How you can BREAK 80 with an AVERAGE GOLF GAME!

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breaking 80 is so easy I used to absolutely hate when people said this to me cuz I thought the breaking 80 was so difficult it wasn't until last season that I realized that breaking 80 is about playing safe and boring golf the reason that your score is so high is usually because you make mistakes and you have those doubles and triples in your scorecard course management is the most important thing where you're wanting to shoot a little bit lower in this round today I'm going to show you my course management and what's going on in my head the decisions that I made and why now for some of you shooting around 10 over is pretty easy but for 75% of golfers out there this is going to be an interesting video for you so par three in the second hole there OB right and a lot of crap on the left so I'm clubbing up I'm hitting a six instead of a seven and just swinging nice and smooth big fast oh that's SL no so these next four holes have all be down the right they join on to the championship course here at car so I'm aiming to the left if it fades it fades if it goes straight it's not the end of the world over the hell first little mistake of the round two if you played in this stuff before it's absolutely nasty there's a burn about 140 yards and I've actually hadit it a little bit fat so it's going to be in trouble but it stopped just before so I'm very lucky so if you know anything about angles in golf if you're on a down slope you have to have a higher degreed Loft so I've got 56° just trying to pop it up there and get good contact after that that's another here again OB on the right so I'm looking to close the club face and just a straight ball if I can get it on the green that would be great w the greens yet so one thing I learned pretty quickly around these kind of courses is that if you can putt you should definitely do so although I didn't get this very close a bad chip could have been much worse I'm looking for a two putut bogey here and then just to move on to the next too soy once again OB right aiming left side of the Fairway and hoping that it just fades in a little bit and it's [Music] perfect again trying to close the club face down a little bit I hate Hitting off these mats so it's a really pure contact I've pulled it but it's not the end of the world I can hopefully get up and down from [Music] [Music] there so pretty tough start to the round after five holes I'm currently four over but because I've managed to keep the doubles off the card I can still try and Salvage some sort of good score I think that'll be fine to be honest I have no idea what I think I'm doing here I've never been able to hit a stinger especially a hook Stinger I usually fade the ball so I don't know why I'm thinking about doing [Music] this [Music] so after that embarrassment there I've now got another shot to hit and you can see here by my setup my face is so closed and that's why the ball goes low and left so usually I'd put these sort of shots but it a little bit hay there a little down slope at the start of the green so I'm looking just to lift it with a 56 and hopefully hit the down slope now despite the bad break there and the dodgy bounce I'm pretty happy with that overall [Music] rolling nice escape with two FES so seventh holes a par three there's a bunker on the left is about 150 car so I'm hitting a 160 Club to make sure I don't go in it right at it way short I was puty go struck it's like it's it's okay but it's still not close enough [Music] great so once again it's a common theme here there's OB and water on the right so I cannot go that way aim to the left side of the freeway hopefully it fades but it's just staying straight I'm going to be in some trouble I just go try and get a night out of here what are you doing in my swamp okay so 100 yds in it's a bunker just left side of the pin I'm kind of scared of it so I'm going to aim to the right close the face down and just hit a nice easy pitch try and get as close as possible again it's just damage limitation I don't want to go anywhere near that bunker and possibly have two or three shots out there boom so Par Four next to finish the front 9 the water's on the right again so I'm aiming left side of the Fairway unfortunately I've had a bit Healy and it's heading for it there so the camera didn't pick up that shot didn't press play but I've hit one of the purest seven IRS I've ever hit um yeah bit of a shame but I'm there let's see if I can get a twoot there for a bogey I what was that good so T front n we're currently seven over but we have a little bit of room because it's a par 68 it means that I can go maybe three or four over on the back nine and still shoot a good score so a burn down the left I'm aiming for the middle of the fery if it fades it should be okay oo you hard showing off so pretty good shot again I'm going with a part of here to try and reduce any of those big mistakes that might happen with the