How Your Hormones Work? | HORMONES | Endocrine System | Dr Binocs Show | Peekaboo Kidz

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[Music] don't be embarrassed little kitty it's just your hormones yes little kitty your hormones hey friends whatever your gender is no matter how old you are or however you feel the one biological process that binds us all together is our hormone so in today's episode let us enter the complex and busy world of your hormones and answer a very relatable question how does your hormones work zoom in so what are these special chemicals called hormones that are produced by every living creature made of more than one cell and transform you from a tiny baby into an adult well you know the answer first we have to enter your body and have a good look at the end of Grint system that is a collection of plants that regulates everything in you yes right from your sleep cycle to beating of your heart to your growth and development and much much more but the critical question is how you see your endocrine system that consists of several glands produces these specific hormones for a specific task and releases them into our bloodstream from there every drop of omens travels in search of thousand cells to fulfill its particular duty these target cells have receptors made of special proteins attached inside or on the surface of them and as the hormone passes by these receptors they recognise the one built specifically for their job and connects to them like a long-lost friend this binding of omens and receptors stimulates the cell and begins to change its behaviors by either increasing or decreasing specific processes inside them and as billions of oman influence millions of cells the endocrine system brings enormous changes all over the body I know what you guys are thinking but what are these glands and their specific tasks well let's have a look at them one by one a lot of changes inside you are controlled by a little gland located in your brain called the pituitary gland although it looks tiny whiny don't get fooled by its size as it is responsible for making you big by producing the growth hormones that increase your height next comes the thyroid gland that does several jobs but the most crucial task the under cake is regulating your metabolism by utilizing the calories from the food you eat now let us quickly rush forward to see an exciting plan that can turn you into a peace-loving human to a daredevil in no time and that is the adrenaline gland that produces the adrenaline hormones but don't worry these guys only gets activated when you need them like in the face of danger next comes the biggest gland of the endocrine system the pancreas they are responsible for producing insulin a chemical that helps us to use the energy from the food we eat to know more in detail about this vital pancreas you can watch our video how do you fan crius work the link is posted below and lastly let us learn about the reproductive glands the ovaries that manage the changes in girls by producing estrogen and the trustees that handles the changes in boys by releasing testosterone and this is how your endocrine system helps you to maintain the balance and makes you who you are during your time did you know insects have hormones - yes one hormone causes insects to molt or shed their exoskeletons and the others cause of metamorphosis like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly also insects and many other animals release hormones called pheromones into their habitats these pheromones can attract mates mark the location of food or all other animals of danger hope you enjoyed today's episode until next time it's me dr. by NOx zooming out ah never mind
Channel: Peekaboo Kidz
Views: 541,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video for kids, virus, stay safe, the dr. binocs show, dr binocs, dr. binocs show, videos for kids, kids video, smart learning, peekaboo kidz, science videos, science for kids, kids, biology, biology for kids, kids learn biology, learning videos, kids learn, how your hormones work, hormones, hormones video, hormonal changes, hormonal imbalance, what are hormones, kids learn about hormones, endocrine system, thyroid, glands
Id: _nyvBUmIwhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 0sec (360 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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