last name Meghan Ramona I probably butchered it but Meghan you won yourself an addictive fishing prize faster that's you're quiet all the time is that one of his class Meghan you just won yourself an addictive fishing prize back please shoot us an email two orders at addicted dot fishing orders that addicted up fishing we will get you a hat out thank you so much for tuning in with us tonight and don't leave guys cuz we will give away some more prizes you guys still hi and I'm just so giving James you look so like tranquil with the bridge in the background slowly man stove watching him [Music] do it all over again we did mark some fishing there's some solid marks so maybe maybe we should leave mark all the fish [Music] all big ones that's what we're trying to do guys and gals watching we're trying to fall into [Music] want to get how you wanted all right clear to launch it don't go fast though well it is waterproof with this microphone inception uh she's go for miles an hour please is the legends gonna drive well yeah actually drives his boat [Applause] Oh those are those are fish yes those are really good yes suspended at the post [Applause] bill right no same here [Applause] we're not talking right now I burn about [Applause] that's why I repeated it make some more garden videos please pineapple action all right peace out this is a great opportunity to head over half that light a great opportunity while yesterday didn't like it then we go go away I said we do 1 to 36 feet I can show you why in a second oh my god Nick yeah [Music] we're gonna run I'm tired day 24 23 years we're gonna run a little shower maybe on this pass talk about leaver resources all the way solely break a trees on the Mackenzie River it's ego that Corps walked away from it they said we're gonna we're gonna raise our fish using another meat and we're gonna close down this hatch so several efficient groups got together convinced the legislature that they needed to keep the the hatchery open got the funding for it so this year we hope that the governor would actually come out and say you know Libre is important to us so we'll provide the funding as part of her budget she didn't it took us all the way until the final minutes of the last day of the legislative session to get funding approved by the legislature for the hatchery so big win right well the governor has 30 days to sign that bill and he actually has line-item veto so she could strike any particular funding item on that bill if she decided that's what she wanted to do she took until the 27th day out of 30 days to sign that bill that's significant I think that that is telling and what we saw was the biggest push that I've seen from the anti hatchery folks to try and convince her to not sign that bill with the liebhard funding in there so the Oregon League of Conservation Voters which is the largest conservation environmental group in the state of Oregon actually came out sent a letter to the governor encouraging her to not sign that bill with funding in it for Liebherr hatchery that's what we're up against so if this isn't you know a bunch of us saying hey we didn't worry about our hatcheries it is real it's happening the influence from the artificial video that was put together by Patagonia is real very catchy you know they it's a very convincing video and their marketing strategy is is phenomenal they're going to breweries they're going to wineries and they're showing this stuff to people that don't know the difference between a bluegill and a chinook salmon right they don't fish they're not like us they don't have an interest in that there's way like you to starve orcas I guess I don't know well yeah there you go but but to them they're buying into this stuff wholesale and and our hatcheries our fisheries are at risk and in a way I've never seen in the 40 years that I've been involved in this stuff so folks you know it's it's up to us the stand-up band together we're all in this together and say you know this is important to us and we're going to make sure that our hatcheries are funded and that's what this is all about that's what the hatchery Bob Choate's this campaign is all about is making sure that our hatcheries stay viable now I was talking to a group yesterday and by the way we've got a big announcement coming out in the next couple of days we had a a large sport fishing organization sign on and support yesterday so that's exciting news when they were talking about okay all these things we need to do to increase hatchery production well I think the first thing we need to do is make sure that we have hatchery production we need to hold serve once we get that handled then we can talk about how we incremented Crees the number of fish that are being obvious because I think we would all agree that that's what needs to happen to make sure that we've got healthy and abundant fisheries in the Pacific Northwest what do you think camp sorry it's over here breaking rods cam talk about speeds we get this question all the time every day we're getting it again multiple times tonight talk about your speed when you're trolling and what you're doing there it's not relative to what I want to do it's relative to what it's doing this thing right so down here you got lots of like cross currents got tied that switch on the surface but doesn't push it's all about lining you gotta have some line able to know that you're pulling on your bait which if you're pulling on your bait you know your bait is spinning so you're talking speeds speed over ground or huge speed over the water like if you have a paddle honestly is irrelevant down completely is it all it's gonna boil down to that line angle because if you're dropping your line down too the boats traveling you know as a guideline I generally don't like trolling like over you know 384 miles an hour and since in both situations I love my speed over ground it just tells me the tie it's kind of going too fast but shoot we've already