An unlikely friendship between white cop, black teen

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step my step a young man's walk home from work has turned his entire life around Steve Hartman has a story of partnership potential things Devin I'm comin 97 it had all the makings of a bad situation that's not very well-lit out here late at night in an industrial section of Benicia California officer Kirk kefir says he spotted a shadowy figure in a dark hoodie and he kind of caught me off guard cuz I normally don't see anybody out there and there's no sidewalks and he's kind of walking on the side of the street you knew it wasn't right right it wasn't right or was it Jourdan Duncan says he was minding his own business and I noticed that it was a police car and I was like oh okay I'm not gonna move I don't want him to think I have any weapons Jordon explained to the officer that he was just walking home from work there was no crime kid didn't need help by all rights officer Khafre could have and many officers would have just left him alone but Keffer isn't that kind of cop he gave Jordan a ride and more importantly he gave him a listen and what struck you just his uh his Drive his work ethic and to me that that speaks volumes as Keffer took Jordan from where he works on the line here at Proform laboratories he started to really appreciate the young man sitting next to him because this wasn't just a trip around the block this was a seven mile trek a two and a half hour walk to Jordan's house a whole town away in Vallejo California he said in your walkin I say yeah I'm walking not many 18 year olds that you meet have that kind of mindset you know there's they don't even want to walk down to the store let alone walk you know seven miles just to get to work jordan says he started walking to work after his car broke down last May he says people have offered him rides but he wants to make it on his own and when Keffer heard that he had heard enough he immediately made plans to visit Jordan again he said hey Jordan you remember me right I was like I said Jordan you're not in trouble I said we just want to give you something to ease his commute Keffer got the police association to buy Jordan a new bike I was just looking at the bike like this bike is gonna be cherished Keffer also raised an additional 38 thousand dollars to help him buy a car and pursue his career goal which is to be a police officer you know it's an honorable job Jordan even got to ride along on a shift I wanted to show him what law enforcement does you're not gonna shake this kid now no he's ours he's mine what started with a tense encounter they may end with a perfect partnership
Channel: CBS Sunday Morning
Views: 2,596,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cbs sunday morning, cbs news, news, on the road, steve, hartman, cop, police, black, man
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 54sec (174 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2016
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