How I keep in shape ? Don't take yourself too seriously. Draw something random

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so today is a new day and I don't know what to do exactly I've been staring at the clock non-stop trying to think of something to do and nothing but seriously though I need to think of something maybe you guys can suggest something how about drawing yeah what though ooh ooh how about you draw me girl just kidding drawing is not a bad idea just not a face come to think of it on my last video I did a still life drawing maybe I should revisit that and do another one it's always good practice to draw from Life picking random subjects to draw from a perspective only you can see as the artist I find it quite interesting with that being said let's go find something to draw [Music] [Music] [Music] and there we have it our very own still life [Music] subject we should probably get started now before we go any further I think I should warn you first about prep work always find yourself a comfortable position to draw from don't be like me I don't know why I didn't learn from my previous video but I'm sitting in an awful sitting Arrangement and it's making it difficult to get the best out of me now you can't see this because I'm busy drawing and that's what I want you to focus on anyway why am I doing a still live drawing again well I wanted to step out of my comfort zone of well planned drawings with references straight out of a screen and just simply draw something from Life using only perception as a tool this means I don't really care if it looks accurate or not it all depends on the perspective from which you are looking at the subject from this was ultimately meant to be a quick sketch so I can't fixate on details that much but knowing me that's a lot easier said than done I've got the strong urge to add just a little bit more detail always which kind of defeats the purpose of such sketches I want to develop a looser sense of style where I suggest detail instead of enforcing it this will result in me sketching a lot quicker and not get too attached just like how study should be anyway as we all know r wasn't built in a day so we're still going to have more of these study sessions in the future just to see if we're learning anything and I'd encourage you guys to do the same go grab something from your house and draw it from life and see how it fears as opposed to drawing something from your screen [Music] and it seems like we've come to the end of our drawing session just wrapping up with a few details here and there and we should be done while I wrap up you can go find something to with draw from life and remember not to take it too seriously as this is a quick and light exercise we'll get to the serious part later until then I'm going to have to love and leave you guys so thanks for watching and see you on the next one [Music]
Channel: The Art Katalog
Views: 180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UXW6tc0JJb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 33sec (333 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2024
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