had days this year let's kitchen to go to five point eight so I don't think it's a matter of like you have to obtain and find this perfect speed I mean you don't there's no such thing down here no because that's perfect speed on one pass and slows down or speeds up the next pass if you're going a different speed so hopefully that answers your question I really what I'm trying to drive I'm trying to catch fish I'm looking at the plate my dowel rod line angles and I just know that what I would just put the bow wise get back like a certain amount then I know what my baits do and that's generally where I notice I get it that's what I'm hey you guys got any other questions on that anything you're confused about there but that's I think that's a pretty good explanation of you know I we get that question a lot about oh you better troll 2.5 power here and that's it if you don't tell that you're not gonna catch fish so yeah not there's no set perfect speed that we you know as far as like your speed over your ground or your GPS your speed over water cheap as that good telling them yeah have you ever caught I'm Gary oh hello Garrett Glasgow we can give Derek Glasgow down the street Cameron he's gave us $100 super Chad Derek thank you appreciate it buddy question it was the speed question I think I may be there thank you guys so much Sarah come here yeah Derek grades from dude are you out in the northwest carrier don't have to answer if you don't walk we appreciate that it's going a little fast now go fast we'll see you guys back on the sheet so for those guys have been wondering you know like Louie 10 I don't know if you guys can follow my reports on the addictive fishing close group and stuff but we've had I've had some pretty like kind of struggling and you know kind of just weird days you know catching fish in random places not seeing a goodbye kind of you know you always hear about this one guy gets all his fish by seven and then you know the next day you see him out at two three o'clock still trolling with three guys you know like it's not it's been kind of a real shitty last three days those first six seven is the season were game on and this whole notion of oh and those good tides come with those good tides come those bathtub tides we're gonna stroke them as far as I was concerned we don't River shuffle I mean compared to what it was yeah so it's been a really really weird here however today that really did very very well it's all lots of fish we caught lots of fish lots of nice fish there's a good hole bytes in the last couple days and River really quick came I'm gonna guess question right good so a lot of you guys are asking about what super chatty as I say but you got another shoot which I thank you so much for King for the super chat yes that's exactly what we do guys and you guys super chat us into the channel we put it right back into the channel trying to get new equipment new just whatever anything we can do to keep giving you guys content because honestly guys had our cameramen we pay our camera guy you know it takes a lot of time a lot of effort a lot of just equipment so it was super jazz to you guys before us are amazing made me so much we appreciated all the little extra that stuff felt yes we do have sponsorships and stuff that is about absolutely but again educational access is not what it's about that's not why we're out here that's the same camp guys everyday attire every single day and he's guided today I watched him fully all this by fish for his clients and they come right back out her to do this live feed for all you haddock so the support he gave us on those super chattering possible and I will not be down here this weekend is I will be in Alaska I'm gonna be in Alaska this job they're about right now [Music] yeah guys we got some howling wind cam we got 445 people that want us to there he has a win Mike yep 39 feet right now guys 39 feet I unplug the microphone Andrey plugged it back in Thank You plant I think it's something might have happened to the microphone just a doctor can't hit it yeah what's up go ahead there should be a limp in the end [Applause] [Music] great all these guys said hey what the heck happened Nick was supposed to drive this run did I even Drive this retro yes how many of you people watching how many of you people watching as ice let me just explain to you guys a little bit how addicted has you guys we just fish it's addictive is kind of like been this thing where it's just been a bunch of buddies growing up fishing and you know we didn't pick and go and pick and choose like it's not like I put an application out and say hey can I get some minorities to join a dig down know there people are like a bunch of people are like chiming in asking why we don't have enough minorities fishing lips it's like you know what I mean food it yeah this is not we're not fishing right now so where are we gonna go let's go so it's my hair no because yeah guys it's not that we don't walk do or that we wouldn't it's just we didn't don't just never you know it's just we hang out with who's been around and who we I've grown up with that's it that's it I guess we're gonna make a move guys yeah we're gonna make a run guys we are we're gonna make a move who's got this one guy who's got fish in camp it's cuz of the wind yeah yeah are we gonna yep guys we're gonna make a shot that bad [Music] we're caught 12 fish on today ready so do any bigger guys you need to bring one of those chairs [Applause] the wind is gnarly guys so we're gonna try to just get three guys is crazy he said the wind cave direction [Music] Oh this is gonna be interesting we're gonna show him how to go inside to watch all being into life take your pick I mean yeah guys I just didn't really know how to answer that question so I answered it the best way I could it was kind of an interesting question he don't even want to know why we don't fish with diversity like why we don't have Mexican and black people