How We Wash A Car On Our Mobile Detailing Jobs // #Mobile Detailing #detailing #detailingtips

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what's up guys my name is Phil welcome back to Miranda detailing in today's video I'm going to show you guys how we wash a vehicle as a mobile detailer now guys there are many different ways of washing your vehicle safely efficiently and quickly as a mobile detailer many Detailers are familiar with the two bucket method and that is a good method to wash your vehicle safely here is a mobile detailer we do things a little bit differently to cut down on the water and also cut down on time so let me go through the processes with you and if you are a mobile detailer take notes I'm gonna try to help you guys to work more efficiently and actually boost your profits because you're not wasting as much water and you're getting things done quickly so we're working on this Honda Civic and we are gonna start with two buckets now you can't have as many buckets as you want you can have your soap bucket your rinse bucket your wheel bucket and so on I have a dedicated wheel bucket and I'm gonna have a dedicated rinse bucket so I'm not gonna put any soap in this bucket you can if you want if you want to add extra lubrication that's up to you in this case I really don't need to because of how we're going to wash the vehicle so the vehicle really isn't too bad and this is going to be a very quick wash and spray wax application basically to clean the vehicle up and add a little bit of protection we do have some light dust and pollen debris from trees we do have some traffic film and grime on the bottom but again not really that bad so let's begin washing this vehicle and we're going to pressure wash it first so I have my pressure washer set up here I'm going to show you guys just quickly what we use it's an old five horsepower engine vertical mount and this is an AR pump I can have links to these down below but with most of these four bolt pattern 3/4 shaft mounts here they're pretty generic so you can find a pump that will fit a small five horsepower motor like this so I do have a nice setup here where I have the water recirculating back into the tank so I can run this pump here without having to worry about overheating the water in the pump so it is gravity-fed here to my 65 gallon tank which I have raised just slightly just enough so that port there is slightly higher than the intake here so the water is going to go into here once it's all primed which means I loosen this a little bit have the water flow and a leak out of here and then once I see that it's actually going into the pump I tighten this back up and then start it and it will start to pull the water into the pump and start the whole process it'll prime the whole line here and then you're good to go so let's pull this out and I have 50 feet of hose which is perfect I really don't need anything more and provides enough to be able to get around the whole vehicle now I'm also going to be using my foam cannon I think this is very important because it will completely cover the vehicle with a nice layer of thick foam breaking down dirt and grime and then I will use my wash bucket there my rinse bucket to clean each panel and then rinse the mitt out in that bucket so it's kind of a modified two bucket I'm using the soap that's already on the vehicle to clean it and then rinsing it out in there now we worried about dirt and grit on here well not so much because of the first face let me show you now you can grab any type of pump sprayer that you want you can have a foaming one you can have one like this these are very very cheap and has a nice long wand on it and some of them even have a foaming tip on the wand they work okay but I prefer this so before we get to washing the vehicle I'm gonna do what's called an APC rinse an APC rinse is going to break down the grime in the traffic film that is on the paint first before we wash it the rinsing and the APC rinse are very important because that is going to knock off 90% or so of the debris that's going to be on the vehicle that way when you're washing it with all of that foam you're not going to be grinding large dirt particles into the paint if anything it'll just be a thin film of whatever is still on the paint that you need to use the mitt for the contact wash so let's begin with our rinse and then we'll apply the APC let it dwell for like a minute or two depending on if you're an overcast or in sunny weather and then we will rinse that off and then foam the vehicle rinsing stage is very important before we even touch the paint we make sure to give it a thorough rinse rinsing down the vehicle first we'll remove the majority of heavy particles and junk that's resting on the paint from daily driving we also make sure to carefully blast out the seams and cracks dirt and grime will hide in those areas making it a nightmare to dry the paint later so be careful when doing this you can get close but use discretion and inspect those areas first to make sure that no chips or flaking paint may blast away if you get too close next we spray the vehicle down with the degreaser or APC in this case we're using super clean four to one we make sure to spray this on wet panels and never on dry paint we also spray it onto the wheels tires wheel wells door jams trunk lid area as well as the gas cap you can D grease the entire vehicle if you want to but the lower portions are going to be the worst and have the heaviest concentration of traffic film and