How Your Brain Organizes Information

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perhaps one of the most fascinating abilities of the mammalian brain is that it can generate flexible behavior that is generalized across contexts for example let's imagine you spent a few weeks learning how to cook just the perfect lasagna you learn that skill in your own Kitchen where you are familiar with the location of all the utensils ingredients and appliances as well as the layout of the kitchen itself finally you get invited to your friend's house to cook your famous lasagna even though you have never used their kitchen before you are still able to navigate and cook efficiently but how is it possible because if you think about it you have never been in that particular situation so this must be a totally new problem right well the answer lies in the ability of your brain to generalize you're able to kind of strip away the particular sensory context of your kitchen and extract the abstract notion of lasagna cooking procedure at the same time you know the general principles of how kitchens work so one quick glance at the location of the oven and the utensils is enough to relate that particular layout to your inner model of kitchens this generalization requires information about the world to be organized into a multi-purpose coherent framework known as a cognitive map this video is the first in a two-part Series today we will lay the foundation for the problem of cognitive mapping introduce some general ideas and look at the experimental data from Modern neuroscience and in the second part we'll go through a particular computational solution to the problem of Cooperative mapping known as the Tolman agendao machine which might be the stepping stone on the path towards the first artificial hippocampus if you're interested stay tuned let's suppose you put a rat in a maze that looks like this and train it to find its way to the end of the maze to a tasty reward after a few of these training trials in a familiar maze a you put a rat in a new maze B which has several radial arms like so normally the red would run to the familiar top path but what would happen if you blocked it now the animal is faced with a choice which alternative path to pursue instead let's think about possible scenarios one possibility is that rats learn by associations which means that they would take a path that was most similar to the one that originally led to food either path 9 or 10. if however animals had some sort of internal map of the spatial layout they would choose path six which pointed in the direction of food but which had never been experienced before so it's not directly associated with reward and indeed this is what's usually observed in the real life this is one example of an experiment conducted in 1930s by an American psychologist Edward Tolman which led him to coin the term cognitive map relating to this idea that animals have something like a mental map of surrounding space however it wasn't until 40 years later that neuroscientists were able to peek inside the brain to see how such a map is manifested in neural activity although cognitive Maps serve as a general purpose representations of the world as we'll see further historically they were usually studied in the context of spatial Behavior the predominant view is that the Workhorse of cognitive mapping in the mammalian brain is the hippocampal formation which includes the hippocampus a seahorse shaped structure and anteroinal cortex which serves as a kind of Gateway through which information Flows In and Out of the hippocampus what's fascinating about these structures is the existence of spatially selective neurons which paved the way to understanding how knowledge is organized into a map-like structure at the level of single cells let's briefly review the major types of such map building neurons the Hallmark of hippocampus are Place cells neurons that become active when an animal is in a specific location or place in an environment they are thought to code for the current location in a context dependent way since the response of a single cell is totally different in different surroundings Upstream to the place cells are grid cells that are located in the enterinal cortex and fire in regular periodic patterns arranged on a hexagonal grid as the animal moves in the environment notably this regular pattern is quite stable and is mostly invariant to a particular surrounding enterinal cortex also has what are called object Vector cells that activate whenever the animal is at a certain distance and certain direction away from any object in the environment while hippocampus has neurons that are similar to object Vector cells but which respond selectively to a specific object and not others known as Landmark cells both regions also have boundary cells coding for the presence of boundaries head Direction cells that code for the direction the animal is facing and a few other cell types as you can see there is a whole zoo of cellular responses in the hippocampal formation and it might seem unclear how do we even make sense of all this mess an overall pattern can be distinguished however from all these examples you can see that the enterinal cortex provides a kind of a general coordinate system allowing the brain to perform vector computations and estimate distances hippocampus on the other hand forms a more specific code providing the brain with information about particular location and landmarks in this coordinate system although such neurons historically have been discovered during spatial Behavior what's crucial is that this selectivity is not restricted to physical space for example if you train a rat to press a lever adjusting the frequency of the sound [Music] you'll see that certain neurons in the hippocampus become selective to a particular frequency range like a conventional Place cell but in the one-dimensional space of sound frequencies neurons in the intrainal cortex also develop a frequency dependent pattern of activity but which is periodic resembling grid cells that were squished to the one dimension of the frequency space in another study human subjects were trained to navigate in a highly abstract two-dimensional space of bird Silhouettes characterized by leg and neck lengths participants could independently vary the length of legs and neck with a controller and their task was to morph a bird into a particular configuration while activity of their brains was monitored through fmri remarkably activity of their enterinal cortex showed signs of a hexagonal symmetry as people mentally moved in this conceptual space of birds which is incredibly consistent with the grid cell code all of this suggests that the hippocampus and enterinal cortex in tandem might indeed construct a multi-dimensional and multi-model representation of the world but how can it be that the same Machinery is used to solve computational tasks in both spatial and non-spatial domains using what seems like similar algorithms there must be a way we can conceptually unify them into a single type of problem