HubSpot Tutorial - Email Marketing for Beginners | Create Your First Email Campaign

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did you know hubspot's free crm allows you to send up to 2 000 custom email campaigns per month well if you didn't know that stick around today we're going to dive right into email marketing with hubspot hey team welcome back to another small business tutorial my name's stuart and if you're joining us for the first time then welcome to this channel now today i'm excited to guide you through how to create and send email campaigns with hubspot's free crm this is an email marketing tutorial for beginners looking at using hubspot's free crm to create custom email campaigns to send out to their contacts now guys before we jump into this hubspot tutorial consider subscribing if you haven't done so already and that way you'll stay updated with actionable videos and tutorials designed to equip you with the skills knowledge and tools to grow your small business online and with that happy note let's go ahead and create your first email campaign with hubspot [Music] okay so here we are on our fresh hubspot account so we've just signed up with hubspot and now we're on our hubspot dashboard now if you're completely new to hubspot i recommend watching our beginners tutorial up above which will take you through getting started with hubspot and understanding all the different tabs and features within your new hubspot account however if you're already signed up and you're ready to get started with email marketing and you're ready to create and send your first email campaign with hubspot then let's dive straight into it now before we go ahead and navigate up to marketing and down to email and create your first email campaign with hubspot what we first need to do is actually navigate over to settings and modify some of our settings before we can actually go ahead and create a email campaign so firstly what we want to do is click settings and then on settings come down to marketing and click the down arrow and then select email and the first email setting that we want to change before we can launch our email campaign is our footer settings so if we navigate down to edit under footer this allows us to put all our business information into our email footer now this is automatically placed below our email campaigns when we go ahead and create our first email campaign or any future campaign this email footer will be automatically placed below our email so what we need to do here is fill out all this information so what we're going to do is go ahead and do that now now the importance of this is it allows us to comply with the anti-spam laws internationally and this is a necessity for anyone wanting to get involved in email marketing so what we're going to do now is quickly go ahead and fill out our email footer so take the time to go through that and then once you've filled out all your business information come down and click save and the next thing we want to do before we go ahead and create your email campaign is to navigate over to subscription types and this is essentially where we can create manage and label different campaign types so as you can see down here we've already created a subscription type called marketing information now if i use the subscription type for any campaign that i was creating then the campaign i'd be creating would be about marketing offers and updates and this is just a way for you to essentially label your different campaigns and this also allows people to unsubscribe from specific subscription types so for example one of my contacts could unsubscribe from the subscription type but they would still be my contact and i can still market towards them but now i know that they are not interested in marketing offers and updates because they unsubscribed from this subscription type so i hope that makes sense so what we're going to do is that you go ahead and create a new subscription type and here we're just going to give this subscription type and name and description and there we go i'm happy with this subscription type so the subscription name is video tutorials description people interested in learning about online tools through videos once you're happy with your new subscription type come down and click create okay so now that we've configured our email settings what we can do now is go ahead and create our first email campaign with hubspot so to do that all we need to do is navigate up to marketing and then come down to email now firstly if you cannot locate the email option under the marketing tab then that means you do not have permission and you firstly need to get in contact with your admin your hubspot admin okay so here we are on our email marketing dashboard and this is where we can go ahead and create our first email campaign so to do this all we need to do is navigate over to create email now under hubspot's free plan we only have access to five pre-made templates so for the purpose of this tutorial what we're going to do is actually select this plain template and build from scratch however you do have the option to select one of these pre-made templates and you can customize and create and change them the way that you like to kind of represent your brand and represent the message that you want to create with your email campaign so templates are great because you can simply restructure the elements that are already there so for us we're going to navigate over to plain email and here we can go ahead and create our first email campaign now there's three stages that we're going to cover today to build our email campaign the first one is edit this is where we can use hubspot's drag and drop block builder where we can drag these different elements and create our email the way that we like so over here we have content blocks that we can choose from and customize and then below that we have layout blocks so we can change the layout of our email then over here we have design now design is the overall feel the style the theme of our email so for example we have templates we can change the overall color border plain text full width we'll go through this in a second we also have text styles so the overall text style of our email then we have buttons so the type size and look and color of our buttons and we also have dividers and we can customize the dividers down here then we also have settings so if we navigate over to settings again we're going to go through this shortly once we've created our email and this is where we can add our subscription type like we talked about in the beginning and then we can also add a subject line and preview text and again we'll talk about this shortly then the third step is to send or schedule and this is essentially who we want to send this email to and then we have the option to send this email now or schedule this email to be sent later then we can come up here and we can review and then send our first email campaign so what we're going to do is firstly navigate over to edit and customize our email campaign okay so firstly from the ground up you can see that we have this send free email today hubspot now we can't actually get rid of this unless we decide to upgrade to the marketing hub starter so unfortunately we can't get rid of this hubspot branding we have to leave that with all our email campaigns and above that we have our footer now remember we showed you how to edit this in the beginning under settings however you can also navigate over to this pencil icon and you can start editing your footer here now remember this is your business information that we added earlier and this is to comply with all the anti-spam laws so make sure your business information is correct there then above that we have