HOWTO start a JNLP file (Java Webstart RIA)

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is how to observe a jnlp web start rich Internet application in the particular case the demo application of switch on that showcases what is a basic idea of switch on and how switch on the application could look like and for opening such a GOP application you simply open your browser and then in the address window you simply paste the link that I sent you it points to the channel P start file and this file contains all the links to all the libraries that I needed to actually start up the application in this particular case the Chrome browser downloads this and asks you if you want to keep it because it detects that it could be some kind of harmful to your computer but in this case it's a link that I sent you and I guarantee that it's okay so you can keep it and then you have to join your people on your on your PC an alternative browser for example Firefox Internet Explorer would most likely ask you if you want to start this kind of application right away with or this link with the with Java Web Start right away so you could also do this but in my case it downloaded to my downloads folder and I can then locate it there and see there's the journal P file unfortunately I don't have the extension journal P connect it to yellow episode which may be the case for you too and in this case you just say I want to open it with the yellow web start but basically if your browser didn't ask you you most likely only have to double-click the file and then you have to come up right away but this is the way to go which always works as long as you have what Yaba yelling stop so I open it and on all six of my kha'zix your additionally asked if you want to open this kind of application because you downloaded from the internet it could be harmful so here's an additional security measure and you simply say I want to open it and windows or something something similar this one happen most likely and then the our web chart comes up and starts this application it first of all downloads the application this is something that I did before and this is because it was so fast right now but if you start it the first time other libraries will be loaded into the java cache so if you start it again then it will be as fast as my startup right here then it verifies if the application is properly signed and tells us ok we want to start the switch and demo application it is published by a kismet give me an ID has been signed by kismet and it's all ok and it's come from from this server at Katara's so this is information of what application is going to come up now so if I want to trust kismet I simply can tick this check box and then I won't be asked if the publisher is kiss me anymore so then basically you can say ok I want to run this and it's now starting up the application and there we go then we have a splash screen normally you would now see the login screen of the kit system but in this case it's a pre-configured user and it simply makes an auto log-in and you don't have to worry at all so this is basically how you can start a jnlp application and then switch and a multiplication comes up in this case and we can work with it right away so this is basically what you have to do to start the application the first time bye for now you
Channel: switchonproject
Views: 43,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GM-t0XAv7jk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 17sec (257 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 20 2014
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