How You Survived the Real Battle Royale in History - Nazino Island (1933)

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this video has been brought to you by rise of kingdoms join rise of kingdoms in their newest event called 12 civilization competition final round romans vs vikings stand by the powerful vikings in the event out of respect for their raw warlike courage here you'll experience the battle between different civilizations from various types like romans and vikings ottoman and byzantine empires or modern age civilizations such as germany japan and korea and etch your civilization's name into history by building an invincible empire we really like the battle scenes and rise of kingdoms lifelike and dynamic with distinctive soldiers generals and commanders each having different talents and characteristics they can counter each other which gives rise of kingdoms a stronger strategic experience what's even more exciting forming alliances in one global server and compete with a hundred million players from all over the world with pride and joy share your losses victories and heroisms as this will 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you are going to die before the project is over and even then survivors will at the very least be severely malnourished traumatized and mentally scarred from life as the sad reality is that many of you had murdered and eaten other participants in order to survive at the end of it all there is no cash prize or early releases just a transfer to a settlement colony or a gulag to endure years of further misery but at least you're not one of the 3 300 who died or mysteriously disappeared during their brief stay on nazano island so welcome to joseph stalin's island of death [Music] challenge one the boat trip of doom you have to survive the four-day 500 mile journey to the island on this trip by boat you were given one thin blanket and a meager daily ration of just five slices of bread a day which is less than five percent of the recommended daily caloric content that an adult needs so you're already starving to death survival tip keep a low profile and figure out who's best to team up with if you have anything of value trade wisely as what meager resources there are will only go up in value in the coming weeks the items you should be looking for are a knife and matches they'll soon be crucial to your survival death rate one in 20 of you did not survive the journey here remaining prisoners 95 of the original settlers are still alive and will go on to the next stage challenge two the anarchy segment with only a handful of poorly trained and under-equipped guards law and order will quickly break down on the island the guards will therefore retreat to the tip of the island with what little stores there are now for the prisoners this whole ordeal will become a case of survival of the fittest survival tip anyone that you're forced to kill or who just dies remember don't forget to remove anything useful from them before anyone else does such as gold teeth or fillings as these will be useful to barter with and to bribe the guards with for flour death rate around 1 in 20 of the prisoners will die from gang-related violence before this is all over remaining prisoners 90 of the original prisoners are still alive but that number will drop dramatically with each passing day challenge 3 surviving the cold the battle to survive the extreme cold will become a constant struggle where even the daytime temperature on the island will rarely be above freezing especially as there's over 5 000 of you on this swamp-filled island that's just one square mile in size the prisoners end up burning hundreds of the few trees that were available each day just to keep warm with none to spare to build any kind of rudimentary shelter within weeks the island is suffering from severe deforestation and wood along with food are now the most precious commodities on the island survival tip always be foraging for timber as your fire cannot be allowed to go out as you may not have the means to ever re-light it again strip the dead of any useful and dry clothing burning anything useful as potential fuel like dirty underwear and hair also make it a priority to try to keep your hands and feet warm and dry or frostbite will set in in no time at all not an easy thing to do on a freezing cold swampy island death rate around 1 in 10 of the prisoners will succumb to the freezing cold as well as hundreds who will get frostbite losing fingertips and toes and often leading to deadly gangrene and blood poisoning remaining prisoners 80 percent of the original prisoners are still alive but living conditions are unbearable and all food and natural resources have been totally exhausted challenge four the invisible killer soon the island will be gripped by typhus and dysentery due to poor sanitation and contaminated drinking water symptoms include bloody diarrhea and projectile vomiting this will prove particularly deadly as by now most of the prisoners have a weakened immune system due to malnutrition and hypothermia also avoid wading through the island's many swamps as they contain numerous nasty parasites and are infested with mosquitoes survival tip avoid drinking the river water or the snow at all costs unless you can boil it try to collect rain water if you can as it's your safest source of water death rate around 1 in 10 of the prisoners will die of a variety of highly infectious diseases it's not helped by the fact there's absolutely no medical facilities or treatments available on the island remaining prisoners around 70 of the original prisoners are still alive but ill health is now rampant all