HUGE LEGO Star Wars Bad Batch Daro MOC | Full Walkthrough

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hey guys it's me david and welcome to the full walkthrough of my brand new lego star wars diorama in collaboration with lego that's right the lego star wars team actually reached out to me and said hey david we want to work with you can you build us a diorama to show off our brand new lego star wars summer 2021 sets and i did just that so what you're seeing here is actually an inspiration from the bad bat show obviously one of the summer 2021 sets is of course the bad batch attack shuttle and that was definitely where i started with my idea of the mock is the bad batch was definitely a highlight for me bringing back the clone wars series kind of at least and while watching the show throughout the summer of 2021 when we got to episode 14 war mantle i immediately was like i have to build that that was a brand new planet called darrow and it was a forest planet with a secret hidden imperial base and there just might be one in this mock we'll see in just a few minutes but first off as you can see it is a heavy inspiration off that episode there is the full-on mountain work there is a giant forest here i know a lot of people probably when they first see this will probably think endor that obviously makes sense it does have an indoor vibe for sure but this is definitely something more darocentric than it is endor i guess if i really wanted to i could convert it to an indoor mock but as you can see there's no like ewok villages in the trees or anything like that so wouldn't quite work like that it also kind of looks like a chic it honestly it kind of looks like any star wars forest planet so it kind of works that way so as we're going to be going through this mock you will notice there is a lot of non-accurate vehicles in here like the imperial light cruiser like the slave one like the mandalorian starfighter the x-wings and tie fighters in the background none of that shows up in the bad batch episode this mock's core purpose is to showcase the lego star where summer sets not to be a canon accurate mock for the bad batch show however i will be making a follow-up walkthrough video where i will be having some imperial v-wings just the bad batch and taking away some of these other sets and kind of transforming this mock to be a war mantle bad batch episode accurate mock so if you want to see that you got to hit that subscribe button down below so something really important is that i did not build this alone i actually had a tremendous amount of help from my friends and family my fiance meredith helped out building almost all the trees that you see here by the way there's 76 trees each one of these trees has 600 pieces do the math it's 45 000 pieces and trees alone that's nothing else except trees so meredith i am so thankful for your help the other person i have to thank is my friend lee he came down he took the two hour train ride and he helped me build a lot of the rock work and foliage that you see here on the mock without him i don't think this mock would look nearly as complete as you see it here so big shout out to lee thank you so much man you did a fantastic job and man did you just spice up this mock even further and then lastly i have to thank wyatt he actually built a lot of the sets there's i think at least 20 lego star wars sets that are here in the mock and also behind me in the background white was the one who built like the star destroyer the imperial light cruiser that's hanging right there so without the help from them i don't think this mock would have looked nearly as good as you see it right now all right so now getting into the details first off some specs like i just said 45 000 pieces in just the trees alone this mock itself is over 100 000 pieces no doubt in terms of its size it is six gray base plates by four gray base plates so this is actually the same layout scale as crate it's only a base plate shorter than mandalore in kashyyyk and it is bigger than scarf in terms of relative scale to my other mocks so coming into this area is actually the lowest point of the markets everything else is pretty much elevated to i don't know like 20 30 bricks high at least this area has a nice taper off with the pathway you can see a lot of great plant work lee actually pretty much did all this area right here he did a fantastic job i'm very happy with the way that came out and of course we have the bad bat shuttle again like i said this this is a based off the bad batch war mantle episode so you have to have the bad bat shuttle and i think it worked out perfectly right here of course you have the four bad batch members wrecker echo tech and hunter and of course you also have to have crosshair now crosshair obviously in this episode he's teaming up at least at the end of the episode he's teaming up with the uh first generation tk stormtroopers obviously i lego hasn't made those stormtroopers so i'm using the normal storm troopers that come in this set right here the marauder and that also comes with this figure so i i really try to include a lot of stormtroopers here coming out of the tank and having this little battle between the bad bat shuttle over here the bad battery being outflanked by the storm troopers not only just here actually but they're also up in the trees there's a little sniper and a second sniper storm trooper also on its way so they're basically out of luck they're pretty much cornered on all angles here you'll see right here there's actually a lot of beautiful rock work honestly i'm very happy with it with the way this came out the rock work here is actually different than i've ever done before so me and lee actually really put our heads together and came up with something very interesting so we're actually using snot there's actually just regular i think they're like 8 by 16 plates and they're combined together and it's just like a giant panel with the slope pieces attached and then we're also combining normal like stacking of slope pieces right here at on the angle and it's just kind of creating this combination of all kinds of techniques to get the rock work that you see right here and that technique is being pretty much utilized all around here and man did it come out well this actually might be some of my favorite rock work to date it by far looks so freaking good and i don't think i've seen a lot of people utilize this type of technique well this many techniques together it's it's very uncommon so up here we have another battle