How To Write Down Choreography with @ti-and-me

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hey you guys drop I'm on the toilet call days ago but we're back and today we're gonna learn how to write down a choreography so grab the market and/or pendant or number two pencil and grab a book and come a friend hey break me I love your friends so writing down choreography can seem a little daunting because you're like how the heck am i didn't write yeah okay but I like the different tips for you guys because I choreographer obviously and I have to write Java for you all the time so no new retaining French I speak French so you think I know I'm getting camera shy so I cannot spend time writing how you would teach it so we break it into sections is my first tip you don't want to just write it in one big block because you might get a little overwhelming when you go to teach it so you want to break it into sections and how you personally would teach it I really like it I'm here if server I have the wording so I would use the first verse section second first section that way it organized for me when I'm teaching and left looking out that's the first part that's the second part and you know when to take natural breaks so break it up into sections how you would teach it thank you for watching okay tip number two is so crucial in my humble opinion I am age dependent one of the youth thing honest in my opinion you know Iowa in my opinion youth imagery and use imagery and phrasing that you would use of imagery means if I want to notate this to this I would right grab a plow pull the clock into your chest so I'm remembering a movement by using an image that would stick in my memory so a cloud might not work for you but for me I remember that think about phrasing and imagery and words that would stick out in your mind so you're like oh yeah it's the cloud section or oh yeah it's the crawling section right you choose words that are standouts for you as a choreographer so you know exactly where to pick up from in choreography so used imagery and phrasing that you like okay third tip is to use proper technical terms when you can so if you're doing a Chennai or a PK or a jetty or a pirouette write that down so that can also have a marker on that section right so you have a big turn sequence you should be able to look at your two little notebook well I brought my most rick pitino foot it's not right toot but that's okay you should be able to slip through and be like Oh yep there's the turn section because you wrote down all of the code or you wrote down clutter so make sure the way that you're in writing is is technically accurate as possible so that it's easy for you to find what I call markers and their choreography you don't want to look at it pull the clock behind you waiting for choreography in your leg you know because you don't know what you wrote down you're like ah the turn section because you wrote down all of what we wrote down plotting you created a marker for yourself in your piece that way you can look as professional possible okay okay this one will get you and don't do it now guilty as charged I hate counts I hate them I pray grasshoppers lyrics but if I'm tired or on a job really awesome studio or high school or team I have to have counts because that's what I'm getting paid for and I'm into the ask organized and international as possible so what I would do is write down the choreography and right above each movement I'll write down the cat okay so if I'm writing down Shannon PK right above the word chemin I'll write down one two and then right above the PK I'll write down three four that way I notice that we look counter so when I'm going to teach it I've been given accounts right away there's no question about it and it's as clean as possible another tactic so that if you don't like counts like me you can put the lyric above it so the show name is on the word ocean you write ocean above Shelley and if rain is above or if you're Julia PK on the word rain you would write rain above PK in your choreography so that tip is to write a cap for the lyric whichever works better for you right above movement that way you know exactly what timing attack and where it is in the music all right fine short hands that work for you not literally short hands down hands show you has a meaning when I read the word left foot I write L instead of the left foot so not let driving myself insane I'm writing left foot three hundred million times in my core or be extra LF or right foot is our left shoulder is LS right so the back pain and Adam those things are short hands make note of the choreography a lot more simple and concise for me so find your own short hands to make your job a little bit easier last kind of Dorothy because I have a hyper organized maybe a little bit crazy with my planner and I like sticky notes and I color coordinate everything and I even do that for my choreography so let me give you an example if I have different clearly having a big group okay there's like 25 dancers they're not all going to be doing the same thing at the same time they'll whole dance right so I would put Group one in purple group two in blue soloists and yellow that way when I'm teaching it I'm like okay yes Sarah actually Jennifer even if they're blue this is what you're doing Jordan jimmy-john you guys are group to your purple this is what you are doing so it's just a way for you to stay as organized as possible and as stress-free as possible so I would color coordinate if you're doing a lot of complex movement and again that's the way to mark your choreography so you know [Music] genuinely I choreograph it so all the start you know in its space and when I think of movement and then they get it out onto my body and then I'll go over it write it down and their little show you Paris both of them teaching website so we're going to start very low and I'm going to do a parallel and my fingertips are gonna come to my head and then I'm gonna open up to her teeth with my password so I'd say that would ya oh well - so then what I do right down parallel lien fingertips to three palms forward well finish off this parish portrayed we're gonna step right left look down put it back down so then Fremont try that whole phrase right now [Applause] so I come back right down there immediately where you're repeating so two steps forward [Music] well Hey right foot up squish fight coxswain it so I won - so I'm gonna read one - my steps were in three four right down five six so let's show you what I just wrote down okay so we started out like a parallel plie and the count right above it it's on one F T stands for fingertips so those are the short hands I was talking about fingertips to head breathe up so there's the imagery right the imagery of breathing and that's on two with palms forward again a short hand two steps forward right left now I use an arrow to show that you're looking to the down right diagonal and again the counts right above it then pick right foot up squish bug that's the imagery right there so you're picking your foot up squishing the bug and that's on five six hopefully that was helpful for those of you who are queer asking for talent shows or teens or whatever or you have to know how to write it down so maybe not drop sense of organization and clarity to to what you do so let me know if that was helpful let me know if you like the tips and what else you guys want to see hockey career acting and I will see you guys next week [Music]
Channel: Ti & Me TV
Views: 62,990
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Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2019
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