HUGE SPOOKY BOOK UNBOXINGS | Thrillers, OwlCrate & FairyLoot

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[Music] hey everyone so today i'm going to be doing a few book unboxings so i have one two three four four boxes to unbox so i have this box of thrillers from source books two our crate boxes ow i'm gonna drop it and one fairyloot box so yeah i've accumulated these over the past few weeks and i'm super excited to get into it i thought i would just do one video and obviously i got dressed up for the occasion because like i said there's going to be a lot of thriller books in this box and then one of the owlcrate themes is definitely spooky themed and i'm not sure if the family one is i don't think so but let's just go with it but yeah i'm really excited and so thankful to the companies source books owlcrate and fairly for sending me these boxes so this isn't sponsored but they did send it to me for free to unbox my channel so thank you so much to them super super thankful and super super excited so so i think i'm going to start with the box from sourcebooks so i did already cut it open but i haven't looked inside i promise so i don't really know what books are going to be here i think they did tell me ages ago but i've forgotten so it's going to be a surprise so the first book is gone too far by natalie d richards this is a nice and floppy paperback and it says keeping secrets ruined her the truth might kill her this sounds really interesting this is about piper woods who can't wait to leave high school and she finds a mysterious notebook filled with the sins of her fellow students then she gets an anonymous text that invites her to choose which one is going to be punished like which one of her classmates so that sounds really cool i feel like this will be really interesting oh my god there are quite a few books in here okay so this is five total strangers by natalie dean richards once again same author ew okay so this is about mira and she needs to get home for the holidays but it looks like she's going to be stuck at philadelphia airport indefinitely being stuck in an airport no thank you and then one of the people that was on the same flight as harper's initial flight said she can drop her home along with some other of her friends but they're all total strangers to harper and they all seem to be hiding something dangerous freaky road trip that sounds really interesting once again so now we have another natalie d richards book so this is six months later and oh this is about chloe so chloe falls asleep in study hall and when she wakes up snow is on the ground and she can't remember the last six months of her life freaky so obviously she wants to find out what happened to her the next one is what she found in the woods by josephine angelini and i am already interested in this because there's the woods in the title and i really just love i love any story set in the woods honestly so this makes me excited and basically it's about magda who lives in a sleepy town and she finds something in the woods that is the beginning of a whole new nightmare okay i've seen a few people get this on instagram so i'm excited about this this is the girl who wasn't there by penny jolson and this follows cassia who has an illness that keeps her home for days at a time so she has little to do so she just watches the world from her bedroom window sounds like disturbia one of my favorite movies not that the main character has an illness but he's stuck at home and he's just spying on people but anyway so she thinks she sees a kidnapping but she's not too sure but she sees another girl across the street looking through the window who also sees it but then she discovers there is no girl so that sounds really really cool so definitely want to read that these all sounds so interesting so then the next one oh this is the heart cover this is even if we break and this is by marie nidge camp and i've also seen this on instagram i really really love this cover okay so it says five friends go to a cabin four of them are hiding secrets three years of history buying them two are doomed from the start one person wants to end this no one is safe why are you ready to play yeah definitely want to read this this sounds so cool oh my god i was just seeing if there's anything interesting out of the dust jacket it's just black but still really really cool cover and i'm really excited that that is a hardcover too and we still have three books in here oh my god okay the next one is the truth about keeping secrets by savannah brown this has such a cool cover love that sometimes it's safer for the truth to stay secret sydney's dad is the only psychiatrist for miles in their small ohio town he knows everybody's secrets he's also dead so yes her dad dies in a car crash but there is no explanation as to what happened so she tries to get to the bottom of what happened to her dad and i love any like small town setting especially in thrillers and horrors so excited okay so we've got a creepy doll on the cover i love creepy doll stories so this is little creeping things by chelsea echasso i've been trying to convince everyone convince myself i'm not a killer they'll never believe it now so the main character cassidy pratt accidentally started a fire that killed her neighbor when she was younger and she's pretty sure she didn't mean to do it and she'd give anything to get that awful day but people in the town will never let her forget it especially her main bully melody and melanie goes missing and cassidy thinks she has information about what happened but she can't go to the police because she recently joked about how much she'd like to get rid of melody and lastly we have my secret to tell by natalie d richards there was blood on his hands why wasn't there guilt in his eyes so this book follows emerson may who is the good girl she's the perfect daughter caring friend animal shelter volunteer and her best friend's brother breaks into her room his hands covered in blood she doesn't scream or call the cops because when deacon smiles at her she doesn't want to be good you can't always trust the boy next door so yeah these all sound amazing and i really was not expecting this many books to be in the box like i'm so thankful these all sound so interesting and definitely something that i'd be interested in so i definitely want to read all these books and i'm so happy because i don't actually own too many thrillers it's something i've recently kind of gotten into so i'm really excited about these and now i have heaps of books on my tbr so