HPU: Steve Wozniak and Nido Qubein

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<i> [bright orchestral fanfare]</i> <i> (female announcer)</i> High Point University Presents Steve Wozniak <i> is a production of UNC-TV</i> <i> in association with High Point University.</i> <i> (male announcer) Quality public television</i> <i> is made possible through the financial contributions</i> <i> of viewers like you,</i> <i> who invite you to join them in supporting UNC-TV.</i> <i> [mellow guitar arrangement]</i> At High Point University, we say that every student receives an extraordinary education in an inspiring environment with caring people, and we work very hard to ensure that our students are exposed to the greatest minds, men and women who've done something in their life and who, through values and culture and education and intellectual gifts, can bring forth to our campus ideas that can inspire our students so that when they graduate, they can go on to do amazing things with their lives. And today on our campus, our students benefited measurably from a great mind, a man that<i> PCWorld</i> says, changed the world with an invention. This is the person who invented the Apple 1 and Apple II and, with Steve Jobs, changed the world for all of us. <i> His name is Steve Wozniak,</i> <i> and I'm delighted to have him here today as my guest.</i> <i> Steve, welcome.</i> It's so great to be here, and it's so great to encounter so many students and graduates that are actually taking advantage of technology that went along the lines that I started. <i> Yeah, it means a lot.</i> Our students love you. You--you spoke to them with language they can relate to, and you spoke to them about ideas that can make their future more productive. Yeah, but that's part of communication. If you want-- if you want to affect their behavior positively, they've gotta, first of all, like you as a friend. They've gotta clue into you. What you're sayin' can't be like a dentist sayin', "Don't worry; it won't hurt," you know--uh-h-nuh! This is just the wrong kind of advice. More to be good, like you're on their level. I think of myself as a student when I'm talking to students. Let's talk about you a bit; you were born in San Jose. Correct, San Jose,<i> California.</i> San Jose, California, and you went to school there. Uh, nearby--Sunnyvale, more the heart of Silicon Valley. Give us a little history about where you grew up, where you went to school, and, of course, we wanna know what led to the Apple 1. It's really funny, but when I grew up, I was in what's called Silicon Valley now, but it was Santa Clara Valley, full of fruit orchards-- one of the largest fruit-producing areas of the world. And there was-- it turns out that the guy who invented the transistor, which is the heart of the chips that are the heart of all of modern-day technology, had flown out and started a company in Mountain View, California. Silicon Valley, uh-- after his company was sort of having trouble making his type of device, engineers split off to form their own companies, to form their own companies, to form their own companies, and this huge thing called Silicon Valley grew up. Eventually, all the orchards went down. Homes, businesses, and a ton of electronics companies went in. I got to grow up-- but I got to see the change in technology. Technology is always changing because of smart scientists and smart engineers, physicists,<i> chemisists--</i> chemists, and so I got to see it move from vacuum tubes, which were hot tubes boiling electrons off a filament in television sets, where the housewives would pull out the tubes when a television failed, take it to the grocery store, plug the tubes into a tester. Would you believe that people would do such a geeky thing that were normal people? That was what it was like back then. <i> But it moved into these little, tiny transistors</i> that used less power and were smaller and made radios you could hold in your hand, and then we got into chips, and because of Moore's law, chips have gotten a billion times larger in my lifetime. When did you become interested in all that? Um, I stumbled into, and it-- actually, it was started in elementary school. My father was an engineer-- electrical engineer, but he would never push us his direction. When he took us to his work--wow! I admired him working with dials and knobs and getting pictures on little screens, and when he came home, he worked so diligently on weekends with formulas and everything, and he worked at Lockheed, so he couldn't tell us what he did. But it turns out that I got interested in electronics with science fair projects in the schools, <i> and I would-- and I built little projects</i> <i> about electrons movin' through wires</i> and then, um, electrons that were being resisted by--by substances and then entire atomic displays. I would build-- by fifth grade, I was building these projects that had hundreds of switches, hundreds of lights, dozens of-- of what's called mechanical relays all wired together, uh-- the million wires. Huge projects-- I didn't realize how far ahead I was. I was doin' it for fun. It was fun to learn this kinda stuff and actually make devices that would impress people. Did I show them off at school? No. <i> I entered them in the science fairs.</i> <i> I won, but I didn't have any friends</i> that would understand it or teachers. I did it just for myself. It was very strange to be that far ahead. Same thing with computers-- I started out with a ham radio license at ten years old. That was what's called<i> analog days--</i> the old days of electronics, and radios and televisions were analog. That's what I thought engineers did. I stumbled onto a journal about computer ideas-- logic, a different type of numbering system, a different type of mathematics, and logical ways to solve problems was part of a computer. So I--now, I started building computer projects in elementary school, in middle school-- huge projects with hundreds of parts. When I'd look back, the amount of hours I put in-- it's like each one of those was almost a master's program in a university. I had no idea I was advanced. I didn't talk to anybody. My dad didn't do it with me. He would teach me when I needed help, but eventually, I passed him up. I was doin' it on my own-- no teachers, no friends. So you were, like, a 12-year-old? Yes, I was a 12-year-old when I really discovered it. By 14-- 14, 15-- that was when I told myself-- I knew that computers were gonna be the passion of my life. All I wanted to do was design computers. I didn't even know that there were jobs for computer designers. I thought I would be an engineer by then. I would be a good engineer-- I was real smart in school-- and that I would be designing televisions and radios and satellite guidance systems, but I loved computers. I did it just as a hobby, thinkin' it'll never go anywhere as a career. Even when I graduated high school, I could design almost any computer that existed in two days. <i> I'd gotten so good doin' it every weekend</i> just for myself for fun on paper, um, I-- but I didn't think I'd have a job designing computers. When I talked to college, you know, entrance exam people, I would just say, "Well, I'm-- "I wanna design devices with knobs and dials that you make a change, and it does something." What--what--when did it become apparent to you that computers can understand the human mind? Well, when I was very young, I wrote a chess program. This computer that could do a million things a second couldn't solve it. And it turns out, I did a calculation. It would solve it by brute force, by following a simple method. It would solve it in 10 to the 25th years, which is longer than the universe has been around, and that taught me that a fast computer doesn't solve a problem. It's the intellect of a mind-- it's the intuition of figurin' out, how do I solve a problem? Here's a problem that if I take the normal approach, it won't solve, and one solution is, you could break it into smaller problems. I eventually solved that chess program, but see, the human mind would never be equaled by a computer. I believed that my whole life, and actually, it was only up until about two to three years ago that I was still doubting that computers would equal the human mind like Ray Kurzweil proposes in his book about singularity. I didn't think it would ever happen 'cause we don't know how the brain's wired, and now, I have actually changed my mind. You don't have to know how the brain is wired to finally build a conscious computer. <i> For example, you can answer questions to me</i> <i> because you're-- you're a bright doctor.