wed shop ni for good start hardest hole in the course so left is my friend here right is all water so I'm aiming far left if it goes straight it should be fine and a little Fade to the middle of the Fairway again left side's my friend so closing the face here if it goes straight it'll be on the green if I hook it a little bit it should just be left side should be absolutely fine so a little bit too far left and I left myself with a tricky shot and I'm not going to go for the flag here because that bunker on the right would be an absolute disaster so I'm going to try and hit it into the bank here pop it up to the middle of the green and hopefully a twoot for a bogey definitely there a PP P that's a lovely pot still going sled up yeah well saw the read the other side [Music] so hell that's a rocket so the pen reads 110 here um but it's a winter greens a little bit shorter so I'm hitting a 3/4 56° hopefully it just spins up near the pin what that yeah oh still going sh man that's a shame there three okay so I've got some room on the left right I cannot go anywhere near that so again closing the face I'm now clubbing up a little bit I probably should have hit a seven but I'm hitting a nice smooth six just to make sure I get there and focus on contact instead of absolutely smashing it that was nice go around there so close to the body good okay so a really good start to the bat n I'm two over in the back which means I've got some room again to try and get a decent score I'm just going to focus now on getting as many parts as possible if I get a couple of Bogies it's not the end of the world the bunker on the left side of the freway it's a 240 carry so I'm aiming for it I should carry anyway but if it fades I'm going to be right here in the middle of the Fairway to M red how that go that way it's almost killing myself here today thought it was going to mess side door action so there's water here on the right and this is a good example of having a good safe mess so I've closed the club face of course I've hit it fat so it's left but I'm in the safe Zone and I'm okay try and get up and down here for a [Music] par love this thanks to [Applause] [Music] com again this a prime example of how you can have a safe mess and still come away with the par absolutely no worries here massive open Fairway the bunker in the last are 240 carry again so aim for it if it fades off it's going to be perfect if it goes straight it should carry anyway so it's 230 to the green here there's four bunkers on the right so again aiming left side if it goes straight it should be okay if it fades it'll be perfect yeah it's bit heavy Eagle again I could chip this but I don't have to because the surface so I'm trying to minimize the damages if I hit a really bad chip it can go off the back and it'll be a disaster so just laging up there with the pot if I can get two that'd be great but three isn't the end of the world excellent mate well done oh man me oh I like had something here loveely day good good part mate very good oh by the way I was being sarcastic so there's plenty of space right here unfortunately I don't hit a good shot I pull it a touch and and I'm going to have a tricky shot on the left side of the green left good aren [Music] we oh wow big SL SL there so the 18th hole here on the button at KY the views are absolutely fantastic this 18th hole is a double fairy with the first so plenty of room I'm just going to a left side and fade it down the middle if you enjoyed this video please make sure you leave a like comment as well anything things you enjoyed about the video or maybe you want some advice or we can just discuss things about my clubs or whatever you want to talk about also plenty more of these tort of videos to come as well so make sure you subscribe for the next one it's a touch long this is the one moment in the round that I didn't use the Texas wedge and I don't know why and this just shows you why I do it chunked it so wedge goes down put her back in the hand let's get up and down good save thanks very much decent rounds some mistakes here there pretty slow front nine uh 79 is good though even though it's a par 68 a 79 or 11 over is still pretty good score and I'm pretty happy again if you like this video please make sure you subscribe leave it a like and comment anything you want to talk about below
Channel: Sam King Golf
Views: 19,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Golf, Break 80 Golf, Break 80, Breaking 80, How to break 80 in golf, Golfer, Golfing, Golf tips, Golf practice, Average golfer, Average golf, Get better at golf, Golf swing, Golf courses, Carnoustie, Shoot better golf scores, Course management, Safe golf shots, Golf sidekick, YouTube golfer, YouTube golf, Golf YouTube, Golf Vlog, Golf videos, Golf help, Golf decision making, Golf strategy, golf strategies to score well, How to break 80, Break 80 golf, Score better in golf
Id: IS3nUITI510
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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