across the island challenge 5 escape is futile you may decide to try to escape in order to get away from all this misery though this may at first seem like an easy option as the 40 or so guards don't bother patrolling the perimeter of the island especially as many of them have no proper coats or boots themselves but if they realize that you were attempting to escape then they would just shoot at you for sport first of all you would have to get across the few hundred feet of freezing cold and fast flowing river that separates you from the mainland and you don't have the luxury of building a trustworthy raft as you have no proper tools whatsoever and timber is now an extremely short supply nevertheless many tried and hundreds drowned in doing so if you did get across you would have to travel hundreds of miles across a frozen wasteland to find the nearest civilization enduring temperatures below freezing and savage prolonged blizzards also beware of the inhospitable wildlife that includes aggressive brown bears snow leopards ravenous packs of wolves and deadly siberian tigers all of whom want to make you their next meal sadly there are only a few species for you to hunt like the arctic hare and the vicious looking musk deer both of which are incredibly fast and almost impossible to catch survival tip frankly don't even try to escape as the odds are stacked up against you there are no records showing that anyone has ever made it to safety but if you must try to escape find a couple of dead bloated bodies there will be many to choose from as the island shoreline is littered with dozens of them find some that still have any kind of body fat on them cut it off and smear it all over your clothes in order to make yourself a bit more waterproof then use a couple of other really bloated bodies as flotation devices to get across the river note you now have a new problem you are now safely on the mainland smeared in dead human fat but there are natural predators prowling around with their heightened sense of smell death rate around 1 in 10 of the prisoners will die desperately trying to escape the island remaining prisoners around 60 percent of the original prisoners are still alive challenge six slowly starving to death the real killer round has arrived after the very first week you have already used up all of your body fat so it's now crucial that you find food if you don't eat every few days you will not have the energy to stay warm or even move around then you are as good as dead the small supply of flour that was brought with your group is almost gone also the island has already been picked clean of any nuts and berries and any root vegetables have all but gone and the rat population on the island will all be consumed in the next few days by the thousands of equally hungry and desperate settlers also fishing in the fast-flowing river is difficult especially as you have nothing to make improvised fishing equipment with so your body is already entering the phase where it's breaking down muscle tissue to produce much needed energy a healthy person could survive several weeks without food but in your weakened state combined with the bitter cold you'll be lucky to survive seven days at best before you die so by the second week cannibalism started to appear and by the following week it's commonplace with all other food sources becoming exhausted survival tip remember that if shoes and handbags are made of leather they can be boiled and made soft enough to eat also wood if ground up into a paste and boiled can be eaten much like a porridge though both will fill up your stomach neither has any real nutritional value death rate around one in four of the prisoners will die of starvation or will be eaten by fellow participants remaining prisoners around 35 percent of the original settlers are still alive at the end of the four week challenge though over 3 300 are dead or missing survival tip if you have managed to keep a branch or a bit of wood from the beginning of your stay on the island you can sharpen the tip of it by rubbing it patiently against a rock if you have a fire place the sharpened tip of your weapon over it turning it until you see the wood change to a dark color continue doing this until the entire point is completely baked by using this hardening technique the tip will be made much more durable this weapon can then be used for hunting fighting off predators and also for protecting you from being eaten by other prisoners after a month it all ends suddenly when there's a change of policy back in moscow most of the survivors spend a long time recovering in hospital before being transferred to settlement colonies or gulags in soviet russia there must always be someone to blame so a few minor officials and guards were arrested and were quickly found guilty of incompetency and corruption and received prison sentences ranging between one to three years then the whole matter was hushed up and not made public until the 1980s you
Channel: Simple History
Views: 463,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simple history, animated history, educational, education, battle royale, Nazino Affair, Cannibal Island, Russia, nazino tradegy, Soviet Union, River Orb, Gulag, Kulaks, Genrikh Yagoda, stalin, Matvei Berman, siberia, guards, survival, games, real life battle royale, death game, players, hunting, Russian squid game, honeycomb, food, money, Cossacks, Great Purge, secret police, Nazino settlers, prison, dysentery, Cold temperature, battle royale history, barges, Ostrov Smerti
Id: _KiU9g7HPKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 11 2021
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