luckily there is a simple and elegant mathematical formalism that connects physical and Abstract spaces known as graph Theory notice that elements in all the tasks we have seen so far have a notion of being connected by a certain relation for instance neighboring locations in your room are physically connected to each other and you can move along them in horizontal and vertical directions similarly members of a family fall onto a tree like structure with corresponding relations such as parent sibling Etc this type of problems are naturally described by a graph essentially a graph is a mathematical structure that consists of a set of points called vertices or nodes and a set of lines called edges that connect pairs of vertices now the vertices can represent any kind of object or entity and the edges can correspond to any kind of connection or relation between the vertices for instance we can construct a graph of a two-dimensional Space by connecting each location node to its Four Neighbors in a square grid-like manner to effectively perform tasks however it is essential that you know where you are located on this graph at every point in time otherwise there is no point in having organized knowledge in the first place to keep track of where you are you can use what's called path integration in the physical space it refers to using self-motion cues such as movement speed and direction to accumulate movement vectors and update your position for example you knew that taking a sequence of steps in the direction of north then West then South then East will take you back to where you started many animal species such as insects birds rodents and humans all can path integrate in fact as we'll see in more detail in the next video networks of grid cells can perform path integration which can be modeled in a neural network with what's called attractor Dynamics for arbitrary graphs however you'll need a more abstract but similar notion of path integration that is a finite set of rules of how to add different types of relationships for example that taking the root sibling parent is equivalent to parent and so forth and the very same graph can be used for generalization notice that the task of navigating in a two-dimensional space of birds is essentially the same as walking around the room the underlying structure of connections is fundamentally the same what's different is the type of incoming sensory cues similarly if you have an internal model of a family tree not only you can use it for different families but you can also use it to apply to things like taxonomy since it also has a tree-like structure just relabel the relationships and you're good to go so in conclusion if the hippocampal and terrinal system can construct these relational graphs and Carry Out path integration and root finding on them then it makes perfect sense how this system could be reused by the brain across different modalities but how do we know which graphs to build in the first place how can the brain come up with such a structured representation well to understand this we need to First address another super important concept and that is the idea of a latent space as it follows from the name latent space is something that is not directly observable from external keys for example let's view the World Through The Eyes of a mouse which is performing an alternation task this simply means that it is running in a t-shaped maze and each time it reaches this split a choice whether to turn left or right needs to be made now the task is such that the reward is always alternating between the sides so the animal has to learn that if on previous trial it turned left and received a tasty treat that means that now it should go to the right and vice versa let's try to think about the type of Elemental Model A cognitive map that must be built in the brain of this mouse in other words what are the relevant behavioral variables and their structure required to perform this particular task well first of all there is the spatial component since you need to know where you are in this teammates physically and update your position so we can reasonably expect to see conventional Place cells when looking inside the hippocampus but notice that information about physical location alone is not enough to solve the problem of obtaining the maximum amount of reward since the animals supposedly knows that it needs to alternate turns at every trial it has to remember the direction of the previous turn in other words there is an additional abstract variable encoding where you are going and where you have been to completely capture all the relevant information about this task you need a configuration of a cognitive map which keeps track of both the location in the physical 2D space of the Maze and a binary location in this abstract space of left and right trials here is another way to think about it at first when the animal hasn't learned the nature of this task and is just exploring the maze its cognitive map only has a spatial component encoding the 2D location but over the course of several trials the mouse learns that aha I need to alternate the directions because the reward seems to be always located on the arm opposite of the previous trial when this happens the cognitive map is expanded with a new dimension and the mental representation of the teammates kind of splits into two cloned versions of it one for turn left trials and another one for right turns and now all of a sudden you need to update your position in this expanded space which now has an additional axis remarkably we find cells whose firing is modulated by both the physical location and the direction of the Future Turn such neurons were termed splitter cells they uniquely encode the location in the full expanded version of the cognitive map which is remarkably consistent with this idea that the hippocampus keeps track of all task relevant variables no matter how abstract they are this split Dimension into left versus right trials is an example of a latent space since it is not directly observable from the sensory queues there is no light switch that would signal you where to turn instead you need to infer your location in the latent space based on previous observations another example includes training the animals to run in a virtual reality and perform what's known as Tower accumulation task essentially as they run on the track they are presented with visual cues on both sides and at the end of the track they need to choose whether to turn left or right the direction of the reward is indicated by which side had the higher number of towers so for example if you encounter in total nine Towers to your left and only seven to your right it indicates that you need to turn left to get a reward since it has a higher number of cues this number of towers or better yet the difference between the two sides forms a latent evidence space and it turns out that the right hippocampal neurons which Forum Place fields in this latent space as you can see location in latent spaces and even their pure existence in the cognitive map is extremely