our other information so this is our body of our email so to start editing each content block on your email it's very straightforward all you need to do is click on that block the content block that you want to edit and then the formatting options will appear on the left hand side and you can go through those and make those changes again we have the body here this is a text element if i select this text content element i can start typing i can edit this information here so what i'm going to do is actually grab a pre-written piece of content and copy that in here now so what i'm going to do is highlight this entire text and control v so i've copied this piece of content to my clipboard and i've just pasted that into this email i've just done a space down there so it looks okay now what i want to do is actually center align this email so what i can do is copy this entire body and navigate up into the formatting bar so this formatting bar we have a lot of options here we have paragraph we can change that to a heading hitting two we have options to format our text we can change the font here if we like and the sizing then we have other options across here that you really need to take the time to play around with so for us we're going to go alignment and go center align so i'm happy with that then i want to come down to our footer and i want to make the center align also so you can see the formatting options on the left hand side i'm going to come down to align and then select center and as you can see our footer our email footer is now center aligned now what i want to do is i want to actually rename my email so we haven't actually named our email i'm going to go ahead and name this first email campaign as new video tutorial brackets instagram shopping so i want to send this particular email campaign to my contacts that enjoy receiving video tutorials to help them further their business online so i'm going to send this to a specific subscription type and i'll show you how to do that under settings shortly so now what i want to do is come down to these elements and i want to drag this button and come down and place that remember you can place these elements above or below any other content element so i want to place that above my footer and then now i want to quickly go through these settings so link two i'm happy with url because i want to link this button to the youtube video that i'm discussing the video tutorial which is a youtube video so i'm going to quickly go ahead and grab that video link okay so i've just quickly popped over to youtube to copy the url that goes to this video now what i want to do is paste it from my clipboard into this link url so if someone clicks on this button that's going to take them to youtube and they're going to watch this video tutorial now down here i want to edit the button text and write watch video here and i'm happy with my button text now down here we have more formatting options that we can choose from if we want to customize our button a specific way however i'm happy with the font i'm happy with these formatting options i'm happy with the color i can come down to corner radius and i can make the corners more rounded if i like so let's leave that on 15 i'm happy with that as you can see the corners now more rounded i can go full width and i can come down to alignment so i'm happy with padding i'm happy with all these other formatting options so take the time to go through all the different formatting options with each of the different elements but i'm happy with that for now so i'm going to click done now i also want to add the link to my video so i'm going to actually come down here to this content element and drag video and put that at the top above our body now you have the option to drag a video and drop that into this content element if you like however i recommend just using a url and embedding the video onto your campaign your email campaign or else you're going to be sending large files to individuals and they may not like that it might not load on their email when they try and open it so again i'm going to go ahead and paste the video url into this section under video url and as you can see that video has popped up here and then down here we have other options to customize this video block the way that we like this content element this content block but i'm happy with that again we can upload a thumbnail if we like this is currently my youtube thumbnail so i'm happy with that and that's automatically been generated from youtube so i'm happy with all of that again we can change some of the formatting down here but i'm happy with that for now so i'm going to come up and click done and then now i want to add a divider so i'm going to grab this divider and i'm actually going to add that just below my video so i'm happy with that again i can come across here and i can format this divider the way that i like for now i'm going to click done now the last element i want to use is social so i'm going to click social which is this content block and i'm going to navigate down to below watch video and just above our footer and this is our social icon so we can come up here and we can actually add other social media networks if we like so we can come down and we can navigate through them for example we could add youtube and we could add that one in there and it would just add our youtube url that goes directly to our youtube channel now if i click back to follow me i want to go through each of these different social media channels and then what i want to do is select this pencil icon and then i want to add the url to that particular channel so go through all your different social media and make sure they're linking directly through to your particular channel so all you need to do is go to your channel copy the url and then paste that for example twitter paste that under the url section here so if we go back we can add more if we like but i'm happy with that again we can delete these elements or we can clone them if we like and then again down here we have more formatting options for us to choose from now i'm going to navigate back to done and i actually want to grab one more divider and i'm going to put that below watch video videos that separates my body from my footer now if i navigate back to done and head over to design i can actually change the background of my email so for example it's currently a white background i can change the color here if i like or i can navigate over to select a background pattern and i can select a pattern so for example you can see that this pattern is selected if we navigate down here we can see the pattern below and the pattern above now depending on the template you chose from because this is a full screen email campaign template we will only see the background pattern above and below again we can navigate through these and we can select the best option for us so i actually kind of like uh let's go through to this one i like the look of that so i'm going to leave that background as it is and then click done now as you can see down here this is a full width template so what i can do is actually remove this full width and have padding on both left and right side so if i click off and click turn off and as you can see our email structure is a lot more cleaner we now have a left and right padding so that looks a lot more cleaner we can also come down and see that the branding the hubspot branding is now center aligned so i'm happy with that that looks good i can also come down to text styles and again i can change the text styles but i'm happy with my text styles at the moment again buttons this is the overall style of my buttons remember i've only got the one button and i've already made modifications and then