</i> <i> I can ask a lot of professors here questions,</i> and they'll have answers 'cause they have brains. But now, everybody asks Google, and-- we never designed the Internet thinkin' it would be a brain. It's just that when-- when it grew and grew and grew, it had so much of the world's information stored in storage and so many of the computers to calculate it and so many publishers, we had to have these search engines to find what you wanted. The search engines worked their way up to Google. That turned out to do what the brain used to--a part. So I believe we're gonna get to consciousness, and it might be accidental discoveries along the way. We'll take steps and say, "My gosh, this is acting strange. "It's sort of talkin' back to me and learning like a baby does," and we'll say, "Whoa, this is the formula for the future" because we always want our machines to be like humans. <i> The biggest thing of all</i> <i> is human versus technology.</i> Which is more important? We're humans. We always want the human to be more important. We build technology to help us, and eventually, if-- what if it gets to where everything is being run by technology doing it for us, and we don't have to do anything-- we're just takin' care of, like, the family dog. So there are downsides. Whenever you have a positive side of making people more powerful, there's also downsides of, my gosh, you aren't doing, like, the mathematics in your head anymore because you have computers and you have calculators. But we're getting so much more done, and it feels good, but we gotta get more and more to where our machines start feeling like humans. I can have a discussion with you. No matter which way I say something, you can understand me. I want to speak to machines and have them understand me and come back with their own proposals, their own ideas, um, maybe even tell me some poetry, read me some famous literature, direct me to things that would be real appropriate for me to discover all on their own thinking. I want them to come up with methods to solve problems, which is right now only in the human mind. And how do you think that will change the world? What-- computers have made us so more efficient, so more productive. We can do more things in less time. We can build larger organizations. We can rally people's talents and skills in-- in ways that are focused on important objectives. Same time, it's made us disconnected as a society. We watch, on a college campus, everybody running around with their little computer. Especially young people-- Why do so many people seem to have such an attachment and even a love for their mobile devices? This new mobile generation has just changed how the world works, and it changes especially the young people. Love is a feeling, but you know what? They love it because it's more like a friend, like a real human being. It helps them connect to the whole world the way they want to. It's like an extra limb of the person, and, um--and the-- well, what the young people are doin', we have to be very aware of because they are the future. The way they're thinking today is what things are gonna be in the future, and every time a machine gets more easy to deal with like a human-- right now, I'm at a stage-- I hope that I'm five years ahead of everyone in the world, but I like to speak to my machine, whether I'm sending a text message to my wife, an e-mail, checking in somewhere with a Foursquare program. I'd much rather speak things into it than tap, tap, tap and remember procedures for doin' things. I think we're gonna get past that part of even the mobile technology, but here's the real key. When the computers start getting conscious and really understand what we mean, education-- education has been a sore point for me my whole life. It's been second to engineering. It was the thing that I cared about so much. Well, you wanted to teach fifth grade. And I did; I went and taught eight years secretly. I got to where I was teaching seven days a week, and I had different classes going, and I wrote my own lessons every day before class because I have to be creative. I don't want to get it out of a book. I taught how to use computers to-- (a) how to maintain a computer because it's the most important academic tool of your life, how to reach networks to reach other people far away. That used to be, like, Superman stuff. How could you ever contact somebody in another country, another state? And (c) the important thing was, how to make your homeworks look good-- that simple-- how to make them presentable. And I would discuss which kind of fonts to use in what situations, how to space things, what sizes, what colors to use, how not to overuse color. Don't do childish things; be a bit professional. Oh, I had some great experts, you know, but for everything you learn in school, apply a computer. It applies to everything, whether it's time lines and graphics that you print out or spreadsheets with calculation data, um, things like that. The thing is, I thought that computers, when we developed 'em, were gonna change education so greatly that we-- kids would use 100% of their mind instead of 10%. Everybody would be ten times smarter, and I don't see that that's happened. What's happened? What's happened is pretty much, we learn about the same level. The computer is the presentation device of today. It's a smart book. It probably does allow us to go faster, but because everybody's goin' the same much faster, you just-- education kinda looks the same. People kinda come out of high school knowing the same things. There wasn't a great revolution there, but the other revolution would be, if you can save the ones that decided to drop out of school. By third grade, teachers can look at students, and some of those students have decided they're not smart, and they're not gonna put a high priority-- importance on education, at least in schools, in their life. And the kids don't somehow come back and recover in one year in fourth grade or recover in fifth grade or sixth grade. Once you get behind-- schooling builds upon what you've done before, and you stay behind forever. And oh, I wish we could find a way to save those people, and computers have a possibility in the future. First of all, it-- the possibility could happen if you could have one teacher per student. You could never fail. Every student would feel, yes, they're learning, and they're being appraised for the right things. They're being retaught things they didn't quite understand. <i> You don't mean this literally.