happening we have gar saxon versus bogota and her mandalorian warrior is right here and then of course we have boba fetts we have the good guys versus the bad guys basically taking out the storm troopers taking out gar saxon again it's not canon we're just having fun here with lego star wars now there's another little fun tidbit in this area if you look right there and lee actually put this easter egg in there's a storm trooper playing with lego he has his little lego minifigures that he's playing around with and then there's actually a little secret hidden meredith right there in the bushes mare's hiding out that's my fiance in lego form she's hiding out in the bushes just making sure that everything is going all right in the mock over here another easter egg we have a storm trooper just just smelling the flowers just enjoying his day i absolutely love that too just the little details over here we have carlo dune just taken out troopers again you'll notice there's plenty of beautiful plant work beautiful details all over one of my favorite things you might notice is that i'm utilizing this brand new piece it actually was introduced i believe in the lego bouquet set it's got all the flowers and stuff it's actually a really cool set for 2021 and that's this bush right here the uh the bush piece while it's been around for a long time in lego it's the first time it's in dark green and i've been utilizing that piece all over this mock and it looks so good oh my god so it's basically honestly three pieces that i'm using the dark green bush this olive green three leaf plant and then you also have the regular green three leaf plant here as well sporadically put pretty much everywhere i tried to cover as much as i could i actually ran out of plant pieces what you see here on the mock is every single plant piece i have in my collection and uh it feels like it i i would i would say it feels like it alright so now moving on to this section we have some more stormtroopers on both sides with a little hero team up here between the mandalorian and grief karga again just like the bad badge they're being outflanked by these stormtroopers these guys got to watch out obviously and i'll say this one more time this is not canon accurate we're just having some fun here with some lego star wars figures with a giant lego star wars mock moving on to the next section now you'll see a little gunk droid from the bad bat shuttle he's of course being chased by some storm troopers over here we have a little lonesome stormtrooper i guess he's kind of lost his way and then up here on this higher cliff you'll see the mandalorian coming down a pathway with baby yoda in his hand running away from two dark troopers and then also you'll notice this nice pathway leading up to the second level of the mock actually honestly i don't know how many how many levels are here there's one two three four five six seven eight levels technically there's so many levels in this mock it's crazy again i'm absolutely loving the tapering off of the mountains like how this is all sloped and the way this all came out just beautiful i'm so absolutely happy with the way this all came out but yeah i love this pathway coming through here it's actually one of my favorite parts of the forest section all right so now on to probably one of the coolest parts of this monk and that is the imperial base that is hidden inside this mountain and as you can see it also has lighting integrated with it as well i have to say this turned out so well honestly i'm shocked that it came out the way it did i was very nervous this is actually one of the first things i did when i first started working on this mock is prototyping how i would build this what i ended up doing for the design is there's actually a bunch of different columns and they're being just connected by the lego hinge pieces i want to say there's about 12 or 14 columns and that's how you're getting this kind of quarter circle of the base obviously you know in the show you see like three-fourths of a circle of the base couldn't quite do that with the size of this mock i wanted this just to be a section of it not take over the entire thing so that's why you're seeing it here on this kind of last half of the mock but i still think it's plenty big like i mean you can see me hopefully this is enough of a scale comparison to show you how big this is but not only was it difficult and challenging to create a semi-circle of a base but also integrate square rooms into it i've never done anything like this this is completely new territory for me and i'm really shocked with the way it came out i think the details don't even stop there if you actually look upwards i needed to figure out a way to kind of reflect light to get soft light in these rooms i had to point the lightings the led lights so they would point against i think their legos 6x6 tiles and you're getting similar lighting like you see in the original trilogy of star wars that's kind of the vibe they had going in war mantle from the bad batch so you know i i really took my time and tried to get every single bit of detail i do have like fake lights that are also around here on the edge as well and obviously these rooms part of the base are not scaled to the way you see them in the bad bat show they're far bigger they can handle gunships and giant shuttles and stuff like that thousands of troots possibly in one of those hangers whereas these hangers they they're smaller and they're more compact so you know i had to work with the room that i had obviously it's not perfect but i think when you see this it comes off as darrow it comes off as war mantle and i think that's what i really want to hit home with so the interior of the base doesn't end here there's two sides right here actually we'll start with the first one so these are actually accurate that they're facing like this outwards in the episode war mantle you actually see these kind of face outwards of the base so that's kind of funny that just i didn't plan on doing that it just worked out that way so this first hallway at the top here you can see there's a full-on exit here this is actually where the bad batch crew exits onto the the shuttle obviously not much height here it's a far greater distance down the mountain but you know i had to work with it and i i still think it it works for what it is there's details here uh for pipes and here and this is actually a brand new lego piece that just came out this year i actually had to special order this it comes in only one set