How we grow oyster mushrooms in Winter! #growyourownfood #urbanhomesteading #offgridliving

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here's how I grow oyster mushrooms indoors in the winter because our goal is to grow as much of our own food as possible and where we live we have pretty cold Winters it's great to have a way to grow something fresh when the garden is dormant oyster mushrooms grow really fast and they're the easiest mushrooms to grow indoors we grow them on straw or shredded up corn stalks from our garden we steam the straw or corn stalks in an old pillowcase to kill off any mold spores and then spread it out on a table to cool off before adding the mushroom spawn after mixing it up we pack it into a plastic grow bag and push out any air pockets to make sure it's as densely packed as possible then we cut holes in the bag every four to six inches because mushrooms need oxygen to breathe after about a month the bag will be completely colonized and the fungus will start producing baby mushrooms called pins at this point it's best to put the mushrooms under a grow light because like us mushrooms produce vitamin D when exposed to UV light oyster mushrooms can double in size every 24 hours so from this point it takes less than a week for them to reach a harvestable size the last in the fridge for about five days
Channel: Homegrown Handgathered
Views: 1,581,147
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Id: qiw0NYxBx18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 0sec (60 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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