</i> I mean it literally. One teacher per student would solve the problem. Everything can be solved with money, so money could solve it. A teacher with 30 kids in class-- some of them hide, aren't paying attention. The teacher can't adapt to everybody's individual problems and needs when there's 30 in a class. It's one of the good things about homeschooling, probably, 'cause it's one-on-one. What if a computer could be the teacher? What if a computer had all the knowledge and could present it? We're at that point right now, actually. Now, you could have 30 low-cost teachers, and the human kind of oversees it-- helps with problems that really need the computer-- the--the human intellect. The computer could-- every student could be going at different speeds on different subjects. They could even decide, when they go into high school, they want to focus in a different direction like you do in college. That would be possible; it hasn't happened. Why? Because, um, the-- the computer is still more like, this is something I have to do for my class. I have to do pages 1 to 20 tonight, and then answer these questions tonight, the same as everyone else in my class. We haven't changed the paradigm of the working of elementary school, primary schooling. So what we can do is-- I think that what it takes is a human touch. A human that knows you and is your best friend and knows your inner thinking. It cares about you and your family. It even has feelings. So when we get that conscious computer, it's gonna look at the student's face. It's gonna know things you can tell when you look at a person that you can't really describe in words. It's gonna know when to change the subject, lighten up a little, tell a little joke, tell the kid, OK, let's go have a little break, you know, go play a game-- knows the best way to get a certain child educated. Then I think we might be able to go to the new paradigm of education, being that your presentation, instead of being fixed for everybody the same, it's random. Everybody's gettin' different speeds. Somebody might even get through high school in two years, and another person in eight years. You know, it might differ that much and go off in different directions, different subjects. But the grade, which used to be the variable, could become fixed. You don't get out until you are competent. Then we won't have a lot of people coming out that are very uneducated, illiterate, and not gonna really find-- be a good part of the future information economy where you have to use your brain. Were you bored in school, in elementary school? I was never bored once. As a matter of fact, among smart people-- I knew a lot of smart people 'cause I would get math and electronics awards in my schools and that sort of thing. And I was one of the top students, but-- and smart students often say that teachers were just stupid. They were kind of dumb; they didn't know anything. Steve Jobs talked that way, but he didn't get really good grades. I got really good grades. I actually thought all my teachers were important to me, they were the source of my future in this world, and that they were smart. They knew things more than I did and were teaching me. Nowadays, a teacher doesn't know more about video games or computers than kids do--heh; don't fool yourself. But back then, no. I grew up totally, um, loving the education experience. I would actually have subjects that I liked a lot, like geometry my second year of high school. I would take that book home, where you got to work out proofs, and we would be assigned to do the even problems at the end of a chapter. I would work every single problem in every chapter. I mean, when you love it-- when you love it, the education comes out. When I taught young kids, uh, fifth through ninth grade, I found that it was less important what I taught, more important that I made it so fun and interesting, they wanted to learn it. No question about that. <i> Motivation.</i> The role that a teacher... <i> mm-hm</i> ...plays is enormous because a really good teacher's an enabler of learning. They discover where your interests are and how they can channel them in the right direction, whether it's in elementary school or college. Some teachers are good, and some are bad, and some--but you know, every single teacher I ever had in my life really had good intentions as a teacher. They really wanted us to get somewhere and be improved, and yes, when I talk about a bad teacher-- I only had about one bad one ever, and the funny thing is, his class was good. He was a good teacher to me. He didn't understand a part of engineering. He--he just totally didn't understand how it was done correctly mathematically, and I did. And I couldn't even convince him of the right way, but it didn't matter that he didn't know it because I could learn on my own from books, but still, his class-- it was actually during college years, and it was just so fun to attend with other people, discuss things, you know, and the things you do in a college class. Tell us about college. You did not go in the beginning. You worked, or you went to college, then you dropped out, and you went back. No, what I did-- it's strange-- it's an unusual story, but I didn't have pressure from my parents to go to a certain-- like, where I stood in designing computers and electronics and my math and science scores, I shoulda gone to MIT, but I flew out to University of Colorado. It snowed. I had never been in snow in my life, and I would not apply to any other school, and my parents backed me up; they let me do that. You know what, I thank them so much for lettin' me follow my heart. What an incredible year it was. Back then, computers-- introduction to computers was a graduate-level course. Graduate level! I was a freshman, so I was allowed to take it because I was in engineering, and I got an A+ in this graduate-level course. I wrote every program I could think of writing. I thought, a computer! I wanna write programs on computers-- solve problems in the world! That was my love in life. I didn't realize they had money issues, and I ran my class five times over budget. Whoa, they made me scared that they were gonna charge me. If I came back the next year, I might get charged more than out-of-state tuition. I was very frightened, and my parents said, they could only afford one year of out-of-state college, so next year, I went to a community college in Cupertino. A friend of mine duplicated the key to the computer room. OK, I ran those programs my first year of college. I ran all those programs; that was good stuff! I was teaching myself how to program. I was in a computer programming class. The university treated it like it was bad. Next year, we had a key. We'd go in at midnight and turn on this IBM computer and all the parts of it, the disk drives, and I would run programs till 2, 3, 4 in the morning, shut down, and leave no evidence we'd been in there. What I was doing was good for my mind. I wasn't trying to hurt anybody, but it would have been called bad if I'd been caught. I was just exploring computers, trying to learn on my own. To me, if a computer sat unused, that was a crime. It wanted to be used, used by somebody who wanted to learn to get better at it. <i> So that was my second year of college.