How We Celebrate Passover as Christians

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hi guys welcome back to my channel if you are new here hello welcome my name is Ashley it's really good to have you if you aren't new here welcome back today's video is going to be how we celebrate Passover you guys have really seemed to enjoy learning about how we practice our faith learning more about our faith so I'm excited to share this with you guys today before we jump into the video please hit that subscribe button down below if you are not subscribed already and if you enjoyed this video give it a big thumbs up alright guys let's talk about Passover okay so first things first I should just mention that Passover is kind of lumped with two other feast days that are all kind of interconnected and intertwined so it's Passover the feast of unleavened bread and the feast of firstfruits so I'm going to talk about all three of those kind of smushed together in this video rather than try to do separate videos for each one because they're all kind of connected so most people know the story of the first Exodus when the Hebrew people were enslaved in Egypt and Moses met God at the burning bush and he said I want you to go to Pharaoh and say let my people go and Pharaoh said no and then Egypt was struck by ten plagues and the last of the ten plagues was the death of the firstborn and so the Hebrew people were instructed to take a perfect lamb and to put the blood of the lamb on the doorpost of their home and this would be a sign and the Angel of Death would pass over their home and the firstborn would not die this was the first Passover Pharaoh freed the Hebrew people then he changed his mind the parting of the Red Sea the Red Sea crashing on the Egyptians and then the Hebrew people wandering in the wilderness for forty years most people are somewhat familiar at least with that story in Scripture that can be found in the book of Exodus in the Bible but what I really want to focus on today and what the main focus for us when we talk about Passover in our family is the second Passover the greater Exodus and that is when death was caused to pass over us because of the blood of the lamb the perfect Lamb of God who came to take the sins of the world that is our Messiah Yeshua I used the name in our family we use the name issue it's the Hebrew name for Jesus I am speaking about Jesus I will use those two interchangeably but just in case you've never heard that before I didn't want you to be like who's this issue a guy it's Jesus just the Hebrew name for him but this second Passover that causes death to pass over us and this greater Exodus where we are now free from sin and death we have been set free from our bondage that is what we celebrate when we celebrate Passover all of the feasts that are laid out in Leviticus 23 our feasts of the Lord they don't belong to any person other than God and all of them point us to our Messiah there is a reason that Yeshua that Jesus is called the Lamb of God and at the Last Supper which was the Passover meal with his disciples as he broke the bread and poured the wine and said this is my body broken for you this is my blood shed for you do this in remembrance of me he was talking about Passover he was letting his disciples know what was coming but that they could have hope and they could do this thing in remembrance of him Paul also tells us to keep the Feast and he's speaking of the feast of unleavened bread he says keep the feast not with bread leavened with malice and wickedness but the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth that's a little Ashley paraphrase I can't remember the exact scripture but I'll put it down in the description box if you want to read the non Ashley paraphrase so we are told throughout the Bible that these feast days are important for us but I think of all of the feast days Passover has the most significance for us as believers because it is the celebration of victory it was a celebration of what our Messiah did for us so before Passover we begin to prepare for the Passover week as some people will call it but it's the week of unleavened bread so we remove all of the leaven from our home and from our hearts asking God to show us the things that are in our lives that are keeping us from a fully following after him from fully walking on this mission that he's given us to bring the kingdom here we all have things in our lives that are holding us back so we ask God to reveal those things in our hearts that we've hidden away that maybe we need to repent from and that we need to get out of our minds not of our hearts and we do this while we're sweeping our floors and cleaning out our pantries and getting the leavening out in preparation for the week of unleavened bread so for that one week we don't have any leavened foods in our home no breads no cakes things like that we make homemade matzah which is so delicious so delicious if I can find the recipe online I will link it down below for you mmm I love homemade matzah we use it for sandwich bread we use it for burgers but I mean we use it for all sorts of things or just to snack on with butter cuz that's that good and we also my other favorite thing to make during the week of unleavened bread is matzah crack we buy the matzah sheets like the crackers from the grocery store it's kind of like if you've ever had Christmas cracker I think it's called so it's the matzah and then toffee and chocolate and mmm so delicious we do eat well during unleavened bread we just don't eat anything leavened actually this year Alice's birthday falls on the feast of firstfruits which is during unleavened bread and so we're gonna do a flourless chocolate cake for her birthday this year then at the same time unleavened bread begins that first evening is the evening of Passover and we celebrate that specific feast day that specific time with a Passover Seder and that is just as we go through and we tell the story and not only do we tell the story of the freedom from slavery in Egypt we tell the story of our freedom from sin through the blood of our Messiah we will be keeping Passover with our fellowship with our church our very first Passover was kept at home just Peter and myself and our four children at the time and it was perfect it was beautiful if you want to celebrate house over in your home or with your church or your small group or your Bible study or your friends or whatever but you don't know where to start our pastor has just released a Passover Haggadah which is a kind of a little book that will walk you through the process the order of the Seder and it is all Christ focused it is all focused on Messiah Yeshua and what he has done it's free I'll link it down below you can download it and print it off you can order it from Amazon if you would rather just have somebody send you a copy of the book I'm putting this video up Monday Passover is Friday if you order from Amazon you'll have it in time or you can just download it you also have the option to watch the video walk through Matthew did a video walkthrough on our church's YouTube channels so if you want to see it first or if you just want to throw it up on your TV and let Matt walk you through the Seder you can totally do that too but that is absolutely an option so all of that stuff I will put down in the description box for you guys just to help you find the resources that you need if you feel drawn to celebrate this awesome feast day and then I would say of equal importance so it's a Passover is the feast of firstfruits and this is originally when you read about it in Leviticus this is an agricultural feast and is when the first fruits the first of the harvest the spring harvest would be brought to the temple as an offering to the Lord as a thank you for the harvest and now we celebrate this because like we are told in Scripture as Paul says that Yeshua is the firstfruits of the resurrection and we celebrate the resurrection of our king we say he is risen indeed on the feast of firstfruits so we will be celebrating that with our church again on Sunday we're just having a celebration at the park probably going to blow the shofar and pray and sing and just give thanks to God for the gift of his son and give thanks to our king for coming to earth and dying for us and celebrating our freedom that we have him I also want to add that it's important to note that we can't actually keep any of these feasts perfectly because we don't have a temple anymore we don't have that system in place for keeping everything as prescribed in Leviticus however that doesn't mean that we don't practice and we don't memorialize and we don't look at each of these feast days and recognize our king in each and every one of them and what God has done for us in each and every one of these feasts I am of the belief that every every believer can and should celebrate Passover it is just such it is just such an incredible reminder of what our King did for us so that is it for this video that is the basics of how and why we celebrate Passover the feast of unleavened bread and the feast of firstfruits I hope you enjoyed this video I hope you found it interesting or helpful or informative I hope it brought a little joy to the chaos of your day thank you for allowing me to share these things with you thank you for being here I love talking about my god I love talking about my Messiah and what he's done for me and for my family and it is an honor to be able to share with all of you so thank you guys I will talk to you very soon
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Id: xFGWR186hxM
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Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2019
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