How You Can Work ABROAD in 2023 | 6 Different Jobs You Can Get Abroad

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So you have a dream to move abroad? But you  need to find a job and you don't know where   to start? Well good news is you're in the right  place! In this video we're sharing with you six   realistic jobs you can do abroad plus we  have a bonus tip at the end so stick around!   Welcome to our jobs abroad playlist. We've created  this playlist for you featuring other channels we   think will be a helpful resource for you whether  you want to know more about one specific job   abroad or you want to know more about all of  them, so we hope you find it as a helpful tool   in making your decision. *Disclaimer* so as you  guys know from our previous videos we used to   work on the cruise ships and as tour guides in  Europe, but keeping up with the Covid times   we've intentionally left both of those jobs off of  this list along with being a flight attendant, but   if you're watching this video in 2022 or beyond  definitely look up those three jobs as well and   you know what, comment below let us know what the  future's like, have we made it, are we still alive?   So with that said let's dive in. So first up is  being an Au Pair, now you might be asking yourself,   what is an au pair? and basically what it is is a  young person between the ages of 18 and 30 that   moves to a foreign country and lives with a host  family for a certain amount of time, and they help   out with things like child care or just doing some  housework. So not only will being an au pair allow   you to learn a new language and the culture of  the country that you move to but in terms of   compensation, the host family will cover your board  and lodging and give you a monthly stipend, the   au pair agency will also help you sort out all your  visas in order to get the legality for the country   that you're going to work at. Job number two,  teaching English. So there's a bunch of different   courses that you can do but the most common one  is TEFL, Teaching English as a Foreign Language.   So you do the course online and once you get the  certificate you can either teach online or you   could go to a foreign country and teach English in  that country. If English is your native language   then that definitely helps in landing jobs. So  there are a number of different websites you   can actually get the TEFL certificate from and the  one that I personally went with just because a lot   of my friends had gone with this one, is called  Global TEFL UK and I did the master course for   that one and you'll notice across all the websites  they all have different intensity levels and the   master course is basically the middle level and  these courses just a tip, can be a little expensive   my course was $500 but I managed to snag it on a  Black Friday Cyber Monday sale for only 60 bucks,   so definitely look out for the sales. Opportunity  number three, transfer overseas with the company that you   currently work for. So finding a job abroad doesn't  necessarily mean you have to quit your current job,   if the company that you work for offers  opportunities overseas because they have   international offices then you should definitely  look at transferring to an overseas branch,   that way you can live your overseas life  without having to reapply for a new job,   and if your company does not have international  offices you could always start by trying to find   a company that you know has international offices  that is in your home country and maybe try and   switch jobs and start from there knowing that one  day you will be able to actually transfer overseas.   So this is for all you accountants, finance, anybody  in a very serious field where you feel like   oh you can't move overseas because it's only  for like the digital nomads or something,   you have so much opportunity even if you are in  this serious field, Matteo's cousin worked for   Deloitte, a consulting firm and they had branches  everywhere she started here in South Africa,   she went to the Chicago office, she went to the  London office, we have so many friends that work for accounting firms you know, the big four,  and there's so much global opportunity for you   to transfer internally and still keep your awesome  paying job while living your dream life abroad so   look it up! Before we move on to number four,  if you're getting value out of our video,   be sure to hit the like and subscribe button  below. Number four, apply for a remote job that   allows you to either work from home or work from  anywhere, also known as a digital nomad. If you have   specific skills such as graphic design or IT,  these are highly sought after online positions.   As a digital nomad you have the flexibility  to work from anywhere as long as you have an   internet connection. So a lot of people think that  when they move to a foreign country they actually   have to have a job in that specific country  to be able to stay, but if you are a digital   nomad and you can prove that you are earning an  income and you can support yourself, that you're   not just moving to the country to bum off the  social services, if you can prove through your   income that you do make money you can apply, a lot  of the times for what's called a long-stay visa,   I know for Canadians there's something called  a working holiday visa so depending on what   passport you have and what country you want to  move to and live in, there's different visa options.   So because the biggest perk of being a digital  nomad is flexibility to work from anywhere, you   might not even have to worry about applying for  long-stay visas if you want to travel while you   work. So if you're only going to be in a certain  country for a couple weeks a lot of the times it   falls within your tourist visa time slot, sometimes  you get three months, so if you're going to be   under that, you probably don't even have to worry  about it which is another great perk. So next up is,   interning at a company overseas. This could be more  applicable to someone who's freshly out of college,   maybe you want to spend some time working overseas  before you settle down in your home country,   but getting an internship just for a summer or  something like that at an overseas company can   really open up a lot of doors, not only are you  going to be meeting people at your own company   but you can go to networking events in that  city, broaden your network and again like we   said a lot of the times it is about who you know,  who can help you get that interview, obviously   you have to be qualified a lot of the times, but  knowing people and getting this even just a short   three-month internship can really open up a lot  of doors for you. Number six is volunteering, this   can be for organizations, for families, on farms, and  it's not necessarily a money-making job but it can   lead to it. One of the best experiences I've had  in my life so far was volunteering on an organic   farm in southern Italy. I made a video on it and  in case that interests you, you can find the video   over here. So volunteering will once again cover  your board and lodging just like being an au pair,   except it won't have the monthly stipend. Even  though you might have to sort out your own visa,   volunteering is an awesome experience,  not only will it grow your confidence,   it'll let you test new waters, you'll break out of  your shell, but you'll get to meet a whole range of   new and exciting people and once again if you're  volunteering in a foreign country, this will open   up the opportunity to network with different  people in that country, they might be   working full-time jobs and you might be able  to kind of network your way into a job that has a   sponsored visa. Just be cautious about volunteering  for gigs that make you pay to volunteer, they are   out there I promise you, so be careful not to  pay for something that should actually be free.   Now the bonus tip we promised you. So if you  watched our moving abroad checklist video,   we've mentioned it there and if you're  interested in it you can catch it here but,   it is Facebook groups for expats. Now we've talked  about this in our other video about how it can   help you make friends and if you have questions  it can help you get the answers to things like   healthcare and housing and just different  questions you have from other expats who   have moved to the country you're trying to move  to. But another thing it does is it helps you   network and if you ask people that you're looking  for a job in a certain field, there's a lot of the   times that people will connect with you and say hey I  work there. Companies love internal referrals   because they know that their employee is bringing  somebody in that they think would be a good fit,   the employee oftentimes gets a referral bonus so  it's a win-win for everybody, so you can definitely   use the Facebook groups as a networking tool  for your job. And even if people in these   Facebook groups can't help you get a job at  their company, a lot of the times they can share   resources with you that makes the job search in  that country a lot easier, that you might not have   necessarily found on your own. If you got value  out of this video be sure to leave us a like   or a dislike and consider subscribing. Leave us  a comment down below and tell us what job you have   had abroad, or what job you want to have abroad,  we'd love to hear from you! Catch you later friends!
Channel: The Global Expats
Views: 20,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How you can work ABROAD in 2022, how to get different jobs to work abroad, Work Abroad Job Opportunities, Work Abroad Different Jobs, What Different Jobs Abroad, How you can Work Abroad, How to Work Abroad Different Jobs, Jobs Abroad, Expat Jobs Abroad 2022, living and working abroad all jobs, how you can work abroad, different jobs for expats, how to find different jobs abroad, different jobs for work abroad, Work and Travel 2022, 6 different jobs you can get abroad, Expat Job
Id: YrxJ8Lmucgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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