</i> <i> Now, after that, I was brought up</i> with such strong ethics by my father that truth, you know-- you tell the truth about yourself and things like that. That was so important to me, and he also said, a lotta people, you can borrow money, and then you owe people money. I didn't wanna ever have a credit card. I just wanted to live on what I had. So I went to work for a year to earn the money for my third year of college, as many do, and I got a job programming a computer! I got the parts given to me to finally build one of my computer designs! I built it up, and I was introduced to Steve Jobs, and we just hit it off as best friends, and we'd love the technology together, although I was the only one that created the technology, and that was an incredible work year. Then, I went to my third year of college. Every course I took as a junior-- When you're a junior in college, you have a lot more freedom and choice of what your career is and what courses you're gonna take. I took only graduate courses in hardware design and software design. Those were the courses I was interested in. I made the dean's list, and that was an incredible time in my life. After that year, though, I had-- I had actually fallen asleep on a freeway and totaled my car. <i> I didn't have a car anymore, and I said,</i> <i> "I'll go to work for another year</i> to earn the money for my last year of college." Well, I got incredible jobs at Hewlett-Packard, and then we started Apple. It was ten years before I could go back and finally get my degree, but you know what? It's important when you work hard at something that you believe is important in your life, and I can't look back and say, what I learned in classes that I ever applied to my Apple designs, but I can say that the methodology-- I learned how to learn-- the methods of how to have a goal in your head, combine parts, and get there and finish it. That was something that came-- I learned very much in college, and things like master's programs and PhDs are that way. You give a goal, and you say, we are gonna supply various education tools that will help you achieve your goal that might take, you know, year or years. So tell me about, um-- you sold a calculator that you had for $500 or something like that. <i> Yep.</i> And you started, with Steve Jobs, Apple Computer. Take--take us back to... <i> Be happy to.</i> ...to something we-- maybe we haven't, uh, read or we don't know, something that--what-- what brought you together? What was the first... <i> Sure.</i> ...initiative look like? What were your fears at the time? What did you do that you would consider to be crazy, and then, we know about the first product. It's called Apple 1, and I found the other day that somebody located one and paid something like $40,000 for it. Oh, no, no, uh. They've gone for as much as 700,000. Seven hundred thousand. No, the Apple 1's. [both] Apple 1's. I'll describe that because Apple doesn't own the Apple 1. It's very funny, but first, when I met Steve Jobs-- remember, computers in the old days, if you look in magazines and see pictures, they all have these rows of switches and lights. You don't know what the heck that's about. You have to be a geek. I built a computer with switches and lights of my own design because somebody got me the parts that I could never afford. It was when I worked at that little company for a summer job. And I was introduced to Steve Jobs, and he came, and he sort of understood some digital electronics, but a much lower level than I. I was up to the point I could design computers and things, and he could kind of put parts together and follow a design. He knew how to solder them but not how to design. He never wrote a program, really. We became very best friends in a lotta areas. I was shy, so I had no friends. Only friends I had were electronic kids in the neighborhood. You were shy? You don't seem shy. You seem very outgoing, assertive. <i> It's a different point in time.</i> I've gone up a smooth staircase of getting unshy, and it was a long climb for me. But back then, I really had just a few friends that were electronic kids in my neighborhood. When we would do gardening for the next-door neighbor, instead of being paid in cash, we wanted him to open up his mayonnaise jars of parts, and we'd select parts and take a few, little cheap resistors-- wow-- was our payment--heh, heh! I mean, that's how we lived; we lived in that world. Well, Steve Jobs was also--he knew-- understood electronics, and we talked about some pranks we had played at the high school. And I played pranks largely because I was so shy and unsocial, not accepted by others, it was sort of an expression of social energy. That's how I look at it psychologically at much later point in time, um. Steve and I compared pranks, and I thought, here's another guy that likes fun; he was a prankster. By the time we started Apple, his personality was gonna settle down to something different, but when I met him, he was 16. Now, I would develop product after product after product for companies in California and for my own enjoyment. Every time I did one for my own enjoyment, Steve would show up in town 'cause he was goin' to college in Oregon. He'd show up and say, "Oh, my gosh! "We can make money out of this. We can sell it." And the first products we actually sold were little devices that put beep, beep, beep, beep, beep tones into an American phone and dialed free calls anywhere in the world. <i> It was that easy.</i> <i> Nobody would believe this!</i> It was amazing thing, and he found ways to sell it. I only designed it; I didn't intend to sell it. And then, video games-- we got into the arcade game business together that way, and I designed a terminal you could talk to faraway computers and use your home television, which was free, and he found a way to sell that one. Well, he was up in Oregon, livin' on this-- some kind of farm, orchard, whatever it was. He was more the true hippie, where doin' the hippie things-- where I just admired them and observed them, but I was smart enough to have my feet on the ground. I got in a club, and they started talking about these little chips called microprocessors were gonna let us build computers that a person could afford in a home, a normal person. And they were coming out with kits that were affordable. The trouble is, none of them were computers. They were all equal to that little switch-and-light computer I had built five years before. That's what they were equal to. You could put ones and zeroes in the memory, but that doesn't make it do something useful. I was so far beyond that, and I saw the formula in my head for exactly the parts that would make one board called the Apple 1 with 28 little one-dollar chips, 30 little one-dollar chips, and a couple expensive ones, and that would be an entire, complete computer. You could type on it and see it on your own TV, and you could afford it. So what I did was, I built this machine, and I built it because I was inspired by a club where people talk, ahm-- intellectuals from Stanford and Berkeley talked about how people were gonna be able to communicate instantly with dozens of others. We were gonna be-- a child would be presented a problem in school, type in an answer, and be told instantly if it was right or wrong. You learn very well instantly. You don't learn well when you get the right answer the next day. That's fascinating; all that fascinates me, how you started the company with Steve Jobs, how you took a risk, how you had this idea that I could do something. It all began for you at a very young age, but then you took it to the next level. So many students here want to do the next thing. We have interactive gaming at High Point, for example, and computer science. They're fascinated by, how does a guy take an idea and do something with it? You did it! Did you know at the time that you're gonna make such an enormous impact on the world? We were so young, so naive, so immature even-- no business knowledge, no money, no experience in this whole area. We just thought we had somethin' hot that we had created and that we could actually make. As a matter of fact, our first idea to have a company was not a computer company. It was a company that would make a part called the PC board that let you plug other real chips in that