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[Music] to share our love story so we're gonna share how we met and then answer some other questions that you guys were wondering about so YouTube you're gonna be on the blog bro yeah yeah sorry for the brief interruption so how we met should I go first you think yeah okay so I'm gonna tell my version of the story and then he's gonna tell hit because sometimes like I don't see eye to eye on how our little stories aligned so okay this is my version okay so a few years ago I was doing this internship down in Charlotte at this church called Belle Foursquare Church and I have like heart about Brandon before and his best friend should i cuz they would come sometimes and I would always like tell everyone like Oh Brandon's really cute like does he have a girlfriend and like everyone else I know I don't know why though I was waiting for the right one so um I ended up like going to his church a few like a year later or so and seeing him and like thought he was really cute and so we'd always say hi to each other and stuff but like nothing really happened like past that so um he deemed me one day because I was moving to Portland at the time to nanny for my sister and so I was asking like oh does I do a know of any cool coffee shops like going down to Portland OR in Portland is all part of the plan and so like I get a DM from Brandon and he's telling me some coffee shop and I just thought he was like trying to be nice and I was like oh thanks so much you know but I was like oh yeah but anyways like from there we kind of like just kept talking and okay but there bye okay here's the thing about DNA my dad so I was answering the question and just to put it into perspective she had no idea if I was just being a friend or if I actually was into her because she asked her sister I don't know if he's into me or if he's just being nice and so that was like my sly way of like not being just the like regular guy that was like hey want to go grab coffee or like what's your favorite color you know what I mean yeah only I couldn't like tell you know cause like some guys actually do just want to tell you like oh this is a really good coffee shop and so I don't want to be like oh he's totally hitting on me right now fun fact the first date I started doing a bunch of different accents I know I mean he's like you want to see my accent look turn mine he's actually really good now also fun fact I went to a New Year's party at his apartment like before I even knew you but like I went with my other friend there and like he wasn't even there and I was just kind of like it's weird looking back and I'm like I went to a New Year's party at this guy's house that I'm gonna marry you know right okay so that was a good like kind of intro but so here's the truth the truth is you know I thought she he over exaggerated so you can probably check my studies like who doesn't like another exaggerator because the big story isn't that much more funny yeah so pretty much I friended her on Facebook because I thought she was super hot and a key follower another I'm you probably thinks she's super hot yeah I'm trying to gain some very quick I think ya know I thought she was super hot friended on Facebook she friended me back and then I followed her on Instagram she followed me and she started this blog and so she's asking about where the coffee shops were so you know that's true I did DM her and I told her where her coffee shop was but the little part she left out was that was ya know I think that goes when she said he heard of me and he said Chris my number okay so you have literally okay okay try never do that I like have never done that I'm never a good girl I'm gonna let her talk okay gay dudes gonna be dressed like we were talking like forever over dance and it's just getting kind of annoying like okay like I think we've gone to that point like do you just want to text and make it easier like I didn't even mean like make it like super yeah I can't seem to make it like I was like super ahead of you but I number oh it's actually super jacked you can ask my friend should I play it off like a tough guy you know so anyways that's how we met just like a short little ass let me guess next question is when are you having oh that is one of the questions actually like I'm here okay when do y'all plan on having babies y'all nut for a very very very long time unless God really wants to have a baby and there ain't happening God willing but other than that we really like traveling yeah we really like going out to eat all of our friends give us a ton of crap because my god happy oh my number 100 like what do you like to do we're like not camping not sleeping on the ground like we fish it safe way to camp at the Hilton the Marriott the W Hyatt in there yeah no stop okay but in all seriousness I don't think we'll be having babies until like I'm like 26 590 23 right now but studio and babies are not made for the studio it's not my fence might be practice okay anyways not for like five years or you know unless it happens but okay next question yeah hey I see something it's a birth control oh my gosh yeah there's no I hear anything just kidding do you remember the first conversation y'all have with each other we can I already answered all right yeah first conversation was at church I asked her to come to happy hour with me and she said yes and that was super awesome yeah I was so nervous too we went to Joey right did you guys live together before Jimmy married / engaged so we did not live together before we were married you know faith is a big part of our life and you know just we believe that you know want to live a life and a relationship centered on Jesus and so you know with no sex before marriage living together we make that very difficult so we chose not to do that yeah so um we both waited for each other and waited until marriage to have sex yeah I