thank you so much sourcebooks for sending all these books to me if you're interested in any of these books i always link links to books that i mentioned my videos in my description now let's get into an owlcrate box so i'll do an owlcrate box then a fairly and then the other outcry box oh my god that was terrifying it was my speaker turning off okay so i'll do an okay box and then a fairly box and then the other crate box so this is august okay so this is august so i think i have the august and september boxes to unbox so i'll do the august box first here is the spoiler card and the theme is written in the stars okay so this is the first item oh my gosh i'm actually really excited about look at this cute bottle it's a little star-shaped bottle and it has push pins in it this is such a cool bottle are you kidding yeah so it has heaps of push pins in here which is actually so good because i really needed heaps of pushpins because i have like a corkboard downstairs and i was running low i'm really happy about this okay so the next item comes like this oh it's a pen it's a really cute star pen so it has like a star at the end it's silver cute and i love it i just remembered the book that's gonna be in here i'm so excited to see it okay so now we have okay so this is a little bandana scarf so this is pretty cute i don't know actually maybe i would wear it oh my gosh this is a strange dream i inspired bandana um maybe i should open it and look at the design oh my gosh of course i have to open it look at this the dream chooses the dreamer love that obviously you could even just hang this up or something next we have the monthly enamel pin which is stunning i love the colors and i think it's a flower thing oh my gosh i love this item we have a little um clipboard and this is so cute and little and it says you shine brighter than any constellation in the sky i actually love that i don't have any cute clipboards and this is a quote from aurora rising okay so now we have a book sleeve this says we are all stardust and stories i think that's a quote from stylist c so yeah really love that design yes this is a quote from the stylist c i still haven't read that book hopefully i'll get to it one day oh my gosh okay so we have the book wow so this is star order by schweitzer takra and this is absolutely stunning this is the owlcrate exclusive edition so it has a different color scheme going on i love this silver and i just love the purple sprayed edges and the pin for the month is actually that little flower thing or maybe that's a star it probably is a star we also have it signed by the author and this edition yeah is just so pretty and this is a book i've been so excited to be released and i think it's going to be amazing it's a fantasy story inspired by hindu mythology and you know it involves stars and i just love that and also i did receive the fairly exclusive edition already but i think this is more my vibe with the colors and everything i prefer silver lately so anyway this is stunning this is starting and then we just have a note from the author too so yeah i'll put the regular cover up here so our grade have changed it from gold to purple and silver like i said i just love that change okay so now i'm going to open the fairy loot box i think this is the september box yes september so the theme is under the sea oh my gosh it's a brush i don't know why i got so shocked i just wasn't expecting it but yeah so i'm guessing this is inspired by the little mermaid that's what i'm gonna guess it has like a c thing going on let's see if it's a good brush yeah seems pretty good i actually feel like i do need to brush my hair so thank you okay so it's not inspired by the little mermaid specifically it just says we all know how tangled your hair can get after our stem with the mermaids but yeah that is so cool and i actually like this shape because it's easy to hold when you're brushing okay now we have something in this pouch it fell off but it says ursula enamel keychain oh my gosh i love that it says poor unfortunate souls i love that design oh my gosh now we have a ceramic mug inspired by tickler kingdom i have read that book and i did like it but you know it didn't blow me away or anything so here is the design on the outside we have i believe her name is liar or lila i could be so wrong but i'm pretty sure that's what her name is i can't remember what the guy's name is but yeah we have those two together on the front of the mug and then on the inside it says it's like holding a story rather than a person she feels wild and infinite in my arms i love when they put something on the bottom so that is really cool now we have something in this pouch middle c straws oh my gosh i have been waiting and waiting for a book box to include a fat straw like this so i can use it for my bubble tea and i waited for a while and then it was just taking too long so i bought my own set but i'm really happy that i have this now so i have another bubble tea straw because i love bubble tea and i can keep this in my bag and this says beach please and then the other one says make waves and then it comes with the straw cleaner too then we have this postcard that says atlantis and on the back it's just you know the postcard template and then we have this pouch and this says don't grant all the prince's requests darling girl men are always asking for more than they should and that's a quote from the sea witch then we have two character tarot cards so this is seven of swords and eight of swords and i don't recognize oh i'm gonna guess the lunar chronicles jokes it's characters from number nine okay so now we have the book or stunning shimmery edges i see oh my gosh this is like a small one okay so this is fable by adrian young i actually haven't heard of this but we've got some stunning shimmery sprayed edges and yeah it looks like a mermaid story so it is signed by the author so it says the main character must find her place and her family while trying to survive in a world made dangerous by the sea and by those who wish to profit from it so i'm guessing she's a mermaid and i love mermaids so we also have this art that is i'm guessing the main character and a little note from the author and then we have the monthly bookmark and next month's theme which is october's theme is wicked hearts which looks really cool i'm really excited about it okay so the book of the month would you make a deal with the devil what would you be willing to sacrifice to get what you desire most i'm sure we all know what book this is going to be and i'm