in this dark metal gray i think it's like a monkey kid set but yeah there's these pipes that kind of face outwards this is actually accurate i looked at the star wars concept art i tried to get it as accurate as i could in the in the very short manner of time i mean i only had 30 days to put this mock together so i think given the time i did a decent job overall i have a lot of the pipes and kind of the architecture that you see in this hallway now right here you'll see you actually see these decal stickers pretty much everywhere they're just you know handmade stickers and they have that you know imperial light scheme or actually honestly the republic ships and the clone wars also have this lighting on the venators um this is just a sticker on top of a i want to say it's like a five by six by one panel i'll put a link down in the description in case you guys want to buy them rich boy j actually loaned me these these came out of a starkiller base mock moving down here this is actually very accurate to the bad bat show this is the full on control panel and then this area up here you can see a red light actually that's where they go and escape up to that room it's actually a perfect progression of going up from here up to the top part just like you see in the show so that's really cool now in this bottom room we have princess leia here wrecking havoc against the storm troopers just blasting through just like the death star and a new hope over here we have more hallways so this is the other side of the base the first of which is a battle between the mandalorian and maf gideon with baby yoda just watching just chilling minding his own business down here we have bokuton wrecking havoc against stormtroopers and then the final hallway we have cross hair some stormtroopers and some tie fighter pilots just hanging around walking around the imperial base now moving up here to the very top there's even more details we have storm troopers running along a pathway and then we just have wrecker on on a spinner bike he's just about to have some fun i don't know what he's going to do the stormtroopers but he's definitely going to have fun doing it for sure and now over here we have fenix and she's in her sniping position aiming right at the bad batch actually she's still in the hunt just like in the bad batch show so another fun easter egg in the mock so the next thing i actually want to show is above the mock this is something i've never done before and that is hanging legos star wars sets on rails or from the ceiling basically there is fishing wire right here fishing wire is holding up these sets and then you can see i have some uh some aluminum railing i got from home depot they're like these pipes they're 10 feet long actually and they're suspended up with the fishing wire and i gotta say they they move i don't want to move them that much but they they've been up here for a couple weeks now so they haven't fallen down and i'm very honestly impressed with the way they came out there's of course the slave 1 the imperial light cruiser and the mandalorian starfighter hanging up they were not easy to get in the positions that you see here and to align them like this it took hours of work and it was well worth it so now the last part of the monk is the rest of the lighting so when i turn on all of these as you can see the rest of the mock lights up i've also changed the room lighting to kind of match the the mood so the first thing i just want to point out are these sets they actually light up while hanging this is again another achievement that i've never done before you can see here on the imperial light cruiser you have the blue lights for the engines you have the slave one with those orange lights for the engines up here with the mandalorian starfighter you can see the yellow lights for the engines as well it just pops it really does i've never done anything quite like this before lighting is awesome down here on the base we have the bad bat shuttle fully lit up the engines on the back the red light the blue lights the yellow lights here on the front there's also a light underneath the cockpit area that all lights up and then the marauder over here the green parts of the lights as well as an interior light are integrated into the set as well again this came out looking so good it looks absolutely cinematic i am thrilled with the way the lights came out here a weird side effect with some of the lighting the red and blue here when combined makes purple and that purple actually shines onto the rock work and man does it cast a really neat effect when you're actually looking down this way you can see the red lights on the tie fighter engines just a nice little detail and the same goes when you're looking this way you can see the pink lights of the x-wing starfighters and then inside the cockpits of the tie fighters there's also red lights in them and so from this position you can see basically what i envisioned a giant forest with this giant space battle happening above this is something i've never done and i have to say it came out looking pretty good there's definitely room for improvement in future mocks but for this being a first time experiment i have to say i'm really proud of the way it came out and so there you have it guys i couldn't have done this without lego this is an immense challenge to build everything that you see here in 30 days i couldn't have done it without lee meredith wyatt's help they all pitched in and really made this the way you see it here and this is definitely up there and one of my favorite mocks of all time i can't wait to see what you guys think of all the different details all over this and don't forget to subscribe if you want to see that bad batch accurate version of darrow that i will be revisiting here very very soon i'll see you guys later hope you guys have a great and wonderful day bye bye
Channel: Solid Brix Studios
Views: 114,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lego scarif, lego battle of crait, the battle of crait, huge lego star wars creations, solid brix studios, david hall lego, the lego group, lego building series, star wars, toy review, siege of mandalore, lego building mandalore, solid brix mandalore, star wars the clone wars season 7, the mandalorian, star wars rise of skywalker, the clone wars, lego 501st battle pack, order66, beyond the brick, lego bad batch, lego star wars 2022, LEGO ups AT-AT
Id: Wa66qFF5s6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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