over fishing with us I don't know why that question he we got asked but I just told them that I don't know why I don't have an answer I fish diversity every day I guess I never really thought like we would love to yeah I'm eating or honestly I don't characters over in that situation I hear those discussions come up my question is why are you thinking how people's races together yeah this real issue over here I got going on is what this guy says what I thought Jordan was a mystic he was no no you're right guys oh no I don't know if they were tied on't think he was trying though I think he was asking a legitimate question so I was trying to answer it in the best way I could yeah and somewhere somehow somehow I just became irate what this day is none of us are racist we love all people you guys want to come fishing with us it's not you know what I don't love is tangled yeah so we've got sau-lan addicted lives 442 people we're gonna go to the Washington side guys we were gonna go to the Washington side we're gonna try to make it over there dude let's just switch the damn subject we don't need to talk about it right now we're on the organ side yes this guy says the beer stuff the beer store is closer you should hit the beers to put now we've had some fun stuff with action while coexist we saw some little things pop up or certain breweries that don't know yeah they would also do a little support venue form and then word gets out then all that every sports Metallica Northwest ASA they quickly drop support like that like that weird you wanna stick your neck out can I am i clear together here well it's laying down dude just be happy real watch that both boys yeah I did I fished for summers quite a bit this year it was be Santa - then it was decent angle cuz I have one guys I'm gonna try to put the phone down this way so you're not going to be able to see much because I'm gonna try to shield from the water when we start I'm just gonna Frick it rip it this is gonna be you're gonna rip it well hey it's like what did I did entail he's one thing he wants that anchovy off the sucky Oh bad kid here's where we're going to do oh boy guys I'm gonna be putting the phone down here because if not it's gonna get really wet they're trying to shield it I'm gonna try to shield the shield the phone guys so I'm gonna keep it down [Music] [Applause] 4:59 people [Music] [Music] [Applause] now it's 48 miles an hour through like pretty gnarly job oh my god hey guys up hey guys I don't know what happened we lost we lost to B for some reason about that we ran a story and everyone fishing above the grid oh that's heaven Hey nice Christmas is this life we're here boys and girls we're here boys and girls I'm going to clean the lens stand by stand by fighting a fight I got his coordinates I got the X all right we're back clean the lens sorry about that guys all right we lost 150 people so can we be the big boot move into power moves all you guys still watching the stream is back up sorry guys we we lost connection there for some reason I think it's dis cameras doing Mach 50 that was pretty impressive I don't I don't know ever just like open her up like that okay that thing ate three foot chop like nobody's business yeah Clint we got hooked up with a super chat huh almost another bucks we appreciate you guys that gals out there that have given us super chats thank you so much for what we're fishing for chinook salmon salmon I see a fish on the finder - oh my gosh on the fighter shown the finder gets on the finder it's a rather the water get the rods of the water tangle everything as fast as you can right now so we screw ourselves that's every day in my life hey there's another one those are fish look lay the find that that is another fine sharp how you like that hummingbird camp the sollux I ran a lot of Units the last seven [Music] I don't even I don't even stir not even for James James Devaney thank you so much for the super chat buddy I'm getting my audit go we're getting the wrong thing yeah guys guys I'm gonna do a battery check real quick standby we're trolling effectively right now seven percent battery guys if you plug it meeting blowing my phone I think we can probably could just go back on a wall I was thinking we probably get rid of the microphone it's not as windy over here getting on and I can plug in dude we need to figure out how to want to know something to figure out how to hey we want to know something that Patagonia is doing playing dirty what are they doing they keep running advertisements on our live feeds seriously they just ran another one and people are commenting saying like what the heck Patagonia is advertising on your live feeds well you know whether people are watching but exactly gonna work exactly cuz also hey you guys burning every one way that you guys can help us with those Patagonia ads is when they come up on our live feeds or on our channel you guys can actually like say that you hate that ad you can report the ad it's gonna actually like say that you hate that ad you can report the ad so once that Patagonia ad comes up on our channel just report the app and save the reasoning why you don't want that to be shown on our channel and that will hopefully help and one thing I'm gonna do this week is get into my YouTube settings Matt isn't there a way to there's got to be a way to like block certain advertisers from the channel I'm not sure I I really don't know yeah there's probably gotta deal with it yeah but I also think it's based off of what viewers are watching so it's a little watch a lot of phishing content you're gonna see a fishing ads yapanese are gonna show up the are to school yeah remark and fish guys we are marking them you got a bunch of people saying what's up SB fish going on what's up everybody if you guys have not checked out SB fishing make sure you guys head over to his channel obviously not right now cuz we're trying to catch a salmon but it's after this live feed is over