How Would a Katana Swordmaster Fight with a Buckler?

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is it true that Samurai didn't fight with shields C explained that if this was a real fight you can even throw The Shield at the opponent just like we throw shikin or wakashi in some [Music] and welcome to L 6 I love from L and this is everyone thanks for waiting another series of sixa trying out Western Weaponry however it might not be such a big surprise for sixa this time because in ASU we actually have a history of training oneand Shields so today 6 day the 22nd Headmaster of kabo ASU with 4 years of History will try fighting with a Buckler and a wakizashi or iatana not only will he introduce some Kata that could have used a shield but also do some free sparring with Scot so please watch this video Until the End by the way tickets for 3D training Campa Japan held by 6 laso are now on sale check out our patreon page for more information so then let's get started first of all let's learn more about the history of Samurai and shields is it true that Samurai didn't fight with shields although the period was very short there is actually a history of Samurai fighting with small Shields as evidence of this there are Dua styles of budo that fight using AA as a shield but then what about in this Training Method was called T musi and the shield was actually just a basket it was an elementary training method in which a junior members of the dojo would use the shields to block the senior members attacks and fight back with the wakashi to train their guts today we don't training this anymore but since it believes the few twole fighting Kata we still train are based on the shield train method this is because we hold the katana in the opposite hand compared to the regular two Katana fighting style the Uchi Katana in your left hand and the walki zashi in you're right maybe at some point they stopped using Shields and held a which Katana instead we've made videos introducing our two Katana style techniques so please check out those two now let's watch what Kata 6 would think of using a buckler a quick but very efficient technique what exactly happened this is initially a wakashi Kata where you stop the opponent's attack with your arm but it could have been another technique that was originally meant to be done with a shield in the last Kata he kneeled down to move away from the opponent's attack but he could also Dodge it as [Music] side this is initially a two c Kata where use the momentum of turning your body like a top Dodge and attack simultaneously you don't even need a katana to fight back if you have a [Music] shield this is a technique that is taught in our M techniques he blocked and grabb the wrist simultaneously pushed his hands down and punched his face using the shield if he had a wakashi You' fight like this too now I know what you're thinking you don't want to only wash the forms but also some free sparring right that's exactly what I asked 6 to do this is probably what the musami training looked like in the past [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the sense performed a great fight but we are still wondering how would six Sensei fight with the shield let's have the Sensei switch your weapons and go for another [Music] [Music] round ah [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] Scot said he never would have thought of hiding the buckler on purpose but because s did this he he could suddenly bring the buckler forward and surprise him you tend to have the shield in front of you because you're a scared but if your arms are extended performing technique is very difficult 6 a explained that you could hold your shield in front of you and hide the wakashi instead you could limit where the opponent can attack using the shield to make it easier for you to Counterattack lastly I asked s say what the fight would look like if he had a long utatan instead of a wakizashi up [Music] [Music] for foreign speech [Music] [Music] if you had a long W Katana with you you would be very advantageous since explained that if this was a real fight you can even throw The Shield at the opponent just like we throw Shin or walk zashi and some of our techniques one thing I want to confirm with you watching this video is that 6 has no experience with of fighting with shields he was given a Buckler and could immediately perform and introduce these many skills this is proof that he has truly digested the techniques of KOB and it's a part of it so that's it for today thank you very much for watching so everyone if you enjoyed watching this video how to fight with the katana and the the Buckler if you great hit the like button and leave any comments if you have any questions and our goal right now is to Achieve 300 members in our online lessons by the end of 2024 if you're interested in learning the amazing Thomas 6sa please take a look at our patreon page sign up today everyone thank you very much for watching this video interested in learning Katana skills from 22nd Headmaster of K you 6 Anda we hold the best online lessons with perfect English interpretation than anyone can access worldwide every lesson will be recorded for you to rewatch anytime and official Don ranks will be provided to prove your progress higher Don rank holders will also be authorized to open their own dojo in the future join us in our ultimate dream of Reviving The Golden Age of aimu when there were 7,000 students of the style check out the description box or pin comment to sign up now and for more information
Channel: Let's ask Seki Sensei | Learn Katana Skills Online
Views: 106,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asayama ichiden ryu, asayama ichiden kai, kobudo, katana, samurai, japan, japanese, martial arts, budo, shogo, let's ask shogo, iaido, kenjutsu, iai, muso shinden ryu, shinden ryu, znkr, bushido
Id: ao87Xm5xSTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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