we have dividers but again i'm happy with my dividers so that is my email campaign basic overview of how to create your email campaign using all the different elements available for you to use now we also have layouts now if you have a full width email you can't actually use these layouts now because we turn that off remember we've got now a left and right heading we can actually now use layout so for example i could drag this layout and put that up here and then i can customize this triple layout the way that i like i can also click done and then i can drag each of these other elements within each of these little sections so i could add an image here i could go done and then i can add a text content block and i could add that in here and as you can see i can do that over here as well so i can add text i can add an image this could possibly be a video but again that gets a little bit messy so keep your email simple so it's easy for users to view read and understand the message that you're trying to deliver so i'm going to come up here and click done and then i'm going to navigate over here to this entire block and i'm actually going to delete this layout and just quickly before we navigate over to settings what i'm going to do is come down here and actually quickly edit this body text and i want to remove my name and this little line here that looks a whole lot neater then what we can do once you're happy with your email the way that you've created it you've taken the time to test each of these content blocks and layouts and you've created your email the way that you like what we can do now is navigate over to settings then under settings we want to make sure that our email settings are correct so who's the email from add your name in there the address then we can come down to subject line so what is the first line people are going to see before they click through to your email and open your email so for us we're going to add grow with instagram business tutorial i'm happy with that then come down to preview text and this is below the subject line so what can people see after they've read the subject line this is just a small text preview so we're going to go ahead and add learn how to sell through instagram so take the time to be creative with your subject line and your preview text because this is the first thing that your contacts are going to see before they click through to your email so make sure it's inviting it's compelling and it's making people want to click through to your email campaign then come down to your internal email name and add a name in here i'm happy with this one this is just for internal purposes then your language and then come down to subscription type so remember we created a subscription type at the beginning of this tutorial we're going to go ahead and select the one we created which is video tutorials and this is a subscription type that people can decide to unsubscribe from if they like however my contacts that are subscribed to video tutorials will receive video tutorials then once you've configured your settings come up here and click on send or schedule here we want to come down and select our recipient so these are the contacts we want to send this email campaign to again this can be a list that you have created now if you want to create a list just come down and click create new list i've got one list at the moment which is form submissions so what i want to do is actually select individuals to send this email campaign to or i can go ahead and import a list of contacts now the easiest way is to actually create a list so go ahead and create a new list and then you can send your email campaigns to specific lists or you can go individual contacts so for the purpose of this tutorial we'll just stick to individual contacts then what we want to do is come down to don't send two now if you selected a email list what you can do is select specific contacts within that email list that you don't want to send to so this allows you to essentially refine your targeting in terms of the contacts that you don't want to send to and the contacts you do want to send to so that is just a way to essentially filter those lists then you can come down here and unselect don't send to unengaged contacts but i'm happy with that being selected and then we have two options over here we can send now or we can send later so i actually want to send it now and as you can see we have our sending limit so one out of 2000 and we have two individuals two contacts that we're sending this email to so once you're happy with everything what we want to do is navigate over to review and send now one of the great features of hubspot crm is they provide this warning section here so basically before you go ahead and actually send your email campaign you're going to be notified of all these incompleted sections on your campaign so incompleted fields or elements on your campaigns as you can see these first five identify that i do not have a url in my social network so in the links i added below or above my footer remember i didn't add the url but i did say take the time to add your url for the purpose of this tutorial we didn't add those urls because it will take a lot of time and it's very straightforward so as you can see you have warnings up here then you have an overview of your email so what you have added in your settings then we can come down here you have more information here that you need to review before you go ahead and preview and send so i'm happy with all these settings that i created earlier they are all correct now what i want to do is come down and click preview and then here we can preview what our email campaign will look like on different devices so i'm happy with that once you've had a look at the preview what we want to do is come back and navigate down to sim and you'll get one final notification are you ready to send your email your email will be sent to two contacts immediately if you're ready to send click send email now and congratulations guys just like that you've created your first email campaign with hubspot free crm now you want to give it a bit of time for hubspot to process your email campaign it can take a few minutes but once that's been sent then you'll be directed to this page here or you can always navigate back to this page back to your campaign and view your overall performance so here is where you can see basic performance of your campaign open rate click through rate the devices delivery and other basic metrics within this interface so it's very straightforward to create a campaign and send it with hubspot's free crm i hope you got value guys i hope you managed to easily follow this tutorial all the way through to the end and there we have it guys that is how you can get started with email marketing with hubspot's free easy to use email campaign features now if you have any questions about this hubspot tutorial make sure to pop them down below and with that said thank you so much for watching this video all the way through to the end if you got value make sure you leave a like and subscribe if you haven't done so already and that way i'll see you in the next video take care guys [Music] you
Channel: Stewart Gauld
Views: 20,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hubspot tutorial, inbound marketing, hubspot, hubspot email campaign tutorial, email markting, email marketing tutorial, hubspot email campaign, how to use hubspot, how to use hubspot email marketing, how to use hubspot crm, how to use hubspot email, email marketing for beginners, email marketing with hubspot, hubspot tutorial for beginners, stewart gauld
Id: OfKrJalDAHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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