make sure you guys head over to SB fishings channel he's gonna have a bunch of content coming out with addicted fishing and then he also has a 50-state fishing tour that him and his buddy James have gone on they've covered 48 states so far they have 49 which is Alaska and 50 which was in Hawaii left so there's some really really cool content over there guys lots of videos to go consume so make sure you guys go check those out at some point Surf's Up Clint knows how Clint but I need your help with that buddy [Music] oh we got some seaweed boys seaweed BOTS hot right now okay I just pop it out yeah get close to loti cam no it's not we're hours away how'd execute how about we get another giveaway going since we lost a bunch of our people out there if you guys can help us get the get the people back in here to join us do us a favor and share the messages text message this live feed over to a bunch of your buddies share it out there on Facebook if you can if you guys are on Facebook share it out there just kind of share this link around and try to get some more people in here hanging out give this video a thumbs up and then keep dropping comments below hearing about what time is it right now pawpaw few out of time your watch 647 647 at 6:50 I'm gonna pick one of you guys to win an addicted fishing prize back at 6:50 all you got to do is those couple things that I just asked you to do let's share this back out there smash this thumbs up video give this video as many thumbs up cuz it'll let you give it which is only one and we're gonna randomly select one of you addicts out there to win a prize Thank You Wilin we appreciate shared to five people thank you so much thank you guys he seen all your comments we got getting all the rods Knicks working hard up there getting all the rods in the water cams on the motor it's about to happen I can feel it thank you for sharing it to Facebook guys we appreciate that thank you how do you pronounce that is I see I see what's up Zack Darrin Drake thank you for doing that man we appreciate it I think I only just like one or two like hunter thanks dude sorry guys how to check my washer 614 on one more minute keep sharing keep messaging it to your buddies make sure do not forget if you guys are not some strife how many people watching or subscribe to our Channel and how many of you are not are you subscribed are you not subscribed how many of you guys are subscribers if you're not click that little button down there subscribe I promise you won't regret it Joe says we're about to get one you can feel it [Music] 6:50 all right guys we're gonna pick a winner here and the winner is john newman john newman john2112 tuss an email to porters at addicted at dot fishing orders at addictive fishing and we will get that price pack shipped out to you make sure your in that email that you have your address included and we will make sure we get that shipped out on awesome buddy Mike that helps us down there at the shop we'll get that shipped out to you Spencer thank you for the super chat when you use training when do you decide to use strangle what the Freak get you unsubscribe Andrew why'd you let subscribe that's what some [ __ ] spit Spencer I had a $2.00 super chat cam and he wanted to know when you decide to use triangle flasher versa 360 classes oh if I buddies start handing it to me on 360 spin spinners so when you gets a report you don't cam the typical report chase that's me I don't I don't make him I just chase be a good shirt for some no seriously though what makes you like make that is it currently the kite speed a tide or just like kind of see an overall like how the bite is sometimes I think you need to get a little extra I mean at the end of the day when you're using a 360 flasher I think you just you can trigger the most aggressive a fight well I'm getting bit I swear to god I got fish on right now oh my god you little Jack I just got total jack come on campus it wasn't a grab it was like kind of in the man oh yeah but I call one of those this weekend - I was hammered my stuff to the bar we got bumpers I mean yeah thanks so much for the support John I appreciate it and all you addicts that share these speeds out there it won't give the video thumbs up and that's how you can really support us is the more you can kind of get get this out into the world it helps us a ton so think hopefully that wasn't like you try to give it away as many prizes as we can sometimes it gets expensive like a week deep drop woman this is a good question for you pop off hearing or anchovy I run both but this year I have had better luck on hearing linear Jovi's but Cameron this is Mayon Cameron's argument day in and day out he tells me I've caught every salmon I've caught in the last how many years 50 last eight or nine years he catches some Pancho Villa's so it's it's this one you're confident fishing like what is it thattaboy for smart man Matt herring or anchovy I'm going I have to go with anchovy I guess that's what these guys say oh we got another herring in the fryer always gotta be that way you know we got the viewers back 425 people waiting for a salmon takedown I had it right there but I think he was like this big yes Kyle matt has been matt has been recording for his channel you will see some videos coming out on his channel in the very near future that will have some addicted fishing people in it baby yes we are going to Alaska and there's a potential chance that we might not make it back the Bears might be does floatplanes might crash what about brats you use Brad's mush down here not so much in the river yeah I plan on it I mean the help you guys all saw maybe you guys haven't seen but onto the same channel you're watching the live feed go to addicted live episodes what episode was that we did 50 to 52 we've done this a year dude almost a year like 56 is a year oh no easier to see here bro you're right 52 weeks a year man we did we just that was Fiat was we here and we