HUGE Chest Delts and Triceps Push Workout

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[Music] all right guys so today we've got a push day um so again we're gonna have some stuff on terrance's youtube for the whole you know split kind of overview but just today basically as push would indicate we got chest we got shoulders triceps um the only thing we're not really doing from a shoulder standpoint is rear delts keeping that on a pool day so again from a complete chest workout i think a lot of people sometimes kind of overdo the number of exercises needed because we really have only two completely you know isolated it's not even the worthwhile but completely four chests and then we have one that's kind of a transition from tress to front delt so just um incline barbell to start kind of what i'd consider a low incline barbell so about 30 degree incline and that's really just kind of for overall chest development so again maybe it'll slightly bias some of the fibers you know that attach to the clavicle on the top of the sternum but really it's getting your entire chest for the most part maybe minus some of the lowest portions really not getting a ton of work out from them so basically just two working sets there you'll see the fashion of everything today it's just kind of two working sets and again for anybody that doesn't know terence is now just a little over a week off of the olympia so we're basically just starting to get back into it kind of had a little bit of an off week fluff workout in there one or two workouts in there but really kind of this week is the start of the new split and the start to kind of build upon so all his sets today really are just short of failure just kind of setting some beginning weights for the exercises just making sure everything feels pretty good taking our time with form and then basically every single week we'll just kind of progress off of the excuse me off of today's workouts and the same for the whole week and so again everything's kind of in this for right now a two set type deal top set meaning the heaviest set generally in five to eight rep range and then a back offset anywhere from eight to twelve eight to fifteen depending on the exercise or depending on the body part as well too so incline barbell first then we went to a fly cable fly is great because it really loads the peck so they're full contractile range so fully lengthened all the way to fully shortened as well too and that one if anything was kind of more of a flat almost like a slight decline so sitting with a little bit of an arch there really gonna have anything biased kind of the lower pecs a little bit more same thing all of your pecs are really working but again a little bit more emphasis towards the kind of lower pecs you know things that attach kind of the base of your sternum and to some of your ribs um so between those two that's really a full chest workout there same thing two working sets there then transitioned into a high incline on the smith and a high incline and smith where i don't really think about too much this whole isolation concept i really generally can feel my front delts and some of my upper pecs working very well on that so again i think it's a nice transition exercise um you know again from moving from chest to delts two sets there uh we also do that on the smith just for the reason that obviously we start with the barbell exercise first free weight barbell and then the cables so that maybe a little bit of your stabilizers are fatigued for more pressing so just the smith is a good spot there uh just to not have to stabilize it it's also nice for sending those you know bottom rack catches to the safeties whatever you want to call them because again i like to kind of fix my range of motion doing that so top set back offset there as well too and then moving on to side delts deadline cuff lateral raises so again that's just probably my favorite side delt exercise aside from a good machine just because there's tension matching what your body can do the whole way through so again it's not like a normal dumbbell raise where it's only heavy up here it's heavy right from the bottom all the way through to the top same structure there two working sets and then because it's time towards the end of the workout i think that's a place where we'll start to incorporate a little bit of pump work so basically just the two drop sets off of the second set there and then same thing for triceps two working sets cable cross triceps there a theme you'll see with most of our arm work is for tricep stuff buy some stuff but especially triceps a little bit trickier we almost always use cables because it's just easier for alignment easier to keep the elbows feeling good which is really the number one priority again especially when you're doing kind of like a push thing we've got a push day we've got an arm day um so there's going to be a lot of pressing stuff in there so we want to keep the elbows feeling good for a longevity standpoint more than anything so again two sets there for stable across tricep extensions which is just a pretty easy exercise for everybody to make align well and then again two little drop sets off of the last set there um and so again that's kind of the baseline for the split kind of the baseline for the starting week and then we'll build upon that so again if anything changes maybe at some point we add in an extra working set maybe not um and probably within a couple weeks we'll add in a little bit more pump or metabolic work basically once we get to the point where we can tolerate a little bit more terence can tolerate a little bit more food gets a little bit higher and his body's just back in a groove to kind of keep moving forward and keep [Music] progressing [Music] all right guys i'm just going to talk a little bit about something to consider with grip width when you're doing any type of chest exercise particularly an incline a lot of people go grip with backwards and then just let everything go where it goes or what i think you should think about first is arm path so realize your pec attaches to your upper arm so basically as far as your pec is concerned all this stuff just comes along for the ride so you need to think about where your upper arm is going to go where your pecs are going to make it move first and then determine your grip from there so if terence goes here i'm having tuck down go with the bar so realize that for chest you have two options really and basically everywhere in between this kind of high elbow position so again we're talking about that upper arm closer to 90 relative to the torso and so what this is going to do it's going to put like your upper arm right in a line with a lot of the pec fibers that attach the top of your sternum so if you were going in this position it's really going to bias a lot of those pec fibers and pretty much all the fibers that attach to your sternum the limitations here are when you're in this high elbow position from a structure standpoint some people that can be a little bit tough on their shoulders so again one thing to be concerned with here is again if you have a little bit of tough you know shoulder pain shoulder issues whatever maybe this high elbow position isn't great but one of the advantages if you're the type of person that feels your front delts a whole lot this might be a little bit of a better position to actually go ahead and train your chest and but just realize in this high level position that it's going to limit your range a little bit so if i have terence grab this bar and he goes pretty high elbow and he pulls the bar down right around there is really where he's going to run out and a lot of people will generally have a little bit less range of motion the other option take the bar away is a little more