important but the problem is it is not directly observable from Individual sensory cues instead latent spaces are built from sequences of sensory observations for example remember in your previous Choice can affect the future one but why bother with building such relational graphs in the first place in the beginning of this video we saw an example of how knowledge acquired in one setting can be successfully generalized to other contexts this is because once the structured representation is built it can be abstracted away from particular sensory observations you know that North West South East will close a loop in any environment be it your room or local park and such generalization effectively requires an existence of a factorized representation here is what factorization means intuitively let's imagine you are buying a car and would like to predict how much you will enjoy driving it for Simplicity this space of all possible cars is formed by the particular model and its color and your goal is to maximize the value of your subjective happiness gamma which is a function of two variables car model and color there is some hidden distribution of gamma but you don't know it since it would require driving every possible combination of models and colors to find that distribution however it makes sense to separately learn the distribution of Happiness along the color axis for example by driving a Tesla of different colors and the distribution of Happiness along the car axis by driving each model in red configuration if these two distributions are independent for example if you prefer blue over yellow and that is the case irrespectively of the car model then the underlying two-dimensional distribution is said to be factorizable mathematically we can describe the joint distribution to be a product of the two corresponding one-dimensional also called marginal distributions it is enough for you to know the two factors separately to predict the joint distribution and that means that such factorization allows you to predict the value of gamma for combinations you have never encountered before also notice that since you only need to know a pair of one-dimensional distributions it is much less information compared to storing the two-dimensional distribution of all possible combinations and for the brain that problem of information storage is even more relevant since cognitive maps have a much larger number of dimensions similarly in the brain there is factorization of every experience into its structural component which is the position on this relational graph and sensory component which defines the particular setting of the outside world in fact evidence for this factorization can be seen in the responses of individual neurons in the hippocampal formation recall that grid cells in the enter Rhino cortex and in particular the medial portion of it remain stable across environments forming this coordinate system information about this structural basis is then fed into the hippocampus a second stream of information containing purely sensory cues is provided to the hippocampus by a different part of enter rhinocortex lateral enterinal area which doesn't have such prominent grid patterns of activity the hippocampus then forms a conjunctive representation unifying the two streams of information and embedding the particular sensory information into this structural backbone this difference between factorized and conjunctive representations can be demonstrated by a famous phenomenon called hippocampal remapping essentially it refers to the tendency of place cells to change their firing patterns in different sensory contexts for example one neuron might activate when the animal is in the middle of the room but after you change the order by spraying with something minty that will replace cell might shift its preferred location or stop firing in that environment altogether notice that this is completely different from grid cells which are largely invariant to such contextual perturbations and only care about space all right let's try to tie everything together in this video we saw evidence both on the behavioral and cellular level that the brain must have an internal model of the world known as a cognitive map despite the word map in the name it is not restricted to representing physical space rather cognitive maps are a systematic way to organize knowledge in some kind of structure the main purpose of such representations is to effectively utilize the inherent regularities and repetitions of the outside world in order to minimize computational effort and generalize your knowledge for example transitive rules such as that if a is bigger than B and B is bigger than C then a must be bigger than C applied in a variety of different scenarios from distances and sizes of predators to sound frequencies and paychecks so there is no need to learn that transitive structure every time you can just reuse it we also talked about how such structural backbones can be viewed as organizing knowledge as a relational graph which needs to take into account latent spaces that are not directly observable but rather need to be inferred from sequences of sensory observations incorporation of latent spaces allows the hippocampus to keep track of abstract variables such as the amount of sensory evidence in the tower accumulation task and the position in the space of left versus right trials in the alternation task and finally we discussed why factorizing knowledge into structural and sensory components is useful to the brain since it allows it to generalize and make the problems more computationally feasible evidence for such factorized representations can be found in the intervinyl cortex whose medial and lateral Parts provide the hippocampus with the two separate streams of information while the hippocampus then generates a unified conjoined representation embedding the structure into sensory context in order to solve particular behavioral tasks from running in mazes and pressing sound frequency levers to cooking and lasagna in your friend's kitchen now I know this was a lot to take in and there are a lot of missing pieces the thing is what is described in this video is a territory of hard debates and ongoing research so we are still lacking a unified interpretation hopefully things will become more clear in the second part of the video series where we will take the concepts and experimental observations we have seen here and try to build a computational system that would be able to generalize and learn latent spaces in the meantime if you're interested in diving deeper into the topics related to computational neuroscience you should definitely check out our 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Channel: Artem Kirsanov
Views: 512,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Neuroscience, Hippocampus, Grid cells, Place cells, Space and time, Cognitive maps
Id: 9qOaII_PzGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 54sec (1614 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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