didn't do a year like celebration thing or anything we did it crazy idiot anyways episode 52 which was a year which was a year man if you guys haven't gone back and watched we have a year of addicted life episodes 52 episodes now yeah math a math and cooking those with anyways go check it out because we basically go out ocean coho fishing and we spend two days we fish one day at bait one day with super baits and honestly even at the end of the episode like we did better on the super bait episode but we just caught way more wild so we limited out faster a little bit the day before but a little side note to the second day that wouldn't didn't really get portrayed in the video was it was a tougher day like talking to the other boats and like it wasn't like the day before where it was just sort of bare hook and one fish right there I'm telling you right now if we had a 360 one would eat probably the same exact conditions that we were up there dealing we were running triangles and they would not touch the ball I had one almost it was like yes guys make sure you check it out it's on our YouTube channel under the addicted life playlist it's episode number 52 or you can just go to youtube and type in to go to youtube and type in Brad's or just type in bait verse superbaby you just go to youtube type in bait verse super bait in the search bar it will be the first video that shows we got those stinky herring in the in the water that's why I'm not getting it he's blaming it on the herring god I so hope the first rod that goes off is the Harry will be the front of boat what's up folks what's up folks they're just saying hi say hi to 420 people [Applause] okay well I definitely got to be on TV what's your port I mean when I was down here last weekend it was herring it was all hairy inherently they bit all here they wouldn't touch anchovies for us throw the picture up from today yeah pull your phone out show those people to Slavs you've been catching and then talk about are you freaking booked out through the rest of season I am oh my god except for September 4th I have an opening and that's it September 4th September 4th guys if you guys want to get out with coughing let me show you what you can catch look at donkeys can they see it oh yeah that was today guys now is pop off today yeah there are some big ones in there too gone sugar they don't look at that bucket that's a five-gallon bucket there were Albright's all big ones look at that pretty thing yeah let's bring that sideways that's worthy this is what Popoff was doing today these are all herring fish guys nope there's another one yeah look at this one that was a good one where's that oh my god that's a savage dude there was some big fish today we have September 4th September 4th Nicole guys pillow guide service you want to catch slabs yam you wanna show me on this doll rock well weird he just scrolled by a nude they said I don't think so what if I did [Laughter] everyone said you need a face mask dude you actually did it I'm torched I have one it's right here it's the neck buff you start wearing that date dude my ears fell off last night guys we're working on it it will happen it'll happen it's already 7:00 I'm flying which really betrays me do we have to be it that we have to be at the airport at 5:30 the morning whatever we Portland [Music] better flight Anchorage there you go yeah fly to anchored ship what did you get back Monday not long very long just Thursday through Monday Monday is the day we fly home so I'll be back in town Monday at some point if you think you said like 7:00 I need to send that to Sean just aren't quite fun oh yeah I'll break a pre-check is saying tonight 7:00 I think is when it flies on seven or seven three I think it's seven nine we land in Anchorage lost it sorry guys little what the heck happened there I'm sorry guy that I have on Friday what's up test the microphone without Dave Dave seriously was that Harriet or Toby [Music] you dragging that on purpose how's the sound now guys I don't have a microphone in anymore Judy you gotta love when there's like everyone lots of people said this sounds perfect everyone else says it sucks it's like 50/50 answers it sucks it sounds good it sucks I don't know who to trust here I don't know why it is he didn't take so much more savage oh it's so nice out here they got a fish on these guys say fish on the finder doesn't count it's got to be in the net that rod is gonna break in half do these guys are like double I think I think to have a double one of these anchovies he'd never bought a Toby in his life addicts were searching we're grinding we're trying it's gonna be like ninth inning just like it was last life Eve what's that oh we're getting one watch them here they come that's gonna be our come on one of those things buy it look at all those fish look at all those fish come on eat it oh there's a mark Wow come on fish yep flasher that's that I represent salmon right there again dude every single one of those that we're marking up here laughs I was not biting Bologna orders add addicted dot fishing orders add addicted dot fishing that's reshoot the email or you can just go to our website just go to our website addicted dot fishing WWF issues the contact form it works the exact same way [Music] the only boat out here now Nick just silly salmon right now we got your 25 pounder I'll be the silliest even Rob Brown well no dude no this little zone down here that we're getting into is the juice where's he at like 3 1 it's not slowing down no dude there's another fish right there oh my god just weighed this this lat when we were down here this little all I'm freaking Saturday do this whole lower half in the afternoon is where all the fish were hanging out [Music] yeah [Music] there's 450 people watching now still try faith they got faith up here up don't show my finger one of the guys the guys yeah one more shorty [Music] can't win two Chinook close-in we got one guys we got one let's