cost money, and then you could solder them together, and you're all done with the board. It's sorta like an Ikea of computers. That was our idea, to sell this little board for $40, but we had to invest a few hundred bucks of our own money, and I sold my most valuable possession for $500 just to get my little put-in to the company, um. Now, when we-- now, that was not the real start though. It's often credited as, "they started in a garage." Yes, after the computer was built, designed, I'd given it away to the world for free. Steve Jobs came by, and he said, "We should sell that $40 part." I was so loyal to my company. I would never do anything behind their back. It was Hewlett-Packard. They wound up turning me down five times on the personal computer that I believed in, but that let us go and start our own company, and right away, we got a huge order for completely built computers, which meant $50,000 order. This was big time. For somebody who has no money, yeah, that was when we scrambled. We started building them in the house. We moved out to the garage so they could have their house for--heh-- you know, for kitchen stuff. So we moved to the garage, and we-- we built this computer. But really, it wasn't the one gonna change the world. The Apple 1 was very important because it told the world the formula for very few chips that were affordable, parts that were affordable, a keyboard you typed on like a typewriter that was very familiar to humans, a television set that displayed words. This was the formula for the affordable computer that could do real work. <i> Now, the Apple II was the great computer</i> <i> that was gonna change history,</i> and the Apple II was a very open machine. It was-- I hit on the luckiest, um, cleverest design ideas of my life, and a lot-- you know, bringing things that used to be out on cables in this part of the computer, which was the video. And you would just type stuff. You'd have graphics moving around, a million colors a second changing on the screen. You'd have bits flowing like we have today, and we call it photographs and pixels. That was all part of it. We knew this would change the world. It was open; we had a lot of slots that you could plug in extra devices to make the computer connect to lots of other things. It enabled us to eventually move from a cassette tape that was storing data to floppy disks that were hundred times faster than cassette tape. It enabled the other world to look and say, here's an idea I have. I can build a board that connects to a musical keyboard, and now you can play music on this computer. And I can write all the software programs I want. A lotta games came out. Somebody wrote a database program that could store all your address list. Everybody kept address lists in books up till then, so one idea after another after another happened that we didn't count on. The big one, it's referred to as the first killer app, <i> and that was the first spreadsheet program</i> <i> that let small businessmen forecast their businesses.</i> Sales shot up ten times because this program could do what you could never do by hand with pencil and paper-- never do the job as well. No big computer ever did it. Companies now looked around and saw a lot of their employees pulling in the Apple II computers with this little spreadsheet, and they were beating-- they were doin' what their huge, million-dollar computers couldn't do. That was the first killer app that really made the industry go, but a lot more things were gonna happen with computers. Where they would go over time-- We knew that they were now powerful. People could program solutions to every problem that existed in the world. <i> The computer wasn't limited to doing one thing.</i> <i> It can do a million different things.</i> That's one of the advantages of building this platform of a computer, but, um, where it took us-- even through Apple II times, we had thousands and thousands of different programs. And eventually, it was gonna lead us to technologies where we learned how to make computers smaller, lighter, carriable, with a battery, and then, eventually, we got down to little phones that are computers. No--yeah, we couldn't tell you, when we started Apple, that there would ever be enough memory to hold one song, and everybody has their music on computers now. So no, you don't necessarily have to foresee the future if you make it very open and let other people extend it and find the ways it can be used. So, slowly and cumulatively, all this came to be. What did your father think of all this? Your father's an engineer. You really--you wanted to be a fifth-grade teacher. You started all this, uh. Did you ever go back to that school? Did you ever show the teachers, I'm the guy who did all these science projects? Was your father very proud of what you did? <i> Yes.</i> Did your friends take you seriously? What happened to that shy kid? My parents and my family were very proud, and I did a strange thing. I had no idea how business works or stock or anything, but when I was issued stock at the start of the company, I put a whole bunch in my family's names. You know, I had no idea how valuable that was gonna be to them. As far as education goes, it was so important to me. When I was in a club, before we even had a company, there was a woman I met who took-- rolled a minicomputer into elementary schools that I care so much about-- fourth to sixth graders that I cared so much about and taught them how computer programs are a set of instructions that a human defined. And when a computer makes a mistake, it's just because a human made a mistake. Don't blame computers. I admired bringing-- teaching young kids about computers because a ten-year-old can learn every single thing about every computer-- software and hardware there is that's digital. Every single digital thing doesn't need higher-level math, doesn't need algebra even. So I admired that, so I wanted to give the first Apple 1 we ever built to her. Steve Jobs made me pay for it--heh! <i> He didn't wanna give it, but I gave it to her,</i> the first Apple 1. When we came out with the Apple II computer, I would go to schools in Cupertino, set it up, show teachers what it could do, take 'em for an hour through a bunch of different things, just showing them what was coming. And eventually, we actually gave an Apple II computer to every school-- every elementary school in California because a law got passed that-- so it didn't really cost us money. You'll be glad to know that, uh, along with a couple other regional partners, High Point University actually adopted a school-- elementary school. And we gave 'em all iPads, but more importantly, we provided the teaching and the guiding of how to use technology so that these young students can be prepared for life as-- as you so passionately cared about and care about today. It's very progressive thinking, and more than that, when young students get things that young-- they get their own iPads to use-- they know they're treated specially. And when you feel that you're being treated specially, it becomes more important a part of your life than it would have been without those iPads, so I admire that approach. You've received--you've been at the receiving end of all kinds of awards. Ronald Reagan gave you a major award. Other organizations given you very significant awards, way too many to list here. Tell me about an award that meant a lot to you and why. OK, first, I'll tell about an award that almost nobody knows about, and I'm in the Consumer Electronics Hall of Fame, um. <i> Sounds interesting.