grime allow that to dwell and emulsify that grime and traffic film then rinse away if you're dealing with a vehicle that has good protection already you may be able to skip this step because degreasing will degrade any waxes or sealants faster plus it will be easier to clean if the paint has been well maintained and protected after the thorough rinse and APC rinse it's ready to be foamed down is this just for looks of course not it's a fast and efficient way of applying the shampoo onto the surface making the next washing step easier and faster at this point the foamy shampoo is there to provide a slick cushion of bubbles to gently glide your wash mitt across the paint and release that thin film of grime that may still remain on the paint if you want to foam up your bucket it's optional but it's a good idea to foam up the wheel bucket it minimizes slingback when you start to clean the wheel barrels with the easy detail brush if you use that oops Odessa got foamed so at this phase you have a couple of different options depending on what you want here's our method the car is all foamed up its had its rinse and pre rinse so the majority of the heavy particles and grit are removed from the paint you're dealing with just a little bit of a film that may be on the paint that you need to remove with this next wash process so here's what we do we already have the soap on the vehicle I did foam up the bucket just a little bit but at this point I'm going to wash the entire vehicle all the top surfaces using this nice fluffy mitt for all the bottom surfaces and the bumper and the grungy ER areas and then we're also going to use a clay mitt to decontaminate the paint's mechanically and I have a lot of questions about this saying is it grinding stuff into the paint remember the first phases of rinsing and the APC rinse have already removed the majority of particles on the paint so don't overthink it these are going to be details that you're doing on everyday drivers they're going to be grungy and they're not going to be paying for full paint Corrections so even if this does Mar just a little bit but that's okay we're gonna show you guys if there is any marring how we can correct that after the vehicle is washed and dried so let's continue with the wash process so I will take my mitt and I have my claim it here and I'll wash each panel and I'll use the clean it to remove any bonded grit now I'm not using any pressure I'm kind of just letting the mitt do its thing or the towel do its thing you can start on the windshield as well if it is a new clay mitt or clay towel start on the windshield first the glass it kind of breaks in that rubberized material and it will remove the grit on the paint and you will hear it as well it covers a large surface area which is great and it gets the job done much quicker much more efficient remember if you are worried about grit being pushed into the paint with this method which it really isn't then you can wash the vehicle foam it back up and then use the mitt that way you know all the particles are gone you're just dealing with the foam on the paint and whatever is bonded to the paint that way there's a little bit of peace of mind with no grit grinding across the paint again it's not really doing that because you do have a ton of lubrication here tons of foam it's adding the lubrication to the towel I'm going to continue with this process we'll get everything washed and then we'll rinse dry and then we'll go on to the next process now when it comes to the bumper I do have this smaller mitt here with the bug sponge and if you're dealing with some nasty grungy bugs you can use that side to remove those bugs you can also use your brush so you can use whatever nice brush that you want and get into all these little intricate areas which this Civic does have a lot of intricate areas up here you can use a little bit more a PC if you are dealing with some heavier bugs up here and another cool tip if you're dealing with Chrome a lot of this chrome especially on huge trucks then you can actually use an acid-based wheel cleaner because its chrome the acid-based wheel cleaner works very well in removing bugs and debris from that so think about it on your wheels the chrome wheels if you're dealing with a lot of brake dust acid-based wheel cleaners like the Maguire's wheel brightener works very well on chrome grills so just a little tip keep that in mind when you are cleaning nasty chrome grills like this use a little bit of that wheel brightener on the chrome part itself it's not going to harm anything else on here especially if you have a lot of foam and it's all wet it's not going to harm anything anyway but primarily use it for the chrome now you can also spray emblems down with all-purpose cleaner and use a nice soft bristle brush and get into all these little intricate areas and this will just get all around these little corners and edges where the mitt really missed and couldn't get into so you can do this all around the vehicle get into all these little cracks and crevices and you'll see it will definitely aid in removing any debris any gunk that might be in these little areas trapped same goes with around these areas you can pull these apart I'm working with one hand so I can't do that now but pull those apart and get in there and this area to make sure to clean that side mirror and those bristles will go inside that area and clean it same with this area difficult to get into with the mitt but the brush will get into it you can also move the mirrors