so excited to see special edition because it is going to have customizations there's going to have an exclusive cover stencil and sprayed edges artwork on the reverse of the dust jacket and a foil design on the heart cover oh and a printed signature and a signed book plate and an exclusive bonus chapter oh my gosh it says you guys are not prepared i'm really not and it's going to have items inspired by the shadows between us the beautiful one of my faves saucy of thorns and even the darkest stars wait sorry okay so those were all for the card deck oh my gosh there's gonna be a cool card deck but then there's also other items inspired by caraval the young elites castlevania oh castlevania love that star wars and the feature book of the month i'm so excited so i'm hoping it comes soon but here is the next arcade box so this is going to be the spooky themed box i can't remember the theme but obviously we'll see in a second okay so this is the art and the theme is a glorious haunting yeah how can i forget that theme that's amazing so i did say this on instagram i'm so excited so it's this throw blanket it says nevermore throw blanket and it's soft okay so i'm gonna have to film a separate clip to show you basically it's this amazing blanket oh my gosh it's actually so soft once upon a midnight dreary while i pondered weak and weary over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten law while i nodded nearly napping suddenly there came a tapping as of someone gently rapping rapping at my chamber door only this and nothing more anyway i'm not going to write the whole thing obviously but so cool i don't know i think this is eddie allen poe yes okay so it is the full text of edgar allan poe's the raven he says now we're just wondering how to track blankets on goodreads that's actually hilarious i love this okay so now we have a candle this is the black flame candle so this says essence of vanilla and bourbon okay the bourbon makes me nervous because i don't like the smell of any alcohol i like it i don't like the bourbon scent but i do like it like i will burn it i'll just have it like a bit further away like i won't want to smell it like up close but i really love the design like i love the old school vibe on the label it says light it up and settle in to watch hocus pocus for the millionth times oh my god i just saw the book i'll pretend i didn't say it okay so now we have this item oh my gosh this is cool okay so we've got three spoons and they have like a skull design oh that's stunning so we've got silver black and gold i love these so these are inspired by the bone houses i have read that book it was one of my patreon buddy read books and yeah i'm just obsessed with these i'm gonna feel so cool when i'm preparing my tea and stuff like i love this then we have this lip balm that says sleepy hollow and it is pumpkin spice flavor i do love pumpkin spice it's not as much of a thing here i don't even know if you can get it here i tried it for the first time when i was in the us years ago i did recently buy pumpkin spice coffee don't know how i feel about that like putting this on my lips but i like the packaging oh stunning absolutely stunning this monthly enamel pin i might put this in my bag or something because that is just so pretty and i love the colors i love that i love that i love that okay then we have something in here oh and i'm a bookmark cool that is actually such a cool idea i've never seen like this kind of bookmark i don't think so i love it and it says death before dnf oh my gosh this is like my new favorite thing okay so now we have the book of the month which is horrored by katrina leto leno i don't know if i just said a bit of a d in there but i didn't mean to wow okay let me take a plastic off oh i feel like we need an updated meme photo of me holding this knife okay i was actually so close to buying this because i don't even know what it's about but the cover this is just a stunning stunning stunning cover and i love it oh we've got some art on the reverse of the dust jacket look at that oh my god that is amazing maybe i'll even like because obviously i love that color but like maybe i'll even put oh i don't know maybe i'll flip it over in the future and here we have the author's signature so this is set in a new england manner and it is a horror story that explores themes of mental illness rage and grief that sounds amazing oh my god this is like high on my tbr now wow wow wow maybe my favorite arcade box ever i'm just processing everything because there are so many amazing things in front of me right now and wow so once again thank you so much to sourcebooks owlcrate and freiley for sending me all this stuff i'm truly in heaven right now especially with that last outcry box with all the like spooky stuff and this amazing blanket anyway let me know what your favorite item is out of everything if you can choose for me my favorite item is probably well the three spoons i feel like i'll get the most use out of these because i'm obsessed and obviously i'll use them all the time but this is a close second this blanket and i'm just so happy with all the books that were chosen for these boxes actually let me just show you my stack look at this beautiful stack of books okay so yeah i really hope you enjoyed this video thank you so much for watching if you made it to the end of this video put a clown emoji in the comments if you're looking for more content from me i have a patreon where i do live shows reading vlogs just extra content on there um that is always linked below and also when you join i just want to let you know that you do get access to everything that i've ever posted there so every video and everything depending on which team you choose i have my other channels jenna with chloe and acer mart chloe my handle for my instagram and twitter is books with chloe and i think that's all i have to say right i hope you're having a good day and i and i'll see you in my next video [Music] you
Channel: Books with Chloe
Views: 28,433
Rating: 4.9716077 out of 5
Keywords: booktube, booktuber, books, read, reading, reads, bookswithchloe, youngadult, youngadultbooks, ya, yabooks, bookhaul, bookunboxing, bookunboxings, fairyloot, fairylootunboxing, owlcrate, owlcrateunboxing, thriller, thrillerbooks, spooky, spookybooks, strangethedreamer, gonetoofar, fivetotalstrangers, halloween, halloweenmakeup, thegirlwhowasntthere, littlecreepingthings, horrid, stardaughter, fable
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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