</i> I'm only saying that because I love consumer electronics. Plugging hi-fis together in the old days, televisions, tape recorders, where you plug all the plugs together-- that was my growing up and my fondness for gadgets and all. <i> But I'm only sayin' that award</i> <i> because it's almost never mentioned.</i> <i> Another award that's not very well known that I got</i> that isn't mentioned in a lot of these ceremonies-- the Grace Murray Hopper Award by the ACM-- <i> American</i> Computing Machinery<i> Society,</i> um-- it's an award for, um, basically computer development-- computer science development under the age of 30. It's a very, very important award in the computer science world, um. If I were to be totally honest, what's the most important one I got-- the Medal of Technology-- the National Medal of Technology from the United States represents exactly what I did, you know, and being in the Inventors Hall of Fame. You have to be an inventor, an Edison type, so somebody like Steve Jobs, who was not technical, wouldn't really qualify for that sort of award. <i> mmh</i> Tell us something about Steve Jobs. You've-- you've known him well, um. When he, uh, died, the world, of course, paid him a lot of homage and paid a lot of attention, um-- big book was written about him. Several books have been written about him, but you knew him intimately, and you knew him in a way that most of the world did not know him. What's something interesting you'd like to tell us about your relationship with him, his personality, the way his mind worked? <i> Yeah, his personality changed quite a bit.</i> His mind, from day one, though-- well, first of all, when we first met, he really was just a young person kinda searchin' for himself in the world and trying to live on nothing, and he wasn't really in the business, per se. He was 16 years old. <i> Yes, and he was talking</i> about the important people of all time-- Shakespeare, Isaac Newton, and, like, now I realize, he really wanted to be in that group of people, but how do you become one of those few special ones when you're eating seeds and living with the Hare Krishna guys up in Oregon? Um, when we started Apple, a personality really comes to be solid around age 20 years old, and he was around that age when we started Apple--21. And that's when he became-- he wanted to be a company leader. He wasn't qualified to have a company executive title, but basically he inter-- he just interjected himself with his ideas. Why don't you do it this way? Why that way? Why don't we do this? He got involved in everything going on in the business of the company. Myself, I felt that I don't wanna participate in things that other people know more about, so what I decided, I'll do engineering. I'm gonna be engineering 'cause I can never fail. So the two of us became different people than we had been. We'd been very similar personalities, going to concerts together, laughing at jokes and all that. Steve became very serious. Now it was-- for him, it was not to talk about the fun jokes we did growing up. It was more, you could only talk serious business stuff and present yourself that way, and, huh! And so he-- so that-- we became different in that ways. We were in different parts of the company. We worked together running the company for the next few years until we went public, you know, at the staff level, but our goals-- our goals were different. Steve always somehow would-- if--if we were proposing, should we design a certain kind of circuit or a different kind, he would say, "No, no, no, no, you have to do this way," and he'd have a lot of reasons that he had prethought out. I imagined that Steve went around thinking and dreaming and figuring out things ahead of time on his own-- maybe long walks, and he would come into an executive meeting. He would know why you could point all the choices towards option A instead of option B or option C. So he always seemed, also, to be the brightest, sharpest, quickest, you know, thinker about what we should do, even though he wasn't the builder himself. Can you think of one word that would describe him? Um, different points of his life-- he was very hyper, um, and very, um--uh, quick-witted and spirited with thoughts and trying to find, um, thoughts that were important. He believed very much in himself. He believed he was right-- very egotistical, actually, through all the phases that I knew him, um. He was--I don't know--heh, heh! You know, he's always been friendly to me. He has a bad reputation for dealing with people very harshly, but it's usually people that aren't-- if you go to a company, a few people really are great and matter, and I was one of those. He always treated me with respect. I never really saw him lose his temper and just fire people and say nasty things and make them feel so bad and demoralize 'em. Never really did that around me. I was in a special category. Even up to his death, we were good friends, and we talked. Publicity would sometimes try to make it like we had big rivalries or something--never once. Lemme ask you about your family. You have children; how old are they? What do they do? Did they follow your footsteps? I have three children-- boy, girl, boy, 30, 28, 20--uh, heh, I gotta think awhile to remember it! Twenty-four, yeah. And what do they do? The boys are actually both in technology. One went in computer science, which is programming computers. The daughter is, um, now in law school. She graduated in sociology with a--with a bachelor's, and my younger son is in, uh, computer engineering, which is a combination of hardware and software design, sorta where I came from. And the lessons you wanted them to learn most in life are what? Most in life is to think for yourself, to think creative-- creatively, that you have a lot of choice in the world. You don't have to follow other people and be a follower. Be a leader. That's what you would say if speaking to a group of high school kids or even freshmen in college? What would you tell 'em? It's one thing, but not so much as when I think of a college. I would think more like-- usually they approach me, and everybody these days wants to be an entrepreneur. They wanna be one of these Silicon Valley companies they hear about because these companies come out of young people. As a matter of fact, the great ones you hear about, the Apples and Googles and Yahoos and Facebooks and all those kind, they come outta young people that are just outta college. They see they have a chance to be there. "How do I get there?" There's no formula on a spreadsheet. You just gotta follow what you believe in doing. Trust your own instincts. Do things well and high quality and find a way to get it. You're not gonna be as big as a Google or an Apple, usually, so we're bad examples to follow what we did, but the formula we did will lead a lotta people to success. First of all, pick today's-- look at what people want and need in their lives. The marketing is so important. First of all, you need the engineers, but you need the business understanding. The businessman understands who's gonna use the product, how and why, and the engineer knows how to build it. Those two should work together like me and Steve Jobs did. That's very important. Secondly, if you come out as an entrepreneur out of a business school and you think, "I know how to write business plans to seek money. I know the steps to take," and you think, "I'll have a plan that I wrote put on paper, and later I'll hire an engineer to build it." I say, that's the wrong way to go. <i> Get yourself in touch</i> <i> with some engineering students now.