like this and clean all in that area as well as the windshield cowl area okay so now with everything washed let's rinse it down and let's start on the wheels [Applause] all right now let's start on the wheels now this is going to be personal preference and dependent on the weather and where you are I wash the paint first because it's overcast I'm not worried about anything drying on the paint the sun's not coming out not going to damage anything here on the pane it's not going to leave water spots or anything like that because it is overcast so I decided to wash everything first it's gonna remain wet for a couple of minutes as I do the wheels and tires that's not a problem now if I was working alone in the direct sunlight then I would work on the wheels and tires first that way you're leaving the paint's dry and dirty you're not touching the paint yeah in that case start on wheels and tires first then work your way up to washing the rest the vehicle because once you're done washing the vehicle and rinsing you want to get to drying right away especially in direct sunlight that way you're not dealing with any water spots that might appear on the paint but if you do get a little bit of water spots don't worry about that again the protection stage is going to eliminate any little water spots that may have appeared on your paint within just the 20 or 30 or so minutes of your washing the vehicle so those light water spots can be removed very easily so let's start on the wheel and tire I'm going to use break buster it's diluted one two three and I got a cool foaming tip on here it will actually produce a nice thick foam and it will cling and actually clean really well and I'm not worried about getting into the barrels because there are no barrels these are just hub caps on these wheels so I'm just gonna use one of these brushes and you can use this brush here to get into the wheel wells also and then I have this brush for the tires which the brake buster definitely broke down on a Grunch on these tires you can clean these tires as much as you want that way the Browning doesn't appear anymore and that way you know you have a nice squeaky clean tire so the next phase is the drying phase now you want to choose a nice fluffy towel you can do this with smaller towels I just have this nice large drying towel here and again any of these products or tools check the description down below now you can simply dry the paints and go on to the next protection stage or you could add a drawing aid many many different choices out there we have bead maker which adds a ton of gloss the protection on this will last about a month or so so it's not going to be superior protection but the ease of application the water beading is amazing and it acts as a drying aid and a gloss enhancer or you can choose another product like the Maguire's synthetic express spray wax this stuff is also an amazing product the protection on it probably about a month or so don't worry about the protection part of it if you're doing a maintenance detail you should have already put a good wax or sealant or a coating and then you can use these products on top of them if you so choose or use the appropriate coating maintenance silica sprays such as car pro reload foresee quartz and so on so I'm going to use the synthetic Express spray wax and you can spray it either right onto your towel or right on to the paint and use your nice fluffy drawing towel as a drying aid and this stuff smells really nice you instantly smell it just like bead maker it's not that fruity of a smell but it's more of a citrusy smell really nice stuff so let's dry this again you can spray it onto the towel onto the paint and it aids in the drying and this goes on to paints glass plastic everything it's really nice to use so let's change things up a bit and use a different product why because I like to I'm gonna use the Turtle Wax hybrid solutions wet wax this stuff is also an amazing drying aid and this puts protection on the paint that will outlast those other products so you can get like two to three months with a product like this again easy to use shake it apply it directly on to the paint and the great thing about each of these products that we showed you they can be used in direct sunlight so they're perfect for mobile Detailers because if you're going to be working in direct sunlight you do need to work fast and if you're using products like this that add protection this also aids stopping any water spots on your vehicle well it completely eliminates them no but the more layers of protection that you have on your paint the better it will make the water spots easier to remove if do get some on it so again spray directly onto the paint don't worry about overusing the product because it doesn't streak it doesn't cause any problems whatsoever each of these products don't cause any problems on your paint with over application I'm loving this tough alright guys now I wasn't going to show you this originally but I do want to show you at least this process because this is going to for one remove any of the marring that you may have had from your clay bar or clay mitt or towel in the washing process you're gonna get that marring no matter how you clay your vehicle it depends on the paint if it's soft black paint or dark-colored paint you're most likely going to see marring if it's harder paint then not really I'll have another video showing you what the difference is between hard and soft paints and how you can tell briefly basically you can