show up show the people oh man we are Slayers cam when does it close down here for Chinook August 20th everyone wait are they gonna get here [Music] what's the report you got one didn't you didn't you get one lies yeah I've tried telling you dude I tried telling you no this lower half better everyone is saying that Nick these are run there's something like 40 comments and Nick these are run this pass you mean you don't have your electrons you got a [ __ ] hummingbird right there figured out that is a 25 or vehicle or 25 for why No let's go slow my neck hurts [Music] big one guys we're gonna get new baits in the water we're gonna drop it back down and we're gonna give it hell again I'm gonna check my battery folks hold on here bears I mean with it running live you don't I mean like it's barely it's charged four percent since I put this freaking the charger on him no yeah it did charge yeah us will probably leave as well Nick he said I might leave if you don't get one this pass I said stay with us yeah the calm 25 it's perfect bait cooler that's really works well feeling good about this one cool come on little Sammy [Music] if that one would've just bit better freakin weak little bite why don't you just test it why don't you just every single day come out here put three hearing on one side three anchovy on the other cuz herring would win [Music] everything right well I used to fish strictly hearing and we even fished frozen bryant hearing started started fishing fresh herring there's a fish there's a really good fish mark what is that oh yeah dude it's so dirty Nick in the addicted life episode there's a giant ball of eight oh my god you put that right there pick in that addictive life episode we filmed on Saturday on the hummingbird screen there's a giant ball of bait like a circular ball and you could see on the outside of both sides like shenna going through the bait and huichol right through the middle of the dude and the bow rod just berries and starts ripping lying off the thing runs around the back of the boat goes through all three rods on this side runs around that side and tangles four rods and snaps the light bleeder I couldn't believe it dude I was like did that just happen I mean I was like dumbfounded but we got it was on video so it'll be sick what the heck come on fish Matt's trying to get the hand by [Music] is it howdy is he gonna stay like 30 feet ears are gonna get a little deeper does it get to like I thought someone catching them and I was just I just about the hole come on fish dude you marked way more on that deeper spot oh good thing you guys are going to last Yeah right you guys you have to purchase calm coolers on their website call coolers column and they have free shipping on all their coolers so head over there website calling coolers make sure you let them know addicted sent you that's a fish we're marking all sorts of fish they just don't want to play look at this fish that's a fish right there guys see that the bottom on the old hummingbird cams faces oh yeah what kind of man is and that bait from the kudu yard we're marking so many of them look that that will tell you those bumpers he uses cam I think if you use them you would you would swish - are they the titanium ones why are they all or messed up sorry Alex okay why didn't that fish bite they're deeper to eat I'm telling you that's why soon as you went off that ledge they were in what are we doing wrong Dave I don't know there's 430 people that want to know though oh my hell there is so many of them were marking it's so insane look at that you see that yeah that's a fish right there oh fish are you being so lame yes I'm ready for winter steelhead season again for sure yeah we can't skip twitching though we gotta get we gotta get some fun twitching going on that's a fact this guy says are you dragging bottom if you're not camera you're wasting your time oh my god all the marks are right there what's up Katie thanks so much for tuning in kickboxing bump inning you can't contaminated all my baby you already picked all the good ones I knew it like this mother just laid out this guy he wants to know how many we haven't lost what motor is that cam people call few people haven't asked me our steering 225 horsepower Mercury four-stroke power steering we had a guy [Applause] yeah come drive we got to change the cheat yeah that's right we did get a sculpt and can't call a skunk we got one boys we it is seven what time is a guy's 7:30 god it's gonna be a long night in an early morning what what is that suspended fish yeah Brady Taylor thanks so much for the super chat buddy we appreciate it he said we need to buy some beer he said we need to buy some beer what's the water temperature here guys I'm gonna show you the sky because that's about how exciting this fishing is right now yeah the people are talking about how fried you are he's tan guys this guy says tell Paul to take his hat off I need a laugh the slice there's no fish is the problem now we're not marking them can went through a freaking school like 40 of them kid Nick skin-graft last year wowzers oh I can only imagine snore Lee oh my gosh dude the fish went nuts and then snapped 40 pound leader like it was nothing yeah oh it was huge it looks pretty to Lee though but it was big oh yeah that's what he did he instantly came to the surface and just ripped through all the rods you're in the zone you're in the zone bro I'm telling you this lower half is where it's at once it starts to get get him now now now now he's yours good job team's gonna pick him up James out of the roller help him Nick go help him real real fast fast fast fast fast fast is he there let him run if he wants to run James Attucks sorry we haven't checked back in with you if in a while but now we're checking in and we got a fish on this is gonna be James's first salmon hopefully if we can land this frickin thing cam help him tell them what to do bud [Music] add if you got a fish on here