How two bitter enemies became friends

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we end the week with Steve Hartman and a confrontation between a cop and a criminal it may sound like the start of an old - familiar story but this one takes a couple of unexpected turns on the road they were the bitterest of enemies for more than a decade here on the streets of Milwaukee two men shared a mutual disgust one was a hard-nosed cop named ray Rowe Bukowski I wasn't a social worker I was a police officer my job was to take care of what we needed to be taken care of which is why you didn't like him oh definitely did the other know a drug dealer and gangbanger named Jacob Macklin Jacob got arrested so many times you can watch him grow old in his mug shots and it was that career thug and this officer who sat down one day over a cup of coffee the District Attorney's Office arranged it the meeting was to see if cap and criminal could work together and come up with a way to get out of this vicious cycle but neither guy was buying it ray was only here because his boss made him come and Jacob was tricked into coming told he had a job interview so they basically just glared at each other the entire time what were you thinking you're gonna screw up and I'm gonna find you and put you back he was dead set on putting you back in jail yeah I'm glad he turns his back will you change this mode yeah eventually over the next couple months Jacob proved DeRay that he wanted to get a job and turned his life around he said you know maybe 14 or 15 interviews in two weeks yeah one Oh where's community where's community warehouse is a non-profit home-improvement store that hires ex-cons and teaches them job skills was one that I pay for Jacob started working here eight years ago and is now on the management team to this day he can't thank Rey enough I'm grateful very very very oh very he said very at least half a dozen times very Muslim and as for that very helpful cop he retired from the police force last year but you still wanted to work you wanted a job yeah so who did you turn to for work ah Jacob Macklin and he laughed now he held the cards but I mean I wanted to be here through community warehouse with his new friend Jacob Rey has now helped more than a dozen other ex-cons leave their past behind it's very different guy than he was when you fall definitely after that too loud pretty loud Jacob of course is equally unrecognizable today his only high-speed chases are around swing sets he's got four kids and has vowed the cycle stops with him all proof that if you can find the trust sometimes your enemies can be your best allies Steve Hartman on the road in Milwaukee and that's the CBS Evening News for tonight for all of us at CBS News all around the world I'm Scott Pelley and I'll see you Sunday on 60 minutes good night
Channel: CBS Evening News
Views: 2,040,134
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Keywords: video, cbs, news, cbs evening news
Id: _AFEmZ62lVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 17sec (197 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2015
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