tell if the paint is soft if any type of touching on it is going to produce some sort of mark or defect or marring on the paint and you know your paint is very soft that can be good or bad we'll discuss that later but for now let's show you guys how we wax the vehicle now we have an entry level da polisher from Mac shine this thing is awesome don't be fooled by its price tag it's under $100 but it's a 900 watt heavy-duty polisher very impressive and I've been using it now for a couple of weeks and I love it I now prefer it over my Porter cable because I feel that it has a little bit more torque a little bit more power and I like that it's slightly heavier I feel that it's a little bit better balanced that's just me that's just from years of handling the polisher like this on the paints and I noticed the difference but when I put pad to the paint I feel that the balance is a little bit better so grab a nice soft polishing pad like this this is a polishing or finishing waxing pad and the wax we're going to use today is the Maguire's hybrid ceramic liquid wax so again I've been using this stuff it's Sun friendly works in the heat on a black car in direct sunlight and it works great so shake up the product I'm going to put just a little bit here that's all you need for about half the hood now if you're curious about the detail or cord snaps I have plenty of videos on that but basically these guys are great for mobile Detailers because they snap right onto your shirt they attach your cord from your polisher behind your back right to your belt you don't have to have one of these belts if you don't want to you can just have your regular belt or anything on your pants but this little guy here is attached to the extension cord so this never drags on the floor or on the ground so I attached it to my belt and it stays there nice and secure and you can either have it behind you or right at your hip here I prefer to have it right here and the belt is great too because you can keep your wax bottle right on you now the cord will never hit the paint really quick I'm going to show you guys how we apply this I can get half the hood with that amount of wax on here super thin very even application and let's go [Music] [Applause] so that's half the hood done I'm gonna put just two dime size spots like that and continue on the other side now when your machine applying wax like this you don't need to put any downward pressure just let the polisher do the work you can see it's very well balanced [Music] you can basically just hold it in place I hold it with one hand like this and I get maximum control over the polisher so can quickly go over an area like this and just move on so I will wax the entire vehicle just like this whatever wax you're using if it does need to sit for a little bit then you can do that and then you can wipe it right off when you're using a polisher like this especially in direct sunlight everything is going to be heated up a little bit it's gonna be hot hot panels and once you add the friction part of it it is heating up the wax a little bit some waxes and sealants like that some do not it all depends on the product some products are sun friendly some are not find the product that works for you I'm finding that the hybrid wax works really really well the m27 for McGuire's works well the Maguire's finishing wax works really well many of the products from extreme solutions works really well and many other products that you see on our channel here that we use in direct sunlight they work well so we're going to use them for our mobile jobs now also if you do see a little bit of a bug splatter or a bird dropping that didn't come out completely with the wash process you can bump the speed up on here and use just a little bit of pressure just work on that a little bit more like you're polishing it but you're still just using the soft pad and that liquid wax it does have a little bit of cleaners in it and again you're adding the friction of the pad here and it's going to remove those little bug edgings or bird droppings or anything like that not all the time but if it's fresh then it will remove it doing this also glosses up your paints and again using less product so it's a win-win situation you can be very fast inefficient in your mobile detailing business now another tip this will remove any minor water spots that you got from the wash process not necessarily water spots that are already on the paint this paint does already have water spots basically from being out in the elements if we want to remove those that would have to be a paint correction or paint enhancement to remove those water spots this process is not going to remove old water spots it's going to remove fresh ones the mechanical action the friction that you're getting a little bit of cleaners in the liquid wax it's going to clean up those light minor water spots so you do end up with a little bit of fresh water spots from your wash process this will eliminate them so don't worry about that and if they're not being eliminated then that means that those spots have been there for a long time you need to upsell your customer to a paint enhancement to remove those water spots that's something that you would have to have a discussion with your customer about this McGuire's hybrid ceramic liquid wax is pretty impressive stuff I like how it melts into the paint it kind of disappears into it and it produces an awesome glossy slick shine on your paint very smooth very slick and you're good to go or at least your