know something that you know growing up we both wanted to wait for that special someone and similar to them just we believed it was like super important and so we think like living together would have motivated like that much more difficult to you know I have sex and so yeah would have made it that much difficult to have sex and so you know we just chose to not do that so that kind of answers that one Matt how did the financial stuff work mommy it's don't look at me oh yeah I'm kind of the saver and she's kind of this famous center and she made me more of a spender though we're just looking for a trip to where we going Greece Croatia Montenegro in Venice I'm so excited I can't wait but yeah he does most the financial stuff we both like really love you know pnow going on vacations we kind of like live pretty normal life for pretty normal goofy and you know what kind of funny but you know we just love spending our money on that type of stuff yeah are you similar in that sense I'd say finances hasn't been linked to hard for us so next question how old were you when you started dating and how old were you when you got married um I was 21 when we started yeah she was 21 I was 20 Harry and I think I know no I was 20 when we started dating and then when we got married I was 21 right cuz you were there for my 21st birthday but um yeah we and it also asks also how long were you guys engaged for we only dated for a year and then got engaged I think like five months later so yeah we just wanted a short engagement obviously I mean we couldn't live together so how was oh there's one how has long-distance did you enjoy Oregon do you know did you guys save yourself before marriage did you feel like you guys are getting married too young long-distance and Oregon I liked seeing a new place I really did like Portland and I really enjoyed the people I met there and that I got to help out my sister nannying but it was a really really hard season and really tough like being in love and even though we saw each other every weekend I would drive up every weekend it was still really difficult and wouldn't suggest it to anyone so yeah we made it through but it was definitely not like the most fun thing in the world totally yeah I mean when we went on our first date she was like yeah I'm moving to Portland and she was like you know II still like wanted to do this you know we've talked about it later on if the dating was gonna be something we were gonna do and I was like of course and you know I didn't think that we were to get married just felt like it was where God was leading us and you know the world says I think that you know when you feel it from from God you can't shake it yeah well what I was saying is like I was shocked because I think on our third date like after I had told him and everything that I was moving to Portland I was shocked that like he was like you want to do a long-distance I was like who is this guy like he was to do long-distance just the reason I'm like moving away but yeah it just really showed me like how committed he was and he actually told me I think on our first or second date that he wasn't gonna kiss me until he loved me and I just like really respected how serious he was with our relationship and just like how much he respected me as a person and yeah I just thought it was really cool so you know like for me I always told like my buddy is and my dad that you know like when I meet the right girl like I'll be serious and like I'll be all in and I totally felt that with Nicole and you know that's why I told her that you know I didn't want to kiss her too loved her and I wanted to wait you know until marriage and you know I didn't want to live together I think that make it much harder and just different steps we get along the way you know totally set us up for the marriage that were that we're at right now oh yeah okay this one's for me when did you know he was the one you wanted to marry well honestly um did we break up after what after after well I thought that I wanted to marry him when we went to Hawaii together the first time I think it was like six months into our relationship no and like I knew I wanted to marry him and I like I remember telling my mom on the trip I was like I really think I want to marry him I feel like spending a few days with someone like non-stop you kind of know whether you're like this person drives me crazy or like I can live with this guy forever Wow I had to cut [Laughter] there's some birds but anyways so then when we got back we actually ended up breaking up and so I wasn't sure at that point yeah I says I'm stupid no yeah no but it was like a really hard week after we broke up and I was kind of like debating are we gonna get back together and like just make this work kind of and get married or stay apart and over I think we knew like after that week of being broken up like we literally could not live without each other we are so pathetic like I think two days into the week of our break we're like we can't do those we got to get back together right no I remember like I called your dad that was like mr. Davis Mike like do you think they look good I get back together with Nicole he's like oh no I don't know either way and I'm home I was like talking to my dad - on the other end I was like do you think that I should get back together with breedings like your choice I mean no he's like you know but he's that stuff three times you know three-strikes-you're-out but we ended up getting back together anyway so that's actually the last of the questions that me but yeah thank you guys for watching and I hope that you uh maybe you found out something new about it we're at [Music]
Channel: Nicole Carlson
Views: 4,065
Rating: 4.9024391 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie
Id: aypmcVIsU2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 25 2018
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