How women get attracted to men? - Sadia Khan

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like it or not women are attracted to men who are able to look after them well Marilyn Monroe says Okay um a rich man is as valuable as a pretty woman exactly it's not essential but it helps it sure does help is what she says yeah so my value comes so I'm more attractive because I'm wealthy and you're more attractive because you're pretty yeah what are you then if you're pretty and Wealthy oh you're a Saia K I'm joking [Music] can we cut that out so not cutting that out um well if you're pretty un wealthy then you shoot yourself in the foot because here's what I say when you're a woman who's financially independent this is what happens men don't invest in you at all they don't financially do anything for you because they think she's strong and when you don't ask for anything as well there are women out there that are financially independent and they don't ask for anything but we still feel loved when a man looks after us just like a man can cook but he feels loved when a woman's prepared a hot meal for him he feels loved when he comes home from with that even though you can get it himself and you can warm it up himself or whatever is nice you took the time to cook me dinner and put it on the table and for us to eat together then I'll have a conversation with you yeah yeah of course similarly women who are financially independent they are feel loved when a man says oh I've just um I I've just paid your road tax and I've just fixed your car for you or oh the rent is done it's okay don't worry about it we feel loved when we're invested in it's biological it's evolutionary my wife loves it when I get cffo to fill her car up yeah we Lov that she's like thank you so much he I don't have to go and get my my here's the thing there's nothing wrong with a woman wanting Financial investment it's who you're giving that to what's happening is men are investing in the wrong women they're investing in that lazy bomb entitled woman whose housewife and then saying ah she's you she just wants me for my money but if you choose but when they with a successful woman they end up not investing in her and then she ends up feeling a bit resentful but if you choose a good successful one who's wholesome and adds value and invest in her there's that investment will double but if you invest in a in a a useless entitled woman there's no return on that investment whenever I see a couple that look to me like a team yeah like genuinely look to me like beautiful right I don't mean they're both you know they're both the hottest people on the planet beautiful kids but they just look like a team you know they talk about their business enthusiastically they talk about life enthusiastic they just they just look like they fit yeah okay that to me is like the best picture you can but here's the thing what makes a successful couple is not 5050 or this something it's both people giving their 100% MH and if she's giving her 100% whether it's like looking after and looking after the home making sure his life is easy and he's giving her 100% financially or they're both giving their 100% both home and financially when both people are extending themselves and putting in the full effort is when it lasts it's not really about you do cooking you do that it's more about are we both giving exactly everything we have to offer to this partner let's talk about some of the work that you do so you to you work with men whose wives cheat on them a lot everybody's wies cheating these days okay it's so bad Goodness Me wives need to yeah they they're all cheating at the moment maybe it's the ones I deal with okay so obviously there's going to be people watching this that's obviously not all I do a do apologize I'm talking about just a clientele I've got very uh skewed vision of relationships because I attract and I work with those that are suffering but there'll also be people listening right now in a car with their partner yeah yeah yeah your wife's cheating guys if you think she's cheating she's cheating no I'm joking oh God forbid so give me examples of of of of I mean stereotypically historically um we have been told Time and Time and Time Again by society that men cheat women aren't the cheaters men are the ones that cause the problem I always ask myself the question if men are cheating and women don't cheat then who are the men cheating with you know there's going to there's going to be there takes two to tango but anyway mhm why why what are the reasons that you've learned that women chei and are they similar to why men Che or and and in terms of scale is it as many women cheating as men or is the data telling us something else I think what has happened because society's conditioned us to tell us that men cheat and women don't men don't look for the red flags with women you come home late a few times and she's already suspicious you don't reply to her text she's already suspicious because we've been conditioned to think that's a red flag men aren't trained to think women cheat they think women are loyal loving and you know if anything they're the one that's going to cheat so they're not trained to look for the red flag and what I say with women who are genuinely most likely to cheat usually it comes from her background if she grew up without a stable loving father figure what happens is one partner is children are designed to be loved by two people it's just how they and you know you've got children they need you they need their mom they need two people and you know from your own experience that you need a dad as well now what happens when you are in a relationship is that person kind of becomes your everything and when they sense a fear of Abandonment any abandonment that their partner might be some spending too much time at work might be taking long to reply whatever it is that woman who grew up with that fear of Abandonment now thinks I'm going to be by myself ends up going to somebody having a backup plan whereas a woman with a healthy home what happens when that happens she doesn't like like it she'll communicate it more often and if she has to leave she'll leave but the woman with the fear of Abandonment fear of being alone doesn't want to be by herself again so she needs to have that love from two people she'll get it from somebody else and that usually is what I find when I when a man asks me tells me about his wife cheating is the first question I ask it's a sad reality though it's a shame because I I don't want to in any way judge it but when you've had no father figure at all it puts a lot of pre women need to be loved they need men and so when they find a husband he becomes the only man in her alive and when he's abandoning her she thinks what do I do whereas when you have your father bigger it's like my my boyfriend's being annoying and your dad will saying oh you know don't worry about it you know you got that you know when you're comforting your kids they come to you with so much and then your Dad gives you that Financial Security if you need it and he gives you that emotional security if you he gives you that buffer now without that it's very hard for women when they start feeling like a bit abandoned I'm not blaming anybody but that's usually what I find is some kind of childhood trauma so so that then goes back to choosing the right partner in the first place doesn't it you know making sure you were the right person it making sure that person's healed or understands their kind of insecurities rather than um reincarnates them
Channel: Sadia Khan Clips
Views: 317,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dating advice, dating advice for women, dating, dating advice for men, how to attract women, how to attract men, signs a woman is sexually attracted to you, how to get a girl to like you, men are attracted to women, what are women attracted to, what women are attracted to, how to get a girl attracted, sadia psychology, sadia khan psychology, psychology, sadia khan, sadia psychology interview, sadia, sadia khan interview, sadia khan psychologist, sadia kahn, sadia on dating
Id: B7Y6skHyBLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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