</i> Try to find some of those young creative ones like I was when Hewlett-- Hewlett-Packard knew I could build some of their projects, and they turned me down for one project because I didn't have a college degree. I was workin' in a lab, but I couldn't go to the PhD labs. And, um--but try to spot those young people that are-- that are creative somewhere, like in colleges, especially, and get them to join you and define what sorta machine you could build or be a part of or what kinda program can you write-- "How can you enhance this project?"-- because engineers come up with some of the cleverest ideas that businessmen don't think of. And then work together. Include the engineering in the definition of what your project's gonna be, and then go raise your money. You know, our students here understand that it's all about experiential learning, and so we have, uh, a major in entrepreneurship, and there are corporations and organizations that give us money to actually endow our students with the funding so they can start a company and they can follow their dreams and they can do the things you're talkin' about, and it--it is<i> amazing</i> to me, the ideas they come up with and the applications that they create, and they do exactly what you're saying. They design it, and then they market it, and it's not just about writing it theoretically. It's about the application process. You know what? The judge of a school is probably, "What do the students do? What do they become in the future?" That's probably the best judge of it. And there's one program, a co-op type program. A student will work for six months in a company. The company has agreed-- bought into the whole program. We will provide jobs for certain numbers of students in certain categories. They will work for us for six months. They'll come to school six months. They'll work six months-- come to school. It solves two problems. The students now have money for school, and (b) they understand how the schooling relates to business and vice versa. Mm-hm, very interesting. These are new, innovative ideas that I think the world is paying attention to in terms of how we make school really valuable for students once they graduate and how do we make the application of that which you learn meaningful in your life? Your experiential learning-- I'd never heard about it till you just mentioned that. That is absolutely a great way to do it because it's like the whole hands-on. When you create things that work, when you experience somethin' that you're-- that you're developing, you know, writing, whatever, when you're really-- something's goin' into reality, that has such an impact on you, such a motivation factor, such a reward, um-- I believe in that strongly. I believe that if you're gonna start a company or something, have a working model. Be a builder. You think of that in science. There's theoretical science, and there's applied science. There's theoretical engineering and applied engineering. I was always on the applied side. I wanna make, actually, devices that I can experience and utilize and use, you know, and that's a good way of thinking. Absolutely, and also you spoke of holistic education, which is one of our cornerstones at High Point University, and that is, what you learn inside the classroom is very important, but you must prepare yourself for a very ever-changing, very competitive marketplace, and it's no longer just in the U.S. It is a global marketplace. So how do you develop yourself in terms of communication skills, in terms of relational capital with people, in terms of critical thinking, problem solving, solution finding? These are the things that really we have to ensure, that the future generation of-- of entrepreneurs and others, whatever avenue they choose to follow, understand viscerally and apply pragmatically on a daily basis. Well, you are a leader, and you are a president, and you have to oversee a lot of different disciplines. We wanna bring our kids up to realize that the real important leaders have to cross a lot disciplines. You know, the communications maybe, the engineering, the writing skills, the, um, understanding things that normal people understand about world events and politics and everything. That's all an important part of life, but very few people-- most people are gonna be organized into one specific category-- a few specific categories. Nobody's gonna be completely broad across the whole spectrum. You can't expect that you're only a good person if you learn everything. So one of the things is to understand that you need to collaborate. Find the people with-- where you have weaknesses and you can make something better than you can by yourself if you team up. Build bridges of understanding with others. That's what it's all about. Where do you see technology going? In the future, I see technology-- um, I see a lot of conflict between what is human and what is technology. Technology is already getting to replace in a lotta things that we used to rely on humans for, and you'll even walk into a fast-food place and a little kiosk machine lets you do your ordering. That means, they skipped a person that did it. You go to the airport, and you've got your kiosks, and some of the places, you go right to the gate and don't see a human. You just flip bar codes outta your smart phone. So, um, so technology is-- is (a) doin' the human jobs, but more importantly than that, all our life in Apple, we worked on makin' it easier to use so people could understand it. People understand people, so if you make the technology work as though it's human, getting closer and closer to real thought, real understanding, feelings, and consciousness, we're gonna keep movin' in that direction. Voice right now-- we're talkin' to our phones, "Set an alarm for this time. "Remind me to do this when I get home. E-mail Janet: I'm in a meeting right now. Or ask a question about anything. Yes, or how-- yeah, "How far is it from High Point to San Francisco?" And you get the answer that quickly. This is like I'm talking to a smart person, but it's gonna get more and more like that. Eventually, these machines are gonna be lookin' at me. I think they need a sense of smell to be really human, to really be-- They have to be able to tell you, "Oh my gosh, have you smelled the roses today?" What's the downside of all that? Do you see a danger to all that in terms of relationships, communication? We have phenomenal communication systems now because of technology, but somehow in all of this pursuit, have we become somewhat alienated, disconnected as a large society? Philosophically, I don't see a downside. What I see is change, and then after you have change, you think, "This is where we are now." You don't say, "Oh, my gosh, we're much worse than before." I don't think people smile less or frown more now than they did a thousand years ago. I don't think it's more or less--either direction. I think there's--that's been a constant among humans, um. We--somehow there's something in us that tells us, we have to create new things. I have to create change, and that must be the right drive. It wouldn't be in us unless it were proper to be there. So we're changin' and creating a new world. Our role in the world might be different, you know, but I look at the elephant seals in California. I'm lookin' at them in their natural habitat. They're not in a zoo; they come in in January, and the females have babies within four days. They mate for, like, nine weeks and go back out to sea to eat. They're livin' a life, and they must think the world was created for them, and we humans are just some little devices that are sittin' up on the cliff. They must see-- from their perspective, it's, like, they don't really know. We might be creating a new society, a machine society that actually supersedes us, but we don't know it. I mean, we're still gonna think