customers good to go so now at the end of the whole process once everything is waxed and you removed all of the residue you might see a little streak a little residue here and there and if it's not removing with the towel you might need just a little bit of help with a detailer so I'm gonna use the hybrid solution ceramic three-in-one detailer it's just a quick detailer it is going to add its own protection as well don't worry about bonding issues that this is going to bond on top of this or that don't overthink it many of these products are going to bond on top of each other anyway you want to go into the whole science of it you can but don't worry about that you're a mobile detailer keep things simple if your customers vehicle is glossy and it beads water like crazy for weeks or even months they're gonna be happy you're gonna be happy so don't worry about that don't overthink it so we're going to use this product to shake it up I know I'm being liberal just to show you guys that you can just spray it right on top of the protection and you'll be fine and again this is a Sun friendly product it loves the heat in direct sunlight and it flashes away really quick in the direct sunlight and you're left with nice clean glossy slick surface and any smudges anything that you see eliminate it with a little bit of quick detailer you don't have to use this one use whichever one you want but this is an awesome choice and this can go on glass plastic trim wheels everything so let's move on to the wheels and the tires and if you need to or if you want to you can spray a little bit of protection on this as well if you're the maintenance customer it will make your process easier the next time I'm gonna use the ceramic detailer from McGuire's spray it on my towel and just apply it onto the wheel portion itself is this going to prevent brake dust completely no it's just going to shine them up and add a little bit of protection so that when you do clean them next time hopefully brake dust and grime will wash off that much easier especially if you keep up on it and then I'm going to use McGuire's hyper dressing I'm using this straight and the tire is still a little bit wet but I'm not worried about that I'm gonna work it into the tread into the rubber and there we go clean up a little bit of the edges here if you do get a little bit of excess on the wheel or the hubcap and there we go looking great now what about your glass and your windshields well you can again use any product that you choose a dedicated glass cleaner or on the exterior use something with a little bit of protection so again I'll use some bead maker right on the glass itself because it is a great cleaner and again it'll add the protection so make sure to work all around the edges lifting up the blades getting all the way down to the edges and you can use multiple towels if you want flip the towels and hand polish it until all the streaking is gone unfortunately it's raining a little bit on me here so it's just raining on the glass again but that's okay the customer will now have protected clean glass on their windshield and it'll just beat off as they're driving down the road alright guys so that's our process for washing and even protecting the vehicle with our mobile services so it's very fast it's very efficient and usually I'm not cleaning by myself my wife is helping so we eat have our processes are things that we do and it just makes the whole process extremely fast and efficient now there are other things that we didn't show you such as the engine cleaning the door jams the trunk lid what are we used to protect the trim do we do that before or after how do you clean the glass inside and out so those things we will answer in further videos this is kind of an introduction into the mobile aspect of washing and detailing customers vehicles so guys if you do have any questions if you want to see the other processes let me know down below what you would like to see next and I'll try my best to film that on our next job and show you the processes of the other things that we do for the mobile services so again if you're interested in any of the tools or the products that we use check out the description down below I'll have links there for you they'll go to either Amazon or car supplies warehouse and if you've enjoyed the video please give it a thumbs up like it share with others who may enjoy it or benefit from it don't forget to subscribe and click that bell that way you get notifications each time these videos drop each week and you don't miss stuff and guys if you want some merchandise we have new shirts hoodies mugs and even a pillow with misters face on it check out the merch elf down below thank you for watching we'll see you in the next one take care ooh slick
Channel: Miranda Detailing
Views: 610,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mobile detailing, how to detail a car, mobile detailing tips and tricks, how to wash a car, mobile detailing tips, Miranda Detailing, auto detailing, washing a car, car detailing business, auto detailing business tips, foam cannon, how to wax your car, how to dry your car, detailing in the sun, how to detail a car interior at home, day in the life quarantine edition, car cleaning satisfying, how to clean and detail a car exterior, auto detailing business, Auto detailing tips
Id: rBHhe26eChM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 45sec (1845 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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