cams getting ready to net it Popoff drove and it was on a herring yeah it's like hey shout out X give this video a thumbs up please if you guys are new to our channel we're out here every single Wednesday fishing or doing live studio action talking about fish so make sure you guys tap that subscribe button and if you guys are one of our subscribers watching please do me a favor and turn that Bell on we're about to net this fish right here oh god it's a good one nice fish [Music] hatchery and wild coexist you guys what do you have to say Dave can you troll us into another one please Matt needs [Music] acting like Dave talked about earlier addicts I know there's a bunch of you guys watching now you can go donate you know doctrine wild coexist they are looking for funds right now to try to make these campaigns happen we need studies we need scientific studies we need economical studies we need all sorts of things like that to make things push forward it's not just a lot of the groundwork that's happening as well it's what these guys are doing like politically and scientifically so the more you can donate and help the cause the better so if you have extra money or even if you don't go snatch up some quarters from your piggy bank and tell people you don't tell people to get involved I head over to the website hatchery - wild - coexist calm and click that donate button and let's help put more fish back in our river systems change the narrative if you don't believe in healthy and abundant fisheries I don't know what you're on and I don't know why you're a fisherman yeah bring yeah James bring your fish up here let me show you what a hatchery fish looks like nice job dude pop off literally like $1 $5 $10 it doesn't matter if you are one of those people out there [Music] what if this guy just said if you donate $100 you get a hat and a hoodie nice donate so if you guys want to if you guys want some hatchery and wild coexist decals for your boats or your cars or wherever just to represent the message go over to the website hatchery - wild - coexist either donate some money and I'm sure in that forum you're going to get some stickers but also just shoot him an email and tell him you want some stickers and now now we need to get one more fish for Matt all right Tyler brown gave us five dollars he said bye Nick some sunscreen thanks cam for doing his live feed we all get beat up on this thing it is yeah yeah it's one of the main so one of the main reasons a lot of people don't make it on social media because they can't handle the hate yeah just joking yeah there's another there is something caught there is something cause he says he said Marlin Bernstein's Cameron is the lead and Jordan body doubles for Fabio and Swanson [ __ ] wrestles [Music] maggot we didn't that fish either just ate no that's not true guys we plan on getting up into the Puget Sound we've had a few invites and we have a few people that have have invited us up there and if you guys are wanting us to get up make sure you shoot us an email if you guys got opportunity for us to get up there and come fish with you we'd love we'd love to get up there so shoot us an email to order that addictive fishing and we'll do our best to try to make some trips up there in the near future what's that that's not go away you're just there to the screen so I just fall asleep longer than we went all day in here personal life II do the live feed curses real I'm telling you [Laughter] thanks for tuning in guys no I know [Music] you stay like that you sure I want to know if I can download see you later mark and Tennessee thanks for tuning in buddy one fish group to go one fish food and that's why eating that typical or whatever it may be and then he goes to the school and gets a bite and then from there on out to kingdom come that's you do the same thing chrome flashers only thing that works is chrome flash it's got to have Chrome on all six of my rods all chrome anchovy only anchovy gotta have anchovy what is it is it secret Oh what are these fish are those fish gonna tell you anything right there there is something to do not want to crank up on the switch over the four five six only today Iran Iran to date while heads up front I saw you with the spinner right there yesterday poor LaVon and also it's different to like here up a little bit faster for 20 you know like 360 guys would be better if you don't like if you like I've been we try to whip a flasher 7,000 Wow actually feedback I felt like I was so fast whoa we do stretched up a dish definitely see on the bottle in there buddy back then it would've been like one No no and I even bumped him way up there's terrible singing rentals list have this been 90 evil hatchery fish evil there's been some big-ass but it is funny how you noticed in the last like three days dude this has been like me and Matt's like fishing career so far together it's been pretty rough I know that's what's hard tell you what you guys better be able to run faster than me I'll [ __ ] throw Shawn for what he flies up there with us yeah he comes back September 1st yeah yeah they'll be blown in the wind [Music] [Music] I mean yeah I was trying to but it's dark it's like I'm actually a little afraid of my flying I think we need to be at the airport at 5:30 yeah I think our flight leaves at 7:00 so when you find need to leave my house at like 2:00 it's gonna be rough I'm not even packed just haven't had time like I just haven't yeah I mean I just like I had work and then Matt came into town and we were just having fun and just time gets away I have stuff like kind of somewhat like pile over in the corner and I just need to start like putting it all together and like yeah I don't want to tell people yeah it's a secret and Ellen it focused on the fishing space breakfast other big one because there was a little bit bigger than that oh that's right freakin 205 is closed until 5:00 a.m. I think they're doing like road construction or something