that we're number one. We're the important one that's really dealt with, even if the machines think somethin' else. Can you, uh, think of, um, a project, a pursuit, something you tried to do in your life and it didn't work? And I don't mean mechanically; I mean in a larger scope. I don't mean a single machine or a single application but a larger scope. Maybe it's a business, maybe it's-- A marriage-- heh--heh, heh-- I don't wanna... go there. Yes, it's a business. And--and... why didn't it work, and what did you do wrong, and how could you have avoided it? What did you learn from it? In the Apple days, I did project after project after project; every one was an A+. Some of the projects I started, I didn't know if I could even do them. I had never done them before. I didn't know if there were solutions to certain obstacles. I found them; miracles happen. They're worth a lot of money when you do that. I started a company once to build small, little, cheap GPS devices that you could buy for maybe $30 at the grocery store. Pop it in your glove compartment, and the battery lasts for a year, and it's small, tiny, inexpensive, and you never have to worry about it. Um, I--I failed; it was not possible. It is still not possible with today's technology, and every--almost every night, I might think about, if there ever comes a way that that becomes possible, I'm gonna start another company and build it again. I really love the device. Put it on a little dog, a small device on any dog. You could instantly get notified if your dog leaves, somehow breaks out of its containment facility, outta your house, maybe, out of its electronic fence. So why do you think you failed? Was it timing; was it capital? Was it relationships, contacts? Why did you fail? I took on a very, um-- I didn't declare whether it was technically possible with parts that are made and available today: energy, supplies, batteries that exist, um. I took on somethin' very impossible thinking I will solve a lot of impossible things, and I'll tell ya-- made a lot of progress. I have to credit my engineers for some of that with a lot of clever ideas that took steps towards makin' it possible, but it just didn't achieve good enough goals. In other words, it could be manufactured, and it worked. We did have a product that worked, it just wasn't affordable, small enough, low power enough. Mm-hm...what lies ahead for Steve Wozniak? What lies ahead? I think about technology all the time. I think about what companies like Apple could do that would really, uh, make sense in my mind. I don't always agree with what the company does. How could they improve 'cause I care so much about Apple. I think about other companies and technologies: who's doing good things and bad things. I explore; I self-experiment. I will buy a new product and try every permutation I can to learn myself. I don't like to read reviews and trust reviews. I like to learn it personally where I feel it. It's like art to me. And, um, in the future-- well, I have one idea I've been holdin' in my head for 35 years-- not quite possible yet-- but to make these little chips that run our computers and our smart phones and all of our great gadgets, our GPSs. To make them where they-- instead of operating on electrons, they will operate on photons of light, because then photons will take much less power because photons don't weigh as much in human terms. And Woz, um, how would you like to be remembered? I would like to be remembered as a very smart engineer who learned how to connect wires between different parts and make things that never existed before but that I was clever and could do it with fewer parts, in different, better ways than almost anybody around me. And I, you know, as far as this whole thing of starting the personal computer revolution, I was gonna build a computer for myself that year. The fact that it was so important and it kicked off such a huge thing that happened-- Yes, I wanted to empower other people, but I don't wanna be remembered for that as much as what came from my education: my university education, my own self-teaching education, which was how to design computer-type products and how to write programs. My own style, it was just so much my own. Well, I wanna be remembered as a great engineer. That's--you are so dedicated to that. You are such a-- an engineer, a scientist, a person who wants to create, be innovative, that your whole life has been driven by that. That's what you wanna be remembered for, which is remarkable. You don't wanna be remembered for achievements as much as remembered as someone who was<i> invested</i> in his field and in his scope. Decisions I made when I was young and way too shy to ever wanna be political or go into where you have to deal with other people-- I never wanted to move up an org chart. I wanted to be an engineer for life. I told myself that; I told my friends. I told the world that. I told them why I admire engineers. Engineering is a form of mathematics that has an answer that has to be correct or not, and that's a form of truth which I always put at the highest for everyone. You wrote a wonderful book which has been widely acclaimed and--and, uh, widely read. Are you working on anything else? Ah, heh, heh, heh! I was lucky to write the book. I put it off for 20 years. Then, my last kid finally graduated high school, and I was all alone. Right now, I'm working with a company, Fusion-io, and I'm hopin' they-- they are doin' a different architecture of all the big computers in-- in the big data centers. Computers are gonna change-- how they're built, what kind of memory they use-- hugely in the future, and this company's the leader, and I admire the way they think, and I admire the fact that they do things differently than other people. I try to contribute ideas, engineering ideas, as to how they can, for example, get more performance or make their products last longer, be more reliable. Well, you do a marvelous job at that. You are filled with passion. Your commitment to life and to innovation is-- is clear and is appreciated by all of us, and I thank you for being here today, and I thank you for having this conversation with me. I look forward to our paths crossing again, and for students at High Point University and as citizens of North Carolina to benefit from your mind and learn from you. A lot of students today thanked me as they graduated. I thank them. I thank them because, you know, the-- I actually thank you for the great education you're providing because I'm hopin' they go and solve some of the problems that my generation didn't fix. Yeah, that's what makes life worth living, and that's why at High Point University, we say we're in the business of planting seeds of greatness in the minds, yes, but also in the hearts and souls of our students. Thank you very much. Yeah, your thinking is exceptional. <i> [mellow guitar arrangement]</i> Captioning CaptionPerfect.com <i> (female announcer)</i> High Point University Presents Steve Wozniak <i> is a production of UNC-TV</i> <i> in association with High Point University.</i> <i> (male announcer) Quality public television</i> <i> is made possible through the financial contributions</i> <i> of viewers like you</i> <i> who invite you to join them in supporting UNC-TV.</i>
Channel: High Point University
Views: 9,120
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Keywords: High Point University, Steve Wozniak, Extraordinary Education, Access to Innovators, Nido Qubein, innovation
Id: C56uP_obLNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 18sec (3438 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2013
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