of a cut elbow position like terence just did so realize that change is basically where your upper arm points so this is going to have a difference from a pec standpoint it's going to bias the pec fibers that attach more to your collarbone as opposed to the sternum now in reality both of them still work a lot of pec fibers so it's not like it isolates one or the other you know when you're doing the high elbow those fibers that attach to your sternum are still working when you do this position the ones that attach to your sternum excuse me the ones with tucked elbow will still work the ones that are going to attach to your sternum hyabol will still work the ones that attach to your clavicle the difference here is when you go ahead and grab that and pull down most people will get a little bit more range of motion now the trade-off here is more range motion but because of that tuck double position some people think a little bit more front delts um so those are your two main concerns as far as arm path goes upper arm kind of that high elbow elbow position will help take the front delts out a little bit keep it a little bit more unpacked tuck double position can be a little bit easier on the shoulder joint allow for a little bit more range of motion and then just realize as you go different grips take a dowel rod take a broomstick or whatever pull down and feel where you can actively go and make sure you're not pushing yourself past that and then realize your grip is going to change as well too so you should see basically i'll just show on this one as i tuck my elbows down your grip is going to be a little bit closer because either way you basically want that elbow right below the hand so again if you're doing a little bit more of a tucked elbow position your grip should be a little bit more narrow and if you're going a little bit more high elbow position to keep that hand stacked over the elbow your grip should be a little bit wider so don't just take a grip grab the bar and go figure what arm pass you want to work based on those couple of things to make for a decision and then take your grip according to that [Music] all right guys just a little clip on flies if you watch back and forth between terrance and i go take a look that we both have a little bit of a different elbow position so some people make too big of a deal of is it a fly is it a press people get caught up on names who gives a um so again meaning you know just because it's a fly doesn't mean you have to have your elbow completely locked you know a little bit of a bench fine even a little bit more of a bend is fine the big difference is whatever you choose to do standardize it um so meaning obviously the only issue is if you know you're trying to progress your loads over time which is obviously a good thing to do and one week you go from doing your elbow here and as you keep trying to go heavier and heavier your elbow bends more and more and more and more and more until you've completely changed the way you do the exercise so mess around with it there's little trade-offs to both find your comfortable position again doesn't have to be completely locked obviously doesn't need to be exactly like a press can be some difference but the big thing is just make sure whatever you pick you standardize it don't change it as again basically a way of cheating as you increase weight over time trying to progress your lift what oh [Music] all right guys so we're doing hi hi incline smith press here so we're using this as like a nice little transition from more chest stuff to moving into delt stuff and the reality is this is going to work a lot of both so a lot of front delts still definitely work in some of those kind of upper pec fibers again the ones that attach center of the sternum and your collarbone and we're doing this as a dead step so we basically have the pin set excuse me we're not necessarily doing the dead stuff we have the pin set um so basically we have the bottom range of motion fixed so again kind of want to discuss you know what's really the merit of that so one regardless of if you're doing dead stop or touch and go the merit is it standardizes your range of motion which is good for two things one is you get heavier weight maybe you aren't paying attention not ever letting it go too low taking you outside and maybe already have any business going potentially injuring something on the other side of that also helps as you progress over time a lot of people as they attempt to move up and wait basically they're just going to start cutting the range of motion shorter and shorter just so they can handle more load without really having solid standardized form so one it really helps fix the depth for both of those considerations and then from there honestly if people ask me all the time for a lot of exercises should i dead stop make sure again the weight is completely still maybe for half second a second and then go or should i tap and go and the reality is i think there's merits for both there's not one definitively better than the other just be aware of considerations for either if you dead stop don't completely relax in my opinion so some people will bring it down completely relax we'll kind of have to refine the tension you know refine the muscles they're using and then drive it up from there so if you bring it to a complete dead stop half second or second or so keep everything considerably tight everything basically ready to just start another contraction on the other side of that if you want to do tap and go just make sure it's actually that a little tap and go not a collision where you're using a lot of momentum to actually get out of the bottom range of motion so again i think both can have a place i don't think there's one definitively better than the other but those are the two major concerns i would have if you're going to choose either to not make either of those mistakes [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so all right guys so pay attention we're doing line couple outrage which unless you're new here you've seen us do a billion times still probably my favorite you know side delt exercise uh just one thing i want to bring attention to is basically the height of the cables relative to your body um as far as the plane of motion is concerned basically you can make whether it's this height or closer down to basically kind of thigh level or whatever you would call it six inches lower than there both of them as you change that plane of motion and change the amount of internal external rotation of the arm you can make up a line the same for the rear delt the one difference that'll be is as you go higher and you look at the upper arm position generally instead of being here you're going to be a little bit more externally rotated and so for a lot of people that's a little bit more comfortable on the shoulder joint so again as far as training the side delt is concerned again depending on how you adjust your arm height really doesn't make a difference same profile you can align it with the fibers of that muscle belly the same again but the big difference here all other things being the same is generally going to be a little bit more externally rotated so if you're ever doing this and it feels a little bit tough maybe a little pinchy at the shoulder joint and you have the cables running close to your lap maybe try and put the cables a little bit higher again because you can get the same effect from your delts but for some people a little bit more comfortable on the actual shoulder joint itself [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wow
Channel: Hypertrophy Coach
Views: 40,537
Rating: 4.9619708 out of 5
Id: PfgoapE34dU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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