you know [Music] big so huh some point out I said it was a [Music] do you know I'm gonna need to get some sunflower seeds for the ride home are we making it what I'm so tired of you don't even have to tag it that's what they stole Oh what is that that that looks fishy is help get up down to make sure together right oh we got a follower watch the devout rod oh come on please oh my god cam I thought you're getting dead come on fish he's still there we had a follower that's it's your gear but I don't see how what is all that can yeah I don't know what that is look oh yes getting a really good read on how are they not biting you're dumb exactly oh my god why did that thing not eat what's this on the bottom now it's not officially accepted obviously not 400 he said it's just not hungry that's why I didn't buy it there is there is there he is Matt that's you is he there you feel [Music] [Music] another one on hearing talk it up oh it's Toby ah damn it guys that happened [Music] if the water tone oh it's the little guys just the little little guy just a little wild coho guys oh that was pretty bad yes last final stretch ever there's another really good mark we need a chamois we made it to Nikki tried fricken Tony you guys all night this lower house better [Music] what it seriously is look at that you gotta just make a call and go somewhere where you weren't thinking about knowing it works or they hooked up that dudes running and reeling pretty damn hard oh yeah [ __ ] on over there guys do they Oh they grab their head and then they put it down came off yeah it looks fishy me to this bat this last like freakin come on give us one just freakin Chinook oh no d.i.y come on hang on boys we're gonna go whip it now oh wait this slack that's a lot of people in that little boat it rides pretty good with that I love seeing people out here in like kayaks and stuff no I know it's so awesome yeah Oh history said divers divers with leader this long any color just be like yeah put that what six about ten when we film that fishing is a peaceful video dude we dropped in and within 10 feet we had a triple that we have to film if it comes to fruition again this year we got to film the part to that I know that is dope oh you both got a salmon popcorn let's be real here I got it done oh boy tell the addicts why you're a better fisherman than the legend ooh just answered that quick huh let's ask the attics what do you guys think go on catch it hey my boat is nowhere near as bad as Eric Swanson outdoor okay before I knew Eric you know Big John yeah fish shrink that right there babies a killer among men Oh James film it oh [Music] my gosh super tiny how did that one have that big of a takedown that looks like a decent little takedown what is that a Chinook oh yeah see it's happening see that that's a fish following guys down the barn right there all the six-shot guys you better pull back the footage shouldn't be blurry if the lens looks fine let me clean the lens real quick guys sorry guys yeah a few bites I know why can't we just get a frickin reapportion kill them all dude yeah cut is a sick shop you I'll be across the sands about give it a rest boys Jesus man that's you that's you man that's your fish man right yeah yeah that's a good man hear hear oh yeah here I'm gonna get your clicker we go sorry guys we got a fish on Matt's got his first chinook of his life all right here guys sorry attics it's hard to film these addicted lifes here without Sean but I got that GoPro running so matt has a Chinook on me it's here I couldn't tell let him run if he wants to run Matt just let him go you're right [Music] Matt check it out look look back at the GoPro here Nick do you think you can take this GoPro film Oh true here is oh my god that's a Chinook Matt yeah you got a nice one on guys got a really nice fish let's land and let's put them in the net all you addicts it's stuck around till the end it paid off off it's coming at it dude this is it right here oh my god that thing is destroying you yeah Matt if you pull him to the left towards the Astoria bridge to keep him out of the way from the away from the boat no no keep him off the boat make him off the boat yeah good work Matt that was perfect lift him this way he's in that other [ __ ] rod sorry for the f-bomb guys it's chaos right now oh my god talk about chaos get in there Nick the Nick oh my gosh the hook just popped [Music] what the blood and the starving baby orcas are on your hands I think we need a left I think we need to let Matt bunk that fish way to fight it dude you did good with that thing yeah oh dude we got up we got to get the picture we got to get this picture right now before it gets too late but ash are you getting good shots with the camera there hear hear oh my god do the pose literally I'm just like I had the look yeah almost none at him dude 350 thank you guys for watching alright addicts we're gonna call it quits thanks so much do not forget Hatchery - wild - coexist calm hooking that last fish thank you oh yeah change the narrative and do not forget make sure you guys check out SB phishing TV head over to his YouTube channel check that out thanks so much for tuning in guys we'll catch you later he's bald
Channel: Addicted Fishing
Views: 73,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: salmon, salmon fishing, addicted fishing, sb fishing, live fishing, astoria oregon, salmon fishing astoria, buoy 10 fishing, buoy 10 fishing 2019, columbia river, buoy 10, fishing, columbia river salmon fishing, columbia river fishing, trolling for salmon, fishing for salmon, oregon fishing, gone catchin guide service, peel the reel guide service, fishing addicts nw, river fishing, astoria oregon fishing, astoria salmon fishing, columbia river salmon, buoy 10 salmon
Id: 7emhA2fa6LQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 163min 15sec (9795 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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